The greatest marine biodiversity occurs in _____ ____, _________, and on the ____ ____ floor.

coral reefs estuaries deep ocean

Biodiversity is ________ near the coasts than the open ocean


Biodiversity is higher in the _____ region of the ocean.


boats drag huge nets weighted down over ocean bottoms to harvest a few species of bottom fish and shellfish

trawler fishing

Know that coastal sea grass beds and sea bottom habitats are biologically diverse


____ ____ are threatened by shore development, pollution, and ocean acidification.

coral reefs

The building of ___ disrupts freshwater aquatic zones


a concentration of a particular wild aquatic species suitable for commercial harvesting in a given ocean area or inland body of water


the area of ocean needed to sustain the fish consumption of an average person, nation, or the world


when its no longer profitable to continue harvesting the affected species

commercial extinction

Overfishing usually results in only a _________ depletion of fish stocks as long as the depleted areas are allowed to recover


This method is used to catch surface dwelling species such as tuna which tend to feed in schools near the surface or in shallow areas- a spotter plane finds the school and a huge net encloses it

purse seine fishing

putting out lines up to 60 miles long with thousands of baited hooked

long lining

huge drifting nets trap bycatch by the gills

drift net fishing

I didn't do the last 3 sections on this chapter
