AP Environmental Science (Energy)


Once they're used, they will not be replaced in a human lifetime

Fossil fuels

Derived from biological material that became fossilized millions of years ago. (Coal, Oil, Natural gas)

Nuclear Fuels

Derived from radioactive materials that give off energy

Commercial energy sources

Those that are bought and sold, (coal, oil, wood, etc)

Subsistence energy sources

Those gathered by individuals for their own immediate needs. More used in developing countries.

Energy Carrier

Something that can move and deliver energy into a convenient, usable form to end users.


Large device that will turn to spin a shaft of a generator which produces electricity.

Electrical Grid

Connects power plants together and links them with end users of electricity.


Maximum Electrical output of a plant


Combined heat and power. Recycling of materials used to generate electricity for other purposes: like water from a thermal power plant used to create heat in the building.


Solid fuel formed by remains of plants that were preserved at least 280 million years ago.


Widely used fossil fuel. Mixture of hydrocarbons, water and sulfur that occurs in underground deposits.

Crude Oil

Liquid petroleum that is removed from the ground. Oil=crude oil=petroleum

Oil Sands

Slow flowing viscous deposits of bitumen mixed with sand, water and clay.


(Tar/Pitch) Degraded type of petroleum that forms when a petroleum deposit is not capped with nonporous rock.

Energy Intensity

Total energy is increasing, but energy per person is staying constant.

Hubbert Curve- Peak Oil (Dealing with Oil)

Peak Oil

Maximum amount of oil that can be extracted before it begins to decline.


Nuclear reaction in which a neutron strikes a relatively large atomic nucleus which then splits into 2 or more parts.

Fuel Rods

The fuel- usually uranium- that experiences a chain nuclear fission reaction to generate heat in a nuclear power plant

Control Rods

Cylindrical devices that can be inserted between the fuel rods to absorb excess neutrons. thus slowing and stopping the fission reaction.

Radioactive Waste

Waste after the nuclear fuel is used up and can't produce heat, but still emits radioactivity.

Nuclear Fusion

Reaction that powers the Sun and other stars. Lighter nuclei are forced together to produce heavier nuclei. Lots of heat is generated.


Once gone, no more. Oil Coal Nuclear

Potentially Renewable

As long as we do not consume them more quickly than can be replenished. Wood Biofuel


Potentially Renewable and Nondepletable

Energy Conservation

Finding ways to use less energy

Peak Demand

Greatest quantity of energy used at any one time.

Passive Solar Design

Technique that takes advantage of solar radiation to maintain a comfortable temperature in a building.


Biomass can be processed or refined into liquid fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel.


Alcohol. Made by converting starches and sugars from plant material into alcohol and CO2.


Electricity generated by the kinetic energy of moving water. 2nd most common form of renewable energy.


Hydroelectricity generation, water behind a low dam and runs through a channel before returning to the river.

Water Impoundment

Storing water in a reservoir behind a dam. Allows for on demand electricity generation.

Tidal Energy

Comes from the movement of water. This is driven by the gravitational pull of the moon.

Active Solar Energy

Technologies capture the energy of sunlight with the use of technologies. Includes, Small scale solar water heating systems, photovoltaic solar cells etc.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells

Capture energy from the sun as light, not heat, and convert it directly to electricity.

Wind Turbine

Converts kinetic energy of moving air into electricity.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Operates like a battery. This reaction isolates Hydrogen and Oxygen and happens in a closed container to which no additional elements are added.


Electric current is applied to water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen.

Smart grid

Efficient, Self-Regulating electricity distribution network that accepts any source of electricity and distributes it automatically to end users. Adds in energy produced by solar panels on consumers houses.


Once they're used, they will not be replaced in a human lifetime

Fossil fuels

Derived from biological material that became fossilized millions of years ago. (Coal, Oil, Natural gas)

Nuclear Fuels

Derived from radioactive materials that give off energy

Commercial energy sources

Those that are bought and sold, (coal, oil, wood, etc)

Subsistence energy sources

Those gathered by individuals for their own immediate needs. More used in developing countries.

Energy Carrier

Something that can move and deliver energy into a convenient, usable form to end users.


Large device that will turn to spin a shaft of a generator which produces electricity.

Electrical Grid

Connects power plants together and links them with end users of electricity.


Maximum Electrical output of a plant


Combined heat and power. Recycling of materials used to generate electricity for other purposes: like water from a thermal power plant used to create heat in the building.


Solid fuel formed by remains of plants that were preserved at least 280 million years ago.


Widely used fossil fuel. Mixture of hydrocarbons, water and sulfur that occurs in underground deposits.

Crude Oil

Liquid petroleum that is removed from the ground. Oil=crude oil=petroleum

Oil Sands

Slow flowing viscous deposits of bitumen mixed with sand, water and clay.


(Tar/Pitch) Degraded type of petroleum that forms when a petroleum deposit is not capped with nonporous rock.

Energy Intensity

Total energy is increasing, but energy per person is staying constant.

Hubbert Curve- Peak Oil (Dealing with Oil)

Peak Oil

Maximum amount of oil that can be extracted before it begins to decline.


Nuclear reaction in which a neutron strikes a relatively large atomic nucleus which then splits into 2 or more parts.

Fuel Rods

The fuel- usually uranium- that experiences a chain nuclear fission reaction to generate heat in a nuclear power plant

Control Rods

Cylindrical devices that can be inserted between the fuel rods to absorb excess neutrons. thus slowing and stopping the fission reaction.

Radioactive Waste

Waste after the nuclear fuel is used up and can't produce heat, but still emits radioactivity.

Nuclear Fusion

Reaction that powers the Sun and other stars. Lighter nuclei are forced together to produce heavier nuclei. Lots of heat is generated.


Once gone, no more. Oil Coal Nuclear

Potentially Renewable

As long as we do not consume them more quickly than can be replenished. Wood Biofuel


Potentially Renewable and Nondepletable

Energy Conservation

Finding ways to use less energy

Peak Demand

Greatest quantity of energy used at any one time.

Passive Solar Design

Technique that takes advantage of solar radiation to maintain a comfortable temperature in a building.


Biomass can be processed or refined into liquid fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel.


Alcohol. Made by converting starches and sugars from plant material into alcohol and CO2.


Electricity generated by the kinetic energy of moving water. 2nd most common form of renewable energy.


Hydroelectricity generation, water behind a low dam and runs through a channel before returning to the river.

Water Impoundment

Storing water in a reservoir behind a dam. Allows for on demand electricity generation.

Tidal Energy

Comes from the movement of water. This is driven by the gravitational pull of the moon.

Active Solar Energy

Technologies capture the energy of sunlight with the use of technologies. Includes, Small scale solar water heating systems, photovoltaic solar cells etc.

Photovoltaic Solar Cells

Capture energy from the sun as light, not heat, and convert it directly to electricity.

Wind Turbine

Converts kinetic energy of moving air into electricity.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Operates like a battery. This reaction isolates Hydrogen and Oxygen and happens in a closed container to which no additional elements are added.


Electric current is applied to water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen.

Smart grid

Efficient, Self-Regulating electricity distribution network that accepts any source of electricity and distributes it automatically to end users. Adds in energy produced by solar panels on consumers houses.