Earth Systems Science

4.5 billion years old

According to the textbook how old is planet earth?


Which of the following factors is as important as population in determining the environmental impact of humans?


According to the graph below, the world population reached 2 billion around what year?

They have fewer opportunities for income, education, and healthcare.

How do moderately developed countries most differ from highly developed countries?


The highly developed countries represent how much of the world's population?

fossil fuels

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?

high per capita incomes

Highly developed countries are characterized by

Each individual in a population consumes too large a share of resources, jeopardizing sustainability.

When you complained to a friend from India about India's high population he responded by suggesting you consider the billboards in Times Square and consider that the United States is also overpopulated. What do you think he meant?

population, consumption, affluence

Which parameters are needed to estimate humans' impact on the environment


In the United States ecological footprint of each person is about 10 hectares. The Earth presently has 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and water. If everyone in the world lived at the same level of consumption as the average American about how ma


Which of the following statements best describes why blue tuna are disappearing from some parts of the ocean?

environmental science

Which of the following terms best describes the interdisciplinary study of humanity's relationship with other organisms and the non-living physical environment?

Science can only inform decisions and ethics are necessary to help us decide what we ought to do.

Why is it inadequate to rely solely on science to solve environmental problems?

We often do not understand all of the environmental impacts of a particular technology

Why do we need to be careful when interpreting IPAT equation results?

natural resources used by each person in an area

What does an ecological footprint measure?

The leaf on the left was grown under conditions without any insects.

This botanist has conducted an experiment where the leaf on the right is from a conventional cotton plant and the leaf on the left is from a cotton plant that was genetically modified to be pest resistant. Which of the following statements is true?

Our current resources would run out quickly.

Which of the following is most likely to happen if everybody in the world used resources at the rate that people in the United States do?

How would a scientist respond to the statement that "The theory of relativity is really just an educated guess at what is happening.

How would a scientist respond to the statement that "The theory of relativity is really just an educated guess at what is happening.

I - III - V - II - IV

What is the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?
I. State the problem
II. Analyze and interpret the data
III. Develop a hypothesis
IV. Share the results with other scientists
V. Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis

environmental sustainibility

The actions of humans directly impact the well-being of the natural environment. Future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life.A shared global responsibility is necessary for conservation practices. The environment can function

to analyze the potential effect of an intervention versus doing nothing

Why is a risk analysis usually performed in solving environmental problems

northern spotted owl

What species became the symbol for the conflict between environmentalists and loggers in the Pacific Northwest?


careful management of land and resources


setting aside land and natural resources


Who became famous for his portraits of other birds and animals?


Who wrote one of the first books discussing human impact on global environmental change?


Who among the following would most likely believe that natural resources should be used for the greatest good for the most people for the longest time?

It shows a biocentric preservationist and a utilitarian conservationist who worked together to save the area.

Why were photographers eager to photograph these two men together in Yosemite National Park shown in the photograph below?

without impairment

The establishment of the stadium in Hetch Hetchy Canyon in Yosemite resulted in what important change to the US Park service's mission?

Severe erosion following windstorms in the 1930s.

The soil conservation service was formed after what environmental crisis?

Wilderness Essay

Which of the following pieces of literature helped foster support for the Wilderness Act of 1964?

Silent Spring

What important environmental book about problems associated with pesticide use was written by this woman?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which U.S. president was most responsible for setting aside national forests in the late 1800s and early 1900s

Rachel Carson

Whose work heightened public awareness and concern about the use of pesticides and ultimately led to restriction on the use of certain pesticides?

Aldo Leopold

Who is shown in the photograph below and introduced the concept of the land ethic?

Paul Elrich

Whose book described the damage the increasing number of humans was having on Earth's life support system?


Someone who is concerned about the environment

Signing of the National Environmental Policy Act and the creation of the EPA

What was one positive thing that came from the establishment of Earth Day?


What does this diagram illustrate?

full cost accounting

The process of evaluating and presenting decision-makers with the relative benefits and costs of various alternatives is called what?

Short- and long-term effects and any adverse environmental effects.

An environmental impact statement must include which of the following?


The study of how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy their unlimited wants is?

water pollution

Which of the following is an example of resource degradation?


Which of the following is NOT considered in determining net domestic product?

command and control regulation

What type of pollution control strategy does the Clean Air Act mainly depend on?

high radioactivity

The high reading shown on this Geiger counter suggests which of the following?

The struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental stability.

What does the "Tragedy of the Commons" refer to?

a tuna fishery in the open Atlantic Ocean

Which of the following is a modern example of a commons?

Sustainable development can only support limited levels of consumption.

Which of the following statements about sustainable development is true

The rich in the US consume a much larger portion of the wealth available compared to the poor.

It has been argued that the United States has a serious overpopulation problem. Why is this possibly true?

sharing ownership of a hybrid car with someone else

What is the best example of voluntary simplicity?

Poor people in developing countries need to increase their consumption of certain essential resources.

Global sustainable development depends on eradication of poverty in the developing world. What is the consequence of this?

Science can only inform, decisions and ethics are necessary to help us decide what we ought to do.

Why are both science and ethics necessary to solve environmental problems?


According to the Western Worldview humanity is ethically obligated to which of the following

unlimited consumption

What is a serious shortcoming of the Western World view?

environmental justice

The issue that racial and ethnic minorities face unusually high exposure to environmental hazards is a central argument to?

adequate protection from environmental hazards

What rights does environmental justice provide?

carrying capacity

maximum population that can be sustained by a given environment


Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem service provided by soil?

growing wheat in the Winter and soybeans in the Summer

Which of the following would be an example of multi-cropping?

cultivation and erosion

What is an example of an ecosystem service provided by soil?

use of nonrenewable resources as if they were present in unlimited quantities

Which of the following are examples of non-sustainable human activities or behaviors

driving a hybrid car

Which of the following would be most effective at reducing the enhanced greenhouse effect?

We are using the natural resources of less developed countries to keep us supplied with goods and produce.

Why are the people who live in the large metropolitan areas in the United States able to have so many more material possessions than those living in the countries to the south of us?


The photograph below represents the average family living in Mali. Based on the photo, what do you think is Mali's most likely contribution to environmental problems?

6 billion

How many humans were living at the beginning of the 21st century

Consumption can outstrip the natural resources available and lead to overexploitation of the environment.

What is the environmental significance of the process of "consumption"?

depletion of fossil fuels.

Which of the following are unsustainable examples of human activities or behaviors?

The Earth's resources are not present in infinite supply.

Which of the following represents an idea associated with environmental sustainability?

We are treating this resource as if it is renewable, and we will eventually run out of oil.

What does this graph suggests about our current use of fossil fuels?

By systematically gathering evidence and discarding potential explanations that do not fit the evidence, and refining those that do fit the evidence.

How does science obtain knowledge about the world?

Human population continues to increase.

What one central problem in environmental science links all other problems together?

Theories can be used to predict the existence of as-yet unobserved things or phenomena.

Which of the following statements about scientific theories are true?

In the experimental group, a chosen variable is altered in a known way. In the control group, that chosen variable is not altered so a comparison can be made.

To test a hypothesis about a given variable, experimental and control groups are tested in parallel. Which of the following best explains the dual experiments?

It is expensive to install pollution control devices

Why do polluters like this oil refinery not do more to reduce toxic emissions?

Because the United States, which is 5% of the world's population, consumes 25% of the world's resources.

Why do many people argue that the United States is the most overpopulated country in the world?

Polluting facilities are placed in poor or less populated communities

What is the usual result of a successful NIMBY campaign?


In this experiment, Site 2 is your:

Kudzu is negatively affecting populations of the rare plant in the preserve.

Which of the following represents the hypothesis that you are testing with this experiment?

environmental and societal costs must both be considered

If economic decisions are to be sustainable they will have to consider which of the following?

Preparing a meal at home with food bought at the local farmers market

Which of the following is the best example of sustainable consumption?

locally produced frozen corn

Which is the most sustainable corn based food?

Whether NIMBY behavior is morally acceptable

Which of the following issues might an environmental ethicist study?

Science determines the appropriate level of consumption, but ethics helps us choose products.

Why are both science and ethics necessary to solve environmental problems


what is the picture of the boy with the wood represent?

Human population size would have to decline drastically for it to work.

Why is the Deep Ecology worldview impractical?

educating women and children

Which of the following is key to the elimination of world poverty and stabilizing global population?

conservation tillage

Which of the following best preserves environmental services

Develop plans for the eventual improvement of squatter settlements.

What is the best way to get rid of squatter communities like this one in Jakarta, Indonesia?

we had global sustainable consumption

The poverty shown here would be eradicated how?


Who among the following would most likely believe that natural resources should be used for the greatest good for the most people for the longest time?

Earth Day

People's realization of environmental problems including pesticides, increasing population, and loss of natural resources helped establish which of the following events or organizations

pollution of sinks

In economic terms, pollution can be defined as

World human population reached 6 billion individuals

Which of the following was probably the most significant event in 1999 to impact the environment

worst environmental disasters

The 1990s were best known for which of the following environmental events?

Environmental groups began suing individuals and organizations based on environmental impact statements.

Corporations and governments affecting environmental resources began to take NEPA seriously after which of the following events?

requires the evaluation of federal highway construction and military projects

The National Environmental Policy Act

It requires the federal government to consider the environmental impact of proposed federal action.

How did the NEPA revolutionize environmental protection in the United States?

Mostly successful: many endangered species are recovering, soil erosion has declined more than 60%, release of toxic chemicals has declined 48% since 1988.

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding US environmental legislation?

water cattail marsh

Which of the following would environmental economists consider natural capital

depletion of the oil deposit

What part of the oil rig shown below is not usually considered by economists

overuse of a sink

Oils and chemicals burning in the Cuyahoga River represent what

Soil erosion from clear cutting of forests

Which of the following represents an example of an external cost?

hybrid cars

Which of the following is NOT an example of command and control regulation?

economic forces

Which of the following do incentive-based strategies depend on most?

4.5 billion years old

According to the textbook how old is planet earth?


Which of the following factors is as important as population in determining the environmental impact of humans?


According to the graph below, the world population reached 2 billion around what year?

They have fewer opportunities for income, education, and healthcare.

How do moderately developed countries most differ from highly developed countries?


The highly developed countries represent how much of the world's population?

fossil fuels

Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?

high per capita incomes

Highly developed countries are characterized by

Each individual in a population consumes too large a share of resources, jeopardizing sustainability.

When you complained to a friend from India about India's high population he responded by suggesting you consider the billboards in Times Square and consider that the United States is also overpopulated. What do you think he meant?

population, consumption, affluence

Which parameters are needed to estimate humans' impact on the environment


In the United States ecological footprint of each person is about 10 hectares. The Earth presently has 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and water. If everyone in the world lived at the same level of consumption as the average American about how ma


Which of the following statements best describes why blue tuna are disappearing from some parts of the ocean?

environmental science

Which of the following terms best describes the interdisciplinary study of humanity's relationship with other organisms and the non-living physical environment?

Science can only inform decisions and ethics are necessary to help us decide what we ought to do.

Why is it inadequate to rely solely on science to solve environmental problems?

We often do not understand all of the environmental impacts of a particular technology

Why do we need to be careful when interpreting IPAT equation results?

natural resources used by each person in an area

What does an ecological footprint measure?

The leaf on the left was grown under conditions without any insects.

This botanist has conducted an experiment where the leaf on the right is from a conventional cotton plant and the leaf on the left is from a cotton plant that was genetically modified to be pest resistant. Which of the following statements is true?

Our current resources would run out quickly.

Which of the following is most likely to happen if everybody in the world used resources at the rate that people in the United States do?

How would a scientist respond to the statement that "The theory of relativity is really just an educated guess at what is happening.

How would a scientist respond to the statement that "The theory of relativity is really just an educated guess at what is happening.

I - III - V - II - IV

What is the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?
I. State the problem
II. Analyze and interpret the data
III. Develop a hypothesis
IV. Share the results with other scientists
V. Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis

environmental sustainibility

The actions of humans directly impact the well-being of the natural environment. Future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life.A shared global responsibility is necessary for conservation practices. The environment can function

to analyze the potential effect of an intervention versus doing nothing

Why is a risk analysis usually performed in solving environmental problems

northern spotted owl

What species became the symbol for the conflict between environmentalists and loggers in the Pacific Northwest?


careful management of land and resources


setting aside land and natural resources


Who became famous for his portraits of other birds and animals?


Who wrote one of the first books discussing human impact on global environmental change?


Who among the following would most likely believe that natural resources should be used for the greatest good for the most people for the longest time?

It shows a biocentric preservationist and a utilitarian conservationist who worked together to save the area.

Why were photographers eager to photograph these two men together in Yosemite National Park shown in the photograph below?

without impairment

The establishment of the stadium in Hetch Hetchy Canyon in Yosemite resulted in what important change to the US Park service's mission?

Severe erosion following windstorms in the 1930s.

The soil conservation service was formed after what environmental crisis?

Wilderness Essay

Which of the following pieces of literature helped foster support for the Wilderness Act of 1964?

Silent Spring

What important environmental book about problems associated with pesticide use was written by this woman?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which U.S. president was most responsible for setting aside national forests in the late 1800s and early 1900s

Rachel Carson

Whose work heightened public awareness and concern about the use of pesticides and ultimately led to restriction on the use of certain pesticides?

Aldo Leopold

Who is shown in the photograph below and introduced the concept of the land ethic?

Paul Elrich

Whose book described the damage the increasing number of humans was having on Earth's life support system?


Someone who is concerned about the environment

Signing of the National Environmental Policy Act and the creation of the EPA

What was one positive thing that came from the establishment of Earth Day?


What does this diagram illustrate?

full cost accounting

The process of evaluating and presenting decision-makers with the relative benefits and costs of various alternatives is called what?

Short- and long-term effects and any adverse environmental effects.

An environmental impact statement must include which of the following?


The study of how people use their limited resources to try to satisfy their unlimited wants is?

water pollution

Which of the following is an example of resource degradation?


Which of the following is NOT considered in determining net domestic product?

command and control regulation

What type of pollution control strategy does the Clean Air Act mainly depend on?

high radioactivity

The high reading shown on this Geiger counter suggests which of the following?

The struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental stability.

What does the "Tragedy of the Commons" refer to?

a tuna fishery in the open Atlantic Ocean

Which of the following is a modern example of a commons?

Sustainable development can only support limited levels of consumption.

Which of the following statements about sustainable development is true

The rich in the US consume a much larger portion of the wealth available compared to the poor.

It has been argued that the United States has a serious overpopulation problem. Why is this possibly true?

sharing ownership of a hybrid car with someone else

What is the best example of voluntary simplicity?

Poor people in developing countries need to increase their consumption of certain essential resources.

Global sustainable development depends on eradication of poverty in the developing world. What is the consequence of this?

Science can only inform, decisions and ethics are necessary to help us decide what we ought to do.

Why are both science and ethics necessary to solve environmental problems?


According to the Western Worldview humanity is ethically obligated to which of the following

unlimited consumption

What is a serious shortcoming of the Western World view?

environmental justice

The issue that racial and ethnic minorities face unusually high exposure to environmental hazards is a central argument to?

adequate protection from environmental hazards

What rights does environmental justice provide?

carrying capacity

maximum population that can be sustained by a given environment


Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem service provided by soil?

growing wheat in the Winter and soybeans in the Summer

Which of the following would be an example of multi-cropping?

cultivation and erosion

What is an example of an ecosystem service provided by soil?

use of nonrenewable resources as if they were present in unlimited quantities

Which of the following are examples of non-sustainable human activities or behaviors

driving a hybrid car

Which of the following would be most effective at reducing the enhanced greenhouse effect?

We are using the natural resources of less developed countries to keep us supplied with goods and produce.

Why are the people who live in the large metropolitan areas in the United States able to have so many more material possessions than those living in the countries to the south of us?


The photograph below represents the average family living in Mali. Based on the photo, what do you think is Mali's most likely contribution to environmental problems?

6 billion

How many humans were living at the beginning of the 21st century

Consumption can outstrip the natural resources available and lead to overexploitation of the environment.

What is the environmental significance of the process of "consumption"?

depletion of fossil fuels.

Which of the following are unsustainable examples of human activities or behaviors?

The Earth's resources are not present in infinite supply.

Which of the following represents an idea associated with environmental sustainability?

We are treating this resource as if it is renewable, and we will eventually run out of oil.

What does this graph suggests about our current use of fossil fuels?

By systematically gathering evidence and discarding potential explanations that do not fit the evidence, and refining those that do fit the evidence.

How does science obtain knowledge about the world?

Human population continues to increase.

What one central problem in environmental science links all other problems together?

Theories can be used to predict the existence of as-yet unobserved things or phenomena.

Which of the following statements about scientific theories are true?

In the experimental group, a chosen variable is altered in a known way. In the control group, that chosen variable is not altered so a comparison can be made.

To test a hypothesis about a given variable, experimental and control groups are tested in parallel. Which of the following best explains the dual experiments?

It is expensive to install pollution control devices

Why do polluters like this oil refinery not do more to reduce toxic emissions?

Because the United States, which is 5% of the world's population, consumes 25% of the world's resources.

Why do many people argue that the United States is the most overpopulated country in the world?

Polluting facilities are placed in poor or less populated communities

What is the usual result of a successful NIMBY campaign?


In this experiment, Site 2 is your:

Kudzu is negatively affecting populations of the rare plant in the preserve.

Which of the following represents the hypothesis that you are testing with this experiment?

environmental and societal costs must both be considered

If economic decisions are to be sustainable they will have to consider which of the following?

Preparing a meal at home with food bought at the local farmers market

Which of the following is the best example of sustainable consumption?

locally produced frozen corn

Which is the most sustainable corn based food?

Whether NIMBY behavior is morally acceptable

Which of the following issues might an environmental ethicist study?

Science determines the appropriate level of consumption, but ethics helps us choose products.

Why are both science and ethics necessary to solve environmental problems


what is the picture of the boy with the wood represent?

Human population size would have to decline drastically for it to work.

Why is the Deep Ecology worldview impractical?

educating women and children

Which of the following is key to the elimination of world poverty and stabilizing global population?

conservation tillage

Which of the following best preserves environmental services

Develop plans for the eventual improvement of squatter settlements.

What is the best way to get rid of squatter communities like this one in Jakarta, Indonesia?

we had global sustainable consumption

The poverty shown here would be eradicated how?


Who among the following would most likely believe that natural resources should be used for the greatest good for the most people for the longest time?

Earth Day

People's realization of environmental problems including pesticides, increasing population, and loss of natural resources helped establish which of the following events or organizations

pollution of sinks

In economic terms, pollution can be defined as

World human population reached 6 billion individuals

Which of the following was probably the most significant event in 1999 to impact the environment

worst environmental disasters

The 1990s were best known for which of the following environmental events?

Environmental groups began suing individuals and organizations based on environmental impact statements.

Corporations and governments affecting environmental resources began to take NEPA seriously after which of the following events?

requires the evaluation of federal highway construction and military projects

The National Environmental Policy Act

It requires the federal government to consider the environmental impact of proposed federal action.

How did the NEPA revolutionize environmental protection in the United States?

Mostly successful: many endangered species are recovering, soil erosion has declined more than 60%, release of toxic chemicals has declined 48% since 1988.

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding US environmental legislation?

water cattail marsh

Which of the following would environmental economists consider natural capital

depletion of the oil deposit

What part of the oil rig shown below is not usually considered by economists

overuse of a sink

Oils and chemicals burning in the Cuyahoga River represent what

Soil erosion from clear cutting of forests

Which of the following represents an example of an external cost?

hybrid cars

Which of the following is NOT an example of command and control regulation?

economic forces

Which of the following do incentive-based strategies depend on most?