Apes Midterm Review

Effects of El Ni�o

Upwelling decreases disrupting food chains, North United States has mild winters, South West US Has increased rainfall, Less Atlantic Hurricanes.

Most Important Thing Affecting Population Growth

Low Status of Women

Ways to Decrease Birth Rate

Family Planning, Contraception, Economic Rewards, Penalties

Solutions to Soil Problems

Conservation tillage, crop rotation, contour lowing, Organic Fertilizers.

Primary Succession

Development of communities in a lifeless area not previously inhabited by life (Lava)

Secondary Succession

Life Progresses where soil remains (clear cute forest)


Symbiuotic relationship where both partners benefit.


Deposit of leached material in lower soil layers.


Symbiotic relationship where one partner benefits and the other is unaffected.

Ionizing Radiation

Enough energy to knock electrons from atoms forming Ions, capable of causing cancer (ex. gamma, xrays, UV)

First Law of Thermodynamics

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one to another.

Ways To Conserve Water

Agriculture (Drip/Trick irrigation), Industry (Recycling), Home (Use Gray Water, Repair Leaks, Low Flow Fixtures)

Replacement Level Fertility

The number of children a couple must have to replace themselves (2.1 - Developed, 2.7 Developing)

World Population

6 Billion

Phosphorus does not Circulate as N because...

It doesn't exist as gas (but is released by weathering of phosphate rocks)

Because soils contain very little phosphorus

It is a major limiting factor for plant growth

Major insecticide Groups

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (ex. DDT), Organophosphates (ex, malathion), Carbonates (ex. Aldiccarb)

Natural Pest Control

better Agricultural Practices, Genetically resistant Plants, natural Enemies, Biopesticides, Sex Atractants

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Energy is changed from one form to another, some useful energy is always degraded into lower quality energy (usually heat)

Pesticide (Cons)

Genetic resistance, ecosystem imbalance, pesticide treadmill, persistance, bioccumulation, biological magnification.

Pesticide (Pros)

Saves lives from insect transmitted disease, increases food supply increases profits for farmers.

Keystone Species

Species whose role in an ecosystem are more important than others

Indicator Species

Species that serve as early warnings that an ecosytem is being damaged.

In natural ecosystems

50% - 90% of pest species are kept under control: predators, diseases, parasites


Organic, dark material remaining after decomposition by microorganisms


Removal of dissolved materials from soil by water moving downwards

Nitrogen Fixing

Because atmospheric nitrogen cannot be used directly by plants it must first be converted into ammonia by bacteria.

PreIndustrial Stage

Birth & Death rates high population grows slowly infant mortality high.

Transitional Stage

Lower Death Rate, better Health Care, Population Grows Fast

Excess Phosphorus is added to aquatic ecosystem by:

Runoff of aniumal wastes, fertilizer discharge of sewage


Plants convert atmospheric C (CO?) into comples carbohydrates (glucose C6H12O6)

Aerobic Respiration

Oxygen Consuming producers, consumers and decomposers break down complex organic compounds and convert C back into CO?

Industrial Stage

Decline in birthrate, Population growth slows.

PostIndustrial Stage

low birth and death rates

Carrying Capacity

The number of individuals that can be sustained in an area.

R Strategist

Reproduce early many small unrpotected offspring


Living and nonliving components of an ecosystem.

K Strategist

Reproduce late, few, cared for offspring


Decomposer Convert organic waste into ammonia

Largest Of Storage Carbon

1) carbonate rocks 2) Oceans


Photosynthetic life


Relationship in which one partner obtains nutrients at the expense of the host.


Large distinct terrestial region having similar climate, soil, plants and animals.

Percent Water on Earth by Type:

?97.5% seawater ?2.5% freshwater

Major Trophic Levels

(Producers ? Primary) (Consumer ? Secondary) (Consumer ? Tertiary)

Energy Flow in Food Webs

Only in 10% of the usuable enery is transferred.

Why is only 10% of Energy Flow Transferred?

usable energy lost as heat (2nd Law), not all biomass is digested and absorbed, predators expend energy to catch prey.

Salinization of Soil

Arid Regions, Water evaporates leaving salts behind.


Perfect agricult soil equial portions of sand, silt, clay

El Ni�o Year

Trade Winds weaken and warm water sloshed back to South America

Natural Selection

Organisms that possess favorable adaptations pass them onto the next generation

Parto f the Hydrolic Cycle

Evaporation, Transpiration, Runoff, Condensation, precipitation, Infiltration


Any Water bearing layer in the ground.

Salt Water Intrusion

Neart The Coast, overpumping of groundwater Causes saltwater to move into the aquifer.


Said Human Population Cannot Continue o increase; Consequences will be war, famine and disease


Bacteria convert ammonia back into the North

Doubling Time

Rule of 70 (70/& Growth Rate)


Ammonia is Converted to Nitrate Ions (NO-3)

Non El Ni�o Year

Easterly trade winds and ocean currents pool warm water in the western pacific allowing upwelling of nutrient rich water off the west coast of South America.