APES CH 14-15

3 metallic minerals

-iron for steel

3 nonmetallic minerals


life cycle of a metal from mining to recycling

mining>metal ores>separation of ore from waste material>smelting>melting metal>conversion to product>discarding of product
recycling: smelting>melting metal>conversion to product*
*repeat to beginning

compare/contrast surface and subsurface mining

surface mining is when you mine near the surface of the earth, where as subsurface mining is when you mine tunnels to go down deep in the earth

list the environmental damage caused by mining

-scarring and disruption of land surface
-mountain-top removal
-water and air pollution
-groundwater disruption
-biodiversity decreased
-large amount of solid waste

list the nations that supply most of the nonrenewable mineral resources

US, russia, south africa, canada

what % of the KEY nonrenewable mineral resources does the US import?


why do governments subsidize the cost of mining?

-economic growth
-reduce financial risk
-lower cost for consumer

what is biomining and why is it used?

a kind of mining in which microorganisms are used to extract minerals from low-grade ores

list the concerns of mining the ocean floor

-high costs
-squabbles over who owns what
-how profits would be distributed
-environmental impact

first and second law of thermodynamics

1st: it takes high-quality energy to get high-quality energy (pumping oil from ground,refining it,transporting it)
2nd: some high-quality energy is wasted at every step

why does oil have a high net energy?

b/c it comes from large,accesible, cheap-to-extract deposits

in the US, most of our energy comes from?


what is OPEC and who are the members?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
members: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Empire, Venezuela

what % of the US oil consumption is imported?


compare/contrast the adv/disadv. of using conventional crude oil

-supply for several decades
-high net energy yield
-lowland disruption
-efficient distribution system
-water pollution from spills
-environmental costs
-releases CO2 (pollution)
-vulnerable to international supply interruptions

what is the % of CO2 emissions produced for transportaion worldwide?


what are the adv/disavd. of using oil shale and tar sand?

-large potential supplies
-easy transportation
-efficent distruption system
-low net energy yield
-release CO2 (pollution)
-severe land distruption
-high water use

where in the world are most (72%) of the oil shale reserves found?

United States

know the by-products of oil distillation


what is the most common way to heat homes in the US?

electricity ( from coal)

which common product is a by-product of oil and can't be replaced by natural gas?


which country has the largest proven reserves of natural gas?


where is methane hydrate gas escaping from?

tundra permafrost

which country has the largest proven reserve of coal?

United States

which country uses the most coal and has the most polluted cities?


what are the environmental problems with burning coal?

-black particles
-toxic ash

what are the reasons for the decline of nucelar power in the US?

-poor management
-radioactive waste
-high cost

know the nuclear fuel cycle

mining of uranium, proccesing and enriching the uranium to make fuel, using it in a reactor, and safely storing the resulting highly radioactive waste (in the form of depleted or spent fuel rods)

open-pit mining

machines dig very large holes and remove metal ores

subsurface mining

deep deposits of minerals are removed through tunnels and shafts. miners dig a deep vertical shift, blast open subsurface tunnels and chambers to reach desposit

strip mining

useful and economical for extracting mineral desposits that lie in large horizontal beds close to the earths surface

mountain-top removal

explosives, earth movers, large power shovels, and other machines with huge buckets, called draglines, are used to remove the top of a moutain and expose seams of coal