Lap 1 test


the unsustainable addiction to overconsumption and materalism exhibited in the lifestyles of affluent consumres in the developed countries

Economic Growth

increase in the capacity of a country to provide people with goods and services

Environmental Science

an interdsciplinary study that uses information from the physical and social sciences to learn how the earth works,how humans interact with the earth and how to deal with the environmental problems we face

Environmental degradation

exceeding a resource's natural replacement rate and the available suppy begins to shrink

environmentally sustainable economic development

rewards environmentally beneficial and sustainable activities and discourages environmentally harmful and unsustainable activities

environmentally sustainable society

meets the current needs of its people indefinitely without degrading or depleting the natural capitol that supplies these resources

per capita ecological footprint

amount of biologically productive land and water needed to supply each person with the resources he/she uses and to absorb the wastes from such resources use


anything obtained from the environment to meet our needs and wants


the ability of the earth's various systems including human, cultural systems and economies to survive and adapt to changing environmental conditions

sustainable yield

highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely without reducing its available supply

environmental science

is an interdisciplinary subject that combines information from the physical sciences and the socail sciences to learn how the works.

soil erosion

which of the following does not represnt an aspect of an environmentally sustainable society


natural capital consists of _____ and ecological services`


the human population is increasing ____

about 1.1 billion

approximately how many new people were added by world population growth in 2005

a population decrease

economic growth requires all of following factors except

population size

on which of the following factors does the United Nations not classify a nation as developed or developing?

the same as economic growth

economic development is

metallic minerals

which of the following is considered a nonrewable resource?

common-property or free-access resources

the tragedy of the common refers to the overuse of

ecological footprint

the amount of biologically productive land and water needed to support each person

about 5

the total ecological footprint of the United States is ___ times that of India

nonrenewable resources

are renewable, but only over millions or billions of years; can be exhausted within dozens or hundreds of years; exist in a fixed quantity


pollution can come from natural sources

nonpoint pollution sources

are dispersed and difficult to identify


pollution prevention is usually more expensive than pollution cleanup

public policy

which of the following is not one of the five basic causes of environmental problems?

population times consumption times technology impact

the three factors affecting the environmental impact of the population in developing and developed countries are

pollution prevention

an example of environmentally sustainable economic development is

vast resources available for human use

Which of the following characterized the frontier environmental worldview?

living sustainably

means living off natural income replenished by soils, plants, air and water and not depleting or degrading the earth's endowment of natural capital that supplies this biological income

tragedy of the commons

depletion or degradation of a potentially renewable resource to which people have free and unmanaged access

population growth, consumption, technology

three model of environmental impact of population

tribal era, frontier era, early conservation era, modern conservation era

the four eras of Environmental History in the United States

Tribal Era

5-10 million tribal people occupied north america for at least 10,000 years before European settlers began arriving in the early 1600s

Frontier Era

1607-1890 the European colonists started settling North America. They developed a frontier environmental worldview

Early Conservation Era

1832-1870 some people became alarmed at the scope of resource depletion and degradation in the U.S. during the latter part of the frontier era

Modern Conservation Era

1870-now. increase of the federal government and private citizens in resource conservation, public health, and environmental protection