APES Test 10/17/12


Biotic and abiotic parts (living and non living things)


Set of components that function and interact in some regular and theoretical predictable manner

Open System

A system that can exchange both matter and energy with its surroundings

Closed System

A system that allows the exchange of energy, but not matter, between the system and its surroundings.

Example of Open System

our planet, a lake, humans

Example of Closed System

Something inside of a closed jar without access to sunlight

How to calculate resident time

The capacity of a system to hold a substance DIVIDED BY the rate of flow of the substance through the system


Size of reservoir DIVIDED BY rate of transfer (flow)

Feedback System

Cycle of events in which body's status is monitored, changed, and reevaluated
-System in which outputs from the system affect future inputs or future activities of the system.

Example of Positive Feedback System

Polar Ice Melt

Example of Negative Feedback System


Steady State in a System

There is no net change in the environmental parameters (same in as out), but it doesn't mean that energy independent


-Can convert solar energy into chemical energy
-An organism that makes its own food

Primary Consumer (Herbivores)

Gets energy by eating autotrophs/producers

Secondary Consumer (Carnivores)

Consume primary consumers/heterotrophs


A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms


organism that breaks down and obtains energy from dead organic matter
-help recycle nutrients


plants and animals living in a region


eat producers/consumers


Population of different organisms in an area


part of air, water, and soil where life is found


A group of individuals of the same species living in a given area


A group of organisms that can interbreed in nature and produce a fertile offspring


The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment

Components of an ecosystem

1) Abiotic Environment
2) Producers/Autotrophs
3) Consumers/Heterotrophs
4) Detrivores and Decomposers


Breaks down dead tissue

Food Chain

A community of organisms where each member is eaten in turn by another member

Food Web

A community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains

Know factors that you need to understand to better manage an ecosystem

-cycle of nutrients
-source of energy


-Gross Primary Production
-rate at which an ecosystem's producers convert solar energy into chemical energy


-Net Primary Productivity
-energy captured minus the energy respired by producers

How to calculate Trophic Level Efficiencies

Divide lower level by level above, multiply by 100

Biogeochemical Cycle

the circulation of substances through living organisms from or to the environment

Water Cycle

-The continuous cycle of the transfer of water through an ecosystem, which involves evaporation, transpiration, and precipitation
-Sun drives water cycle
-Most goes into streams, which carries into lakes and oceans
-Some seeps into upper layers of soil

Carbon Cycle

-The process in an ecosystem in which producers take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and consumers, having eaten producers, release carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide
-Carbon Dioxide increases in atmosphere because

Nitrogen Cycle

The transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and back to the atmosphere

Processes of Nitrogen Cycle

-Nitrogen Fixation
-Lightning and Fertilizer Production

Nitrogen Fixation

Converting nitrogen into a form that can be used by living organisms


-Producers take up Ammonia and use nitrogen to make proteins/nucleic acids
-Consumers get it by consuming producers


-Turns Ammonia into Ammonium
-Done by Decomposers in soil and water


-Nitrifying Bacteria
-turns Ammonium into Nitrite into Nitrate


Done by denitrifying bacteria into poor soils/stagnant water
-Nitrate into Nitrite into Nitrogen

Lightening and Fertilizer Production

Converts some nitrogen into nitrate

Phosphorous Cycle

a. Nucleic acids
b. No atmospheric component
c. Guano: bird poop
d. Animal waste
e. Limiting mineral: minerals that limit the growth of plants in nature
f. Phosphate is a limited mineral in water
i. If phosphate is not limiting (due to sewage or fertilize


As a result of phosphoric runoff, algal growth in a body of water increases, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the organisms in the water and therefore, the organisms die

Sulfur Cycle

Cyclic movement of sulfur in different chemical forms from the environment to organisms and then back to the environment
a. Proteins
b. Sulfur Dioxide increases by extraction/refining and burning of fossil fuels
c. SO2 combines with water to make acid rai

Types of Interactions Between Species

Interspecific Competition


One predator eats a prey

Example of predation

Lions eat Zebras


Parasites live either in or on host

Example of parasitism



One species benefits, the other species neither benefits nor harmed

Example of Commensalism

Sharks and pilotfish


Benefits both species

Example of Mutualism

Nitrogen fixing bacteria in plants

Interspecific Competition

Two species compete for the same resource

Example of Interspecific Competition

Chipmunks, Squirrels, and other animals fight for the pine nut

Fundamental Niche

Range at which the species can thrive

Realized Niche

Range of both biotic and abiotic factors at which a species actually lives


Two species with the same fundamental niche in a given area, battling for the same resource

Exploitation Competition

Same thing as Competitive Exclusion Principle

Competitive Exclusion Principle

States that no two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time; ONE OF THE SPECIES WILL DIE OUT

Resource Partitioning

Two species divide resources based on specific behavior

Types of Populations


Clumped Population

Social animals animals that live in packs like wolfs so they hunt in packs

Uniform Population

Implies a regularity of distance between and among individuals of a population

Random Population


Limiting Factor Principle

Too much or too little of a factor can limit or prevent growth, EVEN if all other factors are near the optimum level of tolerance

Two Types of Ecological Succession

Primary and Secondary

Ecological Succession

Changes over time

Primary Succession

Occurs on surfaces that are initially devoid of soil
-Example: Cooled Lava

Secondary Succession

Areas that have been disturbed, but have not lost their soil
-Example: cotton fields after civil war


can't come back after destruction


ability to come up after destruction

Environmental Science

study of interactions between systems found in nature


the study of populations and their growth

Doubling Time

Amount of time it takes to double the size of a population
70 divided by annual rate growth

Total Impact of Population on an Environment Formula

Impact = Population TIMES Affluence TIMES Technology

Density Formula

Impact = (Population/Size of Place) TIMES (Technology)

What is the difference between the effect of an individual in an industrialized nation and a developing nation?

Industrialized: more technology, more affluence; people have larger ecological footprints: use more resources, waste more resources - lower birth rate, lower death rate, longer life expectancy;
Developing: use fewer resources

Stages of Population Growth

Stage 1: Hunters/Gatherers - beginning of humans
Population: .25 -.5 million
Stage 2: Early Pre-Industrial Agriculture
Population: 100 million
Stage 3: Machine Age (death rate decline, sanitation incline)
Population: 900 million
Stage 4: Modern Era

Pros of Reducing Birth Rate

More resources per capita
Less poverty
Less pollution, smaller footprint

Cons of Reducing Birth Rate

Less youth to support elderly
Labor shortage
Old people don't help the economy

Indicators of Urban Sustainability

1. Children
2. Violent crime
3. Access to healthcare
4. Air and water quality
5. Vacant or abandoned housing
6. Participation in neighborhood societies
7. Access to public transportation
8. Shopping and services within walking distances
9. Quality of scho

Advantages of Urbanization

1. Economic opportunities
2. Better healthcare; lower infant mortality rate
3. Better educational/social opportunities


variety of earth's species

Ecosystem Diversity

various ecosystems within a region

Species Diversity

various species within an ecosystem

Genetic Diversity

variety of genes within a species

Natural Selection

the process by which the organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring

Genetic Resistance

ability of one or more members of a population to resist a chemical designed to kill it

Adaptive Genetic Traits

must precede change in the environmental conditions

Reproductive capacity

species that reproduce rapidly and in large amounts are better able to adapt

Genetic Drift

change in genetic composition due to random events

Founder's Effect

change in population descended from a small number of colonizing individuals

Bottleneck Effect

a decrease in genetic diversity due to a random event
Example: tsunami with few survivors creates a non-representative genetic population


One species splits into two or more species

Allopatric Speciation

The formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another.

Geographic Isolation

happens first; physical isolation of populations for a long period of time

Reproductive Isolation

mutations and natural selection in geographically isolated population lead to inability to produce viable offspring when members of 2 different populations

Example of Allopatric Isolation

Fox population moves north and now needs thicker fur, higher fat content, etc.; those who do not adapt will die out/ Fox population moves south and now needs thinner fur, lean body, etc; eventually become so different (^) that they cannot reproduce

Sympatric Speciation:

Evolution of 1 species into 2 or more species without geographic isolation


having extra sets of chromosome; Example: banana (triploid/grown in cuttings), bread wheat (hexaploid)

Components of Species Diversity

species richness and species evenness and relative abundance


Introduced by accident or deliberately into an ecosystem;
Example: Kudzu


Give early warning of ecosystem change; Example: deformed frogs

Species Diversity

major component of biodiversity and tends to increase the sustainability of ecosystems