APES (Leslie) - Chapter 19

polar bear

famous predator in Arctic regions known for preying on seals


the fat of sea mammals (e.g. seals, whales); concentrated energy source critical for organisms living in a cold environment

global change

change that occurs in the chemical, biological and physical properties of the planet

sea levels, fossil fuels, contamination, biogeochemical, biodiversity, diseases, plants, animals, climate change

examples of global change:
- rising ___ _________
- increased extraction of _________ ______
- increased _________________
- altered _____________________ cycles
- decreased _________________
- emerging infectious _____________
- overharvesting/exploitati


emissions from coal burning power plants and waste incinerators have increased the amount of ___________ in the air and water

swordfish, tuna

two types of top-predator fish known to potentially contain traces of mercury

global climate change

changes in the average weather that occurs in an area over a period of years or decades

storm, precipitation, temperature, circulation

examples of global climate change:
- increased _________ intensity
- altered patterns of _________________ and ______________
- altered patterns of ocean _____________
- global warming

natural, anthropogenic

climate change can be categorized as either ___________ (e.g. El Ni�o patterns) or ____________________ (e.g. fossil fuel combustion)

global warming

the warming of the oceans, land masses, and atmosphere of Earth

land, air, water, heat, cold

examples of global warming:
- warming of the planet's ______, _____ and ________
- increased ______ waves
- reduced ______ spells

gases, clouds, atmospheric, ocean

physical and biogeochemical systems that regulate temperature at the surface of the Earth:
- concentration of ________
- distribution of _________
- _________________ currents
- ___________ currents


ultimate source of almost all energy on Earth

ultraviolet, infrared

the Sun emits ______________ radiation to the Earth, while the Earth emits ______________ radiation back to the atmosphere


fraction of Sun's radiation reflected back into space by the Earth


element in the stratosphere that partially absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun

greenhouse effect

absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases and re-radiation of the energy back towards Earth


net flux of energy in the Sun-Earth heating system

solar radiation, infrared

factors that influence short-term energy fluctuations between the Sun and the Earth:
- changes in incoming _________ ______________ from increased solar activity
- increase in atmospheric gases that absorb __________ radiation

greenhouse gas

gas in the atmosphere that absorbs infrared radiation

nitrogen, oxygen

two most common gases in the atmosphere; not greenhouse gases, and comprise 99% of the atmosphere

water vapor (H2O)

most common greenhouse gas

carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone

four common greenhouse gases besides water vapor

CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons)

chemicals used in refrigeration and styrofoam-based products; form of greenhouse gas


predicted average temperature of the Earth WITHOUT greenhouse gases in degrees Celsius (equal to 0 degrees Fahrenheit)


current average temperature of the Earth because of greenhouse gases in degrees Celsius (equal to 57 degrees Fahrenheit)

greenhouse warming potential

estimate of how much a molecule of any compound can contribute to global warming over a period of 100 years, relative to a molecule of CO2

9 days

duration of water vapor in the atmosphere

12 years

duration of methane in the atmosphere

114 years

duration of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere

55, 500

the duration of CFC's in the atmosphere ranges from ____ to over ______ years

carbon dioxide (CO2)

_________ ___________ is the greatest contributor to the greenhouse effect because of high concentrations in the atmosphere

volcanic eruptions, decomposition, digestion, denitrification, evaporation, evapotranspiration

six main natural sources of greenhouse gases

carbon dioxide

when decomposition occurs under high-oxygen conditions, the dead organic matter is ultimately converted into ________ ___________


methane is created when there isn't enough __________ available to produce carbon dioxide


largest natural source of methane


a single termite colony can contain more than a __________ termites


second largest natural source of methane


process by which nitrate is converted into gaseous nitrous oxide and released into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas

fossil carbon

carbon contained inside fossilized organisms


for a given amount of energy, burning ______ produces the most CO2


estimated fraction of global warming that particulate matter may be responsible for


plant matter consumed by livestock

combustion, decomposition

two processes that add carbon to the atmosphere to make up for the carbon in trees lost to deforestation


percentage of methane released by energy production and combustion

d (chlorofluorocarbons - pages 668-669)

the greenhouse gas with the highest greenhouse warming potential is
a. carbon dioxide
b. methane
c. water vapor
d. chlorofluorocarbons
e. nitrous oxide

a (decomposition - page 669)

methane is naturally produced by...
a. decomposition
b. volcanic eruptions
c. denitrification
d. evapotranspiration
e. forest fires

a (the absorption and radiation of infrared radiation by the atmosphere - page 667)

the greenhouse effect is due to...
a. the absorption and radiation of infrared radiation by the atmosphere
b. the reflection of ultraviolet radiation by the atmosphere
c. the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the atmosphere
d. the reflection of infra

d (deforestation - page 671)

most nitrous oxide emissions are from...
a. fossil fuel combustion
b. agricultural practices
c. refrigerants
d. deforestation
e. industrial processes

e (lowering surface albedo - page 671)

particulate matter can increase global warming by...
a. reacting with chlorofluorocarbons
b. reducing surface absorption of ultraviolet radiation
c. producing additional nitrous oxides
d. reflecting radiation
e. lowering surface albedo

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

group created in 1988 by the UN and the World Meteorological Organization, consisting of over 3,000 scientists from the around the world working together to assess climate change

Charles David Keeling

scientist who discovered in 1960 that CO2 levels varied seasonally and CO2 concentrations increased from year to year

deciduous, grass, farm, photosynthesis

each spring, ____________ trees, ________lands and ______lands in the Northern Hemisphere turn green, increasing absorption rates of CO2 to carry out ____________________


per capita consumption of fossil fuel and materials is greatest in ______________ countries


in 2009, ________________ countries surpassed developed countries in the production of CO2

China, U.S., India

top three countries with the greatest TOTAL emissions of CO2

U.S., Australia, Saudi Arabia

top three countries with the greatest PER CAPITA emissions of CO2


group of small marine protists with hard shells that resist decay after death


process by which ancient ice captures small air bubbles

ice core

long tube of ice extracted from frozen regions of the world; can span up to 500,000 years of ice formation

light oxygen

isotope of oxygen containing 8 protons and 8 neutrons (also known as oxygen-16)

heavy oxygen

isotope of oxygen containing 8 protons and 10 neutrons (also known as oxygen-18)

300, 400

for over 400,000 years, CO2 concentrations never exceeded _____ ppm, but after 1950, CO2 concentrations increased to nearly _____ ppm as of current times

industrial revolution

post-1800 increases in methane, CO2 and nitrous oxide occurred during the start of the ______________ _____________

air, ocean

computer models can help predict future events based on past data such as ____ and ________ temperatures


predicted temperature increase by 2100 in degrees Celsius (equal to 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit)

positive, negative

changes are amplified by ____________ feedback and dampened by _____________ feedback


global soils contain more than _______ as much carbon as the amount currently in the atmosphere


increased atmospheric CO2 increases the growth of _______

carbonic acid (H2CO3)

result of CO2 dissolving in water and combining with H2O molecules

ocean acidification

process by which an increase in ocean CO2 causes more CO2 to be converted into carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the water


as ocean pH decreases, the __________ carbonate in corals, mollusks and crustaceans begins to dissolve

d (there is a historic correlation of CO2 and temperature - page 682)

what is the evidence that solar radiation is less important to global warming than the increase in greenhouse gases?
a. temperatures have increased more in the summer than the winter
b. temperatures have increased more in the winter than the summer
c. tem

d (525 ppm - page 675)

if the annual rate of CO2 increase if 1.5 ppm and the concentration in 2010 is 390 ppm, what concentration would you expect in 2100?
a. 420 ppm
b. 480 ppm
c. 505 ppm
d. 525 ppm
e. 540 ppm

c (1.4�F - page 677)

how much has the average global temperature increased in the last 120 years?
a. 0.6�F
b. 1.0�F
c. 1.4�F
d. 2.7�F
e. 3.2�F

b (I and II only - pages 677-680)

which data is used to estimate historic temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations?
I. marine organism fossils
II. air trapped in ice
III. glacier depth
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I and III only
d. II and III only
e. I, II and III

e (higher CO2 concentrations cause increased photosynthesis - page 683)

which is an example of a negative feedback?
a. higher air temperatures cause increased ocean evaporation
b. higher air temperatures cause increased decomposition in soils
c. lower concentrations of CO2 cause increased absorption of oceanic CO2
d. low albe


estimated fraction of undiscovered oil and natural gas presumed to be lying under polar ice caps

Greenland, Antarctica

two regions on which polar ice cap degradation has a major effect


permanently frozen ground that exists in cold regions of high latitudes and altitudes


percentage of land containing permafrost

100 million

estimated number of people who live within 1 m of sea level

pied flycatcher

bird species that has evolved to synchronize the time that its chicks hatch with the time of greatest abundance of caterpillars, which serve as food for the newly hatched birds

coral bleaching

phenomenon that occurs when stressed corals eject mutualistic algae, causing the corals to turn white and be deprived of energy

heat wave

long period of hot weather; causes heat/drought damage to plants and increased energy demand in residential areas

Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi

three states affected by Hurricane Katrina

thermohaline circulation

deep ocean circulation driven by water that comes out of the Gulf of Mexico and moves to Greenland, where it becomes colder and saltier and sinks to the ocean floor

Kyoto Protocol

international agreement that sets a goal for global emissions of greenhouse gases from all industrialized countries to be reduced by 5.2% below their 1990 levels by 2012

carbon sequestration

approach to stabilizing greenhouse gases by removing CO2 from the atmosphere

a (melting glaciers - page 687)

global warming might limit the availability of fresh water in many areas because of...
a. melting glaciers
b. increased sea level
c. thawing permafrost
d. more frequent heat waves
e. changes in storm intensity

d (decreased species ranges in temperate areas - pages 688-689)

effects of climate change on organisms include all of the following except...
a. increased growing seasons
b. disruption of animal life cycles
c. coral bleaching
d. decreased species ranges in temperate areas
e. increased dispersal of plants and animals

d (increased rates of photosynthesis - page 688-690)

what is NOT a potential negative effect of climate change on agriculture?
a. increased range of pests
b. increased risk of droughts
c. increased damage from severe weather events
d. increased rates of photosynthesis
e. decreased growing season in western

e (increased duration of cold spells - page 690)

how might climate change increase the range of pests?
a. higher intensity weather events
b. changing precipitation patterns
c. increasing number of heat waves
d. disruption of oceanic currents
e. increased duration of cold spells

b (it did not limit the emissions of developing nations - page 693)

in 1997 the United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol because...
a. it required the same emission reductions from all signatories
b. it did not limit the emissions of developing nations
c. the predictions regarding the severity of climate change wer

concentrations, temperatures

understanding the causes of greenhouse gas increase can be done by comparing the past and present _________________ and ______________ of greenhouse gases

a (volcanic eruptions - page 669)

which of the following activities causes a cooling of Earth?
a. volcanic eruptions
b. emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases
c. evaporation of water vapor
d. combustion of fossil fuels
e. deforestation

d (greenhouse gases were not historically present in the atmosphere - page 666-667)

in regard to the greenhouse effect, which statement is NOT true?
a. ultraviolet and visible radiation are converted to infrared radiation at the surface of the Earth
b. approximately one-third of the radiation of the Sun does not enter the atmosphere of E

e (nitrogen - page 668)

which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
a. carbon dioxide
b. water vapor
c. methane
d. nitrous oxide
e. nitrogen

b (I and II - page 668)

of the following factors, which are important when considering the effect of a greenhouse gas on global warming?
I. the amount of infrared radiation the gas can absorb
II. how long the gas remains in the atmosphere
III. the concentration of the gas in the

a (nitrous oxide: landfills - page 669)

which greenhouse gas is NOT correctly paired with one of its sources?
a. nitrous oxide: landfills
b. methane: termites
c. water vapor: evaporation
d. nitrous oxide: automobiles
e. CO2: deforestation

a (is a process to remove CO2 from the atmosphere - page 693)

carbon sequestration...
a. is a process to remove CO2 from the atmosphere
b. is a method for preventing carbon emissions from landfills
c. causes increased coral bleaching
d. is a method for emissions reduction that focuses on improved efficiency
e. is th

c (the planet has had many periods of warming and cooling in the past - page 666)

which statement about global warming is true?
a. the planet is not warming
b. the planet is warming, but humans have not played a role
c. the planet has had many periods of warming and cooling in the past
d. greenhouse gases compose only a small fraction

a (I - pages 678-679)

which sources of data have been used to assess changes in global CO2 and temperature?
I. air bubbles in ice cores from glaciers
II. thermometers placed around the globe
III. CO2 sensors placed around the globe
a. I
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. II and III

c (increased soil decomposition under warmer temperatures represents a positive feedback loop - page 682)

which is a true statement about the feedback loops that occur with climate change?
a. all feedback loops are positive
b. all feedback loops are negative
c. increased soil decomposition under warmer temperatures represents a positive feedback loop
d. incre

d (shutting down the thermohaline circulation of the ocean - page 691)

which predicted consequence of global warming has not yet occurred?
a. melting ice caps
b. rising sea levels
c. melting permafrost
d. shutting down the thermohaline circulation of the ocean
e. altered breeding times and flowering times of animals and plan

c (developed nations agreed to different levels of emission reductions - pages 692-693)

which statement regarding the Kyoto Protocol is true?
a. all nations agreed to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases
b. all nations agreed to stop emitting greenhouse gases
c. developed nations agreed to different levels of emission reductions
d. dev