APES Chapter 4 and 5

keystone species

species that play roles in affecting many other species


variety of earth's species


set of individuals who can mate and produce offspring

homo sapiens

another word for species- latin

genetic diversity

enables life on earth to adapt and survive dramatic environmental changes

ecosystem diversity

storehouse of genetic and species diversity


regions with distinct climates and species

functional diversity

variety of processes such as energy flow and matter cycling that occur within ecosystems as species interact with one another in food chains and webs


physical evidence of ancient organisms

biological evolution

how earth's life changes over time through changes in the genetic characteristics of populations

theory of evolution

all species descended from earlier species

natural selection

individuals with certain traits survive better in certain conditions


random changes in DNA molecules

differential reproduction

enables individuals with the trait to produce more offspring than other members of the population

tectonic plates

affect evolution and earthquakes/volcanos


one species splits into two or more species

geographic isolation

when different groups of the same population become physically isolated for a long time

sexually reproducing organisms

a new species forms when one population of species has evolved to the point where its members can no longer breed

reproductive isolation

reproductive isolation

endemic species

found only in one area and particularly vulnerable

background extinction

typical low rate of extinction

mass extinction

widespread, global, catastrophic

artificial selection

use selective breeding/ crossbreeding

species diversity

number and variety of organisms an ecosystem

species richness

number of different species in a given area

species evenness

comparative number of species present

ecological niche

role of a species in an ecosystem

generalist species

live in many different places

specialist species

cannot tolerate change

native species

species that normally live in an area

nonnative species

species that is introduced to an ecosystem

indicator species

provide warning of damage to a community


key role in keystone species- pollinate plants

foundation species

create or enhance their habitats

interspecific competition

2 or more species interact to gain access to the same limited resource

resource partitioning

species competing for resources evolve to share resources


predator prey relationship


parasite feeds on host


benefits both species


benefits one species has little affect on the other

chemical warfare

way for a predator or prey, stink, ink etc


prey disguises to look like a harmful animal

deceptive looks

prey uses this to scare predators by looks

deceptive behavior

prey uses this to scare predators by action


species that interact with each other and evolve together


group of interbreeding organisms of the same species


species cluster to help them survive

range of tolerance

range of where one species can survive

limiting factors

control population size

environmental resistance

all factors that act to limit growth of a population

carrying capacity

maximum population habitat can sustain

exponential growth

starts slow, increases quickly, goes beyond carrying capacity, crashes

logistic growth

increases, equilibrium

population crash

sharp decline that occurs from an overshoot

population density

number of individuals in a population found in an area

stable species

species whose population fluctuates slightly by carrying capacity

irruptive species

population surge then crash

cyclic fluctuations

2 species population fluctuate together

primary succession

starts from bare rock builds up over thousands of years

secondary succession

starts with some soil builds up over less time than primary


one set of species make the area suitable for other species but less suitable for itself


early species hinder growth of later species

plant tolerance

plants in earlier stages are unaffected by plants of later stages


capacity to withstand external stress and disturbance


ability to survive moderate disturbances


ability of a living system to be resorted through secondary succession