BOD - Bacterial Pathogenesis - Damage to the Host

Most bacterial pathogens cause damage both _______ by secreting _____, and _______ through the _____ ______ to their presence

directly, toxins, indirectly, host response

exotoxins can be denatured to produce _______ which are _____ ____ but still _______ and can be used for _______

toxoids, non toxic, immunogenic vaccination

Toxins can be split into two categories, _______ and ______ ______ _____

cytolysins, enzymatic intracellular toxins

Cytolysins target ______ ______ ______ and degrade the ______ _____ by ________. They can also be _____ _____ eg _____ _____ ______ ____

host cell membranes, membrane phospholipids, phospholipases, pore forming, strep pyogenes streptolysin O

Staph aureus produces a ____ ____ toxin called _____ toxin

pore forming, alpha

Low concentrations of cytolysins can _____ _____ ______ ______ which often leads to _______. At high concentrations they lead to _____ ____. The toxins can _____ _____ _____ and damage tissues to aid _____ _____

disrupt host signal transduction, apoptosis, cell lysis, disrupt immune cells, bacterial spread

Enzymatic intracellular toxins ______ host cells by _____ _______ _____. They have _____ ____ (B) and ____ (A) components. Often _____ _____ are cleaved into _____ ______ _____. They can also be _______. They enter cells via ______-______ ______ and _____

poison, specific catalytic activity, receptor binding, active, single polypeptides, catalytically active fragments, multimeric, receptor-mediated endocytosis, retrograde transport

ADP-ribosylating enzymes: eg _____ ____ and ______ _____. They add an ____ _____ group from _____ onto the target to change its _______. The targets are often ________ of ______ ______, so their action disrupts ______ ______. Diphtheria toxin targets ____

cholera toxin, diphtheria toxin, ADP ribose, NAD, shape, regulators, adenylate cyclase, signalling pathways, EF2, protein synthesis

Cholera toxin is the ______ ______ _______ of vibrio cholerae. It comes from a ________ and has integrated onto the ______ ______

key virulence factor, bacteriophage, bacterial chromosome

Cholera causes '_____ ____' _______ and the patient can lose up to ____ _____ per day. ____ _____ ______ reduces mortality from _____ to _____. The dehydration if untreated will lead to ______, ______ and sometimes _____ ____

rice water, diarrhoea, 20 lites, electrolyte replacement therapy, 50%, 1%, shock, collapse, cardiac failure

Vibrio cholerae colonises the _____ _____ _____, and adheres via ____ ____. Here they secrete _______ _____ _____. B subunits bind _________ ______ leading to _______-_____ ______ and _____ _____ to the _____. Here there is ________ of the A and B subunit

small intestine mucosa, pilus adhesins, multimeric cholera toxin, GM1-ganglioside receptors, receptor-mediated endocytosis, retrograde transport, ER, dissociation, translocate, cytosol, adenylyl cyclase, ADP-ribosylating, stimulatory G-protein, on, destabilisation, movement, ions, water

Diphtheria toxin: a _____ _____ ____ in _______. It is a _____ ______ carried on a ______ that has integrated into the ____ ______. It is regulated by transcription factor ______ which is a _______ when bound by ______. Once the bacterium is in the host a

key virulence factor, corynebacteria, viral gene, bacteriophage, bacterial genome, DTXR, repressor, iron, dissociates

Corynebacterium colonise the _____ ______ _____, causing _____ _____ _____ and _____ _____, due to its action preventing protein synthesis. The bacteria grow in the inflammatory exudate, forming a ________ which can eventually ______ the _____.

upper respiratory tract, intense local inflammation, mucosal damage, pseudomembrane, occlude, trachea

DTX is a _____ ______ _____ which binds to a _____ _____ _____ on the host cell, leading to ______-_____ ______. Host cell _____ cleave the DTX into its A and B fragments. The A fragment ______ to the ______ where it _____-______ ____ to shut off _____ __

single chain polypeptide, growth factor receptor, receptor-mediated endocytosis, furins, translocates, cytosol, ADP-ribosylates, EF2, protein synthesis

Bordetella pertussis and bacillus anthracis produce ______ ____ which ______ host cell _____ _____

adenylate cyclase, disrupt, ion balances

Shingella and EHEC produce _________ which ______ ____ ______ and block _______

glycosidases, depurinate 28S rRNA, translation

Clostridium difficile produces _______ ______ which modify small __-______, disrupt ________ and lead to large ______ ______ ______ and changes to ______ ______, allowing the bacteria to attach better to the membrane

glucosylating enzymes, G-proteins, signalling, actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, tight junctions

Salmonella typhi, E.coli and campylobacter produce _______ ______ _____ which _____ _____ and cause cell death

cytolethal distending toxins, cleave DNA

UPEC and meningitis produce _______ _______ ______ which ______ __-_____ to disrupt signalling and cause ______ ______ ______

cytotoxic nectrotising factors, deamidate G-proteins, actin cytoskeleton rearrangement

Tetanus toxin: produced during _______ _____ in ______ ______. The B chain binds receptors on ______ ______ _______, and the A chain is _______. It then ______ to the _____ where the TeNT protease _____ ______ _______ which blocks release of ______ and __

anaerobic growth, deep wounds, peripheral nerve membranes, internalised, translocates, CNS, cleaves SNARE synaptobrevin, inhibitors, neurotransmission, uncontrolled muscle contraction, spastic paralysis

Botulinum toxin: has the same ______ ______ as tetanus toxin but acts on _______ ______ to prevent the release of ________ / ________ at the _____. This results in ______ _______. This can be used clinically with extremely low concentrations - 'botox'

proteolytic action, peripheral nerves, neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, NMJ, flaccid paralysis

Advantages of producing enzymatic toxins: aid ________, aid ________, some are ________ but may kill animals to generate an ______ ______ _______. Some can _____ _____ _____ ______.

colonisation, transmission, incidental, anaerobic growth environment, subvert host cell function

Some toxins are _________ (SAg). Weakly interacting ______ and ______ are bound directly by Sag to bridge _____ _____ and _______. This leads to ______ of '_______' ___ ______ causing a _______ ______ and host _______. A good example is toxins produced by

superantigens, MHC, TCRs, T cells, APCs, activation, useless T cells, cytokine storm, damage, staphylococcus aureus, toxic shock syndrome

TSST secreted by S.aureus enters the bloodstream, causing _____ levels of ______: ____, ___ & _____. These lead to _____ _____ and ______

increases, cytokines, IL-1, IL-2, TNF, systemic shock, death

Advantage of superantigens: may _____ ______ ______. Excessive ______ disturb balance and may divert ___ _______.

deflect immune system, cytokines, T cells

Indirect damage: mainly from ______ _______: ie _____ _____, ____ _____ or in the _____ _____. ______ ___ overload can lead to ______ ______, and if inflammation crosses the BBB it can lead to __________

excessive inflammation, too much, too long, wrong place, lipid A, meningitis

Meningitis is _____ damage, it is _____ part of ______ ______. It is often caused by bacteria colonising the ___________ which enter the bloodstream to cause _________ which has potential to cross the BBB. If untreated meningitis is often fatal

accidental, not, bacterial survival, nasopharynx, bacteraemia

Common bacterial causes of meningitis are ______ ______, ______ _____ ___, __ _______ and _______ ________. Their capsules are ______ ______

neisseria meningitidis, haemophilus influenzae B, E.coli, streptococcus pneumoniae, weakly immunogenic

Chronic inflammation is rare in bacterial disease, but can be caused by ______ leading to ______ _______ _______. ______ ______ can also establish _______ infection leading to ______ ______ and _______.

chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease, helicobacter pylori, lifelong, gastric ulcers, cancer

Granulomatous inflammation can be caused by ________ ______ ________. ______ form _______ around the pathogen leading to _________. Mycobacterium ________ and ______ (treponema pallidum) also cause granuloma formation

persistent mycobacterium tuberculosis, macrophages, granulomas, fibrosis, leprae, syphilis

Other immunopathologies: ______-_______ ________ (a type III hypersensitivity reaction) and ______ _____ (LPS-induced inflammation and type III hypersensitivity)

post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, Lyme disease

Other immunopathologies: bacterial antigens may contribute to ________ _______ (type II hypersensitivity reaction) eg _______ ____ ______ cross reactivity in ______ ______

autoimmune disease, streptococcal M protein, rheumatic fever

Chronic inflammation is rare in bacterial disease, but can be caused by ______ leading to ______ _______ _______. ______ ______ can also establish _______ infection leading to ______ ______ and _______.
