API Chapter 2

the chemical behavior of an atom

is controlled by its electrons

covalent bond

A bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms

reactive element

An element with an unfilled outermost energy level is called

decomposition reaction

the breakdown of a molecule into smaller components.

denature of the enzyme.

What happens to an enzyme that is exposed to extreme temperatures (outside its normal range)


work by lowering the energy of activation of a chemical reaction

Secondary structure

protein shape characterized by the alpha helix or a flat-pleated sheet

The more acidic a solution is

the more hydrogen ions it has


maintain an almost constant pH


pH value represents the most acidic solution

the composition of salt

any cation (except hydrogen) and any anion (except hydroxide)


when blood pH is below 7.35


a polysaccharide


they are involved in the regulation of sexual function;
they are important in the regulation of tissue metabolism and mineral balance;
they are important in the maintenance of cell membranes


It freezes at zero degrees Centigrade;
It has a high specific heat.;
It dissolves many substances


is NOT a carbohydrate


an ion w/ a positive charge


an ion w/ a negative charge

potential energy

stored energy


A fatty acid with no double bonds in its carbon chain


structurally related to the glycolipid and are important in the maintenance of cell membranes.

Peptide bond

is the bond between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.


protein is compact and generally rounded and readily enters an aqueous solution

Outermost energy level

aspect of an atom that determines its chemical properties


has a definite volume, but no definite shape

basic or alkaline solution

more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions

primary function of carbohydrates such as monosaccharides and disaccharides

Serving as an important energy source

How many electrons can the second energy level hold when it is completely filled? (Figure 2-3)


Elements that have atoms with full outer shells of electrons

are inert gases