Reaction rates

Activation energy

The minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction


A substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction


A substance that slows down or stops a chemical reaction


The rate at which particles collide into one another


The amount of a substance in a given space

surface area

The outer surface of an object

Breaking bonds absorb_______


Forming bonds can ____________ energy


endothermic reaction

A reaction in which energy is absorbed

exothermic reaction

A reaction that releases energy in the form of heat

All reactions require _________


particles must collide with each other with sufficient energy

In order to react

If there is more surface area in a reaction the __________ ___ ___________ will increase

Rate of reaction

The more concentrated a solution is ___________________________

The more the particles will collide with each other

More collisions result in a ________________

Faster reaction


A substance that slows down or stops a chemical reaction

The higher the temperature _________________________

The faster the rate of reaction is

Surface area increases when ________________

The solid is broken

What has a higher reaction rate? A bike rusting or a firework exploding?

A firework exploding

Wood requires ____________ energy to start burning
