Classifying Chemical Reactions

Rate of Reaction

How quickly a change in concentration of a reactant or product happens over time.

Activation Energy

(Ea) the minimum energy required for colliding reactant molecules to successfully react

What is the relationship between temperature and reaction rate?

As the temperature increases the rate of reaction increases because collisions between the reactants is more likely.

What is the relationship between concentration and reaction rate?

As the concentration (or pressure) increases the rate of reaction increases because collisions between the reactants is more likely.

What is the relationship between surface area and reaction rate?

As the surface area of a reactant increases the rate of reaction increases because collisions between the reactants is more likely.


Substance that speeds up a reaction without being changed


The amount of force exerted per unit area of a surface. Pressure only affect reactants that are gases.


Substance that slows down a reaction without being changed.

Endothermic Reaction

If the reactant energy is less than the product energy, energy is absorbed.
"go in"

Exothermic Reaction

If the reactant energy is greater than the product energy, energy is released.
"go out"

Synthesis Reaction

where two or more substances combine to form one new compound

Decomposition Reaction

when a single compound is broken down into two or more simpler substances.

Displacement Reaction

when one element replaces another element that is part of a compound. The products of this reaction is a new compound and a different element.


What type of reaction is this?


What type of reaction is this?


What type of reaction is this?


What type of reaction is this?


What type of reaction is this?


What type of chemical reaction would you want to occur inside a hot pack to create heat?

The container holding the endothermic reaction will become colder.

When observing a chemical reaction what kinds of observations would you expect to make from an endothermic reaction?

Molecules must collide with force in the correct orientation before a reaction can occur.

Before molecules can react what must occur?

There are very few collisions causing the rate of reaction to be very slow.

If a reaction is taking a long time to occur what can you assume about the collisions?


What type of reaction is likely to be an exothermic reaction?


What type of reaction is likely to be an endothermic reaction?

Activation Energy

Sunlight in photosynthesis is an example of what?