marketing ch 14 (part2)

electronic data interchange (EDI)

information technology that replaces the paper
documents that usually accompany business
transactions, such as purchase orders and invoices,
with electronic transmission of the needed information
to reduce inventory levels, improve cash flow,
streamline operations, and increase the speed and
accuracy of information transmission

inventory control system

a method of developing and maintaining an adequate
assortment of materials or products to meet a
manufacturer's or a customer's demand

distribution resource planning (DRP)

an inventory control system that manages the
replenishment of goods from the manufacturer to the
final consumer

materials-handling system

a method of moving inventory into, within, and out of
the warehouse

outsourcing (contract logistics)

a manufacturer's or supplier's use of an independent
third party to manage an entire function of the
logistics system, such as transportation, warehousing,
or order processing

electronic distribution

a distribution technique that includes any kind of
product or service that can be distributed
electronically, whether over traditional forms such as
fiber-optic cable or through satellite transmission of
electronic signals


The standards set by measuring the best, quickest, and most efficient work practices.


Standard measures that can be used repeatedly to assess performance on a supply chain related process.

third-party logistics firm (3PL)

A firm that is contracted to manage part or all of another firm's order fulfillment process.