Ch. 15

A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific time

Advertising objective

Advertising objectives are classified by what 3 primary purposes

inform, persuade, remind

the strategy by which the company accomplishes its advertising objectives and consists of:
Creating advertising messages
Selecting advertising media

Advertising strategy

What are the 3 parts to creating and advertising message?

1. message strategy
2. creative concept
3. message execution

the general message that will be communicated to consumers. Identifies consumer benefits
and points of differentiation.

message strategy

the idea that will bring the message strategy to life and guide specific appeals to be used in an advertising campaign

creative concept

characteristics of the appeals used in the creative concept

meaningful, believable, distinctive

when the advertiser turns the big idea into an actual ad execution that will capture the target market's attention and interest.

message execution

The approach, style tone, words, and format used for executing an advertising message. Captures attention and interest

message execution style

message execution style: typical people using product in normal setting

splice of life

message execution style: focus on specific lifestyle


message execution style:use of product leads to fulfilling fantasy


message execution style: few claims. focus is on image/emotions

mood or image

message execution style: music or jingle is prominent


message execution style: shows expertise in making product

technical expertise

message execution style: survey or evidence to support product quality

scientific evidence

message execution style: Highly believable or likeable source who endorses the product. Also, normal people giving testimonial.

testimonial evidence or endorsement

Message execution also includes...

tone, attention getting words, format

4 major steps in selecting advertising media

1. decide on reach-frequency-impact
2. select media type
3. select specific media vehicles
4. decide on media timing

a measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given period of time


a measure of how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message


the qualitative value of a message exposure through a given medium


Selecting media vehicles involves presenting the media effectively and efficiently to the target customer and must consider the the message's:

impact, effectiveness, cost

used heavily when introduction of new product. Objective is to build primary demand

informative purpose

more important when competition increases. Objective is to build selective demand

persuasive purpose

important in mature products. Primarily builds and maintains relationships

reminder purpose

6 functions of public relations

1. press relations or press agency
2. product publicity
3. public affairs
4. lobbying
5. investor relations
6. development

major public relations tools

special events
written materials
audiovisual materials
corporate identity materials
public service activities
buzz marketing
social networking

When selecting specific media vehicles, the planner must consider the cost of the media as compared to its effectiveness by evaluating:

Audience quality
Audience engagement
Editorial quality