MKT 3401 Karam Midterm

John Camp's/Kant 4 "keys to being successful" - Have to be able to:

1. Market yourself
2. Sell yourself
3. Network (K-now ppl)
4. Maintain Contact (sustain long term relationships)

To be successful: you must have these 5 traits:

1. Creative
2. Agressive
3. Enthusiastic
4. Smart
5. Honest/Trustworthy

Companies look for ___ and ____ as some of their core values.

Trust and Honesty

What do people think and do when they see or hear your name... How do you develop this? ___ ____ (how you sell yourself)

Personal Branding

What makes you likable?
- your ____ delivery, and
- your ____ delivery.

- Vocal delivery
- Visual delivery

Vocal delivery is ___% of your emotional impact. Tone, sound like you care. Try Pausing.


Visual delivery is ___% of your emotional impact.
Facial Expressions, and your
____ look*

55%, Visual = "Default look

the emotional impact you have on somebody.


___ _____ are the #1 most critical part of Visual delivery


Images can be created as quick as ___ of a second. And opinions can be formulated in only ____ seconds.

1/24th of a second.
Opinions in 10 seconds.

In sustaining your default look and dealing with others' facial reactions to you, its important to:

Maintain Poise!

The last 7% of your emotional impact (likability) is your *_____ ____ (or maybe ____ ___).

Verbal Arrangement/Physical Appearance

Kenneth Feinberg (who listened to 2000 ppl's appeal, only 2% appealed to next level) says most important skill in negotiating is ______.


#1 thing IV leagues look for are ___ and ____ skills

Interpersonal and Communication skills

2nd most critical skill: _____. Interact in a positive way even with differences.


#3 skill of importance

Honesty (ethical)

#4 characteristic:


3 types of presenters;

- Show runner
- Neophyte
- Artists

Sensational and Exceptional, can sell anything

show runner

nervous presenter, get it done, effective, MAJORITY of presenters.


a little different, extreme dress, diff. lifestyles and looks. This can bring a whole lot of VALUE.


Personal Brand formula:
___ + ___ + ____ X _____

Performance + Personality + (Visibility X Trust)

Performance =

your success

People have different ideas about what ____ is


what makes you BELIEVABLE", What we do to make people pay attention to us and to influence. Critical.


What are the 3 elements that can improve your credibility?
2. ___ (show you're skilled/competent)
2. ___ (style/swagger/that makes you look able)

1. Trust/Honesty (T.E.A.)
2. Expertise
3. Attractiveness

The 4 Marketing Management Philosophies (Orientations):

1. Production orientation
2. Sales orientation
3. Marketing orientation
4. Societal orientation.

Biggest flaw of ____ orientation: You can be the best at it but theres just no population or customer base to want it.

Production orientation

customers needs and wants providing them with product/serv. that they will use.

Marketing orientation

Marketing orientation is driven by ____ ____.


Satisfying the customer's needs and wants providing them with product or service that they will use,
(Marketing orientation + attention to environmental situations/
) ex. Tom's shoes.

Societal orientation

the whole revolution of Water thing, and McD's selling "cage free" eggs pertain to ____ _____.

Societal Orientation

the 3 Marketing Concepts:

1. Customer Value +
2. Customer Satisfaction =>
3. Develop Long Term Relationships

Value =


Lies at the foot of what marketing is all about.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers switch because of ____ ____ more than anything else. (this goes with C.Satisfaction)

Customer service.

___% of customers who have a bad experience will tell at least ONE person and embellish the story to make it sound more sensational.


___% of people will change a purchase decision/go somewhere else just based on the indifference/ex. rudeness of one person.


Only __% of people who have a bad experience will tell the actual service provider.


the 2 types of disgruntled customers:
1. ____ one (yells)
2. ____ ___ customer (leave & blog)

1. Openly Angry
2. Remorseful/Silent Angry

When you don't get good service: __. Have to have a recovery system in place (failure and recovery).

Service Failure

satisfaction leads to good ____ ____

customer satisfaction

The first part of the Profit Chain is service, starting with good ____ satisfaction.


Profit Chain: Employee ___ leads to good Customer Service, creates customer ___, then if you can create customer ___ then you are able to create customer ___. its a cycle.

Employee Satisfaction -->Service --> Value --> Customer Satisfaction --> Loyalty = Profits

Delta Airlines spent $1 billion to train their employees in better ___ ____.

customer Service

What did you learn from "United breaks guitars"?

- Customer service is important
- Social Media has huge impacts

Who monitored social media to find out what customers See, Hear, and Say? ex. looked at tweets and posts for complaints and then addressed customers immediately to recover greatly. Some fail on purpose to make a mark from their correction procedures.

Citi Bank

one way of researching. these people pose as a customer, use their services and evaluate everything you do in order to see what the competition does to spark new, innovative ideas. Point is to try to find a source of __ __.

Mystery Shoppers.
- Prospect Theory

Learning to develop and maintain long term relationships leads to __ __. Ex. giving christmas presents.

brand loyalty

Good customer Satisfaction yields the following:
1. ability to _________________.
2. ____
3. ____
4. You sell more!

1. Charge Premium prices
2. Less selling effort
3. Referrals

What you do to make sure you can keep things moving in a nice direction, recycling, and being good to environment. ex. Patagonia -tires


Primary reasons customers switch:
2. _____ ___ ___ (lack of knowledge;people dealt w/no good,links *2nd primary concern of marketing)
4. ___ (
6. Failure to respond to failure
7. ______ behavior

1. Core service failure
2. Service Encounter* Failure
3. Price
4. Inconvenience (not rly "location")
5. Attraction from competition
6. Failure to respond to failure
7. Unethical behavior

A huge part of 3rd Marketing concept (Developing long term relationships) = _______

Stronger relations when you keep overcoming failure.

3 parts of developing long term relationships:

1. Customer Relations
2. Media Relationships
3. Community Relations

Tyrann Mathieu: "What questions are they going to ask me?" in NYC photo shoot:

The worst ones. Media will trick you. Want them to write good stories about our brand, thats why we give free seats in stadium.

2 most important Types of relationships to develop:

1. Media
2. Community

An example of Community Relationships: Yoplait breast cancer awareness lids. This represents a ____ ___ ___.

Cause Related Market.

What role did John Hancock Insurance co. play in giving back to the COMMUNITY by saving the Boston Marathon?

Gave their money, resources, etc. and said they would put little tags on shoes or shirts and take pictures at the finish line.

The 3 Levels of the Marketing Strategy Framework:

1. Market Analysis
2. Strategy Development
3. Implementation

4 Components of Market Analysis (The 4 C's):


Pertaining to "Competition" of the Market Analysis: Who is Nike's biggest competitor today? What is the new population they are targeting?


Customer analysis focuses on _____.


Demographics (customer) include:
1. __ (Nurse homes vs. "asst. living")
2. __ *Uggs for men
3. ___ Bilingual products @ H Depot
4. __ can tell by dress/WSJ ads.
5. ___ 6. ___ identify, do not offend!*most dangerous!
7. __NSWE,Politics&MachineofMktg

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Race
4. Income
5. Education
6. Religion
7. Geographical

looking at the Conditions in a market analysis includes 3 factors and means analyzing the "_____ _____" and everything that changes in it.

External Environment

3 factors of Conditions analysis:

Social Factors,
Technology Factors,
Legal & Political factors

Social factors value ____


*** (Social): 3 factors that affect Lifestyles

1. Activities
2. Interests
3. Opinions

* key Technology in transportation: ____. This is __ to customers. People willing to pay extra to know.

Tracking. VALUABLE

Examples are UPS-stamps idea, FedEx Air, SPEED SPEED SPEED, ability to create machines and be more productive and efficient.

Technology factors (Conditional analysis)

Who tried manipulating people saying they were making green cars when really weren't?
(hence Honesty and Trust issues)

Volkswagon CEO

2nd Level of Marketing Strategy Framework

Strategy Development

3 Components of Strategy Development:

1. Segmentation
2. Targeting
3. Positioning

4 Criteria of Segmentation:
- know characteristics of pop.
- Can you Communicate and Distribute to them?
- can they respond to their need or want to purchase it?
- is the population big enough? (LSU to target hispanics too small, but Houston would do)

- Identification
- Accessibility
- Responsive
- Substantial

3 Strategies in Targeting the market:
1. __ (Undifferentiated, Water, BC)
2. __ (various targets, Walmart)
3. __ (one specialty, and do it well)

1. Mass marketing
2. Multi-Segmented
3. Niche

3 unique populations at Wal-Mart:
(a Multi-Segmented targeter)

- Low incomes living day to day
- People who like name brands
- Rich people wanting household goods

3rd component of Strategy Development:
(1. Segmenting 2. Targeting 3. ____)

Positioning your product

Tom Baudette was a carpenter, and almost richest man, Introduced new Econolodge cheap stays segment of Motel 6 and sold a bunch to rebrand so didn't seem so cheap. Put together ____ ___.

Focus groups

Terms to know about Motel 6 on Test: (3)

Rebranded, Affiliation, Personality

(Motel 6)
____: positioned where travelers making a living could stay, appealed to the frugal travelers (wanted to spend their $ on something else).


(Motel 6)
____: wanted customers to see that nice people also stay there.


(Motel 6)
_____: like insurance co.'s (Flo, Aflac)
- Went and found Tom Baudette for this in Alaska, all they used was his voice but successful.

(Tom B was their personality)



3rd level of Marketing Strategy Framework: (deals with the Marketing Mix - 4 P's)


4 P's of Implementation's Marketing Mix:


______ of the 4 P's looks at the categories of the product because there is a different strategy for each category


Categories of Product:

1. Convenience*
2. Shopping
3. Specialty
4. Unsought

Products of ________:
- Inexpensive
- Minimal risk
- Basic needs


Shopping products that are a bit more expensive than convenient require more time and _____*


____ products have both a Higher price, and Higher Risk and lots of time and involvement. Ex. Jewelry store. should be easy to find.

Specialty products

____ products like health and life insurance that you didn't know you had to have until you had to get it. should also be easy to find.


4 components of Product:

1. Packaging
2. Warranty
3. Service after sale
4. Brand

Purposes of Product PACKAGING
1. _ (against theft) 2. Facilitate ____. 3. __ tells ingredients/info/persuad
4. ____ powerade blue vs. gator orange 5. ____ red bull 6. ___ selling mints altoids can 7. ___ relate 82% to partic. time 8. _ (clicks lipstick)

1. Pertain/Protect
2. Recycling 3. Labeling
4. Color
5. Shape(RedBull/coke)
6. Size
7. Smell
8. Sound

2 Labeling Purposes:

Informational and Persuasive

______ Labeling components:
- Instructions
- Construction
- Communicate to consumer
- Nutrition*
- *Reduce Cognitive Dissonance

*Nutrition - Campbells is losing to Progresso soups bc they took out sodium and labeled it with emphasis

self doubt you have following a purchase

Cognitive dissonance

(Persuasive type Labeling technique) What magic word do we love when we buy something?


serves as a source identifier


Article about _____ talks about segmentation, target market, demographics, lifestyles, etc. READ


____ warranties. can help you differentiate yourself from competition. auto, laptops


How do you take the K-car (cheap, will get you to work and back reliable everyday for the blue - collar worker)? (a SEGMENT of ppl who just need that simple a-b car)

a Warranty!!
ex. 100k miles or 10 yrs all while offering bumper to bumper protection.

Brand: overall shop difference between the two stores (Walmart and Target?) was ____%

1-2% difference

**preserving the brand example: ___ ___: cheap, sold tons, discontinued wasn't good for Elite brand that should stay special.

Tiffany's bracelet

Repeated sales, then
Introduce new products

Objective of Branding

____ Identifying: stir emotions in sports and business. ___ Identification ex: McD's Taco Bell bell, SportsCenter


whenever the name of the product is the category by which the product is in. ex. Kleenex, Q-Tips, ET and M&Ms examples

Master brand

Product LifeCycle, The 5 phases:
5 is optional depending on outcome of 4th phase (could become obsolete or flourish)

1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Maturity
4. Decline
5. Extension (optional)

Marketing Mix =

Product + Price + Place + Promotion

What two parts of the marketing mix are used throughout all the decision making of the product lifecycle?

Price and Promotion

3 Pricing Strategies:

1. Skimming
2. Penetration
3. Status quo

Pricing strategy where you price it as low as you can in order to get consumers to use and try it and hopefully like it.


pricing Strategy involving Price Matching the competition. You find out what the market will bear and you just equal that market price. Hope that it doesn't negatively affect.

Status quo pricing

pricing Strategy where you start out pricing as high as you can for as long as possible before competition catches up. Ex. Audi, BMW


dollar store pricing/dollar menu, (specific area of store with one price only)

Single pricing tactic

lawyers and dentists' pricing tactic


Odd/Even aka "_________" pricing tactic. Odd numbers note a _____.

Psychological" (odd/even)
- odd = bargain. $499.99, $900, $100
- Expensive restaurants use single digits $8, $9, $10 to make look fancy but bargain.

In negotiation, use _____ numbers. It indicates you put more thought into the worth of your product. This is the Precise/Rounding price tactic.


Pricing Tactic: When regular companies like Coke price their name brand lower than you've seen it, but then they surround you with other items - chips/dip/whiskey that they'll make their money on.

Loss Leader

Rebates were coined in _____.


Airline tickets are an example of _____ pricing. Best day of the week to buy a ticket is Tuesday.


pricing that is effective if one key premium product is in the mix. ex. telephones, computers.


if it depends, then


What was wrong with Karam's convenience store idea?

The location should've been on the opposite corner where everyone goes out and all the traffic is moving, people can get weekend beer etc. Not at pile up spot.

the way we communicate with the customer. (4th part of marketing mix)


4 parts of the Promotional Mix:

- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Sales Promotions
- Personal Selling

2 types of most effective advertising:

1. Product advertising
2. Institutional (Apple, enhancing the brand as whole)

promotion by maintaining or acquiring a
positive image
on company brand, or changing a negative image. ex. LSU S.Car. game

Public Relations promotions

Dealing with integrity with a variety of mediums to create positivity.

Public Relations promotions

any way of promoting that gets them into your store. Contests, discounts, etc.

Sales Promotions

type of promotion where the person/individual goes out and does the work their self.
it depends

Personal Selling

5 Steps of Consumer Decision Making Process:

1. Need Recognition
2. Information Search
3. Evaluate Alternatives
4. Purchase
5. Post-Purchase Behaviors.

finding an unfulfilled need and grabbing customers attention deals with

Need recognition

the more convenient information search is = __ __

less risk

3 Types of External Information (ways we get our info):

1. Family/Friends
2. Commercial
3. Public

92% of consumers get info from ____. The MOST TRUSTED info source. (Opinion leaders, Celebrities, and Word of Mouth)


Friend info: Opinion Leaders are NOT ____.


Why do we use Celebrities?

1. Drive sales
2. Change perception of product.

Word of Mouth is also known as "_____". People talk. Frozen movie, everyone talked about it.


this info spreading technique puts product in hands of opinion leaders for free "hoping" that they'll spread a good word of mouth. Ethical and Non-Ethical way. Cant tell them to.


BIASED information from major media. Billboards, internet, tv, radio.


More money is spent on ___ __ Commercial informing techniques than any other.
Pinpoint specific.

Direct mail

the Unbiased, neutral, consumer report sources we use for information. KBB, JP Power&Assoc.


The Public info involves:
a. ____ (lots of choices)
b. _ (pull your product out amongst others*Volvo)
c. __ __ (final list of considerations)

a. Clutter
b. Unique Selling proposition
c. Evoked Set

*Toothpaste industry with whitening in our industry, resonated throughout. and Volvo Sleek and sales went down.

Unique selling proposition

looks at and bases on the benefits, price, quality, atmosphere, part of the country. Dept. at a certain university.

3. Evaluating the Alternatives
(Step 3 - Consumer Making Process)

Actual action step: signing for the contract, 4th/critical part of the consumer dec. making process.

4. Purchase.

these are from both Consumers AND Business's interests. Look at your purchase and analyze.

Post-Purchase Behaviors

the self doubt you have after a purchase

Cognitive dissonance

How do you alleviate cognitive dissonance?

1. Seek approval from friend.
2. Search for that one benefit that validates your decision.
3. Always FOLLOW UP (for businesses, especially w/big purch.)

Implied and Written

2 types of the Warranty component of a product:

3 Branding strategies that Motel 6 used?

- Positioning
- Affiliation
- Personality

___% of millionaires are involved in volunteer/community events


the way a company communicates with a customer


Purpose of promotions:

- Inform
- Persuade
- Remind

rebate" since ____


key factors to help enhance celebrity endorsements:

- Familiar to public
- High esteem w/public
- Proper fit

when is the TV network's peak ad sales season?


What is TV's new approach using?

analytical data of heavy buyers of specific products and shopping habits. ex. burger lovers, yogurt buyers, movie tickets and car buying

online/digital has a lack of __


TV's chief advantage over the web:

ability to reach huge audiences

During airings of Family Guy ads were viewed ____ million times


Talk shows are radio's second most popular format, while _____ ___ is the 1st most popular

country music

radio talk shows still bring in numbers, big numbers, liberals and social media campaigns just scare adders away bc they don't want to take the risk of being associated with:

strong personalities like Limbaugh's, religion and politically charged, sensitive topics that may offend people so much that they talk bad about the station online, thus reducing the amount of listeners

A&E's #1 show was ____ ____, while Longmire was #2.

Duck Dynasty

Longmire was about a Wyoming ____


what problem did the Longmire show have?
whats this "cancelled you fav tv show" article about?

had the wrong audience and wrong owner,
- targeting the right audience; or
- Demographics

what are the two things TV wants that are part of the growing trends in the TV industry. they wanna sell to 18-49 and 25-54,

- Younger viewers and Ownership of the show, rather than having to pay outsiders and pay it off through ads

The median age of the entire network A&E is 48.
what was the median age of Longmire's viewers? (TOO OLD)


Museums use ____ as their crucial source of funding their exhibits, they make them more interactive but also more branded.


The best option is to have kids actually engaging as much as possible and actually playing with the brand, and having signs without logos, one grocery store used the same shade of red color that HEB uses in stores as a source identifier. Children gain ___


In Boston, the ___ ___ puzzle was the most popular, and at another ___ ___ ___ were one of the most popular.

New Balance puzzle,
Krispy Kreme doughnuts

average NFL telecast devotes ___% more time to replays than the 11 minutes of action


___% airtime is spent on players Between Snaps in the huddle and standing at L.O.S.

60% total field air time is between snaps

Just __% goes to coaches and referees

7% coaches & refs

injured players got ___ more seconds camera time than celebrating players

6 seconds

typical play only lasts ___ seconds

4 seconds

ratio of inaction to action in NFL is __ to __

10 to 1

the mortal sin of football:

missing a snap

at 24 minutes worth of replays, ESPN showed ______% more replays than average networks.
