Unit 9 Test

Which of the following is an advantage of personal selling over advertising in the promotional mix:

Immediate feedback

The Vision Company promotes its products to intermediaries who then promote the products to customers. The Vision Company is using a(n) __________ promotional strategy.


Which of the following is an example of personal selling

A financial planner discusses retirement plans with a group of employees

In which stage of a product's life cycle would the least money be invested in product promotion?


Contests, samples and coupons are all examples of

sales promotion

Which of the following is a false statement about the promotional mix:

Advertising is the best promotional mix element

Competing businesses within the same industry usually react to each other's promotional mixes by

playing follow the leader

If a manufacturer has chosen to advertise on national radio and in magazines, which of the following factors has influenced the promotional mix

Geographical location of the market

Which of the following is a true statement about inexpensive, self-service products

Sales promotion could promote these products successfully

Evans Electronics developed a new digital music player that made them innovators in the music industry. Considering the life cycle stage of the product, the company should design a promotional mix that will

inform customers about the new product

Which of the following is an overall goal of the promotional mix:

To persuade consumers to buy

Personal selling would be a cost-effective form of promotion for which of the following products:

Laptop computer

Which element of the promotional mix is being used by a business that builds a display to show a new line of products?

Sales Promotion

VISA promotes its services on other companies' web sites.These promotions are examples of


Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, images, goods, or services is known as


Which of the following characteristics is shared by advertising and publicity:

Is impersonal

When the promotional mix for a product is affected by the path the product takes from the producer to the ultimate consumer, the mix is being influenced by the product's

distribution channel

What form of promotion is generally emphasized for complex, technical products sold to industrial users?

Personal selling

Cool Cola recently developed a new flavor of soda. The company has generated customer interest in the new product via television commercials and coupons. As a result, wholesalers and retailers are buying the new soda from Cool Cola to meet customer demand


When planning the promotional mix, a business should consider which of the following target market factors:

The type and number of customers and their location

Which of the following statements best defines the term promotional mix:

The way in which businesses combine promotional methods

Which of the following is an example of publicity:

An author appears on a talk show to discuss his/her new book

On a per contact basis, which of the following elements of the promotional mix is most expensive:

Personal selling

Should businesses rely solely on their previous promotional mixes?

No, there may be other, more successful mixes to try.

Cookie's Palace, a new boutique for children, wanted to attract more customers. The manager planned a puppet show, a new window display, and bought balloons to give to children. This is an example of

sales promotion

A magazine advertisement for cleaning supplies pictures a woman scrubbing the kitchen floor. What criticism of promotion might this illustrate?

It can create or reinforce stereotypes

How does promotion help the economy grow?

It creates jobs.

Which of the following is a specific criticism of product promotion

It does not add value to the product

Chris saw two different car advertisements�one for a Chevrolet and one for a Saturn. Each was trying to persuade him to purchase its particular brand of car. This is an example of

secondary product promotion

In what way does promotion have limited abilities?

It cannot substitute for salespeople

How does promotion benefit customers?

It educates them

Which of the following is an example of institutional promotion

A company's donation of blankets to the homeless

An advertisement for nutritional supplements features a man with a bodybuilder's physique. What criticism of promotion might this illustrate?

It can be deceptive

A company reacts to media reports that its product has been tampered with and is unsafe. This is an example of what type of institutional promotion?


Which of the following is a use of product promotion:

Informing customers about product features

Which of the following is a use of institutional promotion

Informing the public about the company's future

A television advertisement shows a person who has bad breath from not using a specific brand of toothpaste. What criticism of promotion does this illustrate?

It can play upon people's fears

Which of the following is an example of product promotion

Coupon for the purchase of Ritz crackers

Which of the following is not a criticism of promotional activities

They can be overly honest

A local grocery store announces its extended hours and plans to expand its in-store pharmacy. This is an example of what type of institutional promotion?


Which of the following is a specific criticism of institutional promotion

It may take money away from product promotion

Sarah saw two different beverage advertisements�one for the orange juice industry and one for then grape juice industry. Each was trying to persuade her to purchase its type of beverage. This is an example of

primary product promotion

Tyler is visiting an electronics store, where a salesperson is trying to convince him to buy an Apple computer. This is an example of

secondary product promotion

Which of the following is a benefit of promotional activities

They help support the mass media

A company sponsors an advertisement on local television, highlighting the importance of parents reading to their children. This is an example of what type of institutional promotion?


One of the purposes of promotion is to __________ consumers about the existence of a company or a product.


The way in which the promotional message is communicated should be

suited to the product.

Which of the following factors is most important for marketers to consider when planning promotions?


A promotion is considered to be successful if prospective customers are __________ to buy the product.


Promotion benefits customers by making them

more informed

Promotions that convince customers to buy often use incentives such as


Promotions that convince customers to buy are especially important for __________ products


Information on the back of a product label, such as money-back guarantee information, is intended to__________ the customer.


A long-range benefit that a business may derive from promoting its company image is

customer loyalty.

A business's promotion can present facts in a creative way, but it must remain


To be effective, promotional messages need to be

repeated frequently.

The end result of promotion is that information about goods, services, images, or ideas will be


Which of the following is a way that promotion benefits society and the economy:

Creates jobs

The way that business benefits directly from promotion is through

increased sales

Promotions that educate customers are especially important for __________ products.


Promotional messages should __________ the company's other promotional messages.

coordinate with

When a company uses promotion so customers will perceive it in a certain way, it is strengthening its


Businesses receive positive feedback about the effectiveness of their promotional messages when consumers

buy their products.

A characteristic of effective promotion is that it should be __________ to the intended audience.


Special interest groups often use promotion to

communicate ideas.