Chapter 5


focuses on issues such as economic growth, output of the economy (GDP), inflation rates, employment, unemployment, and interest rates

Major events that shaped Macroeconomic ideas

Great depression UE-25%, episodes of hyperinflation, budget deficits

Macroeconomic goals of the gov't

provide full employment, stimulate economic growth, and provide price stability

U.S. unemployment rate


U.S. inflation rate


Business cycles

alternating increases and decreases in economic activity

4 phases of business cycle

Peak, recession, trough, recovery


upward trend, "boom", economy is operating at its capacity


downturn, follows peak, vary in length and intensity


bottom of the cycle


expansion to another peak, vary in length and intensity

National income and product accounts

NIPA, measures economic output and national income

Department of Commerce

collects, modifies, improves, and updates the data for NIPA

Circular flow diagram

shows how businesses and households interact through the product and resource markets, households supply labor and receive wages --> Labor is used to provide goods and services -->Households then use income to buy goods from businesses, Spending=Income

Gross Domestic Product

GDP, a measure of the economy's total output and is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by resources in the U.S. in a time frame, measures final value of goods and services produced not intermediate products, the sale of used g

Calculating GDP


4 major categories of spending

personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government purchases, and net exports

Personal consumption expenditures

C", good and services purchased by residents of the U.S., goods and services divided into 3 categories

3 goods and services categories

Durable goods, nondurable goods, and services `

Durable goods

goods that last 3 yrs or more

Nondurable goods

food, socks, less than 3 yrs


ex. accountant

Gross private domestic investment

I", GPDI, spending on things like structure, equipment software, and changes in inventories, 3 categories of investment, about 11% of GDP and is very volatile

3 categories of investment

fixed nonresidential, fixed residential, changes in inventories

Fixed nonresidential

Ex. new Dillons, Hilton hotel, company buys computer, reconstruction

Fixed residential

apartments and homes

Change in inventories

a change in the physical volume of the inventory a private business owns, valued at the average prices over the period

Government purchases

the wages and salaries of gov't employees as well as the purchase of goods and services from private resources, 2 categories

Categories of government purchases

Federal, State and local


Ex. Obama's salary

State and local

Ex. building new fire station, KDOT funding new highways

Net exports

exports minus imports for the current period

Nominal GDP

unadjusted GDP, the value of final goods and services evaluated at current-year prices

Real GDP

the value of final goods and services evaluated at base year prices

Calculating real GDP

prices of base year X the quantity in current year