Chapter 10

frequency marketing

frequent-buyer or -user marketing programs that reward customers with cash, rebates, merchandise or other premiums

affinity marketing

marketing effort sponsored by an organization that solicits responses from individuals who share common interests and activities

database marketing

use os software to analyze marketing info. identifying and targeting messages toward specific groups of potential customers

external customers

people or organizations that buy or use a firm's goods or services

internal customers

employees or departments within the organization whose success depends on the work of other employees or departments

internal marketing

depends on managerial actions that enable all members of an organization to under, accept, and fulfill their respective roles in implementing a marketing strategy

employee satisfaction

critical objective of internal marketing, satisfied employees buy employer's products, tell friends, and families how good the customer service is and ultimately send powerful message to customers

customer satisfaction

knowledge of what customers want and need and expect is central concern of companies focused on building long-term relationships, vital first step in setting up system to measure

frequency marketing

frequent-buyer or -user marketing programs that reward customers with cash, rebates, merchandise, or other premiums

interactive television

can talk directly to viewers most interested in this products, skip ads, also click on full-length infomercial on any brand that captures interest

application service providers (ASPs)

assist marketers by providing software when its needed to capture, manipulate and analyze masses of consumer data

grassroots marketing

involves connective directly with existing and potential customers through nonmainstream channels; uses marketing strategies that are unconventional, nontraditional and extremely flexible

viral marketing

firms that let satisfied customers get the word out about products to other customers

buzz marketing

gathers volunteers to try products and then relies on them to talk about their experiences with friends and colleagues-"influencers

customer management relationship (CRM)

combination of strategies and tools that drives relationship programs, reorienting the entire organization to a concentrated focus on satisfying customers

customer winback

process of rejuvenating lost relationships with customers

business-to-business (B2B0 marketing

involves organization's purchase of goods and services to company operations or the productions of other products


affiliation of tow or more companies that help each other achieve common goals

buyer partnership

firm purchases goods and services from one or more providers

seller partnerships

set up long-term exchanges of goods and services in return for cash or other consideration

internal partnerships

foundation of an organization and its ability to meet its commitments to external entities

lateral partnerships

strategic alliances with other companies or with not-for-profit organizations and research alliances between for-profit firms and colleges and universities


cooperative arrangement in which two or more businesses team up to closely link their names on a single product


cooperative arrangement in which two businesses jointly market each other's products

national account selling


electronic data interchanges (EDIs)

computer-to-computer exchanges of invoices, orders and other business documents

vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

inventory in which the seller -based on existing agreement with a buyer-determines how much or a product is needed

supply chain

sequence of suppliers that contribute to the creation and delivery of a product

web services

way for companies to communicate even if they are not running the same or compatible software, hardware, databases of network platforms

collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFaR)

planning and forecasting technique involving collaborative efforts by both purchases and vendors

strategic alliances

ultimate expression of relationships marketing- partnerships formed to create a competitive advantage

lifetime value of a customer

revenues and intangible benefits such as referrals and customer feedback a customer brings to the seller over an average lifetime, less the amount the company must spend to acquire market to and service the customer