
1. Which of the following illustrates how definitions of crime for children can differ from those for adults?

-children do not have as good of a grasp on social norms
-children do not understand moral right from wrong
-adults should have this basis of knowledge

2. Which of the following best explains difference between crime and deviance?

1. deviance covers range of behaviors
- standing too close to someone �> murder
2. crime can be many things:
breaking written law, defined by enforcement, violating human rights

3. Underage drinking is _______, but because it is socially tolerated on college campuses, it is
considered to be _______.

illegal, deviant

4. Identify the example that does
illustrate a status offense.

status offenses: actions defined as illegal for some types of people but not others. (kids best example)
e.g. murder, rape, assault

5. Which is the best example for crime as a social construction?

crime as social construct:
whether the behavior is crime is negotiated between parties involved
use comm skills and power. how crime is understood by parties and public.
e.g. ray rice: video 1 (2 game sus), video 2 (sus indefinitely)

6. Which of the following is a status offense?

e.g. underage drinking/driving/smoking for kids
e.g. opposite sex bathrooms
for adults

7. Which of the following statements best describes the differences between a crime and deviance?

** explain vs describe?

8. Driving with the flow of traffic, but going 15 mph above the speed limit, is an example of what?

criminal, but not deviant behavior

9. There are various definitions of crime. If one takes a legalistic approach, then crime is:

crime as breaking written law

10. An individual commits a crime against someone, motivated in part by the individual's bias against the victim's disability. This is an example of what type of crime?

Hate crime
motivated by an offenders bias against race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, or sexuality

11. The interconnection of police, courts, and correctional facilities represent what institution?

criminal justice system

12. Which of these is
an approach to the definition of crime and deviance, according to the reading by Hagan?

legal consensus approach
socio-legal approach - how often it happens
cross-cultural approach
statistical approach
labeling approach
humans right approach
utopian-anarchist approach

13. According to Hagan's article, which one of the seven different approaches to the definition of crime and deviation stresses that a crime or a deviation is defined as such only when other members of cultural group recognize it as crime or deviation?

labeling approach: cultural consensus, society labels what is criminal and what is deviant

14. Which of the following is
part of Hagan's definition of crime?

def: crime is a kind of deviance which in turn consists of variation of social norm, that is proscribed by criminal law.
many varieties of crime and deviance that can be divided into many subcategories.

15. From whom are self-reported crime data usually collected?

wide net of people.
in-person, mail, phone, people report there own behavior.
"did you ever commit a crime?

16. Which of the following crimes is best identified by victimization surveys?

avoid police bias
assault, property crimes
crimes deemed too personal

17. How do many victimization surveys, such as the National Crime Victimization Survey, collect data?

100k randomly selected people.
Ages 12+, selected using scientific sampling methods
ask everyone, not just victims.
ever been assaulted? stolen from?etc.
info about the offender?

18. Which of the following statistics illustrates the concept of a crime "rate"?

defined as the number of crimes committed per 100000....ratio of crime in relation to population in area

19. FBI surveys of law enforcement, including numbers of arrests, known crimes, and characteristics of criminals are examples of what type of criminological data?

Uniform Crime Report

20. What is an advantage of using self-reported crime data to find accurate information about crimes?

easy to generate data
compare offenders and non-offenders
many forms of criminal behavior
lots of predictor variables
rather accurate

21. Which of the following is
an advantage of the Uniform Crime Report?

-unreported crimes (sort of)
index crimes � not reported but still know it happens
ex: arson
-focuses on street crime not as much white collar crime
-police crime / dirty cops
-police are unaware of a lot of crimes
-police inaccuratel

22. Advantages of using uniform-crime reports would

ADVANTAGES: trends over time, compare places, accurate for serious victim crimes, covers a lot of crime, easy to use

23. According to your text, the use of the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) would be most appropriate if you were interested in which of the following?

street crime, influencing policy, index crimes (rape, assault etc), and type II crimes (vandalism, drugs etc)

24. Law enforcement sometimes submits incomplete or delinquent reports. Which crime measurement survey is this most closely associated with?


25. You're interested in investigating the prevalence of marijuana smoking in your town. According to your text, which type of data collection method would be most appropriate for collecting this information?


26. Which survey method would be best for collecting data on a matter that was too personal to report to the police?


27. According to Mosher's article, The Mismeasure of Crime, what theory is survey methodology based on?

probability sampling theory
pg. 19 boundaries

28. What did we conclude about racial discrimination in the criminal justice system in class?

discrimination does not equate to inequality. everyone agrees there is inequality based on stats, but is it discrimination?
argument for discrim:
some of imprisonment differences can be explained by differences in offending
argument against discrim:
not a

29. Why do juvenile courts show more racial discrimination than adult courts?

more discretion up to judge in juvenile courts. judge decides what the penalty is instead of protocols in regular courts. this leads to racial disparity.

30. For female homicide victims, the most likely relationship between the victim and the person who killed her is:


31. Which of the following is
true about the gender difference in crime?

Men are 40% more likely to be victims of violent crimes
Men commit more crimes (75% , 25%)
Type of crime varies
Male crimes: property crimes, violent crimes
Female crimes: prostitution, runaways, embezzlement, fraud
38% of sexual violence is committed aga

32. Feminist "gender ratio" theories explaining why men commit more crime than women might consider:

every society this is the case
differential control: society gives men a lot more control then women therefore they commit more crime
oppurtunity to commit more crime
patriarchal dominance
if it's found in every society, biology of males?

33. Which of the following is the best example of feminist criminological research methodology?

qualitative research: participant-observation, ethnography's, life histories, interpretive methodologies, i.e. pathways research

34. Increases in opportunity to participate in the labor force have coincided with increases in the female crime rate. According to your text, which of the following theories best explains this?

Liberation Thesis: increased oppurtunities for women to participate in the labor force; changing self-concept and identify of women; liberation movement.
increase in illegal activity by women because women are becoming actively competitive with men.

35. According to your text, which theory would be most interested in the different occupations held by parents' to explain crime?

Power-Control Theory: family dynamics, patriarchal families, egalitarian families, social class.

36. What theory is most likely to use unequal access to education between males and females as an explanation of crime?

liberal feminism

37. What theory is most concerned with the trivialization of women's work at home?

Marxist feminist theory

38. According to Tonry, politicians in the 1980s claimed to have followed the will of the people and enacted harsh crime control policies to reduce high crime rates. According to Tonry, what is the problem with this defense?

these policies have been major contributor to declining levels of lawful employment of black males. high numbers of black men involved with USCJ is a serious impediment to achievement of welfare system. many black men are starting out with bleak life chan

39. MZ twin studies of crime have generally found that:

Monozygomatic Twin Studies:
Come from 1 egg -- identical twins
concordance rate of delinquency of twins: a count based on whether a twin pair share a certain trait (or lack there of) for crime.
MZ twins are far more similar in the trait of criminality the

40. If biological theories of crime are true, then what is true about crime?

if biological theories are true there is early potential for crime as well as early intervention of it. we would also know that criminality is passed on thru generations and is hard to change.

41. Generally speaking, which of the following statements is most true about the relationship between biological and social causes of crime?

bio can change society
----ex: antisocial, impulsive children
-----select diff situations
-----perceive situations diff
-----have others react diff
society can change bio
---ex: epigenetics, prenatal experiences, early experiences, situational effects, so

42. The term "Twinkie defense" refers to:

The murder of Harvey Milk, where the accused (Dan White) said his change of diet from healthy food to junk food created a chemical imbalance in his brain, making him not responsible for the murder

43. Studies on the relationships between adopted children and crime shows that adopted children tend to be similar to:

their biological parents

44. Which of the following characteristics or assumptions is shared by Craniometry, Phrenology, and Physiognomy?

eugenics: certain ethnic groups were inferior to others

45. Lombroso was most interested in studying which of the following?

atavism and the theory born criminals
atavism: a person or feature of an individual is a throwback to an earlier stage of evolutionary development
stigmata: physical manifestation of the atavism of an individual. 5 stigmata and the person was atavistic an

46. What is the major distinction between genotype and phenotype?

phenotype: observed manifestation of the interaction of genotypical traits with the environment. (expressed trait)
genotype: genetic code

47. Determinism is most likely to agree to which one of the following statements?

the idea that most human behavior is determined by factors beyond free will and free choice. assumes that humans do not decide how they will act rationally thinking through the costs and benefits of a situation. rather, bio, psych, and social variables de

48. Hirschi and Gottfredson claim that the age-crime curve is "invariable". By this they mean that:

crime rises in early adolescence, peaks in late adolescence, lowers in 20s, levels off and decreases with age

49. Since the 1990s, crime in the United States has declined steeply. Several theories have been proposed to explain this decline. Which of following theory is

more effective policing models
more imprisonment
better economy
decline in drug trade (crack less popular)
roe v wade: abortion 1973
fewer adolescents in late 80s, young adults in 90's
1993 = fewer violent crimes

50. When discussing the relationship between violent behavior (regardless of whether it was defined as a crime) and age, which pattern was found?

curve of activity that could be criminal and is criminal are similar in shape

51. When discussing the two age-crime curves, what patterns were found?

behavior: peaks age 2 then decreases
legal punishment: age 16-18 peak

52. Which of the following statements about age and behavior defined as criminal is most true?

Most violent individuals: 2-3 YO
society defines what behavior is "criminal"
legal punishment begins far more at 16-18

53. Which statement best summarizes Mednick et al's conclusions:

adopted kids crim traits trace back to biological parents suggesting bio factor in criminal behavior

54. Mednick et al the criminal records of adopted children and their birth parents. Which of the following is a weakness of this study?

none of the confounding variables proved sufficient to explain genetic relation

55. For Donald Black, which of these is
a factor that contributes to the official recognition of a crime?

legal seriousness of crime
preference of the complainant
relational distance b/w complainant and absentee suspect
degree of deference complainant extends to leo
race/social class of complainant

56. According to Black, police officers are most likely to make an official report in which case?

seriousness of crime

57. Which of the following characteristics of crime is typical of life-course persistent crime, as defined by Moffitt's theory of social development?

5% of population
childhood psychological problems
antisocial behavior throughout life

58. Suppose that society wanted to cut reduce levels of adolescent-limited, alcohol-related crime. Which of the following would make sense, as based on Moffitt's theory?

about 25% of population
criminal onset at puberty
biological adults, social children
ALs imitate LCPs to overcome maturity gap
stop crime when get social rights
ex: boyscout trying to buy beer

59. According to self-control theory, what is the best way to describe the relationship between social bonds and self-control?

both are formed in early childhood...weaker social bonds=weaker self control

60. Which of the following do
fit to be a criterion for Antisocial Personality Disorder diagnosis?

must be 18+ failure to conform to social norms
reckless disregard for others
consistent irresponsibility
lack of remorse
children = dishonesty and aggression
adolescence = crime, drugs, bad work/school history

61. Which of the following would moral development theory be most interested in?

happens in stages:
pre-conventional: learning right from wrong
conventional: learn to maintain family/social order
post-conventional: learning why should one be moral

62. Which of the following would the general theory of crime be most interested in?

AKA self-control theory

63. Which of the following highlights a major distinction between adolescence-limited theory and the life-course persistent theory?

life-course persistent offenders:
5% of population
childhood psychological problems
antisocial behavior through out life
adolescent-limited group:
about 25% of population
criminal onset at puberty
biological adults, social children
ALs imitate LCPs to ove

64. Life-course persistent theory would be most interested in which one of the following?

life-course persistent offenders:
5% of population
childhood psychological problems
antisocial behavior through out life

65. According Moffitt, what describes best the difference between "life-course persistent" and "adolescence-limited"?

use previous slides

66. Which of the following is true about serial killers?

3 or 4 murders
over at least several days
not $ or politically motivated
thrill motivated: sadist, dominance killer
mission oriented: rid world of evil
expedience-directed: profit or protection
-financial gain or hide another crime

67. A serial killer who targets a type of person that he considers to be evil is what type of killer?

mission oriented - want to rid world of evil or hear voices telling them to kill

68. Which two approaches (theories) of crime does Caspi's article link?

psychological and biological theories of crime

69. What do Fox and Levin suggest about mass murderers?

mass murderers: slaughter their victims in one event and tend to target people they know. for sake of revenge using an efficient weapon.

70. Which of the following is
the weakness of Rational Choice Theory related to the deterrence of crimes?

easily applied to policy
explains with-in person variation

71. A key assumption of__________ is that the decisions that offenders make are "purposive." That is, they are "deliberate acts, committed with the intention of benefiting the offender.

rational choice theory

72. Which punishment has the highest celerity?

fastest punishment ex: speeding ticket

73. In the rational choice theory, what are the three stages a person goes through when becoming involved in crime?

initiation, habituation, desistance

74. After a boxing match, a crowd begins to riot and displays violent behavior. The assumption here is that the display of violence at the boxing match spurred aggressive behavior in the crowd. Which of the following concepts does this most closely relate

does violent behavior spur more violent behavior. being exposed to violent behavior make you prone to more violent behavior. brutalization effect.

75. A town implements a policy where all convicted shoplifters are required to perform community service in bright green overalls, which say "Convicted Shoplifter". Which of the following concepts does this best describe?

formal deterrence

76. A teenager is being pressured by his peers to go to an abandoned building where they plan to jump someone from school. He considers how his parents would feel if they found out, and what would happen to his job if he got in trouble. What form of deter

informal deterrence

77. Pre-classical perspectives of crime and punishment differ from the neoclassical theory of criminology in what way?

neoclassical takes into account contextual circumstances of the individual, that allows for increase/decrease of punishment.
ex: would you punish a 12 yo first time shoplifter the same as a 35 yo repeat offender.

78. According to Clarke and Cornish, which of the following is
of the criticisms of rational choice theory

1. the defining characteristic of offenders is not rationality, but irrationality
2. some crimes are rational but many are not
3. rational choice perspective offers little that is new to criminology (Clarke & Cornish, Boundaries, 174-5)

79. How Rational Choice approach and the Perceptual Deterrence approach differ?

Perceptual Deterrance
This concept applies to an individual offender, and refers to what he or she believes the likelihood of arrest to be, and how severe he or she believes the punishment for a crime will be if caught. The perceptions of the individual a

80. Which of the following is
one Radelet and Hugo's arguments that indeed innocents have been executed.

close calls
calculation of odds
lady luck

81. Which of the following is a core assumption of social control theories?

assumes all are motivated to commit crime. attachment, commitment, belief, and involvement

82. How do elements of social bonds influence crime?

bond to society holds back our "animal" instinct to commit crime.
attachment: emotional ties
commitment: investment
belief: internalizing conventional beliefs
involvement: too busy

83. Which element of social control theory did Sampson and Laub see as missing from Hirschi's initial theoretical statement (of social control theory)?

all antisocial adults were antisocial kids
all antisocial kids are not antisocial adults
what reforms this?
social ties

84. Which of the following is
a possible explanation for the correlation between drug use and criminal behavior?

pyschopharmolocial, economically compulsive, and systematic violence

85. Which of the following statement cannot explain how drugs promote crime?

how drugs do promote crime:
economic need
altered states = lower inhibitions
broken social ties
drug trade--illegal --> violence

86. A heroine addict holds a woman at gunpoint in order to get money to buy more drugs. What model best describes this behavior?

economically compulsive violence

87. Consider someone who is pulled into a group of friends who are committing crimes and begins to commit crime with them. As discussed in your text, which control theory best describes this scenario?

differential association

88. Theories that share an emphasis on social processes as the primary reason for why individuals commit crime are defined as:

social control theories?

89. Consider the case where a teenage boy begins to experiment with drugs. His parents work full time and are frequently absent from the home. He knows that drug use is illegal, but because many of his peers are also doing it, he rationalizes it as being

low self-control theory: lack of parenting

90. What do Sampson and Laub ultimately conclude in their article "Crime and Deviance Over the Life Course"?

family , school, and neighborhood experiences may provide a sociological link to a complete life-course explanation of crime.
found that job stability and marital status are significantly linked to crime. stronger the ties lower possibility of crime/devia

91. According to Sampson et al (1990), which of the following is

focus on whole life model not just childhood or adulthood

92. According to Sampson and Laub, not all antisocial children become antisocial adults. What reforms them?

conventional social ties in adult hood
i.e. stable job / partner

93. According to Sampson, which institutions have the most social control over children?

family, school, peer groups

94. Which one of the following steps is
suggested by Howard S. Becker in his article "Becoming a Marihuana User"?

no one becomes a user without
a. learning to smoke the drug in a way which will produce real effects
b. learning to recognize the effects and connect them with drug use
c. learning to enjoy the sensations he perceives

95. What did Becker learn about marijuana users?

prior slide

96. According to Becker (1953), which of the following about marihuana use is

prior slide