Criminology Chapter 8

According to social process theories, criminal behavior is

Learned by interaction with others.

Social What theories assume everyone has the potential to violate the law.


Which of the following is not a social process theory?

Strain theory

What theory focuses on the strength of the bond people share with individuals and institutions around them.

Social control

According to differential association theory, criminal behavior is


Given the basic principles of differential association theory, which of the following situations is most likely to produce delinquency?

A juvenile's parents, with whom he is close, are drug abusers.

The idea that the behaviors of others are observed and modeled is the basis of which of Akers' primary learning mechanisms?


Rather than focusing on factors that cause criminal behavior, What theories examine factors that keep people from committing crimes.

Social control

Walter Reckless considers What containment to be fare more effective in preventing crime.


Social bond theory postulates that

crime occurs when a person's links to society are weakened or broken.

A college student who is expecting to graduate at the end of the semester considers shoplifting some textbooks from the bookstore to save cost of buying them. She decides against it because the possibility of being expelled from the university a few month


According to Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime, the key concept in explaining all forms of criminal behavior is


According to labeling theory, the major element in determining the criminality of an individual is

the reactions of society

The What deviant category in Becker's typology demonstrates the power of social definition by the lack of consequences attached to the offense.


Listing the names of drunk drivers on a billboard facing a freeway is an example of What shaming.


Which of the following is not an example of a total institution?

A university

Social process theories suggest crime prevention programs should

work to build prosocial bonds

Which of the following is a criticism of differential association theory?

It accounts only for the communication of criminal values, not their emergence.

Social development theories tend to combine various points of view, so they are frequently What theories.


Which of the following is not a question that a life course researcher would ask?

How do individuals make rational choices to commit crimes?

Elder's principle of What refers to the fact that the development impact of a succession of life transitions is contingent on when a person's life they occur.

Historical time and place

Which of the following factors would probably not enhance you social capital?

Losing a job

Which of the following is typical of a life course persistent offender?

Consistent involvement in antisocial behavior across a wide spectrum of social situations.

An offender goes through a court-ordered rehabilitation program and does not recidivate. This is an example of


Marvin Wolfgang's analysis of a birth cohort found that What percent of cohort members accounted for over 50% of all arrests.


According to the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency Program research, very young subjects ( as young as three years old) are most likely o be found on the What pathway to delinquency.

Authority conflict

Which of the following is not a major focus of social development theory- based policy?

Providing early childhood training and education to ensure the development of individual self-control.

Social development theories have been criticized for What issues.


Social process theories assume that everyone has the potential to violate the law.


According to differential association theory, the process of learning criminal behavior is substantively different from learning other forms of behavior.


According to Burgess and Akers, criminal behavior is learned according to the principles of operant conditioning.


Differential identification theory states that a role model must be an actual person.


External containments are the most effective in preventing law violations.


Delinquent behavior may enhance self-esteem.


According to Hirschi, a psychopath has an overdeveloped attachment in society.


Wikstrom's theory emphasizes the situation as the core unit of analysis.


According to labeling theory, no act is intrinsically deviant.


According to labeling theory, a negative self-image precedes delinquency.


The concept of reintegrative shamming emphasizes stigmatization and amplification of deviance.


Social process theories suggest crime prevention programs should emphasize prosocial bonds.


According to the social development perspective, development begins well after birth.


Positive turning points can reform chronic offenders.


Adolescence- limited offenders tend to fail in school and become involved in delinquency at an early age.


According to the cambridge Study in Delinquent Development, the life course patterns found in the U.S. are distinctly different from those of English delinquents.


Children who do not develop adequate verbal coping skills are more likely to commit aggressive acts.


Early intervention in delinquent behavior is suggested by social development theories.


Social development theories have been criticized for definitional issues.


The meaningful roles and activities provided for individuals by society are important What containments.


What theory has been criticized for a lack of firm empirical support.

Social development

Unlike social learning theory, social development does not see What as the primary feature of the social context in which development occurs.

Rules of communication and socialization