criminology chapter 11

___ crimes are illegal acts that are designed to undermine, challenge, or damage existing government and threaten its survival


which of the following would not be considered a political crime?

white collar

which goal of political criminals includes a plot to overthrow the existing a government and replace it with one that holds vies they find more acceptable


___ contributions are funds that are given to friends that are often contributed to a specific campaign in order to circumvent election laws


political crimes can be lumped into three categories. these include

organized, occupational, independent

___ is defined as an act of disloyalty to ones nation or state


the practice of obtaining information about a government organization or society that it considered a secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information is referred to as


___ is the illegal use of force against innocent people to achieve a political objective


guerillas are armed military bands typically located in ___ areas


who represents a popular movement and seek external support from other nations to bring pressure on the government


which form of radical political group engages in civil war to gain independence from an existing government


al-queda and hamas are examples of


what type of terrorist use violence to frighten those in power and their supporters in order to replace the existing government with regime that holds acceptable political or religious views

revolutionary terrorists

eco-terroristm is a form of ___ terrorism


what type of terrorism promotes the interests of a minority ethnic or religious group that believes it has been persecuted under majority rule and wishes to carve out its own independent homland


which type of terrorist uses unconventional military tactics like secrecy and surprise and targets civilians including women and children?


what type of terrorism occurs when repressive government regime forces its citizens into obedience oppresses minorities and stifle political dissent

state sponsored

which of the following statements is true concerning the psychological state and terrorists

mental illness is not a critical factor in explaining terrorist behavior

the ___ view of terrorism compares terror groups to urban street gangs, which provide a family-like environment that can nurture an emotionally underprivileged youth

alienation view

according to the socialization view of terrorism, what percentage of terrorists came from upper or middle class backgrounds


political crime

illegal acts that are designed to undermine challenge or damage an existing government and threaten its survival

HUMAN rights

those personal social and economic rights and freedoms that should belong to all people

conduit contributions

funds given to friends or family members that are then contributed to a specific campaign in order to circumvent election laws

election fraud

illegal interference with the process of an election


an act of disloyalty to ones nation or state


obtaining info about a government, organization, or society that is considered sacred or confidential without permission

state political crme

political crime that arises from the efforts of the state to either m maintain governmental power or to uphold the race, class, and gender advantages of those who support the governemnt.


causing severe pain or suffering to obtain a confession or information

ticking bomb scenario

it is ok to torture people in times of extreme crisis, getting info on a bomb that is going to go off and kill a bunch of people


the illegal use of force against innocent people to achieve a political objective

terror cells

division of terrorist group affiliates


armed military bands, that use hit and run terror tactics to destabilize the existing government


confront the existing government for control of all or a protion of its territory

reign of terror

origin of the term terrorism

revolutionary terrorists

use violence to frighten those in power and their supporters in order to replace the existing government with a regime that holds acceptable political or religious view

political terrorists

directed at people or groups who oppose the terrorists political ideology or whom the terrorists define as outsiders who must be destroyed

nationalist terrorism

groups whose actions promote the interests of a minority ethnic or religious grip that has been persecuted under majority rule, independent homeland

retributive terrorists

use violence as method of influence, persuasion or intimidation in order to achieve a particular aim or objective

state sponsored terorism

carried out by repressive government regime in order to force its citizens into obedience oppress minorities and stifle political dissent


networks are loosely organized groups located in different parts of the city, state, world, that share a common theme or purpose

director of national intelligence

government official charged with coordinating data from the nations primary intelligence gathering agencies

department of homeland security

preventing terrorists attacks within the us

usa patriot act

gives law enforcement agencies a freer hand to investigate and apprehend suspected terrorists

psychological view

typical terrorist suffers fro psychological deficits

economic vview

lack of economic opportunity and recessionary economies are positively correlated with terrorism

alienation view

join group to belong somewhere, broken family

socialization view

they do not lack education and are not poor, they need education in order to perform terrorism in todays world

ideological view

they have extreme ideological views about a government that makes them hate them


its not right, its not fair, its your fault, you're evil