criminology-chapter 10

white collar crime

violations of the criminal law comitted by persons of respectability and high social status in the course of their occupation

occupational crime

any act punishable by law that is committed through opportunity created in the course of an occupation that is legal

corporate crime

a violation of a criminal statue either by a corporate entity or by its executives, employees, or agents acting on behalf of and for the benefit of the corporation, partnership or other form of business entity

corporate fraud

a term that refers to accounting schemees, self dealing by corporate executives and obstruction of justice as well as insider trading, kickbacks and misuse of corporate property for personal gain

securities and commoditites fraud

a term that refers to crimes such as stock market manipulation high yield investment fraud, advance fee fraud hedge fun fraud, commodities fraud, foreign exchange fraud and broker embezzelement

ponzi scheme

a form of high yield investment fraud that ueses money collected from new investors, rather than profits fromthe purported underlying business venture, to pay high rates of return promised to earlier investors

money laundering

the process of converting illegally earned assets, originating as cash, to one or more alternative forms to conceal such incriminating factors as illegal origin and true ownership

environmental crime

a violation of the criminal law that, although typically committed by business or business officials, may also be committed by other people or organizational entitites and that damages some protected or otherwise significant aspect of the natural environm

corporate fraud task force

a us dept of justice organization created under the administration of george W. Bush to investigate corporate fraud

sarbanes-oxley act

a 2002 federal law that set stiff penalties for corporate wrongdoers

financial fraud enforcemennt task force

an organization created under the obama administration in 2009 to combat financial fraud, including false claims made under various federal economic stimulus legislation

organized crime

the unawful activities of the members of a highly organized, disciplinied association engaged in supplying illegal goods and services, including gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, narcotics and labor-racketeering


another name for sicilian organized crime or la cosa nostra

La Costa Nostra

literally our thing. a ciminal organization of sicilian origin, also called the Mafia, The Outfit, the Mob, the sydicate, or simply the organization

ethnic succession

the continuing process whereby one imigrant or ethnic group succeeds another by assuming its position in society

Criminal enterprise

a group of individuals with an identifiable hiearchy and exensive supporting netweorks, engaged in significant criminal activity

transnational organized crime

unlawful activity undertaken and supported by organized criminal groups operating across national boundaries

racketeer influenced and corupt organizations (Rico) act

a statute that was part of the federal organized crime control act of 1970 and is inended to combat criminal conspiracies

asset forfeiture

The authorized seizure of money, neotiable instruments, securities or other things of value

define the causes of white-collar crime

white collar crimanals have many of the same motivations as do other criminals and criminologists generally agree that white-colar crime,like ohter crime is learned.

Summarize the efforts to curtail white-collar crime

white collar crimes are often difficult to investigate and prosecute

outline the history and activities of organized crime

much of what most americans traditionally think of today as organized crime-sometimes called the mafia or la Cosa Nostra-has roots that predate the establishment of the US and extend to secret societies that have flourished in Italy for hundreds of years

explain criminal enterprise and identify some of the more important criminal gans operating in the US

a criminal enterprise is a group of individuals with an identifiable hiearchy and extensive supporting networks , engaged in significant criminal activity

explain transnational organized crime

transnational organized crime refers to unlawful activity undertaken and supported by organized criminal groups operating across national boundaries

summarize the efforts, including federal legislation , aimed at curtailing organized crime

The 1st federal legislation aimed specifically at curtailing the activities of organized crime was the Hobs act, which encompassed a series of statuttes that were passed beginning in 1946

describe what can be done to comat organized crime

organized crime is an integral part of the social , political, and economic systems in our society.