Last Criminology Test

Political crime" is distinguished from other types of crime based on:

ideological motivation

The Gestapo and KGB are examples of

Secret police

Which of the following is true of research on terrorism?

Crimes committed against government are more often studied than crimes committed by government, due to the availability of funding

Cointelpro was an FBI counterintelligence program that

harass and disrupt legitimate political activity

According to Clarke's typology, assassins who possess an overwhelming and aggressive need
for acceptance, recognition, and status, are identified as


According to Clarke's typology, assassins who have documented histories of organic
psychosis are identified as:


MICE is an acronym for the motives of


According to Hagan's typology, which of the following refers to spies who are motivated by
monetary gain


According to Hagan's typology, which of the following refers to spies who are motivated by
psychological fulfillment


Which of the following types of terrorism is consistent with acts "which are committed for
ideological or political motives, but which are not part of a concerted campaign to capture
control of the state"?

Limited political terrorism

Acts that are similar to terrorism, but that lack its ideological motivation, would be classified
as which of the following?


Which of the following is consistent with Laqueur's conclusions regarding terrorism?

Most terrorists come from affluent backgrounds

Prior to World War II, most terrorism consisted of:

Assassinations of government officials

The United States had provided support to past atrocities in Guatemala due primarily to:

Fear of communism

Counterterrorism measures include all but which of the following?


The Nuremburg Principle supports the view that:

one should disobey unjust laws when morality calls for it.

A government that engages in the mass destruction or annihilation of its population is guilty


The theoretical explanation that helps us to understand political offenders as being socialized
into their belief system by similarly minded individuals is:

Differential association theory

Under the definition of organized crime, most federal and state laws end up including any
group crime of a conspiratorial nature that includes which of the following types of criminal

All of above

Which of the following were identified as sources of information on organized crime?

All of the above

Which of the following basic types of organized crime refers to crimes committed by groups
for direct personal profit, crimes that prey on unwilling victims, such as juvenile and adult
criminal gangs who engage in larceny, burglary, and robbery?

Mercenary (predatory)

Which of the following basic types of organized crime refers to crime by guerilla and
terrorist groups and various militant social movements that use violence, such as the KKK?


Which of the following organized crime groups has a single boss, divisions reporting to the
center, with a strong internal system of discipline?

Rigid hierarchy

Which of the following organized crime groups is an association of groups with a single
governing body, varying from an umbrella-type body to flexible oversight arrangements?

Hierarchical conglomerate

Which of the following refers to the infiltration of unions to use their influence for personal


Which of the following theories argues that organized crime and normal business are similar
activities on different ends of a spectrum of legitimacy?


The Cressey Model is also known as which of the following theories?

conspiracy theory

Which of the following were identified as drug control strategies?

All of the above

_________ are essential strategic tools of organized crime.


Most public order crimes

would be considered mala prohibita

The proposal that unintended disorderly behavior can also signal that nobody cares about the
community, leading to more serious disorder and crime, is known as:

Broken windows theory

Which of the following is not true regarding prostitution?

Prostitution appears to be a problem unique to capitalist societies

In prostitution, which of the following is associated with the highest amount of prestige?

Call girls

Which theory is best associated with Public Order offenses?

Labeling theory

Which of the following made it necessary to obtain a doctor's prescription in order to legally
possess narcotics and cocaine?

The Harrison Act

Which of the following refers to the attainment of sexual gratification by invading the
privacy of another by viewing him or her unclad or in a sexual situation?


The "noble experiment" and "great illusion" were both terms used to refer to ______


The "Opium Wars" were fought

by Chinese who objected to Europeans trafficking in opium in the 1800s

______ refers to the process of lessening the penalties attached to particular offenses.


Which of the following refers to the purposive public exposure of private sexual parts, in order to elicit shock in unsuspecting victims?


Which of the following terms did Howard Becker use to refer to individuals who personally benefit from convincing the public to label the behavior of others as deviant or criminal?

Moral entrepreneurs

Which of the following refers to the process in which a previously peripheral issue is pushed onto the social agenda and perceived as a major social menace?

Moral panic:

Supernow's typology of cybercrime includes all of the following except?

ALL THESE ARE CORRECT: Insider crime - Malicious hacking- Online pedophiles

Which of the following entails a cracker stealing password, account, or credit card


Which of the following creates a false (shadow) version of a website that is controlled by the


According to the authors, which of the following can be used to tackle crime in the 21st

Electronic tagging, DNA analysis, and retina or fingerprint recognition systems

Biometric information will include all of the following except?


Which of the following typologies of crimes refers to crossing boundaries into other people's


Which of the following attacks on computer systems involves overwhelming an e-mail system
with an enormous amount of mail?

E-mail bombs

_____ are computer programs that perform a task, such as printing a message or
destroying data, on a certain date.

Time bombs (logic bombs)