Intro to Criminology Final Exam

1. The field that attempts to define, explain, and predict criminal behavior is known as:


2. Prohibition had the intended goal of forbidding alcohol consumption to reduce
substance abuse. This intended goal is an example of:

A manifest function of the law

3. According to French sociologist Auguste Comte, the last stage of the progression of knowledge is:


4. Most of the modern-day developments in criminology have taken place in which country?

United States

5. Behavior that is outside the range of normal societal toleration is best described as:


6. As society becomes increasingly complex and heterogeneous, which of the following is typically true of society's efforts to maintain order?

Society becomes increasingly reliant on formal, codified laws.

7. The primary source of official crime statistics in the United States is the annual _____ published by the FBI.


8. The crime _____ is the actual number of reported crimes standardized by some unit of the population.


9. Which of the following is commonly used to refer to the number of crimes that are committed, but which never come to official attention?

the dark figure of crime

10. Which of the following sources of data includes detailed information on criminal incidents, including location, time, and presence of weapon?


11. A criminologist wants to gain an in-depth understanding of the subculture of a street gang in a particular city. Which of the following methods would be the most appropriate method for obtaining such an understanding?

engaging in an ethnography

12. While there is not complete consensus, in defining who should be considered "criminal," criminologists most strongly agree that the term should be used for which of the following?

Long-term recidivists who have repeatedly been found guilty

13. While crime was rising in the 1960s in the United States, crime was decreasing in Japan. This observation is significant because:

It discredited the assumption that modernization inevitably produces increased criminality.

Crime Rates are difficult to compare cross nationally due

Different definitions of crime, quality of date, ideological differences

15. According to the International Crime Victimization Survey, the rate of violent crime in the United States is:

Higher than the rates in both canada and western europe

16. Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between age and crime?

Both property and violent crime rates peak early in life, and then decline significantly with age

Which of the following crimes tend to increase with age?

White collar crime

18. The "age/crime" debate refers to the debate surrounding:

Whether maturing out of crime is a phenomenon true of all offenders and all types of crime

19. Occurs when a person does something that incites another person to commit an illegal act.

Victim provocation

20. For youth, _____ is common after victimization from their peers, such as being bullied.


Females have an overreaching fear of

sexual assault

22. Not all victims are eligible for compensation from the crime victims' fund. Victims of which of the following crimes are not eligible?

Vechicle theft

23. An individual is shot while trying to break into a home. This is an example of:

victim provocation

24. The person known as the "father of victimology" was:


Theory is best descirbed as:

Useful for making sense of otherwise isolcated, seemingly random facts

26. The view that criminal behavior is ultimately driven by supernatural forces is known as:


27. "Women accused of witchcraft were tied up and thrown in the water. If they survived, they were innocent." This type of practice is known as:

Trial by ordeal

28. The earliest theories of crime causation were:


29. Beccaria's work can be summarized as arguing that:

The punishment should fit the crime

30. Jeremy Bentham advocated for "the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number." The term that refers to this approach is:


31. The use of empirical (quantitative) or scientific investigation for the improvement of society is most characteristic of:


Positivist criminology is largely centered on

Empirical research

The most important figure in biological positivism was

Cesare Lombroso

34. Which of the following refers to the study of the size and shape of the skull to determine a person's intelligence and personality?


35. Enrico Ferri's saturation theory of crime refers to the idea that:

Crime expands to fit the amount of control machinery assigned to it

36. The movement to control degenerates through sterilization, euthanasia, and cutbacks in welfare is known as the:

Eugenics movement

37. Which somatotype did Sheldon (1940) propose was linked to criminal behavior?


38. Which term did �mile Durkheim coin to refer to normlessness within society?


39. A particular student wants to do well in school but never seems to be able to earn higher than a D. In pursuit of academic success, the student begins to cheat on exams. This is most consistent with which form of adaptation in Merton's theory of anomi


40. Even though Johnny realizes that he will never reach the economic and occupational success of which he once dreamed, he continues to go to work each day and diligently complete the tasks assigned to him. This is most consistent with which form of adap


41. Which of the following theorists is credited with general strain theory, in which it was
acknowledged that strain can result from a variety of negative relationships or experiences?

Robert Agnew

42. Someone who supports anomie theory as an explanation for crime would suggest which policy?

Policies to create greater opportunites

43. According to Cloward and Ohlin, "double-failures" enter which type of criminal subculture?


44. Generally speaking, anomie theories focus on crime as the result of:

Lack of legitimate opportunities

45. Which of the following is characteristic of mainstream criminology?

A consensus worldview

46. Which of the following is characteristic of conflict criminology?

A willingness to question the exisiting social order

47. Labeling theory is based on which concept?

Sybmolic interaction

48. Which of the following terms is used by labeling theory to refer to an agent or official who is concerned with creating and labeling new categories of deviance?

Moral entreprenur

49. In labeling theory, "secondary deviance" is used to refer to crimes that:

Occur as a result of an individual having been caught and labeled

50. Which of the following is a valid critique of labeling theory?

Pays inadequate attention to the causes of the initial deviant art

51. W. E. B. Du Bois is often overlooked for his contributions to which area of thought?

Conflict criminology

52. A disgruntled employee opened fire at his job, killing two of his coworkers; he then proceeded directly home to kill his wife and child. This individual is best identified as a:

Spree murderer

53. An upset student opens fire in a school cafeteria, killing 18 of his classmates. This student is best identified as a:

Mass murderer

Which of the following crimes is usually sexual in nature?

Serial murder

Most murders

result from aggravated assault

56. The "terrible triad" is considered predictive of which type of crime?

Serial murder

57. Which of the following refers to the victim's role in his or her own victimization?

victim precipitation

58. Offenders who commit "crimes of passion" would be identified as which of the following?

Situationally violent offenders

59. Which of the following is the most common type of shoplifter?


60. Which of the following types of shoplifters supplement their legitimate income by stealing?

Shadow professional

61. Which of the following is the most common form of vandalism?

Wanton vandalism

62. A group of youths paint swastikas on the door of a synagogue. This would be classified as which of the following?

Vindictive vandalism

63. "Known burglars" are called such because they:

Are weak enough in their trade to be known to police

64. Which crime makes up the largest category of the UCR crime index?


65. A former employee sets fire to his former bosses home. This is an example of:

Revenge arson

66. Which of the following criminologists is credited with first drawing attention to white-collar crime within the social sciences?

Edwin Sutherland

67. A retail employee overcharges a customer for an item and then pockets the difference. This practice is best identified as a(an):

Occupational crime

68. A company knowingly allows an unsafe product to be sold, because it is anticipated to result in a greater profit than pulling the product from the market. This would qualify as:

Corporate Crime

Embezzelement classifies as which of the following

Occipational Crime

70. Which of the following is true regarding occupational, organizational, and corporate crime in the United States?

These types of crimes have a much greater economic impact than street crimes

71. Which of the following forbids the formation of monopolies?

Sherman Anti Trust Act

Which of the following is true regarding regulatory agencies in the United States?

They often lack sufficient investigative staff

73. "Political crime" is distinguished from other types of crime based on:

Ideological motivation

74. One primary weakness of international law is:

The difficulty of enforcing such laws

75. The Gestapo and KGB are examples of:

Secret police

76. Which of the following is true of research on terrorism?

Crimes committed against government are more often studied than crimes committed by government, due to the availability of funding.

Sexual mutilation is an example of:

Patriarchal crime

78. Cointelpro was an FBI counterintelligence program that:

Harassed and disrupted legitimate political activity

79. According to Clarke's typology, assassins who possess an overwhelming and aggressive need for acceptance, recognition, and status, are identified as:


80. The Ku Klux Klan is an example of which of the following groups?

Political social organized crime

81. The Hell's Angels are an example of which of the following groups?

In group oriented organized crime

82. According to Klein, which of the following is true regarding street gangs?

Los Angeles gangs do not franchise drug distribtion to the rest of the country

83. According to Hagedorn's typology, which of the following types of gang members view illegal drug sales as their career?

New Jacks

84. According to Hagedorn's typology, African American and Latino adult gang members tend to be which of the following?


85. Which of the following is a term primarily used to refer to Japanese organized crime syndicates?


86. According to Ianni, which of the following phrases describes organized crime as a means of upward mobility where such mobility would otherwise not be possible?

Queer ladder of mobility

Most public order crimes:

Would be considered mala prohibita

88. The proposal that unintended disorderly behavior can also signal that nobody cares about the community, leading to more serious disorder and crime, is known as:

Broken window theory

89. Which of the following is not true regarding prostitution?

Prostitution appears to be a problem unique to capitalist societies

90. In prostitution, which of the following is associated with the highest amount of prestige?

Call girls

91. One of the biggest trends in prostitution has been a movement from the streets to the:


92. Which of the following became a common setting for commercial sex in North America in the 1970s?

Massage parlors

93. Which of the following is used to refer to the customers of prostitution?


94. _______ attempts to identify future developments (trends or events that might influence crime).

Environment scanning

95. _______ refers to crime that is committed using a computer.


96. People who illegally reproduce and use software and subsequently cost manufacturers billions of dollars a year in lost revenue are called:

Software pirates

97. Which of the following is not one of Wall's (2001) typology of cybercrime?


98. It is estimated that _______ percent of computer crimes are committed by "insiders" or employees.


99. In 2006, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center found that _______ was the most popular reported offense.

Internet action fraud

100. ______ are procedures that ask a panel of experts to predict the future.

Police Futurist International