Criminology: The Core Chapter 6


When members of the lower-class are unable to achieve symbols of success via conventional means they feel anger, frustration, and resentment

Status Frustration

Because social conditions prevent them from achieving success legitimately, lower-class youths experience this form of culture conflict

Cultural Deviance Theory

Combines elements of strain and social disorganization theories


A lack of norms or clear social standards. because of rapidly shifting moral values, the individual has few guides to what is socially acceptable.

Social Disorganization Theory

Focuses on the urban conditions, such as high unemployment and school dropout rates, to explain crime.

Cultural Transmission

When subcultural values are handed down from one generation to the next.

Negative Affective States

The anger, frustration and adverse emotions associated with destructive social relationships.

Social Ecology

This school of criminologists associate crime rates and the need for police services to community deterioration.

Strain Theory

Conflict between people's goals and means

A Culture of Poverty

Crushing lifestyle of lower-class areas is thought to produce this and is passed on from one generation to the next.

The result of ineffective community social control efforts

Increase in Crime

Social Structure Theory

Believe the root cause of crime can be directly traced to socioeconomic disadvantages that have become embedded in American society.

Collective Efficacy

The social control exerted by cohesive communities that is based on mutual trust.

Transitional Neighborhood

A neighborhood wracked by extreme poverty and suffering high rates of population turnover.

Relative Deprivation

The idea that anger and mistrust result from perceptions of inequality that lead lower-class people to feel deprived and embittered in comparison with those more affluent.

General Strain Theory

The view that multiple sources of strain interact with an individual's emotional traits and responses to produce criminality.

Concentration Effect

As working- and middle-class families flee inner-city poverty-ridden areas, the most disadvantaged population is consolidated in urban ghettos.

American Dream

Defines both a goal and process to accumulate goods and wealth in the United States.

Social Classes

Segments of the population whose members have a relatively similar portion of desirable belongings, and who share attitudes, values and norms.

Focal Concerns

Values, such as toughness and street smarts, that have evolved specifically to fit conditions in lower-class environments

Middle-Class Measuring Rods

The standards by which authority figures, such as teachers and employers, evaluate lower-class youngsters and often prejudge them negatively

Reactive Formation

Irrational hostility by young delinquents who adopt norms directly opposed to middle-class goals and standards.

Delinquent Subcultures

A value system adopted by lower-class youths that is directly opposed to that of the larger society.

Negative Affective States

Anger, frustration, and adverse emotions produced by a variety of sources of strain.

Differential Opportunity

The view that lower-class youths, whose legitimate opportunities are limited, join gangs and pursue criminal careers as alternative means to achieve universal success goals.