Criminology Test Thursday

Which of the following is not one of the basic principles of the pluralistic perspective?

The law serves all people equally.

Which conflict theory is mainly deconstructionist?

Postmodern Criminology

Which is not a component of the Balanced and Restorative Justice Model?


Which of the following is a characteristic of restorative justice?

Victims are central to the process of resolving a crime.

Donald Black argues that conflict increases with the speed and intensity of

social time

The primary method used by convict criminologist is based in


The __________ perspective holds that although different viewpoints exist, most individuals agree on the usefulness of the law as a formal means of dispute resolution.


Austin Turk and many other conflict criminologists see crime as

a natural consequence of intergroup struggles over control.

According to the conflict perspective, the fundamental nature of group conflict centers on

the exercise of political power

Which of the following is not a major contribution made by feminist scholarship and practice to criminological thinking?

An emphasis on the application of semiotics to the concept of crime

Stuart Henry and Dragan Milovanovic are known for their development of __________ criminology.


A demand for the elimination of the traditional divisions of power and labor between the sexes would probably come from a __________ feminist.


Which of the following crime control policies probably would not be supported by a left realist?

mandatory minimum sentences

In general, the main policy implication of social conflict theory is

bring about social change and redistribute the wealth in society, and crime rates will fall

According to Chambliss and Seidman, the __________ a group's political or economic position, the __________ the probability that its views will be reflected in laws.


__________ criminology suggests that social control agencies and citizens should work together to alleviate social problems and human suffering and thus reduce crime.


A peace model is based on


The major goal of _________ is to achieve a just and orderly society through a practical emphasis on social justice.

left realism

__________ criminologists argue that the only effective way to reduce conflict in society is to replace the existing capitalist system in the U.S. with a socialist economic structure.


Richard Quinney suggests that the problem of crime will be solved only by the creation of

a socialist society

__________ criminology consists of a proactive call for change in the social conditions leading to crime, whereas __________ criminology is a way of critiquing social relationships leading to crime.

radical; critical

According to Karl Marx, the __________ are the exploited working class who are without power.


According to Ralf Dahrendorf, constructive change increases __________within society.


The prototype convict criminologist is

john irwin

Dispute resolution centers are based on

participatory justice

In which way are male and female robbers similar?

economic incentives are the primary motivation for both male and female robbers

In 2009, President Obama added crimes motivated by ___________ to the list of federal hate crimes.

a bias against a person's sexual orientation

Which of the following is a personal robbery?

a robbery on the street

__________ assault occurs when a victim of intimate personal violence attempts to leave a violent relationship.


The _______ perspective on rape assumes that rape is the result of idiosyncratic mental disease.


The most common workplace violence incident is a(n)


The female serial killers who killed on the orders of Charles Manson were examples of __________ killers.


Hate crimes are most commonly committed by

white males

__________ refers to how robbers who target drug dealers devote a significant amount of resources to minimize the likelihood of coming into contact with their victims after the crime.

hyper vigilance

Which of the following is a mission-oriented serial killer?

an offender who kills victims he believe to be evil

Among adults, acquaintance rape usually occurs

in the context of a dating relationship

According to Groth's typology of pedophiles, __________ are adult pedophiles who engaged in planned sexual acts with children and whose behavior is not necessarily influenced by drugs or alcohol.

fixated offenders

__________ are conditions, usually situational, which increase the likelihood of a violent outburst but are not necessary to produce that response.


The primary theoretical perspective used to explain the fact that victims and offenders who are intimately known to each other are disproportionately represented in homicide statistics is the

subculture of violence thesis

Which of the following is not one of the types of behaviors encompassed in child sexual abuse?

an adult engages in nonsexual activity with a minor

The transit workers with the greatest risk of robbery are

taxi drivers

The majority of street robbers target

individuals involved in lawbreaking

Health care workers are at particular risk of which type of workplace violence?

violence directed at employees by customers or clients

Which of the following is an example of a nonprimary homicide?

none of these are non-primary homicides

Premeditated murder is

first-degree murder

A stalker who sees the victim as a soul mate is probably a(n) __________ stalker.

intimacy seeking

Which of the following is not part of Russell's typology of men who rape their wives?

Husbands who do not desire nonconsensual sex with their wives

The most likely felony to result in a homicide is


The majority of robbers are


Which of the following is a characteristic of female robbers?

They frequently rob females in a physical confrontational manner.

Property crimes are often investigated from the perspective of __________ theories.

rational choice

The majority of individuals involved in arson are


Which of the following is not one of the main ways residential burglars generally select their targets?

they make a spur of the moment selection

Which of the following is not included in the BJS definition of identity theft?

the misuse of cash obtained through fraudulent means

The 1998 Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act

made identity theft a federal crime

A(n) ___________ receiver is most likely to be used by high-level burglars.


According to Alfred Blumstein, the __________ period is not one of the three distinct phases of a criminal career in property offending.


According to UCR and NIBRS data, most burglaries involve ________ entry.


According to Neil Shover, ___________ criminals commit crime with some degree of skill and earn reasonably well from their crimes.


__________ receivers generally buy stolen property on a small scale, primarily for personal use.


Which of the following is most likely to be a low-level burglary?

A juvenile who commits crimes impulsively, usually works with others, and is easily deterred by security devices such as alarms

Which of the following is not a motivation for motor vehicle theft?

revenge against the vehicle's owner

Malcolm Kline used the term __________ to refer to the heterogeneous and unplanned nature of offending found among gang members.

cafeteria-style offending

A fence commits the crime of

receiving stolen property

A fence specializes in stolen video games, which he integrates into the legitimate inventory in the video game store he operates. This makes him a _________ fence.

fully covered

The primary motivation for the crime of joyriding is


Which of the following is not one of the major property crimes, according to the FBI?


During the __________ period of a property offender's criminal career, rehabilitation efforts are most likely to fail.


Which of the following vehicles is not included in the UCR's definition of motor vehicle theft?


Children between the ages of 8 and 12 mainly start fires

due to underlying psychosocial conflicts

Which of the following statements about professional auto theft is false?

Professionals are a significant part of the vehicle theft problem.

Changes in the rates of robbery and burglary in the U.S. in the 1980s have been linked to

an increased demand for crack cocaine

One of the best ways to address both shoplifting and employee theft is through


Which of the following is not one of the crucial defining characteristics of a professional fence identified by to Darrell Steffensmeier?

a professional fence has access to large amounts of ready cash

Most employee theft of cash or merchandise is committed by _________ employees.


____________ fraud is any fraud connected with communications media.


The _________ Act was passed to prevent the development of trusts and monopolies in restraint of trade.


Criminal enterprises originating from the former Soviet Union are part of __________ criminal enterprises.


Currently, the concept of white-collar crime focuses on the

nature of the crime

__________ acted as a quasi-police organization in the Italian ghetto areas of American cities during the industrial era.

the mafia

Which of the following is an example of a nontraditional Asian criminal enterprise?

chinese tongs

The single most important piece of federal legislation that specifically targets organized crime activities is


__________ has been called the biggest white-collar crime in history.

The 1980s savings and loan disaster

Edwin Sutherland applied elements of ________ theory to white-collar crime.

differential association

__________ criminology is the study of environmental harm, crime, law, regulation, victimization, and justice.


The obstruction of justice conviction of the accounting firm of Arthur Anderson is an example of __________ crime.


Legalizing or decriminalizing illegal drugs falls into which of Howard Abadinsky's approaches to controlling organized crime?

decreasing opportunity for organized criminal activity

The 2001 _________ Act gives the SEC the authority to bar dishonest corporate directors and officers from ever again serving in positions of corporate responsibility.


The rapid development of African criminal enterprises since the 1980s is due to

advances in communications technology

Martha Stewart was implicated in the insider trading scandal involving


Which of the following is an example of corporate fraud?

insider trading

Which of the following activities to control organized crime would fall into Howard Abadinsky's category of reducing the economic lure of involvement?

educational programs and job-training initiatives

According to Gary Green's typology of occupational crime, __________ occupational crimes benefit the employing agency.


The expansion of organized crime and their focus on official corruption was due to which event?


A physician who bills Medicare for blood tests that are never actually performed is involved in __________ occupational crime.


Unlawful activity undertaken and supported by organized criminal groups operating across national boundaries is known as __________ organized crime.


To what exactly did the concept of white-collar crime originally refer?

crimes committed by persons of high social status using their occupational positions for illegal gain

_________ fraud includes stock market manipulation, Ponzi schemes, and hedge fund fraud.

securities and commodities

The first federal legislation aimed specifically at curtailing organized crime activities was the __________ Act.


According to John Braithwaite, the central explanatory variable in all criminal activity, including white-collar crime, is
