Criminology Unit 2 Exam (Ch. 6-8)


________ theories suggest that crime is the result of class struggle.

the idea that American society emphasizes common success goals without providing equal access to the means of obtaining them

Merton's strain theory stresses ________.


Which of the following is NOT one of Miller's focal concerns?

denying injury

A shoplifter who claims she is not really a criminal because "no one really got hurt" and "the shop can afford it" is employing the ________ technique of neutralization.


________ culture conflict occurs when smaller cultures within the primary one clash.

Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay

The concentric zone model was applied to the study of juvenile delinquency by whom?


According to Merton, which of the following is the mode of adaptation that typifies most middle- and upper-class individuals?

3; 25
3; 50
5; 50
5; 75

Sherman's research found that ________ percent of places in Minneapolis generated ________ percent of all calls to the police.

social disenfranchisement

Social structure theories see ________ as a fundamental cause of crime.

Conduct norms

________ are expectations for human behavior within a social group.


Early ecological theories of crime were collectively referred to as the ________ School of criminology.

inconsistencies in the ability to achieve the American Dream

According to relative deprivation theory, ________ can be blamed for most crime.


The social pathology model was used by early social ________ theorists.

social process

________ theories suggest that crime is the end product of factors such as inappropriate socialization and social learning.

Robert K. Merton

The classic statement of strain theory was developed by ________.


According to Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory of crime, the key concept in explaining all forms of criminal behavior is

a product of the social environment.

According to learning theory, criminal behavior is

Travis Hirschi

Social bond theory was popularized by

crime occurs when a person's links to society are weakened or broken, thus reducing the likelihood of conformity.

Social bond theory postulates that

Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi

The general theory of crime was proposed by

created by society

According to Becker, deviance is


TRUE OR FALSE: According to differential association, the principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups.

There is no difference between learning criminal and noncriminal behavior.

According to differential association theory, how does learning criminal behavior differ from learning other types of behavior?


__________ containment to be far more effective in preventing crime.

strain theory

Which of the following theories is not a social process theory?

Howard Kaplan

The theory of delinquency that emphasizes self-esteem was developed by

learned in interaction with others

According to social process theories, criminal behavior is


According to Sutherland, the process of learning criminal behavior is substantively different from learning other forms of behavior.

Edwin Sutherland.

Differential association theory was developed by

Charles R. Tittle

Control balance theory was proposed by

Radical; critical

__________ criminology consists of a proactive call for change in the social conditions leading to crime, whereas __________ criminology is a way of critiquing social relationships leading to crime.


__________ feminism sees men as controlling the law and women defined as subjects.


Ralf Dahrendorf suggested that class conflicts arose over power and

Victim retribution

Which of the following is not a component of the Balanced and Restorative Justice Model?

An emphasis on increasing funding for the construction of new prisons

Which of the following probably would not be expected of a modern radical criminologist?


TRUE OR FALSE: The conflict perspective suggests that social groups hold to similar definitions of right and wrong.

Elliott Currie.

The view that market societies breed high levels of violent crime was proposed by


TRUE OR FALSE: The conflict perspective sees laws as a tool of the disenfranchised.


_________ justice is based on restoration rather than on punishment.

the exercise of political power.
socially significant differences.
None of these

According to the conflict perspective, the fundamental nature of group conflict centers on


TRUE OR FALSE: According to Karl Marx, there are two fundamental social classes within any capitalist society.


TRUE OR FALSE: According to Willem Bonger, in capitalist societies, individuals who have power are routinely subject to the criminal law.

a natural consequence of intergroup struggles over control.

Austin Turk and many other conflict criminologists see crime as


According to Marx and Engels, __________ would inevitably replace capitalism.


_________ criminology suggests that social control agencies and citizens should work together to alleviate social problems and human suffering and thus reduce crime.