
According to the power point, rapists do not all share the same characteristics, but the following many exhibit which of the following:

Deviant sexual arousal, interests or preferences that can be so strong that they drive the deviant behavior
Having sexual contact with others against their will or consent
Inflicting pain or humiliation on others

Which of the following agencies is responsible for the publication of the UCR?


According to Robert Merton's theory of anomie/strain, strain is caused by a discrepancy between societal goals and the means available to achieve them.


According to the correlation between age and crime, crime increases with age, meaning, as an individual's age increases into the 20s, 30s, and so forth, the propensity to commit crime increases.


Which of the following sources of data collects information directly from crime victims


According to Hirschi's social bonds theory, individuals are predisposed towards engaging in delinquency and they must be controlled from engaging in such behavior.


According to your textbook, to reduce crime, policies should focus exclusively on the offender without considering any related social issues.


Which of the following is correct. Most contemporary criminology researchers believe that crime is a result of

a blend of biology or psychology and the environment

Which of the following is NOT a social bond (as noted by Hirschi)


The basic principles of the modern Western judicial and legal system are found in the:

Classical School

Jeremy Bentham advocated for "the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number." The term that refers to this approach is:


Deterrence theory is related to which school(s) of thought?


High levels of crime appear to be associated with high rates of income inequality.


Beccaria's work can be summarized as arguing that:

The punishment should be swift, sure and certain, and should fit the crime

A particular crime is punishable by 5 years in prison; this crime is most likely:


The use of empirical (quantitative) or scientific investigation for the improvement of society is most characteristic of:


The "Chicago School" is associated with which of the following?

Urban Ecology

In addition to compiling formal crime statistics from police departments, the UCR gathers data from crime victims.


The early writings of this man, including his famous essay, On Crimes and Punishments, led to the reform of criminal law in Western Europe


Which theorist developed a theory which stated that criminal behavior is learned and individuals become predisposed towards criminality because of an excess of contacts that advocate criminal behavior.


The view that criminal behavior is ultimately driven by supernatural forces is known as:


Present-day biological theories of crime universally reject the influence of environment on criminal behavior.


Twinkie Defense

the claim that sugar consumption can serve as a causal agent in crime

Which of the following is commonly used to refer to the number of crimes that are committed, but which never come to official attention?

the dark figure of crime

The field that attempts to define, explain, and predict criminal behavior is known as:


The argument that drug laws are a tool for the wealthy to control the dangerous classes is consistent with the:

Conflict View of Crime

This does not cause or prevent crime but rather reflects one's social class, location of residence, and exposure to criminal or delinquent opportunities:

NOT: Family

One of the strongest contemporary explanations of the observed connection between IQ and crime points to _______ as the source of the relationship.

School Stress/Failure at School

Definitions of deviance are relative to the time, place, and person(s) making the evaluation.


According to the Reckless's containment theory, "containments" refer to social controls that prevent criminality.


Cesare Lombroso developed the biological theory of crime.


Even though Johnny realizes that he will never reach the economic and occupational success of which he once dreamed, he continues to go to work each day and diligently complete the tasks assigned to him. This is most consistent with which form of adaptati

NOT: Conformity

Famed sociologist �mile Durkheim argued that crime is normal. By this, he meant that:

Crime is a predictable product of, and in some ways a useful element of, the structure of society.

Which of the following pairs of criminologists is most strongly associated with helping us understand crime over the life course?

NOT: Gottfredson and Hirschi

Which term did �mile Durkheim coin to refer to normlessness within society?


The idea that delinquents exist "in a limbo between convention and crime" is consistent with which of the following theories?

Drift Theory

Criminology is considered a sub-discipline of:


Which theorist/s developed the delinquency and drift theory


An individual is shot while trying to break into a home. This is an example of:

NOT: Victim Precipitation

Of the following demographic variables, which is the best predictor of criminality?


One weakness of Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory is that he failed to account for the fact that not all associations are equal in intensity, frequency, duration, and priority


The theory that criminals are born as such, and that they are "throwbacks" to an earlier and more primitive evolutionary period, is known as:


An individual commits a crime because he has "nothing better to do with his time." This indicates a lack of which of the following social bonds?


Which of the following is considered the most important social institution in regard to socializing children?


As society becomes increasingly complex and heterogeneous, which of the following is typically true of society's efforts to maintain order?

Society becomes increasingly reliant on formal, codified laws.

Routine Activities Theory contains three factors. Select the one below that is not one of the factors described in Routine Activities Theory.

Witnesses are will to testify

Which of the following sources of data includes detailed information on criminal incidents, including location, time, and presence of weapon?


Behavior that is outside the range of normal societal toleration is best described as:


The primary source of official crime statistics in the United States is the annual _______ .


Twin studies" are performed to:

Investigate the extent of influence that environmental and genetic factors have on crime