Criminology comprehensive final

Selecting a group of individuals, that represent a larger group, to research is known as


Positivist criminology is the application of _________ to the study for human behavior.

the scientific method

Criminology uses scientific methods to study the _____ of criminal behavior.


The main concept of classical criminology was that criminals achieve pleasure while

avoiding pain

The Chicago School believed that crime was a result of

high poverty environment

Criminology uses scientific methods to study the _____ of criminal behavior.

all of the above

Class struggles between the rich and poor are the belief of which criminological view?


Which view of crime suggests that crimes are behaviors that all elements of society believe are bad or repugnant?


In reference to the difference between a deviant and a criminal, a person that regularly drives over the speed limit would be defined as a


The study of corrections and the control of criminal offenders is known as


Traffic violations are included in part I offenses in the Uniform Crime Reports.


The UCR report collects crime data based on

police reports

Which of the following factors has the most influence on crime rates?

age of the perpetrator

Which of the following data collection methods is used to determine victimization rates?


Which of the following crimes is the most underreported according to the NCVS report?


Crime rises in the summer months mainly due to

teenagers being out of school

Handguns are more likely to be used in which crime?


Self-report surveys show

number of criminals is greater than UCR data reports

Females commit more crimes than males and are more likely to be the victims of crime


What type of crime is committed to vent rage or frustration?


According to the UCR reports, crime rates have dropped consistently over the past decade. If that is the case why do many people sometimes feel unsafe, or believe crime is on the rise? What makes us believe that crime is on the rise or prevalent, when it

About once a year when the UCR is released there is a little blurb on the new regarding the decrease in overall crime rates, but that it is. Most of the media outlets do not take the time to analyze the report and/or are more interested in reporting about

Females are usually victimized by a stranger


What is the approximate annual cost of crime per citizen in the United States?


Which of the following have the lowest victimization rates?

widows & widowers

Victim risk decreases after the age of


Which area is likely to experience the lowest rate of victimization?

rural area

According to the NCVS, most less serious crimes occur

during the daytime

Renters are more vulnerable to crime than homeowners.


What did Menachem Amir suggest about female victims in 1971 that has led to a great amount of controversy?

dressing provocatively contributes to rape victimization

Victims of crime are less likely to commit crime because they know how crime victims feel.


The victimization of a woman who becomes a target of intimate violence due to her increasing job status, is referred to as:

passive precipitation

In our country we have a criminal justice system, which serves the purpose to ensure the rights of the suspect/criminal are not violated and they are presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, on the way to forming our CJ system we forgot about the v

Although it seems criminals are treated more fairly than most would deem necessary, by receiving medical care, meals, and free transportation for court proceedings, there seems to be improvement towards victim's rights. I believe there needs to be a balan

The majority of crime is committed by a small group of chronic offenders.


John robs a store and is later arrested. In his statement to police he says that he commited the robbery because he needed to pay his child support. What type of crime is this?


Which of the following groups would provide information for the UCR report


A research project that studied 1,000 of the same boys from 1st grade until 12th grade, and noted their criminal behavior would be which type of research?


Choosing crime or lawful solutions based on fear of punishment was the main point of the ________ theory.

classical criminology

Murder is a

deviant & criminal act

Criminology is

use of the scientific method to study the nature, extent, cause & control of criminal behavior

The crime rate in the UCR is based on the rate per ________ people.


Which contemporary theory did the classical criminology theory evolve into?

rational choice

The definition of crime according to the consensus view is

crimes are behaviors that all elements of society consider bad

Lombroso was noted for his belief that

criminals are born

A crime becomes a deviant act when it is deemed socially harmful or dangerous.


The victim's role in a crime has taken on greater importance in recent years.


Some problems with the UCR data are

It only measures a small number of offenses
only the most serious crime in group of crimes is reported
Police departments are not required to submit reports

let the punishment fit the crime

classical criminology

born criminals biological determinsm

positivist criminology

bad neighborhoods poverty = crime

sociological criminology

every criminal learned his trade from another criminal

socialization views

class conflict due to a capitalist society = crime

conflict criminology

Some problems with the NCVS data are

over-reporting due to misunderstanding the questions
under-reporting due to embarrassment

Self-report studies are popular mainly due to

the assurance of anonymity & confidentiality

If the social elite of Griffin, GA joined forces to outlaw riding motorcycles on all city streets, reflecting their opinion of bad vs. good, it would follow which view of crime?


The American legal system is based on the German legal system.


If a judge gives a convicted burglar a 5 year sentence in Griffin, then 2 weeks later gives a burglar in Fayetteville the same sentence, it is know as


Criminal law evolves due to

economic conditions
technology and

If a researcher decided to use US Census Data to locate a wealthy neighborhood, then used UCR data from that neighborhood to determine the factor that wealth had on the crime rate it would be an example of which type of research?

record data analysis

I randomly selected 20 students from Southern Crescent and asked 10 of them to watch a violent movie, and then asked the remaining 10 to watch a non-violent movie. Their responses were studied to see if the violent movie produced more aggression. Which ty

experimental data

Most crime occurs during

warm months

The number of traffic offenses can be determined for a particular area by viewing the UCR data.


Self-report surveys find that the number of people that violate the law is _______ than the UCR reports.


Robberies are more likely to occur around which holiday?


________ people account for most of the criminals.


Research has shown that each person in society commits an equal share of crimes throughout their lifetime.


Females are usually victimized by a __________, while males are usually victimized by a ________.
stranger, friend

friend, stranger

Females are ____ times more likely to be victim's of sexual assault.


Violent crimes are more likely to take place in a private home vs. a public area.


Victims who have something an offender wants is more likely to be the victim of another crime due to

target gratifibility

The costs of crime victimization include

medical costs
damage to property

The term used to describe the fact that victims of abuse are more likely to commit crime themselves is

cycle of violence

The theory that victims initiate confrontations that lead to their injury or death is the

victim precipitation

According to the victim precipitation theory, which type of precipitation occurs if a victim starts a fight in which they later get killed?


Which theory of victimization would be applied to a college student that stays out late, drinks, and uses drugs, then is a victim of a crime ?

lifestyle theory

People living in poor, densely populated transient neighborhoods are more likely to be crime victims according to which theory of victimization?

deviant place

A victim of a crime does not have the right to make a victim impact statement before the criminal is sentenced.


Every state has their own set of legal rights for victims of crime


Victim service programs provide support by

providing compensation for medical costs
preparing victims for court testimony
crisis intervention
victim- offender reconciliation programs

Females are more likely to be victims of crime than males.


Less serious crimes, like theft, are more likely to occur during the day.


Victim risk diminishes rapidly after age ____ .


The three strikes law was developed in an attempt to stop what type of offenders?


Counselors that prepare victims and witnesses for court are known as

victim advocates

Which of the following is the core element of general deterrence theory and punishment?


The view that criminal sanctions should be so powerful that offenders will never repeat their criminal acts is referred to as:

specific deterrence

Research has proven the death penalty is a deterrent to crime.


What time of day do most burglars prefer to burglarize a home?


Rational choice theory says that criminals consider the risks of breaking the law before committing their crimes.


Removable car radios are an example of

target reduction

According to rational choice, crime can only be controlled by

swift punishment

Which term describes when the efforts to prevent one crime unintentionally prevent another crime?


The finding that executions increase the likelihood of murders is called

brutalization effect

Edgework is

integrating danger, skill & risk

Can one be genetically predisposed to commit a crime and/or be a criminal? If you are born with the genetic predisposition, does it mean you will be more likely to be a criminal, or can you "cure that disease"? Are a criminal's traits more likely genetic

I personally believe environment has more influence over an individual's likelihood to commit a crime. Having the negative environment makes it conducive for criminal behavior. Individuals living in a crime filled environment are desensitized and see crim

The two major categories of trait theory are

biological & psychologial

Studies with identical twins show crime is not genetic


A person who experiences hallucinations and illogical thought processes is likely suffering from


The view that all humans are born with the same proportional potential to learn and achieve is referred to as


Which infamous killer was originally believed to have an abnormal XYY chromosomal structure, which later was revealed to be incorrect?

Richard Speck

Cheater theory suggests that a subpopulation of men has evolved with genes that incline them toward

extremely low parental involvement

Which term did Freud use to refer to the pleasure principle of a person's unconscious biological drives?


The research on the association of sugar and violence has been supported by the majority of research studies on chemical influences on behavior.


Social learning theory suggests that people learn to act aggressively by modeling their behavior after the violent acts of adults


IQ and crime are directly related.


Compare the rational choice theory and the trait theory. In your opinion which one do you think is more valid (likely to be true) and why.

The Rational Choice theory is when someone makes a conscious decision by weighing the negatives versus the positives before their action. Is it worth the risk is what the person is trying to decide. The trait theory is when someone has a genetic predispos

If we know that criminals are mainly a small group of repeat offenders that commit crimes over and over again, how can you explain aging out of crime?

There can be an aging out of crime factor occur due to the feeling of guilt for the offenses that comes with responsibility and age. There are incentives such as relationships and wanting to have a successful career which might deter the criminal from com

Why do you think males commit more crimes than females?

I believe men are genetically more aggressive. I believe that culture and society shapes our behaviors. Men have historically been more violent. I have always thought that men don't know how to express their anger and it comes out in an explosive manner.

Based on your experience and education do you think it is possible to be genetically predisposed to be a criminal?

I believe that with good environmental factors in place that someone that is genetically predisposed has a better chance of not committing a crime. I believe this due to my brother in law and sister in law and the adoption of their son. He is genetically

Do you believe the rational choice theory is a valid theory? Why or Why not?

The rational choice theory is valid to me because we all have free will. Determining if the risks outweigh the benefits can be a big factor in determining if someone will commit a crime. It depends on the individuals mental and cognitive ability to proces

Do you agree or disagree with the Three Strikes Law? Explain

I agree with the law. I think that person has had a second chance. The third indicates that they didn't learn from their mistakes so they have to pay the price for their actions.

Do you think victim's of crime should receive monetary damages from victim compensation programs to repay the costs insued due to their victimization?

Yes, I do believe the victim deserves compensation. There is a significant amount of damage depending on what happened to the victim. Money won't fix their problems, but will assist them with their recovery and healing.

Do you think it is possible for a victim of a crime to cause or precipitate that crime?
Why or Why not? Explain in detail

Yes, I do if a woman for instance tells a man to hit her then she needs to be prepared for what happens next. I do believe some people can put themselves in a bad situation due to carelessness and bad choices. I don't justify what happens to the victim pe

Do you think there is a correlation between IQ and crime?
Why or Why not? Explain in detail

Yes, I do believe a lower IQ has a direct correlation to crime. Studies have shown that those with lower IQ's performed poorly in school. Having this failure led to delinquency and later to being a criminal as an adult. Not being intelligent enough can le

Studies show that children that are adopted are more likely to be criminals if their biological parents are criminals, rather than if their adoptive parents are criminals. Why do you think genetics or nature plays more of a role in criminality than nurtur

The children are more likely to be criminals due to inherited traits according to numerous studies. To me it is a combination of nature and nurture. I believe that having that trait is a precursor. I believe the individual if given a better environment mi

According to the theory of anomie, which social adaptation mode is most likely to produce criminal behavior?


Which area of the concentric zones of Chicago did Shaw and McKay suggest has the lowest crime rates?

zones farthest from the city

Which stage of life does poverty seem to affect people the most?


Social disorganization theory suggests that as immigrants moved into neighborhoods that social control mechanisms became stronger and more formalized.


Cohen refers to the standards set by authority figures as middle-class measuring rods


Which term is used to describe a portion of the population that is cut off from the rest of society?


The main focus of social disorganization theory is:

urban conditions

The main focus of strain theory is:

ability to obtain societal goals

The lifestyle in lower-class areas, including the mistrust of institutions, produces a ______________________ that is passed from generation to generation.

culture of poverty

Which of the following is one of Miller's focal concerns?


Katz described immediate benefits to criminality as

seductions of crime

Rational choice theorists view crime as

offense & offender-specific

Which of the following is not one of the typical four crime prevention strategies used today.

increase sentences for youthful offenders

A local police department set up 24-hour surveillance in a crime riddled neighborhood and the drug trade in that neighborhood essentially disappeared. However, in the adjacent neighborhood drug trade increased 80%. What type of crime prevention would this


What term would be used to describe a scenario where a business set up a security camera in their parking lot to reduce crime and the other businesses in the same area also saw a reduction in crime?


The excitement of successfully committing illegal acts in dangerous situations is referred to as


The concept behind the rational choice theory is "let the punishment fit the crime".


A robber that chooses to rob a bank a considerable distance from their home during rush hour traffic would be an example of a criminal employing the rational choice theory.


Studies have shown that the death penalty considerably reduces the amount of crime in the US.


Which of the following is not a reason why capital punishment likely fails.

murder is often a crime of passion
executions are conducted in private settings
it is not used frequently

When criminals repeat their criminal behavior over and over again it is called


Drug use is believed to be a crime of choice by the rational choice theorists due to all but which of the following?

research has shown a genetic predisposition to drug abuse

The two major categories of trait theory are _________ and ___________ .

biological and psychological

The trait theory states there is a single trait responsible for crime.


What theory suggests that a subpopulation of males has evolved with genes inclined toward extremely low parental involvement?


Adopted children are more likely to be criminals if ....

their biological parent is a criminal

Studies done on identical and fraternal twins did not support the genetic theory of crime.


IQ and crime are directly related.


Research data has shown that a significant number of delinquent boys have

criminal fathers

Diet, such as one that contains a large amount of sugar, are causes of criminal behavior in the ___________ perspective.


When a person incorporates the moral standards of family, community and friends into their personality it is called the ....


People who fear losing control of their personality are psychotic.



criminals are ID dominated, carry residue of childhood attachments

Behavior Theory

People learn aggression through life experiences

Cognitive Theory

how people perceive the world and solve problems

Personality Crime

extroverts and introverts

Intelligence crime

nature vs. nuture theory

social classes are created by the unequal distribution of


Which theory would the following statement be an example of: "Most criminals are not calculating and evil, they are poor and desperate." ?

social structure

rational choice

A person observes a home for several days, noticing the times, the occupants come and go, presence of pets and if there is an alarm system. They enter the homes of the morning they know no one is home

trait theory

a child grows up in a home where he continuously sees his father get arrested and spend time in jail, when he becomes a teenager he follows in dads footsteps

social structure theory

a person lives in the most disadvantaged area in town and has limited access to education or material goods.

Research shows that poverty during adolescence and adulthood has more of an impact on criminal behavior than poverty during childhood


social disorganziation theory focuses on all but which of the following?


The Chicago School study showed that crime is more likely to occur ...

in inner-city transitional neighborhoods where no one stays around too long

In reference to collective efficacy, what would the social control exhibited by schools, churches and businesses be labelled ?

Institutional social control

Which theory has the view that crime is a function of lower class frustration and anger?

strain theory

According to the Theory of Anomie, people adapt in many ways socially to deal with the presures of social environments. Which of these adaptation methods is most closely associated with criminal behavior?


When a person believes they have been humiliated or victimized by society and therefore has the right to victimize someone else in retaliation this is an example of which theory?

relative deprivation theory

According to the cultural deviance theory children are more likely to join one of three types of gangs. Which of the following is not one of the those types?


The "college boy" can be defined as the deviant that engages in petty theft or status offenses.


Which of the following is not one of Freud's personality structure?


Local police have developed a plan to eliminate crime in a neighborhood that has been burgarlized 10 times in the past 2 weeks. They plan on increasing patrols in the neighborhood, encouraging homeowners to purchase alarm systems and increase the amount o

situational crime prevention

The three strikes law stems from the belief that the _____________ theory will prevent the most amount of future crime.


The major premise of the _________ theory is that criminals suffer from some type of brain impairment.


The _________ theory deals primarily with mental disorders and states that personalities developed in childhood, influences behavior for the rest of a person's life.


Which of the following is not one of the principle sources by which our behavior is believed to be modeled?

jail/prison population

The theory that focuses on individual reasoning and states how we process information leads to criminal behavior is the _________ theory.


Introverts are more likely to be offenders of crime because they often keep to themselves and have few friends.


When people in a community develop a mistrust of all oustide institutions (such as police and schools) they withdraw from community life, which in turn increases crime. This belief falls under the __________ theory.

social disorganization

____________ reject both the goals and means of society.


There are a variety of sources of strain and crime is caused when one does not have the proper coping mechanisms.

General Strain Theory

People have all the same goals in society, but some lack the means to attain them.

Anomie Theory

Lower class people see that other classes are living better and become bitter.

Relative deprivation theory

People have more desire to obtain material goods that achieve long term goals.

Institutional anomie theory

The social process theory states that ANYONE can become a criminal regardless of various factors. Can anyone become a criminal, or are criminals only those that possess certain traits (whether they are genetic, social, class etc)? Why or why not? Explain?

Yes, social process theory does state that anyone can become a criminal regardless of various factors, however free will and motive I believe play a major role. I believe that anyone has the potential to become a criminal due to circumstance, and can be s

What did research findings suggest about the significance of religion in deterring delinquent behavior?

religion has a significant negative impact on crime

Which has the greatest impact on teaching people criminal behavior?

intimate social companions

What is a weakness of the differential association theory?

it fails to account for the origins of delinquent behavior

What is the term used to describe people that engage in both criminal and conventional behavior at the same time?


Neutralizing a deviant act by suggesting it was for the betterment of other and views themselves as a hero, follow which neutralization technique?

appeal to higher loyalties

Which social bond is illustrated by membership in school activities, social clubs, and religious groups?


According to the labeling theory, who defines criminal and deviant acts?

moral entrepreneurs

Vandalism directed at a disliked teacher based on the notion that the teacher deserved it is illustrative of neutralization based on condemnation of the condemners.


Primary deviance defines crimes that come to the attention of others and apply a long term negative label.


___________ is a moral sense that makes a person incapable of hurting others or violating social norms.


According to the conflict theory crime is defined by

those in power

Left realists argue that crime victims in _________ need & deserve protection.

all social classes

Which of the following is not a social conflict theory?

social control theory

Critical criminologists suggest that crime can be controlled by

improving social & economic conditions

Instrumental Theorists believe it is essential for them to do what with law and justice?

unmask & demystify it

Which event in US history caused the conflict view to emerge as a solid theory.

Vietnam war

__________ is when the effect of goods produced by the working class, makes the business owners more money, allowing the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.

surplus value

Which type of system do Critical feminists believe devalued women's work


As people are thrust outside of the economic and social mainstream, they become ___________ according to conflict theorists.


Life course theories view criminality as a static process throughout a person's life, meaning that people do not change, rather experiences do.


What two crucial turning points were identified in the early research that enables offenders to desist from crime?

career & marriage

According to life course theory, the best predictor of future criminality is:

past criminality

Which pathway to crime would be indicative of a person exhibiting stubborn behavior at an early age?

authority conflict

What did the research of the Glueck's suggest about children who are antisocial in early life?

they are more likely to be persistent offenders

Which types of crime do theorists suggest the self-control theory can explain?

all varieties of crime

How does latent trait theory explain offenders ageing-out of crime?

they have fewer opportunities

Life course theorists recognize that career criminals may travel more than one pathway


What does the social development model (SDM) suggest will insulate children from criminogenic influences?

commitment & attachment to conventional beliefs

People who suffer from a cluster of problems such as substance abuse, smoking, and suicidal thoughts are likely to be experiencing:

problem behavior syndrome

What is the one basic concept shared by the Social process theories?

All people, regardless of race, class, or gender have potential to be criminals

All of the following family factors are associated with deliquency except

a supportive parent-child relationship

Children who succeed in school are more likely to become criminals


Social learning theorists believe that crime is a product of learning ______ associated with criminal behavior.


Which of the following is not a principle of the differential association theory?

Criminals move between conventional and criminal behavior

The social learning theory suggests that ...

people learn techniques and attitudes of crime from their friends

The belief that human behavior is controlled through close relationships with institutions and individuals is associated with which theory?

social control

According to the differential association theory contact with friends has the greatest impact on criminal behavior.


When criminals neutralize crime by saying the crime victim had it coming , it is an example of

denial of the victim

Which is not one of the techniques of the neutralization theory?

accept responsibility

One of the main criticisms of the learning theories are that they fail to explain the important roles of family and friends.


According to the social control theory people will not commit crime if they have the following

self control and commitment to conformity

Which of the following is not one of the social bonds?


The statement that crimes such as murder or assault are only bad because people label them as such would be stated by which theory?

social reaction theory

Calling someone an ex-con or reassessing of a person s past to fit a current label is called

retrospective reading

If a person commits a crime but is never caught or punished for that crime that would be an example of...

primary deviance

Ties that bind people to society are

social bonds

When a person is arrested and pays the price for the crime, but is stigmatized by society that is an example of...


According to the conflict view crime is defined by

those in power

Critical criminologists see crime as a function of the __________ mode of production.


Which of the following is not a social conflict theory?

social control theory

Left realists believe that crime victims in _______ need & deserve protection

all classes

The ability of people to control the behavior of others is


According to critical theorists true crimes are murder and robbery.


Which term describes the effect of goods produced by the working classes which leads to an increasing capitalist base for the business owners?

surplus value

Which argument do some criminologists use to dispute Marxist conflict theory in regard to crime rates?

some highly capitalist countries have low crime rates

Which type of system do critical feminists believe devalued the work of women as capitalism emerged?


What do conflict theorist argue explains the fact that females commit fewer crimes than males?

double marginality

The term doing gender refers to women that perform criminal acts in retaliation for exploitation by males.


Sentencing circle is a term associated with judges that work together to formulate groups to keep the lower classes exploited by the powerful and rich.


According to this branch of critical criminology, the wealthy may or may not commit just as many crimes as the poor, but the poor are arrested more and punished more severely.


marginalization is when

workers are replaced by machines and forced to work for lower wages

Left Realism

street criminals prey on poor, crime is function under deprivation under capitalist system

Critical feminist theory

irls are controlled more closely than boys, based on class position and family function

Power-control theory

Patriarchy is created by the capitalist system, causes women to be oppressed

Postmodern Theory

Language controls the meaning of the law

Peacemaking Theory

The peacemaking theory states that you must end suffering to end crime. You have to deal with the cause of the suffering first in order to reduce crime.

A family where sons are granted more freedom than daughters would be described as ...


According to the latent trait view, the ______ to commit crime is stable.


Theorists trace the root cause of poor self-control to ...

inadequate child-rearing practices

Developmental theories include _______ theories

latent trait and life course theories

The theory that states people have a personal trait at birth that controls their inclination toward crime is ...

latent trait theory

Life course theory views criminality as a dynamic process influenced by

individual characteristics,
traits, and social experiences

Which of the following is not one of the multiple pathways to crime?


Criminals who begin their career with minor underhanded behavior and then engage in more serious forms of crime are following the ________ pathway to crime.


The best predictor is future criminality is past criminality.


If a career criminal gets married it is likely that he will stop engaging in crime.


The two most critical turning points in criminal behavior are...

pro-social bonds to conventional institutions, activities, and beliefs prevent criminal behavior

Your book and the power point notes list 8 main causes of violence. Of those 8 causes, which one is the MAIN cause of violence and why? Explain in detail.

Researching the causes of violence, the conditions that produce violence the most would be people with a history of child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and dysfunctional families. Out of the eight main causes Ineffective families would be the

When violence is directed toward strangers to improve the financial or social position of the criminal, it is referred to as:

instrumental violence

Which practice during the Middle Ages illustrates how feudal law linked women with property?

heiress stealing

Research shows that the majority of rape is motivated and attributed to:


Which term is used to describe a belief that men are socialized to be sexually aggressive?

virility mystitque

Which type of law has been developed to protect women from being questioned about their sexual past?

shield law

Which type of murder requires intent, such as heat of passion, but not malice in the killing of another person(s)?

voluntary manslaughter

Which of the following is the most common type of serial murderer?

thrill killers

Most rape occurs during the cold weather, due to offenders feeling closed in and a need to express themselves.


Battery requires no actual touching, whereas assault must involve offensive touching.


An estimated 30 percent of serial killers are women.


Is criminal profiling is an acceptable investigative tool? Why or Why not?

Profiling is an acceptable investigative tool. It is acceptable because it helps isolate certain things to help with the investigation. If the investigation is too broad, it takes away the focus. Honing in on certain criteria will help with the investigat

What was the main suggestion about the Derrick Todd Lee profile that turned out to be incorrect?

The main suggestion about the Derrick Todd Lee profile was that the killer would be Caucasian (white). The fact that Derrick Todd Lee was African American made him less likely to be a suspect. Although early on he was a person of interest, further action

Why should investigators be careful not to marry themselves to a profile?

The reason investigators should not marry themselves to a profile is because key elements can be overlooked. Like with the Lee case, he was African American, and profilers were looking for a Caucasian male because most serial killers are Caucasian. Althou

Where is the only place that you can become trained to be a profiler? How do you get that training?

Your Answer:
The only place that you can receive training to be a profiler is through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). You will first need an undergraduate degree in a field like psychology, sociology or criminology. Concentrating focus on foren

Why is profiling considered an art and not a science?

Profiling is considered an art due it being based strictly on opinion. Profiling like art is like an idea but doesn't have a physical existence. Different perspectives can give different views like art. Science is based on factual information that can be

Are criminal profiles allowed in court? Why or why not?

Criminal profiles are not allowed in court due to the inconsistencies and mostly based on the opinion of the profiler. Criminal profiling is seen as more detrimental than empirical. Court relies on evidence that can be proven.

How did criminal profiling begin at the FBI?

Howard Teten, that taught Criminology introduced the concept to the FBI. He and Patrick Mullany tested the approach and it showed where profiling could be beneficial in cases. They showed you could tell what kind of person you were looking for by what was

Explain the difference between a trophy and a souvenir?
Which of these did Derrick Todd Lee take from his victims?

A trophy is like a shrine. Serial killers enjoy seeing what they have done. They are proud of the deviant acts they committed. The trophy represents their accomplishment. A souvenir is a cherished momento, it can extend the fantasy and have them reliving

Why is obtaining a victimology important for completing a criminal profile?

Victimology is essential due to it will help see if there is a pattern or characteristics with the victims. For instance hair color, ethnicity, and age. It will help to see the similarity or differences to see if you are dealing with one or more perpetrat

How did the Lee case end up being solved? Do you think the profile helped or harmed the solvability of the case?

The Lee case was solved due to a combination of DNA evidence from the victims, a psychological profile, and a police sketch from the only known survivor of Lee as well as a description of Lee's car. There was additional evidence because Lee had submitted

Property crimes (Chapter 11) are often viewed as less serious crimes than crimes against people (Chapter 10). Many people tend to dismiss property crimes because no one gets physically hurt. However, property crimes are serious and tend to increase the co

Property crimes should be taken seriously because of the emotional trauma it can leave behind for the victim. Victims have a tendency to feel violated, have anger, feel helpless and have fear. The victims go through stages that is similar to grief. The ca

Which auto theft prevention device/method has been the most effective in reducing auto thefts?

LoJack systems

A type of theft in which the victim is involved in a get-rich scheme and often too embarrassed to call police is referred to as a:

confidence game

Which type of commercial property is most likely to be burglarized?

retail stores

Who sets the most arson fires?


Burglary is the most common property crime in the United States.


About 10 percent of total retail sales are lost to shoplifters in the United States.


Most states consider burglary in the nighttime a more serious crime than daytime burglary.


Selling a chair that is fraudulently misrepresented as an antique, is an example of embezzlement.


Which term did Edwin Lemert use to refer to the majority of check forgers?


Which of the following is illustrative of a target removal strategy to prevent retail shoplifting?

disabled display models

The main focus of strain theory is:

ability to obtain societal goals