
the scientific study of the nature. extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior


involving two or more academic fields

criminal justice

system made up of the agencies of social control, such as police departments, the courts and correctional institutions that handle criminal offenders

criminological enterprise

the various subareas included within the scholarly discipline of criminology, which taken as a whole, defined the field of study

valid measure

a measure that actually measures what it purports to measure; a measure that is factual

white collar crim

illegal acts that capitalize on a person's status in the marketplace. may include theft, embezzlement, fraud, market manipulation, restraint of trade, and false advertising


subarea of criminology that focuses on the correction and control of criminal defenders.


treatment of criminal offenders that is aimed at preventing future criminal behavior

capital punishment

the execution of criminal offenders; the death penalty

mandatory sentences

a statuatory requirement that a certain penalty shall be carried out in all cases of conviction for a specified offense or a series of offenses


the study of the victim's role in criminal events

criminal statistics

gathering valid crim data. devising new research methods; measuring crime patters and trends

sociology of law/law and society/socio-legal studies

determining the origin of law. measuring the forces that can change laws and society

theory contruction

predicting individual behavior. understanding the cause of crime rates and trends

criminal behavior systems

determining the nature and cause of specific crime patters. Studying violence, theft, organized crime, white-collar crime and public order crimes


the view that people's behavior is motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain

classical criminology

theoretical perspective suggesting that people have free will to choose criminal or conventional behaviors and people chose to commit crime for reasons of green or personal need and crime can be controlled by fear


the branch of social science that uses the scientific method of the natural sciences and suggests that human behavior is a product of social, biological, psychological or economic forces

scientific method

the use of verifiable principles and procedures for the systematic acquisition of knowledge. typically involves formulating a problem, creating a hypothesis and collecting data, through observation and experiment, to verify the hypothesis

biosocial theory

approach to criminology that focuses on the interaction between biological and social factors as they are related to crime


a lack of norms or clear social standards. because of rapidly shifting moral values, the individual has few guide to what is socially accpetable

sociological criminology

approach to criminology, based on the work of quetelet and durkheim, that focuses on the relationship between social factors and crime

chicago school

group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between environmental conditions and crime


is influenced by key social processes

conflict theory

the view that human behavior is shaped by interpersonal conflict and that those who maintain social power will use it to further their own ends

critical criminology

the view that crime is a producet of the capitalist system

devleopmental theory

the view that criminality is a dynamic process, influenced by social experiences as well as individual characteristics

rational choice theory

the view that crime is a function of a decision making process in which the would be offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act

trait theory

the view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits

social structure theory

the view that disadvantaged economic class position is primary cause of crime

social process theory

the view that criminality is a function of people's interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society


behavior that departs from the social norm but is not necessarily criminal

classical/choice perspective

situational forces. crime is a function of free will and personal choice. punishment is a deterrent to crime

biological/psychological perspective

internal forces. crime is a function of chemical, neurological, genetic, personality, intelligence or mental traits

structural perspective

ecological forces. crim rates are a function of neighborhood conditions, cultural forces and norm conflict

process perspective

socialization forces. crime is a function of upbringing, learning, and control. Peers, parents, and teachers influence behavior

conflict perspective

economic and political forces. crime is a function of competition for limited resources and power. class conflict produces crime

developmental perspective

multiple forces. biological, social-psychological, economic, and political forces may combine to produce crime

critical criminologists

members of a france of criminology that focuses on the oppression of the poor, women, and minorities, thereby linking class conflict, sexism and racism to crime rates. exam how those who hold political and economic power shape the law to uphold their self interests


an act, deemed socially harmful or dangerous, that is specifically defined, prohibited and punished under the criminal law


having criminal penalties reduced rather than eliminated

appellate court

court that reviews trial court procedures to determine whether they have complied with accepted rules and constitutional doctrines

consensus view

the belief that the majority of citizens in a society share common values and agree on what behaviors should be defined as criminal

criminal law

the written code that defines crimes and their punishments

conflict view

the belief that criminal behavior is defined by those in power in such a way as to protect and advance their own self interest

interactionist view

the belief that those with social power are able to impose their values on society as a whole and these vaults then define criminal behavior

code of hammurabie

the first written criminal code, developed in babylonia 2000B.C

mosaic code

laws of the ancient israelites found in the old testament of the judeo christian bible


a serious offense that carries a penalty of imprisonment, usually for one year or more, and my entail loss of political rights


a minor crime usually punished by a short jail term and/or a fine