Criminology Exam 2 - Positivism

History of Positivism

Classical School had empirical issues; economic and societal changes
Industrial revolutions
Unsatisfied with classical explanation

Foundations of Positivism

Empirical scientific investigation for the improvement of society"
Scientific Neutrality
Pathology - Criminals are different in a negative way
Consensus Model, humans are inherently social


Largest difference of classical school
People are born a certain way
As Positivism has evolved, it has become less of this


Criminals are like cavemen
Based on genetic material and characteristics
"Genetic throwback"
Phyiscal features


William Sheldon (1940s)
Body typing
Body is linked to:
Life expectancy
Endomorphic, Mesomorphic, and Ectomorphic types of bodies
People with Mesomorphic bodies are more likely to commit crime

Crime as Hereditary

Richard Dugdale, The Jukes
Criminality is hereditary

Earnest Hooton

He made/focuses on:
Crime and the Man (1939 - Don't need to know this date)
Sociological explanations not important
Point of seperation for criminology - Eugenics


Sizes of brain areas are meaningful
Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Spurzheim

Criminal Anthropology

Measures facial/body features to determine personality


Individuals who classify criminals from facial characteristics

Psychological Determinism

Physicians (psychiatrists)
Biological/mental link to crime
"Manie sans d�lire" or Moral Insanity
People lack moral reasoning temporarily
NOT crazy and seeing things


Year the french statistical collection called "Compte" that mapped crime-heavy regions in France

Sociological Determinism

Compte" - Statistical collection of France: mapped crime-heavy regions in France
Crime, poverty, social ills documented
"Moral statistics"
Quetelet and Guerry

Gabriel Tarde

He made/focused on:
Rejected Lombroso (not as deterministic)
Still a part of sociological determinism
Law of imitation: people copy behavior the same way they copy dress

3 Principles of Gabriel Tarde

Individuals imitate in proportion to the intensity and frequency of contacts
Inferiors imitate superiors
When 2 behaviors clash, one may take place of the other


Prioritized social structure and institutions
Said some crime is necessary because it helps people figure out what they are and are not okay with, and provides a reason to band together
Evaluated punishment based on harm done
Defined Anomie

Positivist School Contributions

Mitigating circumstances - What increased their likelihood of committing crime?
Emphasis: Rehabilitation, Reformation, Classification, and Medicalization
"Science" - numbers, scientific method

Positivism Criticisms

If behavior is determined, it cannot be prevented
Absolute objectivity is not attainable
Assumption of Consensus Model realistic?
Ignores human agency, or free will