
The theory that links the onset of criminality to the weakening of the ties that bind people to society is:

social bond theory

when a rapist does not want to harm his/her victim as much as he/she wants to possess him/her sexually

power rape

when the rapist is bound up in ritual: tormenting their victim, binding him/her, or torturing him/her

sadistic rape

what does developmental theory research specifically related to the General Theory of Crime show to be the key factor in terms of early onset of criminality

poor parental discipline

_________ is an academic discipline that makes use of scientific methods to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior


the branch of conflict theory that focuses upon the emergence of a strict "law and order" philosophy and believes street criminals prey on the poor thus making the poor doubly abused, first by the capitalist system and then by members of their own class i

left realism

what is known about the stress and anxiety suffered by crime victims

stress and anxiety felt by child victims peeks in adolescences and end by the time the reaches adulthood

Individuals who repeatedly experience victimization are termed:

chronic victims

According to his vision of social positivism, which theorist felt that crime is normal because it is virtually impossible to imagine a society in which some form of criminal behavior is totally absent

Emile Durkheim

the pathway of crime that begins with bullying and annoying others and then escalates to physical fighting and violence is known as

overt pathway

people become criminals when significant members of society label them as such and they accept those labels as a personal identity. This is part of:

social reaction theory

According to life course theory the life events most likely to enable adult offenders to desist from crime is:

marriage and career

a stable feature, characteristic, property, or condition, present at birth or soon after, that makes some people crime prone over the life course

latent trait

a theory that suggests people have a free will to choose criminal or unlawful solutions to meet their needs or settle their problems

classical criminology

under this view of law, groups able to assess their political power use the law and criminal justice system to advance their economic and social position. Criminal laws are viewed as acts created to protect the haves from the have-nots


According to the NCVS, reported victimizations have

declined significantly over the past 30 years

according to the UCR, violent crimes in the US have

decreased more than 20% between 1995-2005

The phrase "ecology of crime" refers to such factors as

race and ethnicity

situational crime prevention that intends to reduce criminal opportunity is not without its problems. When crime reduction programs re-direct offenders to alternative targets, is termed

crime displacement

social disorganization theory focuses on which of the following conditions in the urban enviornment

age and ethnic differences

cohesion among neighborhood residents (community cohesion) combined with shared expectations for informal social control of public space promotes:

collective efficacy

Merton's anomie theory of criminal behavior stresses

the idea of American society emphasizes common success goals without providing equal access to the means for obtaining them

_________ are associated with those living in poverty who engage in disproportionate amount of violent crime as a means of expressing their rage, frustration, and anger against society

expressive crimes

which explanation might account for the variance between male and female crime rates

all of the above, females are more likely than males to negotiate, react in depression or shame, be less violent

Violent acts designed to improve the financial or social position of the criminal are known as

instrumental violence

the violentization process that links violence to early experience with child abuse. Which is the Proper ordering

brutalization stage, belligerency stage, violent performance stage, virulency stage

most offenders antisocial behavior peaks during the adolescence and then diminishes as they mature around age 18. the offenders are known as

adolescent limited

the fact that some peoples activities and behaviors increase their risk of victimization by increasing their potential to become "opportunities" for the criminal offenders is the basis of what theory of victimization

lifestyle theory

rather than punishment and prison, peacemaking scholars advocate such policies as

counseling and probation

according to Cressey, embezzlement is often caused by a/are

nonsharable financial problem

the branch of criminology that examines change in a criminal career over the life course is known as

developmental criminology

life events that enable adults offenders to desist from crime are known as

turning points

Beccaria believed that criminals choose to commit crime and that criminal choices could be controlled by:

fear of punishment

which of the following is not a crime prevention strategy used today by rational choice theorist

increasing the risks for committing crime

some people may actually initiate the confrontation that leads to their injury or death. this is termed:

victim precipitation theory

when victims act provocatively, use threats, or fighting words, or even attack first, it is known as:

active precipitation

which of the following methods does the UCR use to express crime data

all of the above, per 100,000, number of crimes reported to police and arrests made, changes of crime rates over time

the psychodynamic model of criminal offender depicts and aggressive, frustrated persons determined by events that occurred:

during early childhood

a cluster of antisocial behaviors that may include family dysfunction, substance abuse, smoking, early sex, early pregnancy, poor education, suicide, unemployment

problem behavior syndrome

within Marxist thought, owners of the means of production

capitalist bourgeoisie

what are the three branches of of social structure theory

social disorganization, strain theory, cultural deviance

according to social reaction theory, schools contribute to criminality when they

label problem youth

It has been argued that declining levels of what hormone cause aging-out process


the writings of Beccaria and his followers form the core of what today is referred to as

classical criminology

the view held by Marx, that the laboring class produces goods that exceed wages in value is known as:

surplus value

a socially disorganized area is one in which ______ have broken down and can no longer carry out stated functions

institutions of social control

the theory which holds ones inability to achieve personal goals by legitimate means

strain theory

the view, according to Robert Agnew, that individuals who feel stress are more likely commit crimes are called:

general strain theory

the bio social theorist believe human behavior is produced by

physical, environmental, and social factors

those unable to obtain desired goals and services through conventional means may consequently resort to theft and other illegal activities these activities are known as

instrumental crimes

according to latent trait theory, while the propensity of the crime may remain stable, the ______ to commit the crime may fluctuate over time


what is known about age of onset and the continuity of crime

all of the above

godferston and hirschi in their general theory of crime trace the root of the cause of poor self-control to inadequate

child rearing practices

which age group experiences the most violent crime


conflict theorists believe that this occurs when people thrust outside of the economic mainstream, forcing a larger portion of the population to live in areas conductive to crime


criminals sometimes neutralize wrongdoing by maintaining that the victim of crime "had it coming

denial of the victim

skytes and montaz base thir neutralization theory on a variety of observations about criminals. among these observations is:

criminals hope to pleas bargain based upon dispelling their responsibility for their offenses