Criminology Chapter 10

Expressive Violence

Violence that is designed not for profit or gain but to vent rage, anger, or frustration

Instrumental Violence

Violence used in an attempt to improve the financial or social position of the criminal

Victimization Process

According to Lonnie Athens, the process by which abused children are turned into aggressive adults. This process takes violent youths full circle from being the victims of aggression to its initiators; they are now the same person they grew up despising,

Crusted Over

Children who have been victims of or witnesses to violence and do not let people inside, nor do they express their feelings. They exploit others and in turn are exploited by those older and stronger; as a result, they develop a sense of hopelessness.

Subculture of Violence

Norms and customs that, in contrast to society's dominant value system, legitimize and expect the use of violence to resolve social conflicts.


Behavior within culturally defined conflict situations in which an individual who has been offended by a negative outcome in a dispute seeks reparations through violent means.

Gang Rape

Forcible sex involving multiple attackers

Serial Rapes

Multiple rapes committed by one person over time

Acquaintance Rape

Forcible sex in which offender and victim are acquainted with each other

Date Rape

Forcible sex during a courting relationship

Statutory Rape

Sexual relations between an underage individual and an adult; though not coerced, an underage partner is considered incapable of giving informed consent

Marital Rape

Forcible sex between people who are legally married to each other

Marital Exemption

The practice in some states of prohibiting the prosecution of husbands for the rape of their wives

Virility Mystique

The belief that males must separate their sexual feelings from needs for love, respect, and affection

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A condition marked by a persistent pattern of self-importance, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

Aggravated Rapes

Rape involving multiple offenders, weapons, and victim injuries


In prosecuting rape cases, it is essential to prove that the attack was forced and that the victim did not give voluntary consent to her attacker. In a sense, the burden of proof is on the victim to show that her character is beyond question and that she

Shield Laws

Laws designed to protect rape victims by prohibiting the defense attorney from inquiring about their previous sexual relationships


The unlawful killing of a human being (homicide) with malicious intent


Consideration of a homicide before it occurs

Felony Murder

A homicide in the context of another felony, such as robbery or rape; legally defined as first-degree murder.

Second-Degree Murder

A homicide with malice but not premeditation or deliberation, as when a desire to inflict serious bodily harm and a wanton disregard for life result in the victim's death.


Planning a homicide after careful thought, however brief, rather than acting on sudden impulse


A homicide without malice

Nonnegligent Manslaughter

A homicide committed in the heat of passion or during a sudden quarrel; although intent may be present, malice is not; also called voluntary manslaughter

Involuntary Manslaughter or Negligent Manslaughter

A homicide that occurs as a result of acts that are negligent and without regard for the harm they may cause others, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; also called involuntary manslaughter.


Endangering or killing an unborn fetus


The murder of a very young child


Murder of an older child


The murder of a senior citizen

Serial Killer

The killing of a large number of people over time by an offender who seeks to escape detection

Mass Murder

The killing of a large number of people in a single incident by an offender who typically does not seek concealment or escape

Road Rage

A term used to describe motorists who assault each other

Child Abuse

Any physical, emotional, or sexual trauma to a child for which no reasonable explanation, such as an accident, can be found. Child abuse can also be a function of neglecting to give proper care and attention to a young child


Not providing a child with the care and shelter to which he or she is entitled

Sexual Abuse

Exploitation of a child through rape, incest, or molestation by a parent or other adult

Relational Aggression

Psychological and emotional abuse that involves the spreading of smears, rumors, and private information in order to harm their partner.

Acquaintance Robbery

Robbers who focus their thefts on people they know

Hate Crimes

Acts of violence or intimidation designed to terrorize or frighten people considered undesirable because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation

Thrill-seeking Hate Crimes

Acts by hatemongers who join forces to have fun by bashing minorities or destroying property; inflicting pain on others gives them a sadistic thrill

Reactive (Defensive) Hate Crimes

Perpetrators believe they are taking a defensive stand against outsiders whom they believe threaten their community or way of life.

Mission Hate Crimes

Violent crimes committed by disturbed individuals who see it as their duty to rid the world of evil

Retaliatory Hate Crime

A hate crime motivated by revenge for another hate crime, either real or imaginary, which may spark further retaliation

Workplace Violence

Irate employees or former employees attack coworkers or sabotage machinery and production lines; now considered the third leading cause of occupational injury or death


The aggrieved party does nothing to rectify a conflict situation; over time, the unresolved conflict may be compounded by other events that cause an eventual eruption


A pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that includes repeated physical or visual proximity, unwanted communications, and/or threats sufficient to cause fear in a reasonable person