Law Studies Ch. 1


The rules and regulations made and enforced by government that regulate conduct of people within a society


Study of law and legal philosophy


Rules cannot be ________

values, ideas of what is right and wrong

Laws are a reflection of a society's ______, ----

- Protect basic human rights
- Promote fairness
- Help resolve conflict
-Promote order and stability
- Promote desirable social and economic behavior
- Represent the will of the majority
- Protect the minority

List the 7 basic goals we want our legal system to achieve:

Affirmative action

Give people equal chance

Immigration debate

the debate against whether we should allow immigration or decline it. "Amnesty program

Moral, Political, Economic, Social

What are the 4 values laws are based off?

Human Rights

The rights people have b/c they are human beings. Innate, respect someone's dignity

-Right to liberty
-Right to education,
-Political and religious freedom
-Economic of well being

List 5 human rights

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Protects the right to freedom of speech, religion, press, participation in government

International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

Provides for the right adequate education, food, housing, health care, protection of property, and adequate salary

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Spells out basic human rights to which children everywhere are entitled including the right to education and to be free from exploitation


A legal way of making a provision less enforceable that it might otherwise be.

Treaty may take power from states

What is one reason for reservations

Radical individualism

Emphasis on individual rights with a loss of sense of community


Represent the government, not an individual, in a

beyond a reasonable doubt

What is the burden of proof in a criminal case?


Person charged with a crime (can be criminal cases AND civil cases)

Felony and misdemeanor

Two types of criminal offenses?


Usually punishable by 1 year or more in prison at hard labor


Less than a year in prison

Criminal cases

Brought by the government against a person charged with committing a crime, State vs. Person, U.S. vs. Person

Civil actions (and Law suits)

Brought by a person or group of people against another person of group when they have been injured in some way


a person who brings a case against another in a court of law
only in civil cases

Preponderance of evidence (more probably than not)

The burden of proof for a civil case?

Money damages

Courts can awards _________ in civil cases (no one goes to prison)

1. Congress
2. President
3. The federal courts

List all 3 powers of the "Separation of Powers


Congress pass laws known as _______

Judicial review

Enables a court to declare nonenforceable any law passed by Congress or by the state legislature that conflicts with the
(highest law)


The division between the states and federal government

Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments

Limited government is also reflected in ________ or ________________

Government passed a law the Constitution didn't give it the power to pass, (and) gov. passed a law that violates someone's rights

What are the two ways the court can declare a law unconstitutional?

Bill of Rights

Defines and guarantees the fundamental rights and liberties of all Americans. Right to the freedom of religion, speech, and press:
freedom from unreasonable search and seizure

Balancing of interests

competing interest that can cause conflicts