Color Midterm


The identification or name of a color


The lightness or darkness of a color


Adding white to a color


Adding black to a color


2 hues opposite on the color wheel


Saturation, or the degree of purity of a hue


The optical mixing of lines, crossed lines,or dots of different colors on a white ground

Cool color

A color closer to blue on the color wheel


having only one color


Hues adjacent to each other on the color wheel


3 hues evenly spaced on the color wheel

Chromatic color

a color having hue; a color of the visible spectrum.

subtractive color

the colors produced from pigment

Achromatic grey

grey mixed from black and white only. appears to have on coloration

secondary colors

A hue resulting in the mixing of a primary hue and an Adjacent primary hue


The warmth or coolness of a color

additive color

the colors produced from light


intensity of color, purity

After image

A reaction seen when the viewers brain supplies the opposite or complementary hue after the observer stares at a particular hue

Process color

A color created using combinations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black ink.

partitive color

The process of placing colors beside each other to produce different reactions

Pantone Matching System (PMS)

A standard set of colors and associated inks that make it easy to reproduce a color in printed material consistently.

Broken Color

A color that is a combination in unequal proportions of all the primaries

warm color

The color plan of red, yellow, and orange


Having a hue

simultaneous contrast

A partitive color reaction when color is in a complementary setting