Milady Nail Technology Standard edition 7 Chapter 17

Acrylic family.

All nail enhancement products are based almost entirely on ingredients that come from the


Poly means

Ethyl acrylic

Which of the following is not one of the three versions of monomer liquid used in the nail industry?


Polymer powder is made using a special chemical reaction called?


Ethyl methacrylate monomer liquid is commonly referred to as?

Not legal

Methyl methacrylate (MMA) is not recommended for use on nails and is ------------in some states.

Shred or etch

MMA nail products do not adhere well to the nail plate requiring the nail technician to---------the surface of the nail.

Most rigid

MMA creates the hardest and ---------nail.

Does not dissolve

MMA---------in product removers.

Dental products.

MMA is a widely used monomer with a long history of safe use in medical and ------------


When monomer liquid is picked up by a brush and mixed with polymer powder, it creates what is known as a -------.

Speed up

A catalyst is an additive designed to ------------chemical reactions.

Long polymer chains

The initiators found in polymer powder, when activated by a catalyst will spring int action and cause monomer molecules to permanently link together into------------.

Less benzoyl peroxide

Compared to acne treatments, nail powders contain-----


It is recommended that you mix 1 1/2 parts monomer liquid with 1 part polymer powder to create a ------------bead.

Mix ratio

The amount of monomer liquid and polymer powder used to create a bead is called the -------


In general, ------------beads are the ideal mix ratio for working with monomer liquids and polymer powders.


Nail--------remove surface moisture and tiny amounts of oil left on the natural nail plate.

Nail plate

Nail dehydrator should be applied liberally to the ------------.


Nail------------is used on the natural nail prior to product application to assist in adhesion.

A light dotting action

When applying an acid-based nail primer, it is recommended that you use---------

Finish filing of the nail

A medium-grit abrasive is not recommended for------------


Nail forms generally are not made of-------------


Which type of nail form can be disinfected--------

Dappen dish

The special container used to hold the monomer liquid and polymer powder as you work is called a ---------.


The best nail brush to use with monomer liquid and polymer powder enhancement products is composed of natural Kolinsky, ------------, or a blend of both.

Poured into an absorbent paper towel and placed in a plastic bag

Unused monomer that has been removed from the original container should be --------------.

Crack repair

When a nail tech files a damaged section of a monomer liquid and polymer powder enhancement and refills it with the appropriate products, it is called a -----------------------


A dry mix ratio creates a bead that looks--------- on the brush.

Inhibition layer

Odorless product harden more slowly and create a tacky layer, called the ------------------.


The apex of the nail is also known as the -------------.


The apex is usually what shapes-----------?

Stress area

The area where the natural nail grows beyond the finger and becomes the free edge is known as the---------.

The index, middle, and ring finger

The length of the nail extensions and enhancements should be the same on----------------------.


The C-curve of the nail enhancement depends on the C-curve of the natural nail, which is on average-------------percent.


Some manufactures make a ------------------that brushes on to cure the tacky inhibition layer that must be applied immediately after creating the odorless product enhancement.

Your imagination

Nail artists with colored polymer powder is limited only by--------------.

Nail dehydrator

When performing a one-color monomer and polymer nail enhancement application, it is recommended that you apply----------------- after using a pusher to push back the eponychium and filing to remove the shine.

Sticky and shiny

When acid-free primer dries on the nail, it will be----------


When performing a one-color monomer and polymer enhancement application, it is recommended that the first bead of monomer and polymer applied to the be --------------------.

Middle portion

After applying the first bead of product during a monomer and polymer enhancement application, you should use the --------------- of your brush to press and smooth the product.

Dappen dishes

To perform a two-color monomer liquid and polymer powder nail enhancement with forms, you will need nail dehydrator, nail forms, enhancement product, primer, abrasives, brushes, and --------------.

Chalky white

Acid based nail primer will dry to a ------------------.


When performing a two-color monomer and polymer enhancement application, the application must be---------------------at the cuticle line.

Long, sweeping strokes

After the application of the two-color monomer and polymer enhancement, it is recommended that you file the underside of the nail extensions and then glide the abrasive over the nail with--------------------.

Soak off the enhancement and start fresh with a new application

When performing a one-color monomer and polymer enhancement maintenance service, what should you do if there is excessive, loose nail-enhancement product and lifting?

Smile line

When performing a two-color monomer and polymer nail enhancement, use the tip of the brush to push--------------into place and wipe the edge until a crisp rounded line is achieved.

Nail forms

Which of the following do you need to perform a crack repair on a monomer and polymer enhancement, but not to perform a standard monomer and polymer maintenance service?

Nail primer to any exposed natural nail in the crack

When performing a monomer and polymer crack repair, you must apply -----------------------after applying nail dehydrator.

20-30 minutes

When removing monomer and polymer enhancements, the client's nails should soak in the acetone for----------------------or as long as needed to remove the enhancement product.