Color Vision

perceptual color space

a graphical representation of the hue, saturation, and brightness dimensions of color

subtractive color mixture

a color mixture created by combining dyes or pigments, which act to remove certain wavelengths from incident light

additive color mixture

a color mixture created by adding together different light wavelengths

metameric colors

two colors that appear the same hue but emit or reflect physically different light wavelengths

CIE chromaticity diagram

a standard graphical representation of the hue and saturation attributes of color, based on color matching data obtained from large groups of observers

complementary colors

colors that cancel each other out when mixed together, producing neutral white or gray

chromaticity coordinates

the xy coordinates of a color in the CIE chromaticity diagram

trichromacy theory

the theory that human color vision involves three primary color sensations

chromatic channel

a channel of processing in the visual system that conveys information about the chromatic or color properties of the image

achromatic channel

a channel of processing in the visual system that conveys information about the luminance or light-dark properties of the image

color interaction

a change in the apparent hue, saturation, or brightness of a colored surface in the presence of, or following exposure to, and inducing color

color constancy

the apparent hue of a reflective surface remains constant even when changes in the spectral power distribution of the illuminant alter the wavelengths reflected from it

color deficiency

a reduced capacity to discriminate between colors, caused by an abnormality in cone photopigments

anomalous trichromacy

a form of color deficiency in which the individual possesses three different cone classes, but their spectral sensitivity is shifted relative to normal trichromats


a form of color deficiency in which the individual possesses only two cone classes


a form of color deficiency in which the individual possesses very few or no cones, and is therefore unable to discriminate between colors

pseudo-isochromatic plate

a pattern of colored dots used in the diagnosis of color deficiency; the shape seen in the dots varies according to the observer's color vision