Frederick Griffith def

Britush scientist who experimented with bacterial strains of pneumonia in mice and discovered transformation

Transformation def

Process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or genes from another strain of bacteria, ex: rough, harmless bacteria becoming smooth and disease causing

Oswald Avery def

Canadian biologist who repeated Griffith's work and found that DNA causes transformation in bacteria

His work showed that....

DNA stores and transmits genetic info from one generation of an organism to the next

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase def

American scientists who experimented with radioactive markers in viruses and concludes that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was DNA not protein

Virus def

Nonliving particles smaller than a cell that can infect living organisms

Bacteriopage def

Type of virus that infects bacteria

Scientists conclude that genes are made of...


DNA (delxribonucleic acid) def

Nucleic acid that contains the sugar deoxyribose; the molecule of heredity

DNA is made up..


Nucleotides have three bake parts

1. 5 carbon sugar (deoxyribose)
2. Phosphate group
3. Nitrogenous base

There are 4 kinds or nitrogenous bases found in DNA

1. Adenine (A)
2. Guanine (G)
3. Cytosine (C)
4. Thymine (T)

Purines def

Have 2 rings in their structures and include adenine and guanine

Pyrimidines def

Have 1 ring in their structure and include cytosine and thymine

The backbone of the DNA molecules is formed by...

Sugar and phosphate groups of each nucleotide and the nitrogenous bases stuck out sideways of the chain. Nucleotides can be joined together in any order to make different sequences of bases

Chargaff's Rules:

In any sample of DNA, the percentages of guanine and cytosine bases are nearly equal and percentages or adding and thymine bases are nearly equal

Rosalind Franklin def

British scientist who used a technique called X-ray diffraction to record information about the structure of DNA

Her work revealed that...

DNA is shaped like a helix

James Watson and Franis Crick def

American biologist and British physicist who build the FIRST accurate structural model of DNA, after viewing Rosalind Franklin's work

Watson and Crick's model or DNA...

Was a double helix, in which 2 strands were wound around eachother l

A double helix looks like...

A twisted ladder or a spiral staircase

In DNA, hydrogen bonds only form between certain nitrogenous bases in the double helix to hold it together, this is known as...

Base pairing

Every adenine molecules binds with a thymine

And very cytosine molecules hinds with a guanine

Prokaryotes def

Have no organelles, so DNA is located in their cytoplasm

Most have a...

Single circular DNA molecule, referred to as the chromosome

Eukaryotes def

Have about 1,000 times more DNA than prokaryotes

Eukaryotic DNA is found in the nucleus...

Of the cell in the form of chromosomes

DNA molecules are...

Very long DNA is just folded into tiny chromosomes

Eukaryotic chromosomes contain both...

DNA and protein (called histones) tightly packed together to form chromatin

DNA + Justine molecules=


Nucleosome def

A nuclear particle that is a basic aspect of chromosome structure

DNA molecules are semi-conservative meaning that...

Half of each original strand in a double helix can be used to make a new strand

Each strand of the DNA double helix has all the info needed to reconstruct the other half by....

Base-pairing (complements)

Replication occurs in 100's or places and proceeds in both directions...

Until each chromosome is completely copied

Sites where separation and replication occur are called...

Replication forks

Replication def

Copying process by which a cell duplicated its DNA.

During DNA replication:

1. The DNA molecule separates into 2 strands
2. Produces 2 new complementary strands by base-pairing

DNA replication os carries out by a series of enzymes that unzip the DNA molecule by...

Breaking the hydrogen bonds between base pairs

The principle enzyme involved in DNA replication is...

DNA polymerase because it joins individual nucleotides to produce a DNA molecule

DNA polymerase also...

Proofreads each new copy of DNA to make sure that it is a perfect copy of the original DNA

Basic steps or DNA replication:

1. Helicase is noumena unzip and separate the 2 strands of DNA in a double helix
2. Each strand serves as a template for a new complementary strand to copy
3. DNA polymerase matches the new bases to the template bases
4. String sugar-phosphate bonds form