US Hist. Exam 1 - Segregation

13th amendment

abolished slavery

14th amendment

all people born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

15th amendment

cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or previous condition of servitude

federal response

passed laws during and after reconstruction to help protect the rights of ALL citizens

civil rights act 1875

first attempt by federal government to help; said NO ONE can segregate public places

1883 civil rights cases

supreme court ruled government could tell the STATES not to segregate but had no control over individuals

plessy vs. ferguson

supreme court ruled "separate but equal" public facilities were okay

state response

southern states refused compliance and passed laws to allow segregation (jim crow laws)

types of segregation

private and public; states said public spaces could be segregated; private segregation in businesses was up to the owner

jim crow laws

state segregation laws that differed, meant to keep blacks separate from society, literacy tests, poll taxes, gerrymandering

economic conditions

majority of previous slaves working in agriculture, sharecropping (former slaves worked on save farm and could share harvest profit or rented own piece of land and shared profits); created cycle of debt (kept borrowing money and only paying off some)

education opportuinites/limitations

not really public school system or school for blacks, many states refused black education, "freedman's bureau" helped develop public schools through federal funding), many universities formed specifically so blacks could go

booker t. washington and theories

born a slave, exchanged work (night janitor) in excahnge for tuition at Hampton Institute, stressed importance of teaching blacks technical/vocational skills; leader of black response


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, main goal was to end Jim Crow laws, used to be the Niagara Movement, led by DuBois, went through legal system to create change, kept appealing to get cases up to supreme court

WEB DuBois and theories

theory that stressed importance of higher education to develop leadership skills among the top ten percent most able african americans; leader of black response