ATI Chapter 38: Rest & Sleep


-promotes health
-too little sleep leads to inability to concentrate, poor judgment, moodiness, and increased risk for accidents

chronic sleep loss

increased risk for obesity, depression, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart attack, and stroke

NREM (after stage 1 NREM people cycle 4-6x through other stages-each time REM time increases)

-nonrapid eye movement sleep
-Stage 1 NREM-light sleep, only a few minutes, vital signs/metabolism beginning to diminish, awakens easily, feels relaxed and drowsy
-Stage 2 NREM- 10-20 min in length, slightly more stimulation to awaken, increased relaxatio

REM (accounts of 75-80% of sleep time)

-rapid eye movement sleep
-vivid dreaming, about 90min after falling asleep, average length 20min, varying vital signs, very difficult to awaken, cognitive restoration


average 14-16 hr/day


9-10 hr/day


7-9 hr/day

Common Sleep Disorders

-most common- inability to get adequate sleep and feel rested-acute or chronic or intermittent- women & older adults are more prone
sleep apnea
more than 5 breathing cessations lasting longer than 10 seconds per hour during sleep, decreased arter


sleep patterns, history, recent changes, sleep problems, linear scale (best & worst sleep), factors interfering with sleep (illness, life events, emotional stress, mental illness, diet, exercise, sleep environment, medications - bronchodilators anti-hyper

Nursing Interventions

bedtime routine, limit waking clients, personal hygiene (back rub),don't exercise 2 hours before bedtime, comfortable sleep environment, limit alcohol, caffeine, & nicotine at least 4 hours before bed, limit fluids 2 -4 hrs before bed, muscle relaxation i

Nursing Interventions (Narcolepsy)

exercise regularly, eat small meals high in protein, avoid activities that increase sleepiness, avoid activities that would cause injury should the client fall asleep, take stimulants provider prescribes

A nurse in a provider's office is caring for a client who states that, for the past week, she has felt tired during the day and cannot sleep at night. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask when collecting data about the client's difficulty

A, C, D, E

A nurse is talking with a client about ways to help him sleep and rest. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse give to the client to promote sleep and rest? (Select all that apply.)
A. Practice muscle relaxation techniques.
B. Exercise ea

A, B, D, E

A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has been following the facility's routine and bathing in the morning. However, at home, she always takes a warm bath just before bedtime. Now she is having difficulty sleeping at night. Which of the followin


A nurse is preparing a presentation at a local community center about sleep hygiene. When explaining rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which of the following characteristics should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.)
A. REM sleep provides cognitive

A, C, E

A nurse is instructing a client who has a new diagnosis of narcolepsy about measures that might help with self-management. Which of the following client statements indicates understanding of the instructions?
A. "I'll add plenty of carbohydrates to my mea