anatomy of blood vessels


thin tunica externa


thick tunica media


narrow and regular tunica intima


thick tunica externa


thin tunica media


irregular tunica intima

tunica intima

layer of endothelium

tunica media

layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers

tunica externa

layer of collagen fibers

tunica intima

innermost tunic

tunica externa

most superficial tunic

tunica intima

thin tunic of capillaries

tunica media

specially thick in elastic arteries

tunica media

contains smooth muscle and elastin

tunica intima

has a smooth surface to decrease resistance to blood flow.

veins need valves to create pressure to pump the blood to the heart. valves assist in returning venus blood to the heart.

why are valves present in veins but not in arteries

muscular pump (milking action of skeletal muscle) and respiratoy pump (thoraxic cavity pressure)

name two events occurring within the body that aid in venous return

because arteries are closer to the pumping action of the heart, their walls must be strong enough to take the changes in pressure.

why are the walls of arteries proportionately thicker than those of the corresponding veins


the arterial system has one of these, the venous system has two.

coronary arteries

these arteries supply the myocardium

internal carotid and vertebral

two paired arteries serving the brain

great saphenous

longest vein in the lower limb

dorsalis pedis

artery on the dorsum of the foot checked after leg surgery

deep artery of the thigh

serves the posterior thigh


supplies the diaphragm


formed by the union of the radial and ulnar veins

basilic and cephalic

two superficial veins of the arm


artery serving the kidney


veins draining the liver

inferior mesenteric

artery that supplies the distal half of the large intestine

internal iliac

drains the pelvic organs


what the external iliac artery becomes on entry into the thigh


major artery serving the arm

superior mesenteric

supplies most of the small intestine

common iliac

join to form the inferior vena cava

celiac trunk

an arterial trunk that has three major branches, whic run to the liver, spleen and stomach

external carotid

major artery serving the tissues external to the skull

anterior tibial, fibular and posterior tibial

three veins serving the leg


artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist