bstrandable NCLEX pharmacology 4 of 5


beta-adrenergic agonists (bronchodilate, increase vasc resist)
ex: norepinephrine (Levophed), dopamine (Inotropin)
used cardiac arrest, COPD
adfx: anticholinergic, dysrhythmias


adfx: depression, CNS depression, addictive. d/c slowly
caffeine and nicotine decreases effectiveness


beta blocker
adfx: bronchospasm

antibiotics general

allergic reaction (after 1st time), superinfection, liver kidney toxic
do C&S, encourage fluids, toxic when expired
peak level about an hour after IV, trough just after it's hung

-mycin (micin)

aminoglycosides-inhibit protein synthesis gram neg
adfx:oto and nephrotoxic
check cranial nerve 8 (ear)

ceph (cef)

cephalosporin-tonsillitis, prophylaxis, meningitis-bacterial wall inhibitor
adfx: bone marrow depression, GI upset, cross allergy w/pcn, protein/glucose in urine
do not drink etoh, take with food


fluoroquinalones- dna inhibitor
anthrax tx, e. coli
adfx: decreased WBC, hct. elevated liver enzymes
don't take with food


macrolide-cell membrane binder
used in pcn allergy. used for dental prophylaxis in valve disorders
adfx: confusion, increases effects of coumadin, theophylline
take without food


penicillin-inhibits synthesis of cell wall
severe infx-syphillis, lyme disease...
adfx: stomatitis, allergy
take without food

sulf, zulf, bactrim

sulfonamide-antagonizes folic acid synth
UC, crohn's, uri
adfx: peripheral neuropathy, photosensitive, crystalluria, stomatitis
take with food, encourage fluids, mouth care


tetracycline-prevents protein synthesis
baby eye drops, acne
adfx: discoloration of primary teeth in utero or in early childhood, phototoxic, toxic when expired
take without food

uti meds

furadantin-anti-infective adfx: asthma attack, take with food and cranberry juice
pyridian-urinary tract analgesic adfx: HA, vertigo, turns pee orange, take with meals
anti-impotence drugs adfx: HA, hypotn, priaprism

grapefruit juice interaction

lipitor, viagra, ...


block parasymp nerve
dilate pupil, bronchodilation, decrease secretions, decrease GI motility and secretions
uses: eye exams, motion sickness
adfx:urinary retention, dry mouth, hypotn and inc HR
probanthine, atropine, -bromide, ium
not with meals or paral


adfx: bleeding, hematuria
heparin blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, used in PE, venous thrombosis, after acute MI. PTT: 30-75?
antidote for heparin: protamine sulfate
warfarin interferes with vit k clotting factors. used in PE, v


adfx: gingival hypertrophy, resp depression, aplastic anemia
turn urine pink or reddish brown
Dilantin: can cause cardiac arrest if pushed too fast CANNOT BE MIXED WITH ANOTHER MED
no carbonation with depakote

mARplan, pARnate, nARdil (trade names)

MAOI antidepressant-4 wk to effectiveness
adfx: Hypertensive crisis with tyramine foods: aged cheese, liver, yogurt, beer, wine, pickled foods, herring, bologna, salami, bananas.
potentiate alcohol, interactions with CNS stimulants or cold meds

-etine, -aline

SSRI antidepressant- 4 weeks for effect
adfx: anxiety, urinary/bowel retention, insomnia at hs, pink urine
suicide risk on upswing

tricyclic antidepressant

used also for sleep apnea
amitryptalin (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine (Norpramin)
adfx: postural hypotension, confusion, urinary retention
suicide risk
take at hs
2-6 weeks for effectiveness
wean off
no alcohol, care in sun

heterocyclic antidepressant

Wellbutrin, trazadone
used also for smoking cessation
adfx: wellbutrin- agitation and insomnia. trazadone- sedation
wean slowly, no alcohol


antidiabetic (also Dymelor) for type II only
adfx: skin reaction, hypoglycemia
take prior to eating- EAT. alcohol, aspirin, sulfonamides, oral birth control, maois affect action


used to reverse hypoglycemia
change glycogen to glucose and release it to the body
adfx: hypotn, bronchospasm. may repeat in 15 minutes. once alert, give longer acting carbohydrates


antidiarrheals (also immodium)
adfx: anticholinergic, constipation
cxn in unknown abd pain


trimethobenzamide (Tigan), procorperazine (Compazine), metoclopramide (Reglan), meclizine (Antivert)
block dopamine, increase GI motility
adfx: anticholinergic, sedation
prophylaxis for chemotherapy as well
may cause Reye's used during viral infx


fungizone (Amphotericin), mycostatin (Nystatin)
impair cell membrane
adfx: liver dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pruritis
take with food


cholsalide (Colchicine), benemid (Probenecid), Zyloprim (Allopurinol)
decreases uric acid
Probenecid increases action of Cipro
Colchicine used only in acute gout syndrome
Probenecid for chronic
adfx: agranulocytosis, renal calculi-flush kidneys at treatme


chlor-trimeton, diphenhydramine (Benadryl), promethazine (Phenergan)
adfx: drowsiness, anticholinergic, photosensitivity, bronchospasm
hard candy for dry mouth


antihyperlipidemia- statins block synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides
(sequestrans-Questran-blocks absorption)
adfx: constipation, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency
take hs or at least 30 minutes before meals. assess diet
cannot take with other meds


ACE Inhibitors-affect arteries-vasodilation in whole body
use for HTN and CHF
adfx: lethargy initially, orthostatic hypotension
take without food


beta adrenergic blockers- decreases excitability of heart, decreases oxygen consumption
use: angina, SVT, HTN
adfx: bronchospasm, HR changes
take with food, taper off to avoid rebound HTN


also diltiazem, verapamil
calcium channel blocker-inhibit calcium influx across cell membrane to slow conduction and dilate coronary vessels and decrease HR
uses: angina, HTN, interstitial cystitis
adfx: hypotn, GI upset
SR-do not chew,


angiotensin II-receptors
uses: HTN, heart failure, MI, neuropathy, stroke prophylaxis
adfx: dizziness, GI distress
SR-do not chew, crush, open


alpha 1-adrenergic blockers in peripheral vasculature
use: HTN, BPH
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, reflex tachycardia, Nasal Congestion, periph edema
first dose at HS-causes fainting initially

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic-decrease rate and force of contraction
Catapres, Aldomet
uses: HTN
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, Sedation
taper off

direct acting vasodilators

minoxidil, hydralazine (Apresoline)-relax smooth muscle
uses: HTN
minoxidil topical is Rogaine
adfx: ortho hypotn, tachycardia (may use with B-blocker to prevent), increased hair
check pulse when taking med

meds for bipolar disorder

lithium, Tegretol, Depakote
block catecholamines
Lithium salt is dangerous: tight therapeutic range. blood drawn 2-3 weeks. 3000 mL water/day. evaluated q2-3 wk
Tegretol, Depakote: antipsychotic/convulsant watch kidney and liver
adfx: GI upset, Tremors, p

alkylating agents

anti-neoplastic- interferes with rapid DNA replication
used: leukemia, multiple myeloma
Csplatin, busulfan (Mylerin), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxin)
adfx: very hepatotoxic, basic chemo adfx: bone marrow suppression, decreased WBC, platelets, RBCs, bleeding, G


anti-neoplastic-inhibit DNA polymerase
fluorouracil (5-FU), Methotrexate
used: ALL, CA of breast, colon, pancreas
adfx: basic- GI-N/V, ulcers, decreased RBC, WBC, plt

CA -mycin (trade name)

anti-tumor antineoplastic-interfere with DNA and RNA synthesis.
use: CA
adfx: basic chemo: stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression

hormonal agents

antineoplastic- block hormone input into CA cells
ex: tomoxifen, testosterone
use: hormone-sensitive CA
adfx: leukopenia, bone pain, hypercalcemia, effects of individual hormone


Vinca-alkyloid antineoplastic. derived from periwinkle. interferes with cell division
ex: vinblastine
use: CA- affects every rapid producing cell in body
adfx: CNA Depression, stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression
check reflexes, give with Zylopri


antiparkinson. essentially replace dopamine
(also parlodil)
adfx: ataxia, anticholinergic, dizziness
B6 can reverse effects, avoid CNS depressants


antipsychotic-block dopamine receptors
adfx: akasthesia, dyskinesia, dystonia, parkinsonian, tardive dyskinesia, leukopenia, can stunt growth in kids
avoid etoh and caffeine


antiviral, inhibits DNA and RNA (includes non -cyclovirs too)
use in herpes, HIV
adfx: HA, dizziness, GI
doesn't cure.


biophosphenates- antiosteoporosis inhibit bone resorption
adfx: esophagitis, arthralgia

-tropium, -ol, -phylline

uses:COPD, asthma (terbutaline for preterm labor)
adfx: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, palpitations, anticholinergic
take bronchodilator first


anti-glaucoma, decreases production of aqueous humor
adfx: blurred vision, lethargy, depression, anorexia, decrease potassium


cardiac glycoside-increase force of myocardial contraction, slow HR
Left heart failure
adfx: bradycardias, N/V, visual disturbance
hold if pulse <60 in adult, <70 in older kids, <90 in infants, young kids
check K+ levels- low potassium increases risk of t


cytoprotective agents
form barrier on duodenal ulcers
adfx: constipation, vertigo, flatulance
take without food


uses: asthma, COPD, some leukemias, Addison's, Crohn's
adfx: infxn, mask s/s of infxn, insomnia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, psychosis, depression, stunted growth
wean over time


nonnarcotic analgesic




beta-adrenergic agonist


administer 1-2 hours before breakfast
remain upright for 30 minutes after admin.


monitor hepatic function(hepatotoxic)


CNS depressant
no grapefruit juice

amitriptyline (Elavil)

tricyclic antidepressant

amlodipine (Norvasc)

calcium channel blocker



dextroamphetamine (Adderall)

cerebral stimulant

amphotericin B

nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, ototoxic

aripiprazole (Abilify)

atypical antipsychotic
dopamine stabilizer


nonnarcotic analgesic


beta-adrenergic antagonist

atomoxetine (Strattera)

ADHD agent

atorvastatin (Lipitor)

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor


macrolide antibiotic


renin angiotensin system antagonist


Heterocyclic antidepressant



carisoprodol (Soma)

skeletal muscle relaxant

carvedilol (Coreg)

adrenergic antagonist



celecoxib (Celebrex)

COX-2 inhibitor

cephalexin (Keflex)


cetirizine (Zyrtec)

nonsedating antihistamine (H1 receptorantagonist)


quinolone antibiotic


SSRI antidepressant


macrolide antibiotic


lincosamide antibiotic

cetirizine / zyrtec

antihistamine (allergy, asthma). drowsiness, fatigue, drymouth. relief of seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis caused by molds, animal dander. avoid alcohol. preg cat B

fexofenadine / allegra

antihistamine (allergy, asthma). drowsiness, headache. rhinitis, allergy symptoms, chronic idiopathic urticaria. avoid alcohol and CNS depressants. 180mg tab duration 24 hrs. preg cat C. no grapefruit juice.

hydroxyzine / atarax, vistaril

antihistamine. drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth. tx of pruritus, pre-op anxiety, post-op nausea and vomiting. avoid alcohol and CNS depressant. caution with hazardous activities. preg cat C

loratadine / claritin

antihistamine. drowsiness, nervousness. seasonal rhinitis. avoid alcohol, CNS depressant. take on empty stomach 1 hr before or 2 hrs after meal. preg cat B. caution with driving.

beclomethasone / beclovent, beconase

corticosteroid. dystonia, hoarsness, HA, sore throat, dyspepsia, oral fungal infection. for chronic asthma, seasonal or perennial rhinitis. onset 10 min. preg cat C. nasal spray.

flunisolide / nasolide, aerobid

corticosteroid. dysphonia, hoarsness, oral fungal infection, sore throat, nasal congestion, N/V/D. used in chronic asthma tx, rhinitis. onset: few days. preg cat C.

fluticasone / flonase

corticosteroid. dysphonia, hoarsness, oral fungal infection, HA, sore throat, nasal congestion, N/V/D. chronic asthma tx, rhinitis. onset 2 days. preg cat C

mometasone / nasonex

corticosteroid. dysphonia, hoarsness, oral fungal infection, HA, sore throat, nasal congestion, N/V/D. chronic asthma tx, rhinitis.onset few days, peak up to 3 wks. preg cat C

triamcinolone / nasocort, amcort

corticosteroid. dysphonia, hoarsness, oral fungal infection, HA, sore throat, nasal congestion, N/V/D. chronic asthma tx, rhinitis.onset few days, peak 3-4 days. preg cat C

acetaminophen / tylenol

nonopioid analgesic. anemia, liver and kidney failure. tx mild pain or fever. crushed or whole with full glass of water. give with food or milk if GI upset. s/s of chronic poisoning: rapid, weak pulse, dyspnea, cold, clammy extremities. s/s of chronic o/d


nonopioid analgesic. N/V, rash. management of mild to moderate pain or fever, TIAs, prophylaxis of MI, stroke, angina. long-term use check for liver damage. for arthritis give 30 min before exercise. discard tablet if smells like vinegar. do not give for

celecoxib / celebrex

nonopioid analgesic. fatigue, anxiety, depression, N/V, anorexia, drymouth, constipation. acute, chronic arthritis pain. can take without regard to meals. increase dosage does not increase effectiveness. do not take if allergic to sulfonamide, aspirin, NS

ibuprofen / motrin, advil

nonopioid analgesics. HA, nausea, anorexia, GI bleed, blood dyscrasias. Tx of RA, osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea, gout, dental pain, fever, musculoskeletal disorders. ringing in ears indicate toxicity. contact dr if changes in urinary pattern, increased wt,

naproxen / naprosyn, anaprox, aleve

nonopioid analgesics. GI bleed, blood dyscrasias. mild to moderate pain, RA, osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea. pts with asthma, ASA hypersensitivity or nasal polyps increased risk of hypersensitivity. call dr if blurred vision, ringing in ears, black stools,


opioid analgesic. drowsiness, N/V, resp. depression, constipation. tx of moderate to severe pain, nonproductive cough. do not give if respirations less than 12 per min. avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants. withdrawl symptoms N/V, cramps, fever, faintn

Norepinephrine (Levophed)

Side Effects: Headache, Palpitations, nervousness, epigastric distress, angina, hypertension, tissue necrosis with extravasation.
Nursing Considerations: Vasoconstrictor to increase blood pressure and cardiac output. Reflex bradycardia may occur with rise

Dopamine (Intropin)



Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis


Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis


Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis


Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis

Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)

Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis

Dobutamine hydrocholoride (Dobutrex)

Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis

Milrinone (Primacor)

Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis

Sodium Nitroprusside (Nitropress)

Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis

Diphenhydramine HCL (Benedryl)

Used to treat shock, cardiac arrest and anaphylaxis


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent


Antianxiety Agent

Hydroxyzine (Vistaril), (Atarax)

Antianxiety Agent


Herbal Antianxiety Agent


Herbal Antianxiety Agent

Aluminum hydroxide gel (Amphojel)

Antacid Medication

Calcium carbonate (Titralac)

Antacid Medication

Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium trisilicate

Antacid Medication

Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)

Antacid Medication

Aluminium hydroxide and Magnesium hydroxide (Maalox)

Antacid Medication

Procainamide (Pronestyl)


Disopyramine (Norpace)




Mexiletine Hydrochloride (Mexitil)


Tocainide Hydrochloride (Tonocard)


Flecainide (Tambocor)


Propafenone Hydrochloride (Rythmol)


Propananol (Inderol)


Acebutolol (Sectral)


Esmolol Hydrochloride (Brevibloc)


Amiodarone Hydrochloride (Cordarone)


Ibutilide fumarate (Corvert)


Verapamil (Calan)


Diltiazem Hydrochloride (Cardizem)










Cephalexin (Keflex)

Cephalosporin 1st generation

Cefaclor (Ceclor)

Cephalosporin 2nd generation

Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)

Cephalosporin 3rd generation

Cefepime (maxipime)

Cephalosporin 4th generation

Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)


Levofloxacin (Levoquin)


Norfloxacin (Noroxin)




Clindamycin HCL Phosphate (Cleocin)


Erythromycin (Erythrocin)


Azethromycin (Zithromax)








Penicillin G


Penicillin V


Sulfisoxazole (Gentrisin)


Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)


Doxycycline (Vibramycin)


Minocycline (Minocin)


Tetracycline HCL (Panmycin)


Bacitracin ointment

Topical Antibacterial

Neosporin cream

Topical Antibacterial

Povidone -iodine solution

Topical Antibacterial

Silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadene)

Topical Antibacterial

Tolna flake cream (Tinactin)

Topical Antibacterial

Nystatin cream (Mycostatin)

Topical Antibacterial

Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin)

Genitourinary Medication

Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)

Genitourinary Medication

Oxybutynin (Ditropan)

Genitourinary Medication, Anticholinergic

Hyoscynamine (Anaspaz)

Genitourinary Medication, Anticholinergic

Propantheline (Pro-Banthine)

Genitourinary Medication, Anticholinergic

Derifenacin (Enablex)

Genitourinary Medication, Anticholinergic

Sildenafil (Viagra)

Genitourinary Medication, Anti-impotence

Verdenafil (Levitra)

Genitourinary Medication, Anti-impotence

Finasteride (Proscar, Propecia)

Genitourinary Medication, Testosterone inhibitor

Agents used to treat cardiac arrest, shock and prophylaxis

SE- serious rebound effect may occur, Balance between underdosing and overdosing
NC- monitor vital signs,
Measure Urine output
Assess for extravasation
Observe extremities for color and perfusion

Antianxiety Agents

Indications- anxiety disorders, insomnia, petit mal seizures, panic attacks, acute manic episodes
SE- sedation, depression, confusion, anger, headache, Dry moth, constipation bradycardia, elevated liver enzymes, urinary retention
NC- monitor Liver functio

Antacid Mediactions

Action- neutralizes gastric acids: raises gastric ph; inactivates pepsin
Indications- peptic ulcer, indigestion, reflex esophagitis prevent stress ulcer
SE- constipation, acid rebound between ulcers,
metabolic acidosis
NC- Use medications with sodium cont


Action- Inhibits protein synthesis in gram-negative bacteria
Indication- treatment of severe systemic infection of CNS, respiratory, GI, urinary tract, bone, skin, soft tissues, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, tuberculosis (streptomycin)
SE- ototoxicit


Indications- Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Otitis media, Upper and lower respiratory tract infections, dermatological infections, gonorrhea, septicemia, meningitis, perioperative prophylaxis, UTI's
SE- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased ble

Cephalosporins NC

NC- take with food, don't crush tablets, cross allergy with penicillin's, monitor renal and hepatic function

Penicillins SE

SE- Skin rashes, diarrhea, Allergic reactions, Renal, hepatic, hematological abnormalities, Nausea, vomiting

Penicillins NC

NC- Obtain C and S before first dose
Take careful history of penicillin reaction
Observe for 20 minutes post IM injection
Give 1-2 h ac or 2-3 h pc to reduce gastric acid destruction of drug
Monitor for loose, foul-smelling stool and change in tongue

Sulfonamides SE

SE- Headache, GI disturbances Allergic rash Urinary crystallization

Sulfonamides NC

NC- Monitor I and 0, force fluids
Maintain alkaline urine
Bicarbonate may be indicated to elevate pH
Avoid vitamin C, which acidifies urine

Tetracylines SE

SE- Photosensitivity
GI upset, renal, hepatic, hematological
Dental discoloration of deciduous ("baby") teeth, enamel hypoplasia


NC - Give between meals
If GI symptoms occur, administer with food EXCEPT milk products or other foods high in calcium (interferes with absorption)
Assess for change in bowel habits, perineal rash, black "hairy" tongue Good oral hygiene
Avoid during tooth

Fluoroquinolones SE NC

SE- Seizures, GI upset, Rash
NC- Contraindicated in children less than 18 years of age
Give 2 hours pc or 2 hours before an antacid or iron preparation
Avoid caffeine
Encourage fluids


NC-Can be used in clients with compromised renal function because excretion is primarily through the bile

Glycopeptides SE NC

SE- Liver damage
NC- Poor absorption orally, but IV peak 5 minutes, duration 12-24 hours
Avoid extravasation during therapy-may cause necrosis
Give antihistamine if "red man syndrome": decreased blood pressure, flushing of face and neck Contact clinician

Clindamycin HC1 phosphate (Cleocin)

SE - Nausea Vaginitis,
Colitis may occur 2-9 days or several weeks after starting meds
NC - Administer oral med with a full glass of water to prevent esophageal ulcers
Monitor for persistent vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or abdominal pain and cramping

Bacitracin ointment

SE-Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity
NC -Overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms can occur

Neosporin cream

SE- Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity
NC- Allergic dermatitis may occur

Povidone-iodine solution (Betadine)

NC -Don't use around eyes May stain skin
Don't use full-strength on mucous membranes

Silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadene)

SE- Neutropenia Burning
NC -Use cautiously if sensitive to sulfonamides

Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin)

SE- Diarrhea, Nausea, vomiting, Asthma attacks
NC -Check CBC, Give with food or milk
Check I and 0
Monitor pulmonary status


NC -Urinary tract analgesic, spasmolytic,
Take with meals


SE-Drowsiness, Blurred vision, Dry mouth Constipation, Urinary retention
NC -Used to reduce bladder spasms and treat urinary incontinence, Increase fluids and fiber in diet, Contraindicated for clients with glaucoma


SE-Headache, Flushing, Hypotension, Priapism
NC -Treatment of erectile dysfunction
Take 1 hour before sexual activity
Never use with nitrates-could have fatal hypotension
Do not take with alpha blockers, e.g., doxazosin
(Cardura)-risk of hypotension
Do no

Atropine sulfate SE

Tachycardia, Headache, blurred vision, Insomnia, dry mouth, Dizziness, Urinary retention Angina, mydriasis

Atropine sulfate NC

Used for bradycardia
When given PO give 30 minutes before meals Check for history of glaucoma, asthma, hypertension
Monitor I and 0, orientation
When given in nonemergency situations make certain client voids before taking drug
Educate client to expect dr

Heparin ,Lovenox SE

Can produce hemorrhage from any body site (10%) Tissue irritation/pain at injection site
Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Fever

Heparin NC

Monitor therapeutic partial thromboplastin time (PTT) at 1.5-2.5 times the control without signs of hemorrhage Normal: 20-45 seconds
For IV administration: use infusion pump, peak 5 minutes, duration 2-6 hours For injection: give deep SQ; never IM (danger

Enoxaparin Low-molecular weight heparin (Lovenox) NC

Less allergenic than heparin
Must be given deep SQ, never IV or IM
Does not require lab test monitoring

Warfarin (Coumadin)

SE - Hemorrhage Diarrhea Rash Fever
NC- Monitor therapeutic prothombin time (PT) at 1.5-2.5 times the control, or monitor international normalized ratio (INR) at 2.0-3.0 Normal: 9-12 seconds
Onset: 12-24 hours, peak 1.5-3 days, duration: 3-5 days Antidote

anticoagulants and herbal

Garlic, ginger, ginkgo may increase bleeding when taken with warfarin (Coumadin)
Large doses of anise may interfere with anticoagulants
Ginseng and alfalfa my decrease anticoagulant activity
Black haw increases action of anticoagulant
Chamomile may interf

Phenytoin sodium (Dilantin) SE

Drowsiness, ataxia Nystagmus Blurred vision Hirsutism Lethargy GI upset
Gingival hypertrophy

Phenytoin sodium (Dilantin) NC

Give oral medication with at least 1/2 glass of water, or with meals to minimize GI irritation Inform client that red-brown or pink discoloration of sweat and urine may occur
IV administration may lead to cardiac arrest-have resuscitation equipment at han

Anticonvulsant medications SE

Cardiovascular depression
Respiratory depression
Aplastic anemia

Anticonvulsant medications NC

Tolerance develops with long-term use Don't discontinue abruptly
Caution with use of medications that lower seizure threshold (MAO inhibitors) Barbiturates and benzodiazepines also used as anticonvulsants


Hypertensive crisis when taken with foods containing tyramine (aged cheese, bologna, pepperoni, salami, figs, bananas, raisins, beer, Chianti red wine) or OTC meds containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine
Photosensitivity, Weight gain, Sexual dysfunction Ort


Not first-line drugs for depression
Should not be taken with SSRIs
Administer antihypertensive medications with caution
Avoid use of other CNS depressants, including alcohol
Discontinue 10 days before general anesthesia
Medications lower seizure threshold


Headache, dizziness
Insomnia, drowsiness
Dry mouth
GI upset
Taste changes
Painful menstruation
Sexual dysfunction
Weight loss


Suicide precautions
Take in am
Takes 4 weeks for full effect Monitor weight Good mouth care
Do not administer with MAOIs-risk of serotonin syndrome
Monitor for thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and anemia


Anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, blurred vision)
Confusion (especially in elderly)
Disturbed concentration
Orthostatic hypotension
Bone marrow depression
Urinary retention


Therapeutic effect in 1-3 weeks; maximum response in 6-9 weeks May be administered in daily dose at night to promote sleep and decrease
side effects during the day
Orthostatic hypotension precautions Instruct patient that side effects will decrease over t

Cortisone acetate


Hydrocortisone (Solu-Cortef)


Dexamethasone (Decadron)




Prednisone (Deltasone)


Budesonide (Pulmicort)


Montelukast sodium (Singulair)

Leukotriene-Receptor Blocker






Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)

Laxatives and Stool Softeners


Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Mineral oil

Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Docusate (Colace)

Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Milk of Magnesia

Laxatives and Stool Softeners


Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Polyethylene glycol and electrolytes (Colyte)

Laxatives and Stool Softeners

Edrophonium (Tensilon)

Musculoskeletal Medications

Neostigmine (Prostigmin)

Musculoskeletal Medications

Pyridostigmine bromide (Mestinon)

Musculoskeletal Medications

Alendronate sodium (Fosamax)

Musculoskeletal Medications


Musculoskeletal Medications

Atropine sulfate

Mydriatic and Cycloplegic Medication

Cyclopentolate (Cydogyl)

Mydriatic and Cycloplegic Medication

Morphine sulfate

Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)


Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)


Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)


Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)


Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)


Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)

Oxycodone (Percodan)

Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)

Hydrocodone/ Acetaminophen (Vicodin)

Narcotic (Opioid Anagesic)

Nitroglycerin, Nitro-Bid, Nitrostat


Isosorbide, lsordil,Sorbitrate


Ibuprofen, Motrin


Indomethacin, lndocin


Naproxen, Naprosyn


Celecoxib, Celebrex





Paget's Disease Medication

Etidronate disodium

Paget's Disease Medication


Paget's Disease Medication





Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)







Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Medication for Ulcer


Women's Health Medication


Women's Health Medication


Women's Health Medication


Women's Health Medication


Women's Health Medication

Provera, Depo-Provera

Women's Health Medication


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications


Men's Health Medications

Benylin DM, Pertissis

Antitussive/Expectorant Medication

ES, Vicks Formula 44

Antitussive/Expectorant Medication


Antitussive/Expectorant Medication

Acyclovir (Zovirax)


Ribavarin (Virazole)


Zidovudine (AZT)


Zalcitabine (HIVID)


Didanosine (Videx)


Famciclovir (Famvir)


Ganciclovir (Cytovene)


Amantadine (Symmetrel)\


Rimantadine (Flumadine)


Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)


Zanamivir (Relenza)



Medications used for ADHD


Medications used for ADHD


Bone-Reabsorption Inhibitor


Bone-Reabsorption Inhibitor


Bone-Reabsorption Inhibitor









Adrenalin, Primatene Mist











Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor

Lanoxin (Digoxin)

Cardiac Glycosides


Cytoprotective Agents















Hygroton, Thalitone


Calcium carbonate

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

Calcium chloride

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

MgCl, Slow mag

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

K-Dur, Slow K, Micro-K

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

Kaon Liquid

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

Sodium chloride

Electrolyte and Replacement solution

FeS04, Feosol

Iron Preparation


Iron Preparation



Vitamin D


Sodium fluoride





Eye Medication

Liquifilm Tears

Eye Medication

Visine, Murine Plus

Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication


Eye Medication








Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors

Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent

Nicotine acid

Antilipemic Agent

Niacor, Niaspan

Antilipemic Agent

Folic acid derivatives

Antilipemic Agent


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Beta-adrenergic Blocker


Beta-adrenergic Blocker

Propranolol (Inderal)

Beta-adrenergic Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Centrally Acting Alpha-adrenergic


Centrally Acting Alpha-adrenergic


Direct Acting Vasodilator


Medication for Bipolar Disorder


Medication for Bipolar Disorder


Medication for Bipolar Disorder

Mercaptopurine, 6-MP

Antineoplastic Agent Antimetabolite

Methotrexate, MTX

Antineoplastic Agent Antimetabolite


Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic


Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic

Doxorubicin, (Adriamycin)

Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

Antineoplastic Agent, Hormonal Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Hormonal Agent

Vinblastine (Velban)

Antineoplastic Agent, Vinca Alkaloid

Vincristine (Oncovin)

Antineoplastic Agent,Vinca Alkaloid


Antineoplastic Agent, Topoisomerase


Antineoplastic Agent, Topoisomerase


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiplatelet Agent


Antiplatelet Agent


Antiplatelet Agent


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipyretic Medication

Aspirin, ASA

Antipyretic Medication


Antithyroid Medication

Propylthiouracil (PTU)

Antithyroid Medication

Lugol's Iodine Solution(SSKI)

Antithyroid Medication

Radioactive iodine

Antithyroid Medication


Thyroid Replacement Medication


Thyroid Replacement Medication


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent

Para-amino salicylic acid (PAS)

Antitubercular Agent

Pyrazinamide (PZA)

Antitubercular Agent


Anticholinergic Medication


Anticholinergic Medication

Atropine sulfate

Anticholinergic Medication


Anticholinergic Medication


Anticholinergic Medication

Iprotropium plus albuterol

Anticholinergic Medication


Anticholinergic Medication


Anticholinergic Medication


Anticoagulant Medication


Anticoagulant Medication


Anticoagulant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication

Magnesium Sulfate

Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


Anticonvulsant Medication


MAO inhibitors






















Rapid-Acting Insulin


Rapid-Acting Insulin

Humalog R

Short-Acting Insulin

Novolin R

Short-Acting Insulin

Iletin II Regular

Short-Acting Insulin


Intermediate-Acting Insulin


Intermediate-Acting Insulin


Long-Acting Insulin


Very Long-Acting Insulin


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Sulfonylureas


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Sulfonylureas


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Sulfonylureas


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Biguanides


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Alpha Glucoside Inhibitors


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Alpha Glucoside Inhibitors


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Thiazolidinediones


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Thiazolidinediones


Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Meglitinides


Medication that Reverses Hypoglycemia

Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol

Antidiarrheal Medication


Antidiarrheal Medication


Antidiarrheal Medication


Antidiarrheal Medication


Antiemetic Medications


Antiemetic Medications


Antiemetic Medications


Antiemetic Medications


Antiemetic Medications


Antifungal Medication


Antifungal Medication


Antifungal Medication

Preparing medication

Wash hands 2. Check medication order 3. Check expiration date 4. Check label 5. Check patient identity

5 Rights of Medication Administration

Right dose 2. Right drug 3. Right patient 4. Right time 5. Right route C. Teach patient about drug D. Stay with patient until drug is taken E. Give medication within 30 minutes of prescribed time F. Chart immediately G. Observe for therapeutic and adverse


18-23 gauge; 1-2 inch needle 2. Pull skin taut 3. Inject at 90-degree angle 4. Sites a. Vastus lateralis- between the greater trochanter and the knee cap b. Rectus femoris c. Dorsal gluteal 1) Locate greater trochanter and posterior aspect of the superior


25-29 gauge; 3/8 to 1 inch needle 2. Pinch skin 3. 45 degree angle; insulin degree is 90 degree except for those who are extremely emaciated. 4. Sites a. Outer aspect of upper arm b. Anterior thigh c. Abdomen: at least one inch from umbilicus


25-27 gauge; 3/8 to one inch needle 2. Stretch skin taut 3. Do not massage 4. Sites a. Ventral forearm (Tb test) b. Scapula and upper chest (allergy testing)


Use glove 2. Moisten suppository with water soluble lubricant 3. Insert tapered end 2 inches 4. Pinch buttocks 5. Retain for at least 10-20 minutes

Eye medications

Client supine with head turned to affected side 2. Place drops in the conjunctival sac 3. Put gentle pressure on the inner canthus

Ear Medications

Client on unaffected side 2. Clean outer ear 3. Straighten ear canal a. Adults and older children: up and back b. Infants and toddlers: down and back 4. Instill drops 5. Have person stay on side for 5-10 minutes on unaffected side 6. Alternatively, put co

General Rules for Antimicrobials

Culture before giving B. Give at regular intervals - Example: QID 6 hour intervals C. Check for superimposed infections yeast infection, body has hard time determining good and bad microbes D. Teach patient "Take all of the medication.

Aminoglycosides (Mycins) Except for Erythromycin

Used primarily for gram-negative organisms in serious infections. B. Examples of drugs 1. Gentamicin (Garamycin) 2. Streptomycin 3. Kanamycin (Kantrex) 4. Neomycin C. Method of Administration 1. Given I.V. or I.M. for systemic action. 2. Oral administrati

Vancomycin (Vancocin)

General Information 1. Unrelated to any other drug. 2. Use is reserved for severe infections because of its toxicity. a. Given IV for severe staphylococcal infections resistant to methicillin or penicillin allergic patients. b. Given PO for treatment of p

Penicillins (cillins)

Used to treat Gram + and - infections 1. Gonococcus- gonorrhea 2. Meningococcus-meningitis 3. Pneumococcus-pneumonia 4. Streptococcus -strep throat 5. Treponema (syphilis) B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Allergic reactions / anaphylaxis a. Ask re: aller


20-25% cross allergy (if allergic to penicillin can also be allergic to Cephalosporin) A. Used to treat both gram - and gram + organisms. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Penicillin cross allergy; ask about penicillin allergy. 2. Nephrotoxicity may occur


Uses 1. Persons who are allergic to penicillin. 2. Legionnaire's Disease- resp. infection 3. Mycoplasma infections- pneumonia (walking) 4. Chlamydia 5. Borrelia (carried by the deer tick) 6. Haemophilus influenzae 7. Helicobacter pylori- sensitive to eryt


Uses 1. Rickettsial infections (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease) 2. Mycoplasma infections- walking pneumonia 3. Chlamydia infections 4. Low dose tetracycline used to treat acne 5. Helicobacter Pylori B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Do not

Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin)

Uses 1. Because of its severe toxicity chloramphenicol is used only for infections that do not respond to other drugs. 2. Hemophilus influenzae meningitis 3. Typhoid fever 4. Rickettsial infections such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 5. Some types of sal


Uses: Active against gram (-) bacteria including Pseudomonas and some gram (+) organisms. B. Examples of Drugs (Note the oxacin ending.) 1. Norfloxacin (Noroxin) a. Used for urinary tract infections 2. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) a. Used for systemic infections


Uses 1. Urinary tract infections. 2. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. 3. Bowel prep before colon surgery to kill intestinal bacteria. B. Examples of Drugs (Note the Sulfa and Gant) 1. Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) 2. Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) a. Sulfa

Urinary Anti-infectives

In acid urine methenamine drugs are converted to ammonia and formaldehyde, which is antibacterial. Nitrofurantoin is bacteriostatic. A. Used to treat urinary tract infections. They do not achieve blood levels high enough to treat systemic infections. B. E

Antitubercular Drugs

Two to four drugs are given for a period of months to prevent development of resistance B. Method of Administration 1. Usually given orally. 2. The mycins as discussed earlier are given I.M. C. Side effects / nursing care 1. Streptomycin: Given IM several

Antiviral Agents

Acyclovir (Zovirax); Famciclovir (Famvir) and others 1. Used to treat Herpes Simplex 1- fever blister and 2- genital 2. Does not cure herpes 3. Does not prevent transmission 4. Used to treat initial and recurrent genital herpes, cold sores and shingles (h

Nucleoside Analogues

Nucleoside Analogues 1. Inhibit replication of HIV virus by inhibiting the transcription of RNA and DNA. 2. Drugs a. Didanosine (Videx) (ddl) b. Lamivudine (3TC) (Epivir) c. Stavudine (d4T) (Zerit) d. Zidovudine (AZT) (Retrovir) 3. Major adverse effect is

Non Nucleoside Analogues

Inhibit replication of HIV virus; do not cure AIDS 2. Drugs a. Delavirdine (DLV) (Rescriptor) b. Nevirapine (NVP) (Viramune) 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Monitor liver enzymes b. Nevirapine decreases effectiveness of oral contraceptives c. Nevirapine

Protease Inhibitors

. Inhibit replication of HIV virus; do not cure AIDS- slow down the replication of virus 2. Drugs a. Indinavir (Crixivan) b. Nelfinavir (Viracept) c. Ritonavir (Norvir) d. Saquinavir (Invirase) 3. Adverse Effects / Nursing Care a. Use cautiously with othe


Used to fungi or yeast infections that may be systemic such as histoplasmosis, vaginal such as candida or affect the skin such as tinea (ringworm). B. Amphotericin B (Fungazone) Treatment of systemic fungal infections such as histoplasmosis 1. Given IV 2.

Local Anesthetics

Uses 1. "Caines block pain." 2. Dental or minor surgical procedures such as suturing lacerations. 3. Regional anesthesia B. Response to local anesthetic 1. Skin veins dilate 2. Brief sense of warmth 3. Loss of temperature sensation 3. Pain sensation block

Epidural anesthesia

Anesthesia is injected into the epidural space. 2) No cerebrospinal fluid is lost. 3) Patient is not likely to develop headaches. 4) Patient does not need to remain flat.

Spinal anesthesia

Needle inserted into the spinal canal 2) Cerebrospinal fluid is lost. 3) Keep patient flat for 8 hours to prevent headache. fluids

Side Effects of Aspirin, Tylenol, NSAIDS

Side effects 1. Bleeding a. Seen primarily with salicylates and NSAIDs. b. Salicylates may be prescribed therapeutically to prevent clot formation in patients on long term bed rest with fractures or in the prevention of heart attacks. 2. Gastrointestinal


Sumatriptan (Imitrex) 2. Actions: Constricts cerebral arteries 3. Teach patient to look for triggers for migraine headaches; Avoid tyramine foods

Narcotic Analgesics

alter the perception of and the response to pain. B. Side effects CNS drugs; CNS side effects 1. Respiratory depression 2. Decreased alertness 3. Cough suppression 4. Drop in blood pressure and pulse 5. Decreased peristalsis- bowel sounds 6. Constricts pu

Narcotic Antagonists: Naloxone (Narcan)

Narcotic antagonists act by blocking opiate receptors B. Uses 1. Opiate induced respiratory depression 2. Acute opiate overdose C. Side effects / nursing care 1. Withdrawal in patients who are addicted to opiates. 2. Recurrence of pain- pain level will in


Actions and uses a. Sedation b. Anticonvulsants 2. Examples of Drugs a. Phenobarbital Sodium (Luminal) b. Amobarbital Sodium (Amytal) c. Butabarbital Sodium (Butisol) d. Pentobarbital Sodium (Nembutal) e. Secobarbital Sodium (Seconal) f. Thiopental Sodium

Benzodiazepines (Antianxiety Agents)

Actions and uses a. Antianxiety b. Sedation c. Light anesthesia d. Skeletal muscle relaxation e. Anticonvulsant 2. Examples of Drugs a. Diazepam (Valium) b. Alprazolam (Xanax) c. Midazolam (Versed) used for conscious sedation d. Oxazepam (Serax) e. Temaze


Act similarly to other sedative hypnotics and have similar side effects. 2. Examples of Drugs a. Chloral Hydrate b. Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)

Side effects of sedative / hypnotic drugs

Addiction / cross addiction 2. Drowsiness, lethargy, confusion 3. Respiratory depression


Used to treat seizure disorders B. Hydantoins: Phenytoin (Dilantin) 1. Therapeutic serum level 10-20 mcg/ml 2. Adverse effects a. Gum hyperplasia b. Lowered blood counts; monitor CBC c. Alcohol reduces effectiveness d. Kidney and liver damage e. Pink or r

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Uses 1. They are used to treat a wide range of skeletal muscle spasticity from lower back pain to multiple sclerosis. 2. Dantrolene is used to treat malignant hyperthermia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Baclofen (Lioresal) 2.

Dopamine Agents

Carbidopa / Levodopa (Sinemet): Carbidopa inhibits peripheral use of dopamine making more available to the brain. Levodopa is converted to dopamine. 2. Levodopa (Levopa) 3. Amantadine (Symmetrel): increases the release of dopamine. 4. Parlodel: increases

Cholinergic Blocking Agents

Examples of drugs a. Benztropine Mesylate (Cogentin) b. Trihexyphenidyl HCl (Artane): relieves rigidity but has no effect on tremor. c. Contraindicated in patients with glaucoma, tachycardia, duodenal ulcers, biliary obstruction and prostatic hypertrophy.

Side Effects of Antipakisonian drugs

Constipation. b. Dry mouth. c. Nausea. d. Tachycardia, hypotension. e. Dizziness, drowsiness. Safety. f. Blurred vision, photophobia, acute glaucoma. g. Urinary retention

Adrenergic Drugs

Used to treat a. Shock: epinephrine used b. Bronchospasm: Theophylline, aminophylline, epinephrine used 2. Side effects a. Tachycardia b. Urinary retention c. Nausea and vomiting

Adrenergic Blockers

Used frequently to lower blood pressure 2. Examples of Drugs a. Beta blockers: "olols" b. Alpha blockers: "zosins


Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis a. Neostigmine (Prostigmin) b. Ambenonium Chloride (Mytelase) c. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) d. Edrophonium Chloride (Tensilon): Used in diagnosis of myasthenia gravis 2. Bethanechol Chloride (Urecholine) a. Treatment of posto


Preanesthetic medication a. Atropine sulfate b. Scopolamine hydrobromide c. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul) 2. Parkinson's Disease a. Benztropine mesylate (Cogentin) b. Trihexyphenidyl (Artane) 3. Antiarrhythmic 4. Side effects a. Red, Hot, Dry, Blind, Mad b. Bl


Drugs Used to Treat Ventricular Dysrhythmias 1. Examples of drugs a. Lidocaine (Xylocaine)- severe VD b. Procainamide (Pronestyl) Emergency c. Bretylium (Bretylol): Emergency drug d. Amiodarone (Cardarone)- Maintenance (can have arrhythmias) e. Phenytoin

Beta Blockers

Uses a. Hypertension b. Dysrhythmias 2. Examples of Drugs and Routes a. PO Only 1) Nadolol (Corgard) 2) Acebutolol (Sectral) b. PO and IV 1) Propranolol HCl (Inderal) 2) Metoprolol (Lopressor) 3) Atenolol (Tenormin) 3. Actions a. Decreases contractility o


Anticholinergic drug that blocks vagal stimulation increasing heart rate b. Acts throughout the body to block cholinergic activity causing side effects of dry mouth, dilated pupils and blurred vision. 2. Isoproteronol (Isuprel): Enhances cardiac conductio


Heparin blocks the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and prolongs clotting time. 2. Heparin is destroyed by gastric juices and must be given parenterally - either IV or subcutaneous in the abdomen - at least one inch from the umbilicus. 3. The antidot

Warfarin (Coumadin, Dicumarol)

Warfarin blocks prothrombin synthesis 2. Given orally 3. Antidote is Vitamin K 4. Prothrombin time should be monitored. When warfarin is being administered the PT should be 1 1/2 to 2 times the control. Results may also be reported in INR (international n


Prevent platelet aggregation and thus decrease clotting. 2. Examples of drugs a. Abciximab (ReoPro) b. Dypyridamole (Persantine) c. Ticlopidine (Ticlid)- sickle cell anemia 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Bleeding b. Avoid large quantities of Vitamin K

Thrombolytic Drugs

Dissolve B. Examples of Drugs 1. Alteplase (tissue plasminogen activator recombinant, tPA, Activase) 2. Streptokinase 3. Urokinase C. Indications 1. MI 2. Strokes 3. Pulmonary embolus 4. DVT D. Side effects / nursing care 1. Bleeding 2. Heparin therapy ma

Antilipemic Agents

Antilipemic drugs are always used in conjunction with diet, weight control and exercise to reduce atherosclerosis. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Cholestyramine (Questran): Acts by reducing absorption of fats in the intestinal tract 2. Gemfibrozil (Lopid): Acts

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors

prevent conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II 2. Examples of drugs a. Captopril (Capoten) b. Enalapril, enalaprilat (Vasotec) c. Benazepril (Lotensin) d. Fosinopril (Monopril) e. Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) f. Ramipril (Altace) Side effects / n


Uses 1. Mild hypertension 2. Edema 3. Congestive heart failure B. Side effects / nursing care for all diuretics 1. All diuretics can cause orthostatic hypotension. Patients should be taught to change positions slowly. 2. Monitor output 3. Monitor weights

Thiazine Diuretics

Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Esidrex) 3. Thiazide diuretics inhibit sodium reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle. 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Hypokalemia, hyperuricemia (gout), hyperglycemia b. Teach patient high potassium foods to includ

Loop Diuretics

Examples a. Furosemide (Lasix) b. Bumetanide (Bumex) 2. Loop diuretics inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride at the proximal portion of the ascending loop of Henle, increasing water excretion. 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Hypokalemia, hypochlor

Osmotic Diuretics

Mannitol (Osmitrol) 2. Osmotic diuretics increase the osmotic pressure of the glomerular filtrate inside the renal tubules. 3. Used to prevent acute renal failure, to reduce intraocular and intracranial pressure, and to promote diuresis in drug intoxicati

Potassium Sparing Diuretic

Examples a. Spironolactone (Aldactone) b. Amiloride Hydrochloride (Midamor) 2. These drugs block the sodium retaining effects of aldosterone causing increased elimination of sodium and fluid but not potassium. 3. Useful in combination with other diuretics

Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)

Exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions in the large intestine. 2. Used in the treatment of severe hyperkalemia. 3. Can be given PO or by 6 hour retention enema B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Needs to be in contact with GI tract for 6 hours to be most

Rapid Acting Insulins: Regular

Onset: 1/2 to 1 hr 2) Peak: 2 to 4 hrs 3) Duration: 6 to 8 hrs

Intermediate Acting Insulins: NPH

Onset: 2-4 hrs 2) Peak: 6 - 8 hrs 3) Duration: 24-48 hrs

Side Effect/ Nursing Care of Insulins

Teach patient how to give injections 1) Ninety degree angle unless emaciated 2) Rotate injection sites: arm, abdomen, thigh 3) When mixing insulins draw up regular insulin first and then NPH. 4) When preparing insulin for injection swirl the bottle gently

Oral antidiabetic agents

Sulfonylureas (glipizide, glyburide) stimulate insulin release AE making patient hungry 2. Thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone maleate [Avandia]) improve insulin receptor activity 3. Alpha-glucosidose inhibitors (acarbose [Precose]) delay digestion of carbo

Corticotrophin (ACTH)

Used primarily to diagnose adrenocortical insufficiency. 2. If corticotrophin is given over a period of time Cushing syndrome may occur.

Desmopressin (DDAVP); Vasopressin (ADH, Pitressin); Lypressin spray

Used in the treatment of diabetes insipidus.

Glucocorticoids (sugar)

organic effects regulating carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and are antiinflammatory and immunosuppressant

Mineralocorticoids (salt)

produce inorganic effects regulating water and electrolyte metabolism.


Prednisone (Deltasone) b. Prednisolone (Cortalone) c. Methylprednisolone (Solu Medrol) d. Cortisone (Cortone) e. Dexamethasone (Decadron) f. All of the above have glucocorticoid actions. g. Fludrocortisone (Florinef). Has mineralocorticoid actions. 2. Use

Thyroid Hormones

Uses a. After thyroidectomy b. Hypothyroidism 2. Examples a. Desiccated thyroid b. Thyroglobulin (Proloid) c. Levothyroxine (Levothroid) d. Liothyronine sodium (Cytomel) e. Usually given po once daily. 2. Side effects and nursing care a. Usually results f

Thyroid Antagonists

Uses a. Hyperthyroidism b. Preparation for thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine therapy. 1. Examples of Drugs a. Methimazole (Tapazole) b. Propylthiouracil (PTU) before thyroid surgery to shrink thyroid gland c. These drugs are given orally. 2. Side effe


Indications a. Replacement therapy in androgen deficient males. b. Breast cancer c. Fibrocystic breast disease. d. Endometriosis. 2. Examples of Drugs a. Testosterone (Depo Testosterone) b. Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) c. Danazol (Cyclomen) 3. Side effect


Uses a. Replacement therapy in menopause b. Androgen dependent tumors - prostate cancer. c. Contraception (in combination with progesterone). 2. Examples of Drugs a. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) b. Estradiol (Estrace) c. Conjugated estrogens (Premarin) 3. Sid


Uses a. Amenorrhea b. Abnormal uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalance. c. Endometrial cancer. d. Contraception 2. Examples of Drugs a. Hydroxyprogesterone (Duralutin) b. Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) c. Progesterone (Gestrol) 3. Side effects a. Bre

Oral Contraceptives

Progestin only - taken every day of the menstrual cycle. 2. Combination pill - taken days 5 - 24 of menstrual cycle 3. Side effects / Nursing Care a. Same as for estrogens and progestins b. Discontinue 1 week before surgery to reduce risk of thromboemboli

Fertility Agents

Examples of Drugs a. Clomiphene (Clomid) b. Menotropin (Pergonal) c. Gonadorelin (Factrel) 2. Action: Stimulate ovulation 3. Side effects: multiple births; ovarian cysts


Action: stimulate the smooth muscle of the uterus. 2. Uses a. To decrease postpartum bleeding 1) Ergotrate- after delivery 2) Methergine 3) Pitocin b. Pitocin used to induce labor or intensify uterine contractions during labor 2. Adverse effects / nursing

Histamine (H2) Antagonists

Histamine antagonists decrease the acidity of the stomach by blocking the action of histamine. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Cimetidine (Tagamet) 2. Ranitidine (Zantac) 3. Famotidine (Pepcid) 4. Roxotidine (Roxin) 5. Nizatidine (Axid) (Used for gastroesophageal

Omeprazole (Prilosec)

Blocks formation of gastric acid.; inflammation, GERD B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Abdominal pain 2. Instruct patient to swallow capsules whole and not crush or open capsule.

GI Anticholinergics

Uses: 1. Peptic ulcers 2. Ulcerative colitis 3. Irritable bowel syndrome B. Examples of Drugs 1. Belladonna 2. Methaneline bromide (Banthine) 3. Propantheline bromide (Probanthine) B. Side effects / nursing care "Red, Hot, Dry, Blind, Mad

Sucralfate (Carafate)

Action: Sucralfate forms a highly condensed paste - like substance after reacting with gastric acid that binds to gastric and duodenal ulcers forming a protective barrier allowing the ulcer to heal. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Binds with other medic

Drugs Used to Treat Helicobacter Pylori

Metronidazole (Flagyl) 1. Alcohol causes nausea and vomiting (Antabuse like reaction) in patients taking metronidazole B. Amoxicillin or Tetracycline, Biaxin or some other antibiotic C. Omeprazole (Prilosec) or Ranitidine (Zantac) D. Peptobismol sometimes


Antacids neutralize gastric acidity and help control ulcer pain. Ph to 3-3.5 B. Magnesium containing antacids 1. May cause diarrhea. C. Aluminum Containing Antacids: Aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel) 1. May cause constipation and phosphorus depletion. 2. In r


Bismuth subsalicylate (Peptobismol) 1. Contains salicylates. 2. Bismuth is a heavy metal and should not be used in patients who are receiving radiation therapy. Heavy metals may block radiation. Can cause stools to become black B. Kaolin - Pectate (Kaopec


Do not give laxatives in patient has symptoms of appendicitis or intestinal obstruction B. Teach how to prevent constipation: fluid, fiber, opportunity, activity C. Laxatives are for short term use only

Bulk forming

Safest of all laxatives. b. Examples of bulk forming laxatives 1) Methylcellulose (Cologel) 2) Psyllium Hydrophilic Muciloid (Metamucil)

Emollient (stool softener)

Reduces the surface tension of feces. b. Used to prevent constipation, not to treat it. c. Used when straining at stool is contraindicated: MI, rectal surgery, eye surgery, postpartum hemorrhage. d. Examples of stool softeners: Docusate salts. (Colace, Su

Hyperosmolar or saline cathartics

Examples of saline cathartics 1) Magnesium citrate 2) Milk of Magnesia 3) Potassium citrate 4) Glycerin b. Used to induce diarrhea and clean bowel before surgery and diagnostic tests


Examples of stimulant laxatives more rapid peristalsis 1) Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 2) Castor oil


All are central nervous system depressants B. Side effects 1. Anticholinergic 2. Central nervous system a. Drowsiness b. Hypotension; dry mouth; difficult voiding C, Examples: 1. Benzquinamide (Emete-Con) 2. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) 3. Prochlorperazine


Apomorphine B. Ipecac syrup 1. Given in an oral syrup. 2. Doses of 30 cc or less cause no systemic adverse effects. 3. Emesis occurs 20 - 30 minutes after administration of ipecac syrup. 4. 200 - 300 ml of water or clear liquid may facilitate the emetic a

Pancreatic Enzymes

Information 1. Pancreatic enzymes replace exocrine pancreatic enzymes and aid digestion of starches, fats, and proteins. 2. Used in cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis B. Examples of Drugs 1. Pancreatin (Donnazyme) 2. Pancrelipase (Pancrease, Viokase, Ilozym

Gold Salts

Information 1. Gold salts alter immune response. 2. Gold is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis not responding to other therapy as well as to treat other autoimmune conditions B. Examples of Gold Salts 1. Auranofin (Ridaura) 2. Aurothioglucose (Solganol) 3


Information 1. These drugs are used to treat malaria. 2. They are also useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to NSAIDs. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Chloroquine (Aralen) 2. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) C. Side effects 1. Epigas


Methotrexate suppresses immune function in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis B. Side effects 1. GI 2. Bone marrow depression

Gout Drugs

Allopurinol (Zyloprim) 1. Inhibits xanthine oxidase and prevents production of uric acid. 2. Used in the treatment of primary and secondary gout. 3. Used to prevent attacks; NOT useful for acute attacks. 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Minimize GI side


Information a. Reduces inflammatory response to deposition of monosodium urate crystals. b. Drug of choice in acute attacks of gout. 2. Side effects / nursing care a. During acute attack colchicine is administered every hour until pain relief or toxicity

Probenecid (Benemid)

Used to prevent recurrence of gouty arthritis 2. Administer with food or antacid to minimize gastric irritation.

Antineoplastic Agents

Cancer is cell division gone wild. Anti cancer drugs destroy cancer cells by interfering with their cell division. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Bone marrow Suppression is usually the dose limiting adverse effect. a. Low white blood count causes immun


Antimetabolites interfere with protein synthesis 2. Examples of Antimetabolites a. Methotrexate (Folex PFS) b. Cytarabine (Cytosine, Arabinoside) c. 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) d. Hydroxyurea (Hydrea) e. Mercaptopurine (Purinethol) f. 6-Mercaptopurine (6MP) g. V

Alkylating Agents

Settle in the cell nucleus and attack DNA causing cross-linking of strands of cellular DNA causing an imbalance of growth that leads to cell death. 2. Examples of Alkylating Agents a. Cisplatin (Platinol) b. Busulfan (Myleran) c. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan

Antibiotic Antineoplastic Agents

Mechanism of action. a. Isolated from naturally occurring microorganisms that inhibit bacterial growth. b. Differ from the other aminoglycosides in that they disrupt the functioning of the host cells as well as the bacterial cells. 2. Examples of Antibiot

Vinca Alkaloids

Information a. Derivatives of the periwinkle plant, a ground cover. b. Used to treat leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas and some carcinomas. d. Taxol is used for advanced ovarian cancer and small cell lung carcinoma. 2. Examples of Vinca alkaloids a. Vinblast

Antineoplastics affecting hormonal balance

Organ specific 2. Tamoxifen blocks form of estrogen that stimulates breast cancer 3. Estramustine phosphate sodium blocks male hormone function and slows prostate cancer 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Adverse effects are related to the organ affected.


Azathioprine (Imuran) 1. Used for immunosuppression in transplants. 2. Causes bone marrow suppression. 3. Causes severe liver damage. B. Cyclosporine (Sandimmune) 1. Cyclosporine inhibits the T-lymphocytes. 2. Used in combination with corticosteroids to p


Active immunity 1. Client's own antigen antibody response stimulated 2. Takes time to develop 3. Long lasting 4. Vaccines and toxoids B. Passive immunity 1. Antibodies come from outside the host 2. Act immediately 3. Short term 4. Immune serum globulin


RhoGam prevents the development of maternal RH antibodies. 2. RhoGam is given to Rh-negative mothers who have an Rh-positive fetus and who have not developed antibodies to Rh factor. 3. It is also given to Rh-negative women who have abortions or miscarria


anti convalescent, mood stabilizer, requires periodic CBC

ergotamine (cafergot)

given for vascular headaches, assess for hypertension; cool, number fingers and toes; muscle pain; nausea and vomitting


Widens air passages of the lungs and eases breathing bronchial smooth muscle.

Albuterol (Pro Air)

Relaxes muslces in the airways and increase airflow to the lungs.
Used to treat or provent bronchospasm in people with reversible obstructive airway disease.

Theophylline (Elixophyllin)

Relaxtion, muslces in lungs and chest, making the lungs less sensitive to allergens and often causes of bronchospasm.
Treat symptoms: wheezing, SOB caused by asthma, bronchitits, emphysema, and other breathing problems.


Are another group of bronchodilators

Atrovent (Ipratropium)

Relaxes muscles in the airways and increase airflow to the lungs.

Spiriva (Tiotropium)

Enlarges airways



Flovent (Fluticasone)

Prevents the release of substances int he body that cause inflammation.
Used to prevent asthma attacks.


Prevents the release of substances in the body that cuase inflammation. Used to prvent asthma attacks. Works by decreasing irritation and swelling in the airways which helps to control or prvent asthma s/s.

Leukotriene Modifiers

Used to manage allergic rhinitis or allergies as well as prevent asthma.

Singulair (Montelukast)

Prevent asthma attacks in adults and children as young as 12 months old. Also treat S/S year round allergies,

Inhaled NSAIDS

Intal (cromolyn sodium)-anti-inflammatory
Works by preventing the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Used to prvent asthma attack in people with bronchiol asthma, to prevent bronchospasm (wheezing, chest tightness, trouble breathin


Drugs that treat allergy symptoms

Benedryl (Diphenhydramine)

Reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body.
Used to treat sneezing, runny nose, itchin, watery eyes, hives, rashes, itching and other s/s of allergies and the common cold. Also used to suppress couchs to treat motion sickenss and to

Zyrtec (Cetirizine)

Used to treat cold/allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Also used to treat hives (urticaria).


Used to relieve nasal congestion in the upper resp.tract.

Afrin (Oxymetazoline)

Relieving nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever, other upper resp tract allergies or sinus infection.

Sudafed (Pseudophedrine)

Stimulates blood vessels in the nasal passages. Used to treat nasal and sinus congestion of eustachain tubes.


Promoting or facilitating the seretion or expulsion of phlegm, mucus or other matter from resp. tract.

Mucinex (Guaifenesin)

USed to relieve the S/S of cough and mucus in the chest due to colds, flu or hay fever. Works by phelgm in the lungs and making it less stiky and easier to cough up. This reduces chest congestion making coughs more effective.


Are drugs that suppress couching, possibly by reducing the activity of the cough center in the brain.
Tessalon (Benzonate), Delsym (Dex), Robitussin


Works by killing sensitive bacteria by stopping the production of essential proteins needed to survive.
Monitor kidney ftn and cbc.

Levaquin (Levofloxin)

Fights bacteria in the body

Tamiflu (Oseltamivir)
Relenza (Zanamivir)

Flue Med
Antiviral medication that blocks the actions of influenza.
2 wks and older who had flu S/S >2days.
Side effects: N/V, eye discomfort, insomnia, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, h/a

Flu Vaccine

Live virus=nasal mist
Dead virus=injection
Not given with egg allergy
Incresase risk for reaction with Beta Blockers
DO give in dominant arm.

TB Meds

PZA (Pyrazinamide)
Rifampin-possible orange urine (side effects: hepatitis, GI disturbance)
INH (Ionozide)-Can cause an elevation of hepatic enzymes and hepatitis. Monitor when therapy is initiated and during the first 3 months.


Hormone produced by the pancreas which is central to regulating carbohydrate & fat metabolism in body.
-Regular (rapid onset of action, short duration) begins to reduce bs with in 30 mins, peak 1-3 hours, lasts 6-8 hours.
-NPH (slower onset, longer durati

Rapid Acting Insulin

With meals
-onset: 15-30 mins
-peak: 30-90 mins
-duration: 3-5 hours

Short Acting Insulin

With meals
-onset: 30min-1 hour
-peak: 2-5 hours
-duration: 5-8 hours
Type 1

Intermediate Acting Insulin

-onset: 1-2 hours
-peak: 4-12 hours
-duration: 18-24 hours
-onset: 1-2.5 hours
-peak: 3-10 hours
-duration: 18-24 hours

Long Acting Insulin

-onset: 1-1.5 hours
-peak: none
-duration: 20-24 hours

ADH-Antidiuretic hormone

Desmopressin (DDAVP)
-Acts on kidneys & blood vessels, helps prevent the loss of water from the body by reducing urine output, raises BP by constricting blood vessels
Vasopressin (Pitressin)
-Helps prevent the loss of water from the body by reducing


Increase effect on anticoagulant, antidepressant, decrease glucose meds, dijoxin, and dilantin.
Methimazole (Tapazole)-hyper, sudden withdrawl cuase thyroid crisis, don't increase K
PTU (propythiouracil)-hyper, thyrotoxic crisis, watch for iodine, alter e


Levothyroxine (synthroid)-hyper, hormone replacement
Liothyronine (cytomenl)t3-hypo
Liotrix (thyrolar)-hypo


Parlodel (bromocripitine)
Sondostatin (octreotide)-injection
Dostirex (cabergaline)
Reduce amount of prolacting in body, check GH measurments, teach hyperglycemia


Solumedrol-used for decrease adrenal ftn, modifying the body's immune response to various conditions & decrease inflammation.
Decadron (dexamethezone)-treat certain conditions associated with decrease adrenal ftn, works by decreasing or preventing tissue


Florinef (fludrocortsone)-prevents the release of substances in the body taht cause inflamation. Used to treat conditions in which the body does not produce enough of its own steroids such as addisons disease, help restore electrolyte balance.


Clomid (clomiphene citrate)-to induce ovulation
-pt teaching-multiple birth, take basal temp
Parladel (bromocriptate mesylate)-amenorrhea, hypogonadism (infertility)
-pt teaching-baseline & periodic evals of cardiac, hepatic, renal ftn are recommended, ma


Testosterone-used in men & boys to treat conditions caused by lack of hormone
Virilon-stimulate growth in many tissues especally bone and muscle.


Premarin (cream)-used to treat the vag. symptoms of menapause such as dryness, burning, irritation & painful sex.
Estradiol-used to treat symptoms of menopaus, prevention of osteoporosin in post menopausal, replacement with ovarian failure.


Depo-Prohera (shot)
Megace (megestrol)-man made chemical similar to female progestron, used to treat loss of appetitie & wt loss in people with aids
TX-advaced breast CA & endometrial CA

Glipizide (Glucortrol)

Is an oral hypoglycemic agent administered to decrease the serum glucose level & the signs & symptoms of hyperglycemia.

(Florinef) Fludocortisone Acetate

Long lasting oral med with mineralcorcoid & mod glucorticoid activity.
-prescribed for long term tx addisons disease
-help restore electrolyte balance

Glucagon Hydrochloride

Given to type 1 DM


(f) 12-16 ; (m) 14 - 18


(f) 37-47% ; (m) 42-52 %




4.5-5.5 million


5,000 - 10,000

Sed Rate/ESR

(f) 0-20 sec ; (m) 0-15 sec

Prothrombin Time (PT)

11 - 12 sec (Coumadin)

International Normalized Ratio (INR)

Normal <2, Coumaden 2-3 reported with PT

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

normal 30-40 ; heparin 53-70

Sodium (Na)

135-145 critical <120 or >160

Potassium (K)

3.5-5.5 critical =< 2.5 or > 6.5

Chloride (Cl)

98-106 critical =< 80 or > 115

Calcium (Ca)

8.2-10.2 critical =<7 or > 12


0.3 - 1.0


10-20 critical >100 (have acidemia, confusion, fatigue, N/V, coma)


0.5-1.2 critical >7.4, renal insufficiency if 1.5-3


Fasting 60-110

Hemoglobin A1c

4-6% = good glucose control

Creatinine enzymes

CK-MB, troponin 1, AST, myoglobin, B-type natiuretic peptide

pH of urine

4.5 - 7.5

Specific gravity of urine

1.010 - 1.030


7.35 - 7.45


35 - 45; >70 Carbon dioxide narcosis





O2 saturation


Cholesterol level


LDL level


HDL level


Serum Osmolality



1.5 - 2.5 mEq/L ( toxic level: 4.8 - 9.6 mEq/L)


2.5-4.5 mEq/L


3.5 - 5.0 gm/dL

Lithium level

0.6-1.2 over 1.5 is toxic


5-20 ng/ml


0.5-2 ng/ml; >2 toxic


10-20 meq/ml

Intraocular pressure

10-21 mm Hg; Chronic glaucoma 30-50 mm Hg; Acute glaucoma 50-70 mm Hg

Glasgow Coma Scale

scale of 1-15; < 8 coma present; based on motor, verbal, and eye responses

Rheumatoid Factor

nonreactive: 0-39
weakly reactive: 40-79
reactive: > 80

Dosage formual for mcg/kg/min

mg divided by volume times 1000 divided by 60 divided by weight in kg = constant (1 mL value)

Dosage formula for mcg/min

mg divided by volume times 1000 divided by 60 = constant (1 mL value)

Dosage formula for mg/min

gram divided by volume times 1000 divided by 60 = constant (1 mL value)

Dosage for mcg ordered divided by constant = _________


dopamine (Intropin) Concentration

400 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS

dopamine (Intropin) Dose

Initial: 2 - 5 mcg/kg/min
Increase in 5 - 10 mcg/kg/min increments
Max: 50 mcg/kg/min

dopamine (Intropin) Precautions

and Urine output

dopamine (Intropin) Action

Increase BP
Increase contractility
Increase CO
Increase HR

dopamine (Intropin) Extra

Low doses cause vasodilation
0.5 - 2 mcg/kg/min

dobutamine (Dobutrex) Concentration

250 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS

dobutamine (Dobutrex) Dose

0.5 - 20 mcg/kg/min
Titrate to response
Max dose 40 mcg/kg/min

dobutamine (Dobutrex) Precautions


dobutamine (Dobutrex) Action

Increase contractility, Stroke volume, Cardiac output, and Decreases SVR (systemic vascular resistance)

dobutamine (Dobutrex) Extra


norepinephrine (Levophed) Concentration

250 mg in 250 mL D5W ONLY

norepinephrine (Levophed) Dose

Hypotension = 0.5 - 12 mcg/min
Titrate to response
Septic shock = 0.01 - 3 mcg/kg/min

norepinephrine (Levophed) Precautions


norepinephrine (Levophed) Action

Increase BP
Peripheral vasoconstriction
Coronary blood flow (what's this mean?)

norepinephrine (Levophed) Extra

Do not add to sodium bicarb
Protect from light

milrinone (Primacor) Concentration

20 mg in 100 mL D5W or NS

milrinone (Primacor) Dose

Loading dose = 50 mcg/kg/min over 10-20 min;
Drip usually = 0.5 mcg/kg/min
Range = 0.2-0.75 mcg/kg/min

milrinone (Primacor) Precautions

Heart failure
Urine output (what?)

milrinone (Primacor) Action

Increases CO, Contractility
Decrease vascular resistance

milrinone (Primacor) Extra

Decrease rate for renal insufficiency

vasopressin (Pitressin) Concentration

20 Units in 100 mL D5W or NS

vasopressin (Pitressin) Dose

0.01 to 0.04 units/min

vasopressin (Pitressin) Precautions

Heart failure
Monitor urine output

vasopressin (Pitressin) Action

Stimulates vascular smooth muscle contraction and has Antidiuretic effects (meaning they won't be peeing)

vasopressin (Pitressin) Extra

Use in combination with other pressors

phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) Concentration

10 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS

phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) Dose

Initial = 100-180 mcg/min
Once stable = 40-60 mcg/min
Max rate = 8-10 mcg/kg/min

phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) Precaution


phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) Action

Increases HR
Increases SVR
Increases BP/MAP

phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) Extra

Watch for reflex bradycardia

epinephrine (that's it) Concentration

2 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS

epinephrine (that's it) Dose

1-4 mcg/min
Max = 20 mcg/min in 70 kg patient

epinephrine (that's it) Precaution

Decreases urine output

epinephrine (that's it) Action

Increases HR and BP

epinephrine (that's it) Extra

Protect from light

nitroprusside (Nipride) Concentration

50 mg in 250 mL D5W

nitroprusside (Nipride) Dose

Initial = 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min
Increase by 0.5 mcg/kg/min increments
Usual dose = 3 mcg/kg/min
Max dose = 10 mcg/kg/min

nitroprusside (Nipride) Precaution

Hepatic failure (cyanide toxicity)
Renal impairment

nitroprusside (Nipride) Action

Decreases BP/MAP
Cardiac output (decreases?)
SVR (decreases?)
Increases HR

nitroprusside (Nipride) Extra

Mix ONLY in D5W
Protect from light
Can increase urine output and Na+ excretion

nitroglycerin (that's it) Concentration

50 mg in 500 mL D5W

nitroglycerin (that's it) Dose

Initial = 5 mcg/min
Titrate 5 mcg/min q 3-5 min
At 20 mcg/min may titrate by 10-20 mcg/min
Max = 200 mcg/min
(5 mcg/min = 3 mL/hr)

nitroglycerin (that's it) Precaution

Watch BP and HR

nitroglycerin (that's it) Action

Decreases BP, SVR, CO, and Oxygen demand

nitroglycerin (that's it) Extra

Avoid in-line filters
Glass containers

esmolol (Brevibloc) Concentration

2.5 grams in 250 mL D5W or NS

esmolol (Brevibloc) Dose

Load = 500 mcg/kg over 1 min
Drip = 50 mcg/kg/min, Titration q 4 min prn
Max = 200-300 mcg/kg/min

esmolol (Brevibloc) Precaution

Contraindicated in cardiogenic shock, Cardiac failure, 2nd and 3rd degree AV Block, Severe Sinus brady

esmolol (Brevibloc) Action

Decreases Oxygen demand, Contractility, HR, BP

esmolol (Brevibloc) Extra

Do NOT stop abruptly - withdrawal

nicardipine (Cardene) Concentration


nicardipine (Cardene) Dose


nicardipine (Cardene) Precaution


nicardipine (Cardene) Action


nicardipine (Cardene) Extra


lidocaine (Xylocaine) Concentration


lidocaine (Xylocaine) Dose


lidocaine (Xylocaine) Precaution


lidocaine (Xylocaine) Action


lidocaine (Xylocaine) Extra


amiodarone (Cordarone) Concentration


amiodarone (Cordarone) Dose


amiodarone (Cordarone) Precaution


amiodarone (Cordarone) Action


amiodarone (Cordarone) Extra


diltiazem (Cardizem) Concentration


diltiazem (Cardizem) Dose


diltiazem (Cardizem) Precaution


diltiazem (Cardizem) Action


diltiazem (Cardizem) Extra


nesiritide (Natrecor) Concentration


nesiritide (Natrecor) Dose


nesiritide (Natrecor) Precaution


nesiritide (Natrecor) Action


nesiritide (Natrecor) Extra


drotrecogin alfa (Xirgis) Concentration


drotrecogin alfa (Xirgis) Dose


drotrecogin alfa (Xirgis) Precaution


drotrecogin alfa (Xirgis) Action


drotrecogin alfa (Xirgis) Extra


heparin (that's it) Concentration


heparin (that's it) Dose


heparin (that's it) Precaution


heparin (that's it) Action


heparin (that's it) Extra


tirofiban HCl (Aggrastat) Concentration


tirofiban HCl (Aggrastat) Dose


tirofiban HCl (Aggrastat) Precaution


tirofiban HCl (Aggrastat) Action


tirofiban HCl (Aggrastat) Extra


alteplase (TPA/Cathflo) Concentration


alteplase (TPA/Cathflo) Dose


alteplase (TPA/Cathflo) Precaution


alteplase (TPA/Cathflo) Action


alteplase (TPA/Cathflo) Extra


atropine (that's it) Concentration


atropine (that's it) Dose


atropine (that's it) Precaution


atropine (that's it) Action


atropine (that's it) Extra


adenosine (that's it) Concentration


adenosine (that's it) Dose


adenosine (that's it) Precaution


adenosine (that's it) Action


adenosine (that's it) Extra


Which medication would be used to treat his bradycardia?

I.V. push atropine


used to treat heart failure and low cardiac output.


used to treat ventricular fibrillation and unstable ventricular tachycardia.


used to treat ventricular ectopy, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation.

laboratory test needed before starting inamrinone therapy?

baseline platelet count and liver enzyme levels because inamrinone may cause thrombocytopenia and liver enzyme alterations.

pentoxifylline is a:

hemorheologic agent that improves blood flow by decreasing blood viscosity and is used to treat intermittent claudication.

thrombolytic agent

to dissolve clots and other substances in thrombi and emboli.

low dose dopamine activates which receptors?

dopaminergic receptor sites only at low doses.

At normal or high doses, dopamine activvates

alpha and beta1 receptor sites. Dopamine doesn't activate beta2 receptor sites.

chief adverse effects of diltiazem are hypotension

atrioventricular blocks, heart failure, and elevated liver enzyme levels.? Other reactions that have been reported include flushing, nocturia, and polyuria, but not renal failure. Although flushing may occur, it's an adverse reaction, not a potential comp

Preparing medication

Wash hands 2. Check medication order 3. Check expiration date 4. Check label 5. Check patient identity

5 Rights of Medication Administration

Right dose 2. Right drug 3. Right patient 4. Right time 5. Right route C. Teach patient about drug D. Stay with patient until drug is taken E. Give medication within 30 minutes of prescribed time F. Chart immediately G. Observe for therapeutic and adverse


18-23 gauge; 1-2 inch needle 2. Pull skin taut 3. Inject at 90-degree angle 4. Sites a. Vastus lateralis- between the greater trochanter and the knee cap b. Rectus femoris c. Dorsal gluteal 1) Locate greater trochanter and posterior aspect of the superior


25-29 gauge; 3/8 to 1 inch needle 2. Pinch skin 3. 45 degree angle; insulin degree is 90 degree except for those who are extremely emaciated. 4. Sites a. Outer aspect of upper arm b. Anterior thigh c. Abdomen: at least one inch from umbilicus


25-27 gauge; 3/8 to one inch needle 2. Stretch skin taut 3. Do not massage 4. Sites a. Ventral forearm (Tb test) b. Scapula and upper chest (allergy testing)


Use glove 2. Moisten suppository with water soluble lubricant 3. Insert tapered end 2 inches 4. Pinch buttocks 5. Retain for at least 10-20 minutes

Eye medications

Client supine with head turned to affected side 2. Place drops in the conjunctival sac 3. Put gentle pressure on the inner canthus

Ear Medications

Client on unaffected side 2. Clean outer ear 3. Straighten ear canal a. Adults and older children: up and back b. Infants and toddlers: down and back 4. Instill drops 5. Have person stay on side for 5-10 minutes on unaffected side 6. Alternatively, put co

General Rules for Antimicrobials

Culture before giving B. Give at regular intervals - Example: QID 6 hour intervals C. Check for superimposed infections yeast infection, body has hard time determining good and bad microbes D. Teach patient "Take all of the medication.

Aminoglycosides (Mycins) Except for Erythromycin

Used primarily for gram-negative organisms in serious infections. B. Examples of drugs 1. Gentamicin (Garamycin) 2. Streptomycin 3. Kanamycin (Kantrex) 4. Neomycin C. Method of Administration 1. Given I.V. or I.M. for systemic action. 2. Oral administrati

Vancomycin (Vancocin)

General Information 1. Unrelated to any other drug. 2. Use is reserved for severe infections because of its toxicity. a. Given IV for severe staphylococcal infections resistant to methicillin or penicillin allergic patients. b. Given PO for treatment of p

Penicillins (cillins)

Used to treat Gram + and - infections 1. Gonococcus- gonorrhea 2. Meningococcus-meningitis 3. Pneumococcus-pneumonia 4. Streptococcus -strep throat 5. Treponema (syphilis) B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Allergic reactions / anaphylaxis a. Ask re: aller


20-25% cross allergy (if allergic to penicillin can also be allergic to Cephalosporin) A. Used to treat both gram - and gram + organisms. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Penicillin cross allergy; ask about penicillin allergy. 2. Nephrotoxicity may occur


Uses 1. Persons who are allergic to penicillin. 2. Legionnaire's Disease- resp. infection 3. Mycoplasma infections- pneumonia (walking) 4. Chlamydia 5. Borrelia (carried by the deer tick) 6. Haemophilus influenzae 7. Helicobacter pylori- sensitive to eryt


Uses 1. Rickettsial infections (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease) 2. Mycoplasma infections- walking pneumonia 3. Chlamydia infections 4. Low dose tetracycline used to treat acne 5. Helicobacter Pylori B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Do not

Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin)

Uses 1. Because of its severe toxicity chloramphenicol is used only for infections that do not respond to other drugs. 2. Hemophilus influenzae meningitis 3. Typhoid fever 4. Rickettsial infections such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 5. Some types of sal


Uses: Active against gram (-) bacteria including Pseudomonas and some gram (+) organisms. B. Examples of Drugs (Note the oxacin ending.) 1. Norfloxacin (Noroxin) a. Used for urinary tract infections 2. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) a. Used for systemic infections


Uses 1. Urinary tract infections. 2. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. 3. Bowel prep before colon surgery to kill intestinal bacteria. B. Examples of Drugs (Note the Sulfa and Gant) 1. Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) 2. Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) a. Sulfa

Urinary Anti-infectives

In acid urine methenamine drugs are converted to ammonia and formaldehyde, which is antibacterial. Nitrofurantoin is bacteriostatic. A. Used to treat urinary tract infections. They do not achieve blood levels high enough to treat systemic infections. B. E

Antitubercular Drugs

Two to four drugs are given for a period of months to prevent development of resistance B. Method of Administration 1. Usually given orally. 2. The mycins as discussed earlier are given I.M. C. Side effects / nursing care 1. Streptomycin: Given IM several

Antiviral Agents

Acyclovir (Zovirax); Famciclovir (Famvir) and others 1. Used to treat Herpes Simplex 1- fever blister and 2- genital 2. Does not cure herpes 3. Does not prevent transmission 4. Used to treat initial and recurrent genital herpes, cold sores and shingles (h

Nucleoside Analogues

Nucleoside Analogues 1. Inhibit replication of HIV virus by inhibiting the transcription of RNA and DNA. 2. Drugs a. Didanosine (Videx) (ddl) b. Lamivudine (3TC) (Epivir) c. Stavudine (d4T) (Zerit) d. Zidovudine (AZT) (Retrovir) 3. Major adverse effect is

Non Nucleoside Analogues

Inhibit replication of HIV virus; do not cure AIDS 2. Drugs a. Delavirdine (DLV) (Rescriptor) b. Nevirapine (NVP) (Viramune) 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Monitor liver enzymes b. Nevirapine decreases effectiveness of oral contraceptives c. Nevirapine

Protease Inhibitors

. Inhibit replication of HIV virus; do not cure AIDS- slow down the replication of virus 2. Drugs a. Indinavir (Crixivan) b. Nelfinavir (Viracept) c. Ritonavir (Norvir) d. Saquinavir (Invirase) 3. Adverse Effects / Nursing Care a. Use cautiously with othe


Used to fungi or yeast infections that may be systemic such as histoplasmosis, vaginal such as candida or affect the skin such as tinea (ringworm). B. Amphotericin B (Fungazone) Treatment of systemic fungal infections such as histoplasmosis 1. Given IV 2.

Local Anesthetics

Uses 1. "Caines block pain." 2. Dental or minor surgical procedures such as suturing lacerations. 3. Regional anesthesia B. Response to local anesthetic 1. Skin veins dilate 2. Brief sense of warmth 3. Loss of temperature sensation 3. Pain sensation block

Epidural anesthesia

Anesthesia is injected into the epidural space. 2) No cerebrospinal fluid is lost. 3) Patient is not likely to develop headaches. 4) Patient does not need to remain flat.

Spinal anesthesia

Needle inserted into the spinal canal 2) Cerebrospinal fluid is lost. 3) Keep patient flat for 8 hours to prevent headache. fluids

Side Effects of Aspirin, Tylenol, NSAIDS

Side effects 1. Bleeding a. Seen primarily with salicylates and NSAIDs. b. Salicylates may be prescribed therapeutically to prevent clot formation in patients on long term bed rest with fractures or in the prevention of heart attacks. 2. Gastrointestinal


Sumatriptan (Imitrex) 2. Actions: Constricts cerebral arteries 3. Teach patient to look for triggers for migraine headaches; Avoid tyramine foods

Narcotic Analgesics

alter the perception of and the response to pain. B. Side effects CNS drugs; CNS side effects 1. Respiratory depression 2. Decreased alertness 3. Cough suppression 4. Drop in blood pressure and pulse 5. Decreased peristalsis- bowel sounds 6. Constricts pu

Narcotic Antagonists: Naloxone (Narcan)

Narcotic antagonists act by blocking opiate receptors B. Uses 1. Opiate induced respiratory depression 2. Acute opiate overdose C. Side effects / nursing care 1. Withdrawal in patients who are addicted to opiates. 2. Recurrence of pain- pain level will in


Actions and uses a. Sedation b. Anticonvulsants 2. Examples of Drugs a. Phenobarbital Sodium (Luminal) b. Amobarbital Sodium (Amytal) c. Butabarbital Sodium (Butisol) d. Pentobarbital Sodium (Nembutal) e. Secobarbital Sodium (Seconal) f. Thiopental Sodium

Benzodiazepines (Antianxiety Agents)

Actions and uses a. Antianxiety b. Sedation c. Light anesthesia d. Skeletal muscle relaxation e. Anticonvulsant 2. Examples of Drugs a. Diazepam (Valium) b. Alprazolam (Xanax) c. Midazolam (Versed) used for conscious sedation d. Oxazepam (Serax) e. Temaze


Act similarly to other sedative hypnotics and have similar side effects. 2. Examples of Drugs a. Chloral Hydrate b. Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)

Side effects of sedative / hypnotic drugs

Addiction / cross addiction 2. Drowsiness, lethargy, confusion 3. Respiratory depression


Used to treat seizure disorders B. Hydantoins: Phenytoin (Dilantin) 1. Therapeutic serum level 10-20 mcg/ml 2. Adverse effects a. Gum hyperplasia b. Lowered blood counts; monitor CBC c. Alcohol reduces effectiveness d. Kidney and liver damage e. Pink or r

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Uses 1. They are used to treat a wide range of skeletal muscle spasticity from lower back pain to multiple sclerosis. 2. Dantrolene is used to treat malignant hyperthermia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Baclofen (Lioresal) 2.

Dopamine Agents

Carbidopa / Levodopa (Sinemet): Carbidopa inhibits peripheral use of dopamine making more available to the brain. Levodopa is converted to dopamine. 2. Levodopa (Levopa) 3. Amantadine (Symmetrel): increases the release of dopamine. 4. Parlodel: increases

Cholinergic Blocking Agents

Examples of drugs a. Benztropine Mesylate (Cogentin) b. Trihexyphenidyl HCl (Artane): relieves rigidity but has no effect on tremor. c. Contraindicated in patients with glaucoma, tachycardia, duodenal ulcers, biliary obstruction and prostatic hypertrophy.

Side Effects of Antipakisonian drugs

Constipation. b. Dry mouth. c. Nausea. d. Tachycardia, hypotension. e. Dizziness, drowsiness. Safety. f. Blurred vision, photophobia, acute glaucoma. g. Urinary retention

Adrenergic Drugs

Used to treat a. Shock: epinephrine used b. Bronchospasm: Theophylline, aminophylline, epinephrine used 2. Side effects a. Tachycardia b. Urinary retention c. Nausea and vomiting

Adrenergic Blockers

Used frequently to lower blood pressure 2. Examples of Drugs a. Beta blockers: "olols" b. Alpha blockers: "zosins


Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis a. Neostigmine (Prostigmin) b. Ambenonium Chloride (Mytelase) c. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) d. Edrophonium Chloride (Tensilon): Used in diagnosis of myasthenia gravis 2. Bethanechol Chloride (Urecholine) a. Treatment of posto


Preanesthetic medication a. Atropine sulfate b. Scopolamine hydrobromide c. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul) 2. Parkinson's Disease a. Benztropine mesylate (Cogentin) b. Trihexyphenidyl (Artane) 3. Antiarrhythmic 4. Side effects a. Red, Hot, Dry, Blind, Mad b. Bl


Drugs Used to Treat Ventricular Dysrhythmias 1. Examples of drugs a. Lidocaine (Xylocaine)- severe VD b. Procainamide (Pronestyl) Emergency c. Bretylium (Bretylol): Emergency drug d. Amiodarone (Cardarone)- Maintenance (can have arrhythmias) e. Phenytoin

Beta Blockers

Uses a. Hypertension b. Dysrhythmias 2. Examples of Drugs and Routes a. PO Only 1) Nadolol (Corgard) 2) Acebutolol (Sectral) b. PO and IV 1) Propranolol HCl (Inderal) 2) Metoprolol (Lopressor) 3) Atenolol (Tenormin) 3. Actions a. Decreases contractility o


Anticholinergic drug that blocks vagal stimulation increasing heart rate b. Acts throughout the body to block cholinergic activity causing side effects of dry mouth, dilated pupils and blurred vision. 2. Isoproteronol (Isuprel): Enhances cardiac conductio


Heparin blocks the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and prolongs clotting time. 2. Heparin is destroyed by gastric juices and must be given parenterally - either IV or subcutaneous in the abdomen - at least one inch from the umbilicus. 3. The antidot

Warfarin (Coumadin, Dicumarol)

Warfarin blocks prothrombin synthesis 2. Given orally 3. Antidote is Vitamin K 4. Prothrombin time should be monitored. When warfarin is being administered the PT should be 1 1/2 to 2 times the control. Results may also be reported in INR (international n


Prevent platelet aggregation and thus decrease clotting. 2. Examples of drugs a. Abciximab (ReoPro) b. Dypyridamole (Persantine) c. Ticlopidine (Ticlid)- sickle cell anemia 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Bleeding b. Avoid large quantities of Vitamin K

Thrombolytic Drugs

Dissolve B. Examples of Drugs 1. Alteplase (tissue plasminogen activator recombinant, tPA, Activase) 2. Streptokinase 3. Urokinase C. Indications 1. MI 2. Strokes 3. Pulmonary embolus 4. DVT D. Side effects / nursing care 1. Bleeding 2. Heparin therapy ma

Antilipemic Agents

Antilipemic drugs are always used in conjunction with diet, weight control and exercise to reduce atherosclerosis. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Cholestyramine (Questran): Acts by reducing absorption of fats in the intestinal tract 2. Gemfibrozil (Lopid): Acts

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors

prevent conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II 2. Examples of drugs a. Captopril (Capoten) b. Enalapril, enalaprilat (Vasotec) c. Benazepril (Lotensin) d. Fosinopril (Monopril) e. Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) f. Ramipril (Altace) Side effects / n


Uses 1. Mild hypertension 2. Edema 3. Congestive heart failure B. Side effects / nursing care for all diuretics 1. All diuretics can cause orthostatic hypotension. Patients should be taught to change positions slowly. 2. Monitor output 3. Monitor weights

Thiazine Diuretics

Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Esidrex) 3. Thiazide diuretics inhibit sodium reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle. 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Hypokalemia, hyperuricemia (gout), hyperglycemia b. Teach patient high potassium foods to includ

Loop Diuretics

Examples a. Furosemide (Lasix) b. Bumetanide (Bumex) 2. Loop diuretics inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride at the proximal portion of the ascending loop of Henle, increasing water excretion. 3. Side effects / nursing care a. Hypokalemia, hypochlor

Osmotic Diuretics

Mannitol (Osmitrol) 2. Osmotic diuretics increase the osmotic pressure of the glomerular filtrate inside the renal tubules. 3. Used to prevent acute renal failure, to reduce intraocular and intracranial pressure, and to promote diuresis in drug intoxicati

Potassium Sparing Diuretic

Examples a. Spironolactone (Aldactone) b. Amiloride Hydrochloride (Midamor) 2. These drugs block the sodium retaining effects of aldosterone causing increased elimination of sodium and fluid but not potassium. 3. Useful in combination with other diuretics

Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate)

Exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions in the large intestine. 2. Used in the treatment of severe hyperkalemia. 3. Can be given PO or by 6 hour retention enema B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Needs to be in contact with GI tract for 6 hours to be most

Rapid Acting Insulins: Regular

Onset: 1/2 to 1 hr 2) Peak: 2 to 4 hrs 3) Duration: 6 to 8 hrs

Intermediate Acting Insulins: NPH

Onset: 2-4 hrs 2) Peak: 6 - 8 hrs 3) Duration: 24-48 hrs

Side Effect/ Nursing Care of Insulins

Teach patient how to give injections 1) Ninety degree angle unless emaciated 2) Rotate injection sites: arm, abdomen, thigh 3) When mixing insulins draw up regular insulin first and then NPH. 4) When preparing insulin for injection swirl the bottle gently

Oral antidiabetic agents

Sulfonylureas (glipizide, glyburide) stimulate insulin release AE making patient hungry 2. Thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone maleate [Avandia]) improve insulin receptor activity 3. Alpha-glucosidose inhibitors (acarbose [Precose]) delay digestion of carbo

Corticotrophin (ACTH)

Used primarily to diagnose adrenocortical insufficiency. 2. If corticotrophin is given over a period of time Cushing syndrome may occur.

Desmopressin (DDAVP); Vasopressin (ADH, Pitressin); Lypressin spray

Used in the treatment of diabetes insipidus.

Glucocorticoids (sugar)

organic effects regulating carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and are antiinflammatory and immunosuppressant

Mineralocorticoids (salt)

produce inorganic effects regulating water and electrolyte metabolism.


Prednisone (Deltasone) b. Prednisolone (Cortalone) c. Methylprednisolone (Solu Medrol) d. Cortisone (Cortone) e. Dexamethasone (Decadron) f. All of the above have glucocorticoid actions. g. Fludrocortisone (Florinef). Has mineralocorticoid actions. 2. Use

Thyroid Hormones

Uses a. After thyroidectomy b. Hypothyroidism 2. Examples a. Desiccated thyroid b. Thyroglobulin (Proloid) c. Levothyroxine (Levothroid) d. Liothyronine sodium (Cytomel) e. Usually given po once daily. 2. Side effects and nursing care a. Usually results f

Thyroid Antagonists

Uses a. Hyperthyroidism b. Preparation for thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine therapy. 1. Examples of Drugs a. Methimazole (Tapazole) b. Propylthiouracil (PTU) before thyroid surgery to shrink thyroid gland c. These drugs are given orally. 2. Side effe


Indications a. Replacement therapy in androgen deficient males. b. Breast cancer c. Fibrocystic breast disease. d. Endometriosis. 2. Examples of Drugs a. Testosterone (Depo Testosterone) b. Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) c. Danazol (Cyclomen) 3. Side effect


Uses a. Replacement therapy in menopause b. Androgen dependent tumors - prostate cancer. c. Contraception (in combination with progesterone). 2. Examples of Drugs a. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) b. Estradiol (Estrace) c. Conjugated estrogens (Premarin) 3. Sid


Uses a. Amenorrhea b. Abnormal uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalance. c. Endometrial cancer. d. Contraception 2. Examples of Drugs a. Hydroxyprogesterone (Duralutin) b. Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) c. Progesterone (Gestrol) 3. Side effects a. Bre

Oral Contraceptives

Progestin only - taken every day of the menstrual cycle. 2. Combination pill - taken days 5 - 24 of menstrual cycle 3. Side effects / Nursing Care a. Same as for estrogens and progestins b. Discontinue 1 week before surgery to reduce risk of thromboemboli

Fertility Agents

Examples of Drugs a. Clomiphene (Clomid) b. Menotropin (Pergonal) c. Gonadorelin (Factrel) 2. Action: Stimulate ovulation 3. Side effects: multiple births; ovarian cysts


Action: stimulate the smooth muscle of the uterus. 2. Uses a. To decrease postpartum bleeding 1) Ergotrate- after delivery 2) Methergine 3) Pitocin b. Pitocin used to induce labor or intensify uterine contractions during labor 2. Adverse effects / nursing

Histamine (H2) Antagonists

Histamine antagonists decrease the acidity of the stomach by blocking the action of histamine. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Cimetidine (Tagamet) 2. Ranitidine (Zantac) 3. Famotidine (Pepcid) 4. Roxotidine (Roxin) 5. Nizatidine (Axid) (Used for gastroesophageal

Omeprazole (Prilosec)

Blocks formation of gastric acid.; inflammation, GERD B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Abdominal pain 2. Instruct patient to swallow capsules whole and not crush or open capsule.

GI Anticholinergics

Uses: 1. Peptic ulcers 2. Ulcerative colitis 3. Irritable bowel syndrome B. Examples of Drugs 1. Belladonna 2. Methaneline bromide (Banthine) 3. Propantheline bromide (Probanthine) B. Side effects / nursing care "Red, Hot, Dry, Blind, Mad

Sucralfate (Carafate)

Action: Sucralfate forms a highly condensed paste - like substance after reacting with gastric acid that binds to gastric and duodenal ulcers forming a protective barrier allowing the ulcer to heal. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Binds with other medic

Drugs Used to Treat Helicobacter Pylori

Metronidazole (Flagyl) 1. Alcohol causes nausea and vomiting (Antabuse like reaction) in patients taking metronidazole B. Amoxicillin or Tetracycline, Biaxin or some other antibiotic C. Omeprazole (Prilosec) or Ranitidine (Zantac) D. Peptobismol sometimes


Antacids neutralize gastric acidity and help control ulcer pain. Ph to 3-3.5 B. Magnesium containing antacids 1. May cause diarrhea. C. Aluminum Containing Antacids: Aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel) 1. May cause constipation and phosphorus depletion. 2. In r


Bismuth subsalicylate (Peptobismol) 1. Contains salicylates. 2. Bismuth is a heavy metal and should not be used in patients who are receiving radiation therapy. Heavy metals may block radiation. Can cause stools to become black B. Kaolin - Pectate (Kaopec


Do not give laxatives in patient has symptoms of appendicitis or intestinal obstruction B. Teach how to prevent constipation: fluid, fiber, opportunity, activity C. Laxatives are for short term use only

Bulk forming

Safest of all laxatives. b. Examples of bulk forming laxatives 1) Methylcellulose (Cologel) 2) Psyllium Hydrophilic Muciloid (Metamucil)

Emollient (stool softener)

Reduces the surface tension of feces. b. Used to prevent constipation, not to treat it. c. Used when straining at stool is contraindicated: MI, rectal surgery, eye surgery, postpartum hemorrhage. d. Examples of stool softeners: Docusate salts. (Colace, Su

Hyperosmolar or saline cathartics

Examples of saline cathartics 1) Magnesium citrate 2) Milk of Magnesia 3) Potassium citrate 4) Glycerin b. Used to induce diarrhea and clean bowel before surgery and diagnostic tests


Examples of stimulant laxatives more rapid peristalsis 1) Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 2) Castor oil


All are central nervous system depressants B. Side effects 1. Anticholinergic 2. Central nervous system a. Drowsiness b. Hypotension; dry mouth; difficult voiding C, Examples: 1. Benzquinamide (Emete-Con) 2. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) 3. Prochlorperazine


Apomorphine B. Ipecac syrup 1. Given in an oral syrup. 2. Doses of 30 cc or less cause no systemic adverse effects. 3. Emesis occurs 20 - 30 minutes after administration of ipecac syrup. 4. 200 - 300 ml of water or clear liquid may facilitate the emetic a

Pancreatic Enzymes

Information 1. Pancreatic enzymes replace exocrine pancreatic enzymes and aid digestion of starches, fats, and proteins. 2. Used in cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis B. Examples of Drugs 1. Pancreatin (Donnazyme) 2. Pancrelipase (Pancrease, Viokase, Ilozym

Gold Salts

Information 1. Gold salts alter immune response. 2. Gold is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis not responding to other therapy as well as to treat other autoimmune conditions B. Examples of Gold Salts 1. Auranofin (Ridaura) 2. Aurothioglucose (Solganol) 3


Information 1. These drugs are used to treat malaria. 2. They are also useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to NSAIDs. B. Examples of Drugs 1. Chloroquine (Aralen) 2. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) C. Side effects 1. Epigas


Methotrexate suppresses immune function in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis B. Side effects 1. GI 2. Bone marrow depression

Gout Drugs

Allopurinol (Zyloprim) 1. Inhibits xanthine oxidase and prevents production of uric acid. 2. Used in the treatment of primary and secondary gout. 3. Used to prevent attacks; NOT useful for acute attacks. 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Minimize GI side


Information a. Reduces inflammatory response to deposition of monosodium urate crystals. b. Drug of choice in acute attacks of gout. 2. Side effects / nursing care a. During acute attack colchicine is administered every hour until pain relief or toxicity

Probenecid (Benemid)

Used to prevent recurrence of gouty arthritis 2. Administer with food or antacid to minimize gastric irritation.

Antineoplastic Agents

Cancer is cell division gone wild. Anti cancer drugs destroy cancer cells by interfering with their cell division. B. Side effects / nursing care 1. Bone marrow Suppression is usually the dose limiting adverse effect. a. Low white blood count causes immun


Antimetabolites interfere with protein synthesis 2. Examples of Antimetabolites a. Methotrexate (Folex PFS) b. Cytarabine (Cytosine, Arabinoside) c. 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) d. Hydroxyurea (Hydrea) e. Mercaptopurine (Purinethol) f. 6-Mercaptopurine (6MP) g. V

Alkylating Agents

Settle in the cell nucleus and attack DNA causing cross-linking of strands of cellular DNA causing an imbalance of growth that leads to cell death. 2. Examples of Alkylating Agents a. Cisplatin (Platinol) b. Busulfan (Myleran) c. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan

Antibiotic Antineoplastic Agents

Mechanism of action. a. Isolated from naturally occurring microorganisms that inhibit bacterial growth. b. Differ from the other aminoglycosides in that they disrupt the functioning of the host cells as well as the bacterial cells. 2. Examples of Antibiot

Vinca Alkaloids

Information a. Derivatives of the periwinkle plant, a ground cover. b. Used to treat leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas and some carcinomas. d. Taxol is used for advanced ovarian cancer and small cell lung carcinoma. 2. Examples of Vinca alkaloids a. Vinblast

Antineoplastics affecting hormonal balance

Organ specific 2. Tamoxifen blocks form of estrogen that stimulates breast cancer 3. Estramustine phosphate sodium blocks male hormone function and slows prostate cancer 4. Side effects / nursing care a. Adverse effects are related to the organ affected.


Azathioprine (Imuran) 1. Used for immunosuppression in transplants. 2. Causes bone marrow suppression. 3. Causes severe liver damage. B. Cyclosporine (Sandimmune) 1. Cyclosporine inhibits the T-lymphocytes. 2. Used in combination with corticosteroids to p


Active immunity 1. Client's own antigen antibody response stimulated 2. Takes time to develop 3. Long lasting 4. Vaccines and toxoids B. Passive immunity 1. Antibodies come from outside the host 2. Act immediately 3. Short term 4. Immune serum globulin


RhoGam prevents the development of maternal RH antibodies. 2. RhoGam is given to Rh-negative mothers who have an Rh-positive fetus and who have not developed antibodies to Rh factor. 3. It is also given to Rh-negative women who have abortions or miscarria








Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antihistamine Medication


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors

Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent


Antilipemic Agent

Nicotine acid

Antilipemic Agent

Niacor, Niaspan

Antilipemic Agent

Folic acid derivatives

Antilipemic Agent


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Ace Inhibitor


Beta-adrenergic Blocker


Beta-adrenergic Blocker

Propranolol (Inderal)

Beta-adrenergic Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Calcium Channel Blocker


Centrally Acting Alpha-adrenergic


Centrally Acting Alpha-adrenergic


Direct Acting Vasodilator


Medication for Bipolar Disorder


Medication for Bipolar Disorder


Medication for Bipolar Disorder

Mercaptopurine, 6-MP

Antineoplastic Agent Antimetabolite

Methotrexate, MTX

Antineoplastic Agent Antimetabolite


Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic


Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic

Doxorubicin, (Adriamycin)

Antineoplastic Agent, Antitumor antibiotic

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

Antineoplastic Agent, Hormonal Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Hormonal Agent

Vinblastine (Velban)

Antineoplastic Agent, Vinca Alkaloid

Vincristine (Oncovin)

Antineoplastic Agent,Vinca Alkaloid


Antineoplastic Agent, Topoisomerase


Antineoplastic Agent, Topoisomerase


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antineoplastic Agent, Alkylating Agent


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiparkinson Medication


Antiplatelet Agent


Antiplatelet Agent


Antiplatelet Agent


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipsychotic Medication


Antipyretic Medication

Aspirin, ASA

Antipyretic Medication


Antithyroid Medication

Propylthiouracil (PTU)

Antithyroid Medication

Lugol's Iodine Solution(SSKI)

Antithyroid Medication

Radioactive iodine

Antithyroid Medication


Thyroid Replacement Medication


Thyroid Replacement Medication


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent


Antitubercular Agent

Para-amino salicylic acid (PAS)

Antitubercular Agent

Pyrazinamide (PZA)

Antitubercular Agent


0.25 mg PO daily, target TSH of 0.5-2 microunits/ml is appropriate target of hypothyroidism.
Should be given on empty stomach in the morning before breakfest

Dantrolene Sodium(Dantrium)

Skeletal muscle relaxant IV to treat malignant Hyperthermia


Immune suppressant used in many organ transplants; can cause nephrotoxicity and elevate Serum Creatinine levels


Can suppress platelet aggregation causing a risk for increase bleeding; DON'T USE WITH NSAIDs

Cromolyn Sodium(Intal)

Stabilizes mast cells, which inhibits the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators. Effective in preventing broncospasms from exercise induced asthma. Use prior to physical activity
Side effects do include brochospasm, wheezing, cough, and na


Used for short term oral therapy following acute asthma attacks


long acting Beta2 adrenergic agonist for long term control of asthma

Donepezil (Aricept)

Alzheimer's Disease; Report dyspnea as a result of bronchoconstriction cause by elevated acetylcholine levels in the lungs

Tobramycin Sulfate

Aminoglycoside; Nephrotoxic and ototoxicity, should not be taken with Ibuprofen cause they both cause stress on kidneys


for neutropenia to stimulate WBC production


Can cause increase PTT(bleeding), nausea and vomiting, and need to assess pain levels frequently


Alpha Blocker, causes orthostatic hypotension

Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

Prescribed to prevent delirium tremens with acute alcohol withdrawal

Isosorbide Monoitrate(Imdur)

Given to prevent angina attacks and will not treat them if attack has occurred-Nitrate that dilates blood vessels to make blood flow easier for the heart. Can cause low BP. Don't give if BP is <90


myasthenia gravis (if after administration exhibits muscle weakness and twitching=cholinergic crisis)


Thins the pulmonary secretions and increase the clients ability to cough up secretions, ANITDOTE FOR Acetaminophen Toxicity

Colchicine (for Acute Gout)

decreases leukocyte motility phangocytosis and lactic acid production, decreasing urate crystal deposits and reliving inflammation


levels should be dawn at least 8 hours after oral dose and 6 hours after IV dose
Toxicity include, N,V,D, Blurred vision, yellow-green halos, drowsiness, fatuige and weakness


treat anemia in chronic renal failure


K+ Wasting Diuretic, eat foods like bananas, tomatoes, Cantaloupe, kiwi, and oranges


K+ Sparing diuretic


ACE inhibitor can cause K+ retention and persistent cough in African Americans

Risedronate(Actonel) for Osteoporosis

)= Should sit up 30-60 minutes after taking to reduce GI effect, Take on empty stomach in AM, DON'T TAKE WITH CALCIUM

Ergonovine maleate(Methergine)

given for postpartum hemorrhage


reduces the production of uric acid in your body. Uric acid buildup can lead to gout or kidney stones. CANT TAKE WITH WARFARIN cause of its effects on the liver...can cause bleeding


Treatment for Glaucoma and is taken for life; dont drive for a while, can cause local eye pain, can cause side effects in other areas of the body


Given to increase repiratory depression cause by midazolam(Versed)


sulfonamide; clients with hypersensitivity to sulfonamide may have a corss sensitivity to thiazide diuretics(HydroDIURIL)

Neostigmine (Prostigmin, Vagostigmin)

By interfering with the breakdown of acetylcholine, neostigmine indirectly stimulates both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.
It is used to improve muscle tone in people with myasthenia gravis and routinely in anesthesia to reverse the effects of non-dep

Clients with 19 different medication

Determine whether there are medication deplicates first

Mafenide Acetate(Sulfamylon)

Used for burn injuries; can cause local discomfort and burning


Severe Acne; check Trigyceride levels before and throughout treatment; Can not take with Vitamin A(causes toxicity)

Azelaic Acid(Azelex)

Acne treatment


Dose is based on BSA; need to weigh and measure client on the day of medication administation


Antineoplastic which can cause pulmonary fibosis. Pulmonary functions(BREATHING), hematological, liver and renal test as well.

Busulfan(Myleran, Busulfex)

Treat Luekemia; can cause increase in uric acid levels(renal stones)


Lung Cancer; causes orthostatic hypotension

Vincristine(Oncovin, Vincasar)

Ovarian Cancer; causes numbness and tingling in fingers and toes; causes Peripheral neuropathy in almost every client


Cancer; Contraindicated in Pancreatitis


Metastic Breast Cancer; Check calcium levels for increases


Can cause congestive heartfailure, with crackles on auscultation of the lungs


Used for type 2 DM only

Desmopressin Acetate(DDVAP)

Diabetes Insipidus; promotes renal conservation of water. Will decrease Urinary output
Can cause water intoxication(drowsiness, listlessness, and headache)
If given in the nose can cause Runny nose or stuffy nose
Given IV can cause, HA, vulval pain, and f

Rapaglinide (Prandin)

Oral rapid acting hypoglycemic agent; shouldnt be taken if a meal is skipped, take 30 min before meal.


Pancreatitis; should reduce steatorrhea(fatty stools)


Can cause CNS side effects, most common in older adults is confusion.


Antiemetic; for vomiting


For bile acid sequestrant; used to lower cholesterol levels; should be given with juice for taste, can cause constipationa and decrease vitamin absorption

H2-receptor Antangonists

Nizatidine(Axid), Ranitidine(Zantac), Famotidine(Pepcid), and Cimetidine(Tagamet)


Bronchitis, use caution when you have imparied cardiac function, DM, hypertension, hyperthyrodism, or hx of seizures. CAN INCREASE BG LEVELS


Monitor Liver enzyme levels

Metered-dose inhalers

Always give the bronchodialor first if given with a steriod. Give Salmeterol(servant) first then Beclomethasone


Normal aPTT should be be between 20-36 seconds.....heparin should be 1.5-2.5 times the normal value. 50-90 sec

Alteplase(Activase, tPA), Streptokinase(Streptase)

Thrombolyic; monitor for s/s bleeding
Can't Give if uncontrolled hypertension due to risk of cerebral hemorrhage

Nicotinic Acid

For Hyperlipidemia; can take IBU 30 mins before to decrease flushing


Can cause blood disorders that cause sore throat, fever, and pallor

Bethanechol Chloride(Urecholine)

Cant give with Urinary stictures
Causes Bradycardia, hypotension


Cant give with clients with Pancreatitis, Hepatic or renal impariment
Adverse effect is elevated BG over 200mg/dL


RA; Do you have any joint pain?


Portal-systemic encephalopathy(Hepatic failure) Reduces Blood Ammonia levels




Cant mix with other insulins;
For type 1 &2 DM. Has 24 hour duration of action and is administered once a day, usually at bedtime

What do anticoagulants do?

prevent the extension & formation of clots by inhibiting factors in the clotting cascade & decreasing blood coagulability

anticoagulants are contraindicated

w/ active bleeding except disseminated intravascular coagulation

Heparin sodium is an anticoagulant that

prevents thrombin from converting fibrinogen to fibrin

heparin prevents

thromboembolism & new thrombus formation

normal activated partial thromboplastin is

1.5 x 2.5 times the normal value

activated partial thrombopastin time therapy should be measured _________ during initial continous infusion therapy & then daily

every 4-6 hours

the aPPT is too long when longer than

80 seconds

if the aPPT is too long, the RN should

lower the dose

if the aPPT is too short, the RN should

increase the dose

the aPPT is too short when less than

60 seconds

what needle is used for heparin

5/8 inch

what needle gauge is used heparin

25-28 gauge

what is the angle that heparin is admin into the abdomen

90 degrees

do you aspirate w/heparin injection


do you rub site after heparin injection


what is the antidote for heparin?

protamine sulfate

enoxaparin is an anticoagulant that

is a low molecular weight heparin

how is enoxaparin different from heparin?

longer half life

what is the antidote for enoxaparin?

protamine sulfate

warfarin sodium (coumadin) is an anticoagulant that

suppresses coagulation by acting as an antagonist of vitamin K by inhibiting four dependent clotting factors (X,IX,VII,II)

warfarin prolongs what

clotting time

warfarin is monitored by?

prothrombin time & INR

warfarin is used for?

long term anticoagulation

what is normal prothrombin level?

9.6 to 11.8 seconds

what is the normal INR?


if INR is below the recommended range,

increase warfarin

if INR is above the recommended range,

decrease warfarin

what substances to avoid w/ anticoagulants?

Cimetidine (Tagament)
Green leafy vegetables
oral hypoglycemics
phentoin (dilantin)

major intervention for anticoagulants

monitor for any bleeding

Alteplase is a

thrombolytic drug

Reteplase is a

thrombolytic drug

Streptokinase is a

thrombolytic drug

Tenecteplase is a

thrombolytic drug

what do thrombolytic drugs do?

activate plasminogen

what does plasminogen do?

generates plasmin which is the enzyme that dissolves clots

what does the enzyme plasmin do?

dissolve clots

thrombolytic meds are used _____ onset of MI.


thrombolytic meds are used during what time frame of MI?

4-6 hours of onset of MI

besides for early MI use, thrombolytic drugs are used

arterial thrombosis
occluded shunts or catheters
pulmonary emboli

what is the antidote for thrombolytic drugs?

aminocaproic acid (Amicar)

after giving a thrombolytic drug apply direct pressure for

20-30 min

What is the primary concern for a pt taking anticoagulants, thrombolytic, or antiplatelet med?


contraindications for thromboltic med

active internal bleeding
hx of stroke
intracranial or intraspinal surgery within 2 months
hx of thoracic, pelvic, or abd surgery within 10 days
hx of hepatic or renal disease
uncontrolled HTN
recently required prolonged CPR
known allergies

Abciximab (ReoPro)

antiplatelet meds

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

antiplatelet meds

cilostazol (pletal)

antiplatelet meds

clopidogrel (plavix)

antiplatelet meds

dipridamole (persantine)

antiplatelet meds

ticlopidine (ticlid)

antiplatelet meds

tirofiban (aggrastat)

antiplatelet meds

what do antiplatelet meds do

inhibit the aggregation of platelets in the clotting process, thereby prolonging the bleeding time

antiplatelet meds _may/may not_____ be used with anticoagulants


antiplatelet meds are used

prophylaxis of long term complications following:
Coronary revascularization
brain attacks (stroke)

SE of antiplatelet meds

GI bleeding
tarry stools

if antiplatelet meds cause GI upset then

take w/food

Dopamine, dobutamine, inamrinoe lactate, & milirinone (primacor) are

positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds

what do positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds do

stimulate MI contractility & produce positive inotropic effects

what are positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds used for

short term management of advanced heart failure
increase in MI contractility improves:
kidney function
by increasing cardiac output, decreasing preload, improving blood flow to the kidneys, decreasing edema & increasing fluid excretion

positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds SE


positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds adverse effects


positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds are given

IV only

dopamine is used for

short term rescue measure for pts w/ severe acute, acute cardiac failure


increases MI contractility
dilates renal blood vessels & increases renal blood flow and urine output

dobutamine is used for

short term management of heart failure


increases MI contractility thereby improving cardiac performance

Inamrinoe Lactate is used for

short term management of congestive heart failure in those who have not responded to cardiac glycosides, diuretics, & vasodilators

Milrinone (primacor) is used for

short term management of congestive heart failure; may be given before heart transplantation

stop the infusion of positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds like Dopamine, Dobutamine, Inamrinone lactate, or Milrinone (Primacor) if

pts BP drops or dysrhythmias occur

when giving positive inotropic/ cardiotonic meds like Dopamine, Dobutamine, Inamrinone lactate, or Milrinone (Primacor) monitor what

apical pulse & BP

Digoxin (Lanoxin) is a

cardiac glycoside

what does Digoxin (Lanoxin), a cardiac glycoside do?

inhibit the sodium-potassium pump, thus increasing intracellular calcium which causes the heart muscle fibers to contract more efficiently

Cardiac glycosides produce a

positive inontropic action

cardiac glycosides _______ the force of MI contractions


Cardiac glycosides produce a negative chronotropic action which

slows the heart rate

Cardiac glycosides produce a negative dromotropic action that

slows conduction velocity through the atrioventricular node

cardiac glycosides are used for

heart failure
cardiogenic shock
atrial tachcardia
atril fibrillation
atrial flutter

cardiac glycosides are contracindicated for

ventricular dysrhythmias
second or third degree heartblock

cardiac glycosides are used in caution w

renal disease

what are early signs of digoxin toxicity?

GI maifestations like anorexia, n/v, diarrhea then heart rate abnormalities & visual disturbances (diplopia, blurred vision, yellow-green eyes halos, photophobia)

what is the therapeutic drug levels for digoxin?

0.5-2 ng/mL

what pts are at increased risk of digoxin toxicity?

hypercalcemia, kypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or hypothroidism

w/ digoxin intake notify the MD if the K level is lower than

3.5 mEq/L

w/ digoxin monitor

apical pulse

if the apical pulse is lower than ______bpm, hold digoxin


if the apical pulse is higher than ______bpm, hold digoxin


what is the antidote for digoxin?

digoxin immune fab (digibind)

Loop diuretics, osmotic diuretics, potassium sparing diuretics, & thiazide diuretics belong to what group of meds

antihypertensive meds

Hydrocholorothiazide (HydroDiuril) is a

thiazide diuretic

What do thiazide diuretic like Bendroflumethiazide do?

increase sodium & water excretion by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule of the kidney

what are thiazide diuretic used for?

hypertension & peripheral edema

thiazide diuretic are not effective as

immediate diuresis

thiazide diuretic are used in pts w/

normal renal function

thiazide diuretic are contraindicated for

renal failure

thiazide diuretic should be used in caution for pts taking

Digoxin (cardiac glycoside)
Hypoglycemic meds

SE of thiazide diuretic


thiazide diuretic monitor

uric acid levels

take thiazide diuretic when?

in the am

make sure to record what w/thiazide diuretic


DM pt taking thiazide diuretic needs to have their blood sugar check bc

hyperglycemia is a SE of thiazide diuretic

Furosemide (Lasix) is a

loop diuretic

Buteanide (Bumex) is a

loop diuretic

what do loop diuretics like Toresemide (Demadex) do

inhibit sodium & chloride reabsorption from the loop of Henle & the distal tubule

Loop diuretics have ___little/ big__ effect on blood sugar


Loop diuretics increase uric acid levels and excretion of what electrolyte?


what is more potent: Loop v. thiazide diuretic: Polythiazide or Bumetanide?

Loop Bumetanide

why are loop diuretics more potent than thiazide diuretics?

causes rapid diuresis

causes rapid diuresis thus decreasing vascular fluid volume, cardiac output, & BP

loop diuretics

loop diuretics like furosemide (lasix) is used for

hypertension, pulmonary edema, edema associated w/heart failure, hypercalcemia, renal disease

use loop diuretics like furosemide (lasix) in caution w/ pts taking

amphotericin B

SE of loop diuretics furosemide (lasix)


how do you administer furosemide (lasix), a loop diuretic

slowly 1 mL a min

why do you administer furosemide (lasix), a loop diuretic slowly?

hearing loss can occur if too rapid

Glycerin, Isosorbide, Mannitol, Urea are?

Osmotic diuretics

Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene are

potassium sparing diuretics

what do potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene do?

act on the distal tubule to promote sodium & water excretion and potassium retention

when are potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene used

edema & hypertension

increase urine output;
treats fluid retention & overload associated w/ heart failure or ascites from cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, diuretic induced hypokalemia

potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene

potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene are contraindicated in

severe kidney
severe hepatic disease
severe hyperkalemia

potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene used in caution w/

ACE inhibitors
K supplements

primary concern w/ potassium sparing diuretics like Amiloride, Spirnolactone, Triamterene


signs of hyperkalemia

abdominal cramps
tachycardia followed by bradycardia
tall peaked T waves

Terazosin are

peripherally acting alpha adrenergic blockers

what do peripherally acting alpha adrenergic blockers like Doxazosin, Prazosin,Terazosin do?

decrease sympathetic vasoconstriction by reducing the effects of norepinephrine at peripheral nerve endings, resulting in vasodilation and decrease BP

what are peripherally acting alpha adrenergic blockers like Doxazosin, Prazosin,Terazosin used for?

to maintain renal blood flow or Hypertension

SE of peripherally acting alpha adrenergic blockers like Doxazosin, Prazosin,Terazosin

orthostatic hypotension
sodium & water retention
GI disturbances
reflex tachycardia
Weight gain

Methyldopa (Aldomet) are

central acting sympatholytics (adrenergic blockers)

what do central acting sympatholytics like Clonidine,
Guanabenz,Guangacine, & Methyldopa (Aldomet) do

stimulate alpha receptors in the CNS to inhibit vasoconstriction thus reducing peripheral resistance

what do central acting sympatholytics like Clonidine,
Guanabenz,Guangacine, & Methyldopa (Aldomet) used for


contraindications for central acting sympatholytics like Clonidine, Guanabenz,Guangacine, & Methyldopa (Aldomet)

impaired liver function

SE of what do central acting sympatholytics like Clonidine,
Guanabenz,Guangacine, & Methyldopa (Aldomet)

sodium & water retention

do not stop central acting sympatholytics like Clonidine,Guanabenz,Guangacine, & Methyldopa (Aldomet) abruptly due to risk of

severe rebound hypertension


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors


ACE inhibitors

ACE inhibitors like Lisinopril do what

prevent peripheral vasoconstriction by blocking conversion of angiotension I to Angiotension II


Angiotension II receptor blockers


Angiotension II receptor blockers


Angiotension II receptor blockers


Angiotension II receptor blockers


Angiotension II receptor blockers


Angiotension II receptor blockers

Angiotension II receptor blockers like Losartan do what

prevent peripheral vasoconstriction & secretion of aldosterone & block the binding to of angiotension II to type 1 Angiotension II receptors

Angiotension II receptor blockers are used to

treat hypertension
heart failure

Angiotension II receptor blockers are avoided in use w/

potassium supplements & potassium sparing diuretics

what is a SE unique to ACE inhibitors like Enalapril?

persistent dry cough

angioedema signs

subc or submucosa swelling

w/ ACE inhibitors and Angiotension II receptor blockers report signs of____ to health care provider




amy nitrate inhalant


isosorbide dinitrate


isosorbide mononitrate


nitrate produce vaso______


nitrates _______ preload


nitrates _______ afterload


nitrates ______ mycardial oxgen consumption


nitrates are contraindicated for pts w/

increased intracranial pressure
severe anemia

nitrates are used in caution w/

severe renal or hepatic disease

avoid abrupt withdrawl of long acting preparations of nitrates to prevent

the rebound effect of severe pain from myocardial ischemia

stinging or burning sensation of nitrate means

fresh tablet

if pt has headache and took a nitrate, give


instruct the pt taking nitrates to check the bottle for

expiration date

can a pt take a nitrate if it is passed the expiration date?



Beta adrenergic blocker


Beta adrenergic blocker


Beta adrenergic blocker


Beta adrenergic blocker


Beta adrenergic blocker


Beta adrenergic blocker

what do Beta adrenergic blocker like Propranolol do?

inhibit response to beta adrenergic stimulation thus decreasing cardiac output

Beta adrenergic blockers block the release of _______,_______,_______ thus decreasing the heart rate & BP.

catecholamines, epinephrine, & norepinephrine

Beta adrenergic blocker _______ the workload of the heart


Beta adrenergic blocker ________ oxygen demands


Beta adrenergic blocker like Timolol are used for

angina, dysrhythmias, hypertension, migraine headaches, prevention of myocardial infarction, & glaucoma

Beta adrenergic blocker are contraindicated for pts w/

asthma, bradycardia, heart failure, severe renal or hepatic disease, hyperthyroidism, or stroke

Carvedilol, metoprolol, & bisoprolol are special Beta adrenergic blocker bc

it has been approved for use in heart failure once pt has been stabilized w/ ACE inhibitors & diuretic therapy

Beta adrenergic blocker like Propranolol needs to be used in caution w/ pts w/

DM who are taking insulin bc it masks early symptoms of hypoglycemia like tachycardia and nervousness

early signs of hypoglycemia

tachycardia and nervousness


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers


calcium channel blockers

calcium channel blockers _________ cardiac contractility


calcium channel blockers have negative inotropic effect by

relaxing smooth muscle

calcium channel blockers _________ the workload of the heart, thus decreasing the need of oxygen


calcium channel blockers promote vaso_____ of the coronary & peripheral vessels


calcium channel blockers are used for


calcium channel blockers should be used w/ caution in pts w/

atrioventricular block

peripheral vasodilators __________ peripheral resistance by exerting a direct action on the arteries or on the arteries and veins


preipheral vasodilators ___________ blood flow to the extremities


peripheral vasodilators are used

peripheral vascular disorders of venous and arterial vessels

peripheral vasodilators are most effective for disorders resulting from vaso_____ like Raynaud's disease


Alpha adrenergic blockers
Ca channel blockers
Hemorrheological meds are grouped as

peripheral vasodilators

Sodium nitroprusside are

direct acting vasodilators

direct acting vasodilators like Hydralazine or Nitroglycerin do what?

relax smooth muscle of the the blood vessels, mainy the arteries, causing vasodilation

direct acting vasodilators like Hydralazine or Nitroglycerin promote a __________ in blood flow to the brain and kidneys


w/ vaso____, the BP drops & NA & water are retained resulting in peripheral edema


direct acting vasodilators like Hydralazine or Nitroglycerin may be given w/

moderate to severe hypertension
acute hypertensive emergencies

Special admin of sodium nitroprusside

solution must be covered by a dark bag for 24 hours

when should sodium nitroprusside be discarded

red, green, blue

What are the classes of antidysrhythmic drugs?

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1
Beta blockers- Class 2
Potassium channel blockers-Class 3
Calcium channel blockers-Class 4

what are class 1 of antidysrhythmic drugs?

Sodium channel blockers

what are class 2 of antidysrhythmic drugs?

beta blockers

what are class 3 of antidysrhythmic drugs?

k channel blockers

what are class 4 of antidysrhythmic drugs?

calcium channel blockers

what class/type: Disopyramide

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Procainamide

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Quinidine sulfate

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Lidocaine

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Mexiletine

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Phenytoin (Dilantin)

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: Flecainide acetate

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

what class/type: propafenone hydrochloride

Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

SE of Sodium channel blockers- Class 1

heart failure
worsened or new dysrhythmias
n/v or diarrhea

what class/type: Acebutolol

Beta blockers- Class 2

what class/type: Esmolol

Beta blockers- Class 2

what class/type: Propranolol

Beta blockers- Class 2

SE of Beta blockers- Class 2

heart failure
heart block
GI distress

what class/type: Amiodarone

Potassium channel blockers-Class 3

what class/type: Bretylium

Potassium channel blockers-Class 3

what class/type: Dofetilide

Potassium channel blockers-Class 3

what class/type: Ibutilide

Potassium channel blockers-Class 3

what class/type: Sotalol

Potassium channel blockers-Class 3

SE of Potassium channel blockers-Class 3


what class/type: Verapmil

Calcium channel blockers- Class 4

what class/type: Diltiazem

calcium channel blockers- Class 4

SE of calcium channel blockers class 4


how should you give an antidysrhythmic med?

not with food

Norepinephrine are

adrenergic agonists

what does an adernergic agonist like Dobutamine,
Dopamine,Epinephrine, Isoproterenol ,Norepinephrine do?

increases MI force and contractility through stimulation of beta receptors

adernergic agonist like Dobutamine,
Dopamine,Epinephrine, Isoproterenol ,Norepinephrine are used for pts w/

heart failure or those undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

dopamine is used for

mild renal failure caused by low cardiac output

epinephrine is used for

cardiac stimulation in cardiac arrest
bronchodilation in asthma or allergic reactions

epinephrine produces local vaso____ when combined w/local anesthetics & prolongs anesthetic action by decreasing blood flow to the site


Isoproterenol is used for

cardiac stimulation & bronchodilation

Norepinephrine (Levophed) is used for

stimulating the heart in cardiac arrest

Norepinephrine (Levophed) vaso_____ and ____ the BP in hypotension & shock

constriction; increases

SE of adrenergic agonists

urgency or urinary incontinence

Bile acid sequestrants & HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors are used as

antilipemic meds

Cholestyramine (Questran)

bile acid sequestrants used for antilipemic meds

Colesevelam (WelChol)

bile acid sequestrants used for antilipemic meds

Colestipol (Colestid)

bile acid sequestrants used for antilipemic meds


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for antilipemic meds


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for antilipemic meds


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for antilipemic meds


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for antilipemic meds

Simvastatin (Zocor)

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors for antilipemic meds

binds w/ acids in the intestines, which prevents reabsorption of cholesterol

bile sequestrants

bile sequestrants should not be used as the only therapy in pts w/ elevated triglyceride levels bc they

raise triglyceride levels

SE of antilipemic meds

GI disturbances: heartburn, nausea, belching, bloating

Cholestyramine (Questran) comes in a powder that must be mixed w/

juice or water

early signs of peptic ulcer

nausea and abdominal discomfot followed by abdominal pain & distention

w/ cholestyramine (Questran) monitor for

peptic ulcer disease

Lovastatin should not be given w/


Lovastatin w/ caution to the pts who have

immunosuppressive meds

when taking Lovastatin, instruct the pt to recieve an annual eye exam bc the meds can cause

cataract formation

if lovastatin is not effective in lowering the lipid level after ____ months, it should be discontinued

3 months

what is the adverse effect of beta blockers?


what allergy would you check for before giving thiazide diuretics?


Nicotinic acid (Niacin) common SE?


what should be given 30 min before admin of nicotinic acid (niacin) to prevent flushing?

aspirin or NSAID

early signs of digoxin toxicity

double vision, loss of appetitie, & nausea

Bumetanide (Bumex), loop diuretic monitor


Aminocaproic acid is antidote for

thrombolytic therapy

vitamin K is antidote for


potassium chloride is antidote for

potassium deficit

why is this pt who has 175/110 BP contraindicated for thromboltic therapy

bc severe hypertension

NPH Insulin action/peak/give when

Intermediate Acting, peaks approx. 4 -12hr. Given 30 mins before meals

Isoniazid (INH) class/use/teaching

(antitubercular) Highly specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Drug of choice for a positive skin test PPD. Teaching take on an empty stomach, avoid smoked fish, tuna, and milk products, alcohol, follow-up with doctor. It is not necessary to restrict co

furosemide (Lasix) use/adverse effect/class/monitor

Causes the excretion of potassium causing hypokalemia. Orthostatic hyotension is a side effect of (diuretic). Used to treat edema. At onset of medication check the patients weight and vitals

digoxin (Lanoxin) side effects/when to give/monitor what/

Check pulse rate daily. Monitor for low serum potassium; hypokaemia, abdominal pain, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, green-yellow visual disturbances, bradycardia, and AV disassociation. CHF(antiarrhythmic) Give the am

phenytoin (Dilantin) use/class/side effects

Antiseizure (hydantoin); Common long-term effect is gingival hyperplasia (gum disease) and nystagmus (Rapid involuntary movements of the eyes), brush and flossing teeth daily (antiseizure). Therapeutic effectiveness may take several weeks

ampicillin sodium (Omnipen) class/adverse effect

A rash is the most common adverse reaction of all penicillins, indicating an allergy to the medication which could result in anaphylactic shock. (anit-infective)

hydrochloride (Elavil) class/how long to work

Takes 2 - 4 weeks to be effective (antidepressant)

cefadroxil (Duricef) class

A penicillin: Cross allergies exist between penicillins (anti-infective)

phenazopyridine (Pyridium) use/class

Relieves symptoms UTI, but does not treat the underlying cause (urinary analgesic)

vancomycin (Vancocin) peak & trough level test specimen collection should be. Used to treat what?

Drawn when the blood level is at the lowest, typically just before the next dose is given. (anti-infective) Used to treat MRSA

cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) class/use

Used to relieve muscle spasms, improve ROM.(muscle relaxant)

losartan (Cozaar) class/use

Desired effect is a decrease in BP (angiotensin II receptor antagonists)

glucocorticoid methylprenisolone (Solu-Medrol) class/precaution

Depresses the immune system placing the client at risk for infection. (corticosteroid). Expect is see increased serum glucose levels, can lead to hyperglycemia.

dalteparin (Fragmin) use/class/precaution

Used to prevent DVT (heparin)(anticoagulant)
Decreases the risk of potential circulatory complications. Hold the dose if the client develops overt signs of bleeding, such as guaiac positive stool (guaiac fecal occult blood test)

glipizide (Glucotrol) class/use

Not an oral insulin, enhances pancreatic production of insulin (antidiabetic)

cycosporing ophthalmic emulsion (RESTASIS) use/when to give

For dry eyes, client may still use artificial tears with the medication as long as the products are administer 15min apart.

clonidine (Catapres) (transdermal patch) class/use

Indicates a reduction in BP(antihypertensive)

Thyroid replacement hormone Action/ Side Effects/Given when

Increases the metabolic rate of all tissues, so common signs and symptoms of toxicity include tachycardia and chest pain. Given before breakfast

acetaminophen (Tylenol) elixir should the parent induce emesis? why?

A child who drank a large amount the parent should induce emesis because this medication is hepatoxic.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms

A client experiences demonstrate symptoms within 6-12hrs of cessation of drinking and initially demonstrates restlessness, andxiety, tremors, transient hallucinations or illusions, Anxiety, Increased BP, Tachycardia, Diaphoresis, Anorexia, N/V, Insomnia,

Hypovolemic Shock symptoms

Will show vital sign trends of increasing Hr, RR, and hypotension

Opioid Withdrawl symptoms

Leg cramps, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, diaphoresis, and rhinorrhea

Lovenox, low molecular weight heparin adminsitered? What is the antidote for heparin

Subcutaneously, protamine sulfate

metronidazole (Flagyl) PO if ingested with an alcoholic beverage

A disulfiram-like (Antabuse) reaction can occur if the client ingest alcohol while taking metronidazole (Flagyl)

Used to treat antibiotic-induced diarrhea diet

Add buttermilk, cottage cheese, yogurt to the diet

Normal Pulse Rate of a newborn


benztropine (Cogentin) use/side effect

an anticholinergic blocking cholinergic action in the CNS) drug, used to control extrapyramindal symptoms, associated w/ cholorpromazine HCI (Thorazine) use. Also used in Parkinson's, reduces the rigidity and tremors. Adverse side effect is urinary retent

nitrate isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil) side effect

Expected side effect is ortholstatic hypotension, instruct the patient to rise slowly to prevent dizziness.

Conjugated estrogens (Premarin) risk

Smoking cigarettes increases the clients risk for cardiovascular complication, obtain a smoking history.

diazepam (Valium) class/treats

The drug of choice for treatment of status epilepticus and given during seizure. a tranquilizer

haloperidol (Haldol) observe/class

(antipsychotic) Observations in the clients behavior weekly provide the best evidence of medication's effectiveness.

PTT (Partial Thromboplastin Time) should be monitored for

Heparin, to manage long-term use of anticoagulant

PT (Prothrobin Time)/INR (International Normalized Ratio) should be monitored for


gentamincin sulfate (Garamycin) precation

Complications therapy include ototxicity, nephrotoxicity, and neurotoxicity. Determining if the client is hard of hearing before initiation of this aminoglycodie will be helpful as the treatment progresses and ototoxicity is identified as a possible compl

nitroglycerin tablets use/how

Used to dilate blood vessels and increase circulation. Should be taken at the onset of angina, and the client should stop activity and rest. One tablet can be taken every 5mins, up to 3 doses. Provides relief in 5min. Need to be replaced every 3-6mos

cefadroxil (Duricef) cross allergy is possible with what drug allergy?

Cross allergies exist between penicillins and cephalosporins. Checking for penicillin allergy is wise precaustion before adminstering this drug.

nystatin (Mycostatin) class/use

A antifungal, effective in treating thrush

carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet) class/desired outcome

antiparkinson, increases the amount of levodopa in the CNS necessary for basal ganglia synthesesis of dopamine,desired outcome lessening of tremors

ondansetron (Zofran) use/class

(antiemetic) reduces nausea and vomiting, which is related to the administration of opiate analgesic

finasteride (Proscar) class/use

(hair regrowth stimulant) Used for benign prostatic hyperlasia, increases the urinary flow

phenytoin (Dilantin) use/class

(antiseizure) Taken for seizures, can not abruptly stop taking medication.

antihistamine may be used in

upper respiratory tract infections and anaphylactic reactions, because it blocks the histamines at the their receptor sites thereby decreasing the symptoms of this condition

Atropine sulfate is given for and may cause/ precaution

an overdose of a cholinergic drug/ postural hypotension/ in patients with heart disease (tachycardia)

benzonatate (Tessalon) class/use

Antitussive act either centrally or locally to decrease the intensity of the non-productive cough

donepezil (Aricept) class/use

(anti-Alzheimer) Effective in slowing the onset of dementia

meperidine (Demerol) contraindicated/class/use

(opioid analgesic) Used to control pain, treats pancreatitis. Contraindicated for patients with head injury, seizures, asthma

acetazolmide (Diamox) use

used for narrow-angle glaucoma

pentazocin (Talwin) class/contraindiced/use

(opioid) An analgesic used to control pain, contraindiced for a patient with a head injury.

naloxone (Narcan)

Used to reverse the effects of respiratory depression of opioid analgesia

urecholine (Bethanechol) class/use

Cholinergic agent used to treat urinary retention

metoclopramide (Reglan) use/class/side effects

(antimetric) used to treat gastroparesis, side effects that need to be reported are rigidity (being stiff and resisting bending) and tremors. Monitor for signs of hypoglycema because food moves more rapidly through the GI.

endrophonium chloride (Protigmin) use

helps diagnose myasthenia gravis


decreases the thickness of secretions and stimulates productive cough


Decrease the amount of secretions by causing vasoconstriction of the bronchi


Used in treating symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis and colds

benztropine (Cogentin) use

Used in the treatment of parkinson's disease

The terms for the processes that all medications go through in the body

Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion

ciprofloxacin (Cipro); class, use, contraindication

(anti-infective) Used to treat infections, antacids decrease the effectiveness, contraindicated for people under 18 years of age and paitents taking theophylline (bronchodilator)

enalapril (Vosotec) side effects/class

cough is commonly associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, resulting from increased sensitivity of cough reflex.

Patient teaching for warfain (Coumadin)/ avoid eating

Avoid eating large amounts of broccoli, contain vitamin K, which is synergistic.
Medication should be administered in the afternoon.
Monitor for sign of bleeding.
Managed by monitoring the therapeutic levels.

simvastain (Zocor) use

Used to lower cholesterol levels

Calcium, phosphorus, potassium levels (CPK) should be monitored for

Detection of muscle tumors

dexamethasone (Decadron) class/use/given

(corticosteroid) Used to decrease inflammation. May cause steroid-induced hyperglycemia, give with milk

rosiglitazone (Avandia) use/class

(antidiabetic) used to treat diabetes

Regualr insulin is acting/pecks?

Emergency or fast-acting insulin, and given 30mins before a meal, peaks in 2-4hrs

levothyroxine (Synthroid) use/side effects/class

(hormone) Used in treating hypothyroidism, report side effects of tachycardia and sleeplessness

Drugs that affect the integrity of the oral mucosa

Cancer Drugs

Common side effects of barbiturates use in elderly

Low BP, excitement, confusion, depression

A loading dose is given for the purposes of

To achieve therapeutic relief as quickly as possible

A maintenance dose is given for the purposes of

Maintain the therapeutic stage

sliver sufadiazine (Silvadene)
mafenide (Sulfamylon) use/class

(anti-infective) Used in the treatment of burns

Synergistic means

The total effect of two drugs when given together is greater than the effects if each is given separately

Antagonistic means

The effect of two drugs are less when given together than when given separately

Cumulative means

The drug is not completely metabolized and excreted before the next dose is given

An IV site may indicate infiltration and needs to be reported to the RN if

A small, reddened area is near the insertion site.

metolazone (Zaroxolyn) class


spironolactone (Aldactone) class and use

potassium-sparing diuretic used for hypertension and CHF in children

oxybutynin (Ditropan) class and use

an antispasmodic agent useful in treating dysuria, pain frequency, incontinence and neurogenic bladder. Report side effects of Jaundice, which may indicate liver damage.

filgrastim (Neupogen) use

stimulate the production of neurophils (WBC)

fluconazole (Diflucan) class and use

(antifungal) Used to treat fungal infections. Bruising, fever, and sore throat should be reported

sargramostim (Leukine) use

Stimulate RBC to restore red bone morrow after transplants

erthropoietin; epoetin alfa (Epogen) class and use

(hormone) (antianemic) Used to increase RBC production

oxytocin (Pitocin) therapeutic effect

Induces contracts the uterus and decreases vaginal bleeding.

clominphene citrate (Clomid) therapeutic effects

A fertility drug that stimulates ovulation

Cholinergic classification agents are used to treat

certain kinds of glaucoma and decrease intraocular pressure

ceruminolytic classification used for

To remove cerumen (a soft yellow wax secreted by glands in the ear canal) from the ear

mydriatic classification used for

Blocks the effects of the parasympathetic system and used to dilate the pupil for examination

hydroclorothiazide (HydroDIURIL) class/use

Used to treat high blood pressure (antihypertensive)

With use if mycostain, swish and swallow the nurse instructs the patient to

Maintain contact with the mucosa as long as possible before swallowing to allow for maximal contact with impaired oral mucosa.

fomotidine (Pepcid) use

treats GERD and decreases hydrochloric acid secretion

simethicone (Mylicon) use

treats flatulence

Signs of Diabetes and Overdose

Thirst, Headache and Polyuria

Take iron

With meals, an empty stomach irritates the GI

cortisone (Cortone) class and use

steroid used for itching

The purpuse of Z-track injections

Give a deep intramuscular (IM) to minimize irritation to surrounding tissues

gabapentin (Neurontin) precaution, use/class, and side effects

The medication needs to be discontinued gradually and initiated by a physician. Used to treat varies disorders including pain. Side effects include drowsiness and ataxia (The loss of full control of bodily movements)

enoxaparin (Lovenox) is contraindicated in patients on what type of diet?

(anticoagulant) A patient on a kosher diet, because the product is partially made from pork.

A patient on hyperalimentation is

Usually unable to take anything PO and requires a supplement either enterally of intravenously

Anticholinergic side effects

Dryness of the mouth and constipation

sertraline (Zoloft) class/use

(antidepressant) Considered the 1st line of treatment in panic-anxiety disorders and mild-moderate depression

tetracycline (Achromycin) (Topicycline)
isotretinoion (Accutane) class/use

anti infective, avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Used commonly for acne vulgaris

aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel) class/use

antacid protective effect, allows medication to decrease hydochloric acid secretions more effectively take on an empty stomach

norepinephrine bitartrate (Levophed) therapeutic effect

Increased BP

loratidine (Claritin) therapeutic effect/ side effects

(antihistamine) Decreases rhinitis/ irritable and unable to sleep

Signs of hypoglycemia

Irritability and Increased hunger

ibandronate sodium (Boniva) dietary use/action/instructions

Treatment of osteoporosis. Helps reabsorption of calcium into the bone, increasing bone density. Require calcium supplements to maintain blood levels.

Medication that can cause ototoxicity (damage to the auditory canal)

(antibiotic) Vancomycin, (ibuprofen) NSAIDs, (aspirin) Salicylates- causes tinnitus

erythromycin toxic effects

diarrhea, jaundice and severe abdominal pain, substitute for penicillin.

acetaminophen (Tylenol) toxic effects

nausea/vomiting abdominal pain

Start zidovudine (Retrovir) class

(antiretrovirals) before symptoms of immune deficiency appear. HIV

Absorption is the process

From the time a drug is taken into the body to the time it enters the circulatory or lymphatic system

Distribution is the process

The drug is transported in the body

Metabolism is the process

A drug is tranformed into to an inactive metabolite, a more soluble compound, or a more potent metabolite

Excretion is the process

The elimination of a drug from the body

Instructions for Antibiotics are given when/why

At scheduled times to maintain a therapeutic level. Culture and sensitivity test. Monitor renal and liver functions for long-term use. Monitor for signs of superinfection

Blood urea nitrogen test is ordered for

Suspected Renal Disease

Complete Blood Count ordered for

Suspected bleeding disorders

phytonadione (AquaMEPHTON) (Konakion) is what type of class/use

Vitamin K used for anticoagulant overdose, the antidote for warfain (Coumadin)

streptokinase (Streptase) use/class

(trombolytic) used only in acute situations with in 4hrs after a witnessed myocardial infaction (MI)

theophylline (Accurbron) class/side effects

(Bronchodilator) 1 min between puffs, side effect jiteriness and nausea

methylphenidate (Ritalin) class/use/side effect

CNS stimulant, used for ADD, insomnia is a common side effect-administer before breakfast and lunch

carbamazepine (Tegretol) class/use side effects

Anticonvulsant, used to treat seizures, side effects drowsiness and mental confusion

benztropine mesylate (Cogentin) class and use

anticholinergic used to treat parkinson's disease

cromolyn (Intal) therapeutic class/use/how long to work

(antiasthmatics/allergy) Decreased number of asthmatic attacks, takes several weeks to reach a therapeutic level.

methadone (Dolophine) class and use

opioid analgesic; Used in addiction management as a substitute for morphine

Thizide carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretic

Open-angle glaucoma

Loop diuretics used for

Deplete potassium

Osmotic diuretics used for

Used for acute renal failure

pyridostigmine (Mestinon) class and use

Cholinergic; Increased muscle strength, myasthenia gravis

1/150 grain =


antipyretic is used for

Used to prevent or reduce fever, and can be given rectally if the patient is experiencing N/V

clacitriol (Rocaltrol) class and use

(fat soluble vitamins) Used for hypocalcemia Normal calcium levels 9-10 mg/dl

Needle size and length for a subcutaneous injection, angle

25 gauge, 5/8 in, 30 degree angle

sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) use and class

anti-infective, Used to treat UTI in minors

aminophylline class use

Increase contraction of the bronchi and alveoli

terbutaline (Brethine) class/use, adverse reactions

(beta-adrenergic) (uterine relaxant) Used to stop uterine contracts and relaxes the smooth muscle of the uterus during preterm labor. Heart Palpitation, N/V, Headache

Hemoglobin and Hematocrit test are ordered for

Measure the levels of hemoglobin (the O2 carrying component of RBC)

Specfic Gravity, U/A, Creatinine Levels

Provides information about renal function and systemic health. A change in the normal specific gravity indicates dehydration or inadequate kidney function.

phenobarbital (Luminal) use/class

antiseizure, used to treat seizures, also treats insomnia in hyperthyroidism with side effects of drowsiness and dizziness

The most common IV site is

The basilic vein

metformin (Glucophage) use/class

antidiabetic/ Increases the amount of glucose taken up by the muscles and intestine and Decrease cellular resistance to insulin

dextromethorphan (Romilar) class/use

(antitussive) controlled analgesic effective for harsh nonproductive cough and can be combined with codeine

vincristine (Oncovin) use

chemotherapy agent useful in treating certain kinds of cancers

thyroglobulin (Proloid) use/class/adverse reactions

(thyroid hormone) used for hypothyroidism, adverse reactions: headache and insomnia

tranylcypromine (Parnate) class/use

(antidepressant) MAOI used in treating severe depression in patients who have failed to respond to other treatments

chlorpromazine (Thorazine) class/use

(antipsychotic) Used in treating manic depression and hallucinations

piperadine phenothiazine (Mellaril)

(antipsychotic) Used in treating psychotic disorders and severe depression

epinephrine effect is

Causes peripheral vasoconstriction

hydrochlorothiazide use/class

(antihypertenive) Used to treat high BP

polycarbophil (FiberCon) use/class

(antidiarrhea) Use in the treatment of diarrhea. If diarrhea persist more than 2 days see the doctor

dipyridamole (Persantine) use/class/assessment

(antiplatelet) Decrease platelet aggregation by inhibiting. Monitor BP sitting and standing for orthostatic hypotension common side effect.

sucralafate (Carafate) use/class

(antiulcer) Protection of ulcers and healing. Lines the stomach.

Lente insulin is what acting


Utralente insulin is what acting


hydroxyzine (Vistaril) use

Used as a tranquilizer (high dose) or antiemetic (low dose)

repaglinide (Prandin) class


bisphosphonates-alendronate (Fosamax) class/use/precaution/given when

(bone resorption) Inhibits resorption of bone. Limit the intake of dairy products. Give 30mins before other medications.

ferrous sulfate (Feosol) class/when to give

(hypoglycemic agent) (iron supplement) give before breakfast

Needle size and length for a intradermal injection, angle

27 gauge, 5/8 in, 10 degree angle

omeprazole (Prilosec) class/when to give

(proton pump inhibitor) given before food

Needle size and length for a intramuscular injection, angle

22 gauge, 1in vitamin B12

Protease inhibitors (prevent infection by viruses, including HIV and Hepatitis C) are taken

on an empty stomach

pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) Use/Class

(neuromuscular blocking agent) Increases the transmission of nerve impulses, blocking the transmission of acetylcholine

epinephrine (Adrenalin) is a

Cardiac Stimulant

megestrol (Megace) use

Increases appetite in patients with AIDS

escitalopram (Lexapro) class


celecoxib (Celebrex) use/class/when to take it

(antirheumatic) is taken once a day/ treating osteoarthritis

antacids are antagonistic with what


erythromycin is antagonistic with what

Citrus Foods

salicylates is antagonistic with what

ascorbic acid

masoprocol (Actinex)

(keratolytic agent) Used to dissolve benign growths

Angiotensin-converting Enzyme inhibitors


Beta adrenergic blockers





-pam, -pate, -lam; OR -azo-, -aze-

Phenothiazines (Antipsychotic/Antiemetic)



sone or cort



Cholesterol-lowering agents


Angiotension Receptor Blockers


Hystamine 2 antaagonists


Proton pump inhibitors






monoclonal antibiotics



ceph or cef











ACE Inhibitors, - pril suffix, ex Captopril,

Prevent the synthesis of angiotensin II by "inhibiting" angiotensin-converting enzyme, a potent vasoconstrictior; decrease afterload and preload in heart failure; used to treat HTN, CHF;Interacts with: NSAID, Diuretics, sulfameth/trimethoprim, side effect

Ascetylcholinesterase Inhibitors -ine suffix-ex rivastigmine, memantine, galantmine, different suffix -Aricept(donepezil)

(AChe inhibitor) an enzyme to break down AChe-Promote the accumulation of actylcholine in neuron receptors, resulting in prolonged cholinergic, improves cognition in Alzheimer's pt's side effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, decreased appetite

Alpha Adrenergic blockers -zosin suffix, ex prazosin(Minipress), dozazosin(Cardura)

Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and lowers blood pressure by selectively blocking receptors in the vascular smooth muscle, Used for HTN, side effects: 1st dose Hypotension, dizziness, lightheadedness, faint, interacts with:NSAIDS, clonidine NRSG-

Aldosterone Receptor antagonists

Block stimulation of mineralocorticoid receptors by aldosterone, thus reducing high blood pressure by preventing sodium reabsorption; interacts with: side effects:


Gentamicin, Tobramycin, and related antibiotics; particularly effective against gram-negative microorganisms; noted for potentially dangerous toxicity; interacts with: side effects:

Analgesics, ex's- acetaminophen, aspirin, Morphine sulfate, Demerol, fentanyl

Narcotic and nonnarcotic; relieve pain without producing loss of consciousness or reflex activity; interacts with:ALCOHOL, ASA-coumadin side effects:Acute toxicity to liver(tylenol) or kidneys


These steroid hormones produce masculinizing effects; interacts with: side effects:

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists - tan suffix, ex irbesartan, Valsartan

Also known as ARBs (a very potent vasoconstrictor) from binding to receptor sites is vascular smooth mucle, brain, heart, kidneys, and adrenal gland, thus blocking the blood pressure-elevating and sodium-retaining effects of angiotensin II; interacts with


For example, local anesthesia, general anesthesia; cause a loss of sensation with or without a loss of consciousness; interacts with: side effects:


Reduce the acidity of the gastric contents; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat attacks of angina pectoris; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent anxiety symptoms or disorders; also known as minor tranquilizers or anxiolytics, although the term tranquilizer is avoided today to prevent the misperception that the patient is being tranquilized


Used to correct cardiac arrhythmias (any heart rate or rhythm other than normal sinus rhythm); interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat infections caused by pathogenic microbes; the term in often used interchangeably with antimicrobial agents; interacts with: side effects:


Block the action of acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system; also known as cholinergic blocking agents, antispasmodics, and parasympatholytic agents; interacts with: side effects:

Anticoagulants-Parenteral -Heparin, enoxaprin (lovanoxn

Do not dissolve existing blood clots, but so prevent enlargement or extension of blood clots; interacts with: side effects:


Suppress abnormal neuronal activity in the CNS, preventing seizures; interacts with: side effects:


Relieve depression; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as hypoglycemics; include insulin (used to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus) and oral hypoglycemic agents (used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus); interacts with: side effects:


Relieve or control the symtoms of acute or chronic diarrhea; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat fungal infections; interacts with: side effects:


Used to reduce intraocular pressure; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of active gout attacks or to prevent future attacks; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat elevated blood pressure (hypertension); interacts with: side effects:

Antilipemics-Statins -statin, ex's simvastatin(Zocor), lovastatin(mevacor)

Supresses cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Can increase HDL and decrease LDL, promotes vasodilation, decreases plaque site inflammation, decreases risk of thromboembolism.Uses to reduce serum cholesterol and/or triglycerides in hypercholesterolemia, pr


Chemicals that eliminate living microorganisms pathogenic to the patient; also called antibiotics or antiinfectives; interacts with: side effects:


Also called chemotherapy agents; used alone or in combination with other treatment modalities such as radiation, surgery, or biologic response modifiers for the treatment of cancer; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of Parkinson syndrome and other dyskinesias; interacts with: side effects:


Prevent paltelet clumpling (aggregation), thereby preventing an essential step in formation of a blood clot; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of severe mental illnesses; also known as major tranquilizers or neuroleptics, although the term tranquilizer is avoided today to prevent the misperception that the patient is being tranquilized; interacts with: side effects:


Used to reduce fevers associated with a variety of conditions; interacts with: side effects:


Actually anticholinergic agents; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat the symptoms of hyperthyroidism; also known as thyroid hormones antagonists; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Used to suppress a cough by acting on the souch center of the brain

Antiulcer agents

These drugs, such as histamine-2 antagonist, decrease the volume and increase the pH of gastric secretions; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat infections caused by pathogenic viruses; interacts with: side effects:


Stimulate receptors within the tracheobronchial tree to relax and dilate the airway passages, allowing a greater volume of air to be exchanged and improving oxygenation; interacts with: side effects:

Beta andrenergic blockers -lol suffix, metoprolol, atenolol, popranolol

Inhibit the acivity of sympathetic transmitters, norepinephrine, and epinephrine; used to treat angina, arrhythmias, hypertension, and glaucoma; Used for: Angina,HTN,Cardiac dysrrhythmias,MI,CHF,interacts with: Calcium channel blockers,(verapamil, diltiaz

Calcium channel blockers -pine suffix ex amlodipine(Norvasc) felodipine(Plendil), also, diltiazem (Cardizem) verapamil (Calan)

Also called calcium ion antagonists, inhibit the entry of calcium ions in heart muscle cells, causing a slowing of the heart rate, lessening the demand for oxygen and nutrients, and relaxing of the smooth muscle cells causing vasodilation; Use: prevent or


Antiboitics (imipenen, ertapenem, meropenerm) that have a broad spectrum ot activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria; they act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis; interacts with: side effects:

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Interfere with the production of aque humor, thereby reducing intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma; interacts with: side effects:

Cell-stimulating agents

Improve immune function by stimulating the activity of various immune cells; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as parasympathomimetics; produce effects similar to those of acetylcholine; interacts with: side effects:

Cholinesterase inhibitors

These enzymes destroy acetylcholine, the cholinergic neurotransmitter; interacts with: side effects:

Coating agent

This drug, sucralfate, forms a complex that adheres to the carter of an ulcer, protecting it from aggravation by gastric secretions; interacts with: side effects:

Colony-stimulating factors

Stimulate progenitor cells in bone marrow to increase numbers of leukocytes, thereby improving immune function; interacts with: side effects:


These hormones are secreted by the adrenal cortex the adrenal gland; interacts with: side effects:


Anticholinergic agents that paralyze accommodation of the iris of the eye; interacts ; interacts with: side effects:with: side effects:


Agents that cause direct cell death; often used for cancer chemotherapy; interacts with: side effects:


Reduce swelling in the nasal passages caused by common cold or allergic rhinitis; interacts with: side effects:


Combination products containing digestive enzymes used to treat various digestive disorders and to supplement deficiencies of natural digestive enzymes; interacts with: side effects:

Digitalis glycosides

A class of drugs, also konwn as cardia glycosides, that increase the force of contraction and slow the heart rate, thereby improving cardiac output; interacts with: side effects:


Act to increase the flow of urine; interacts with: side effects:


Used to induce vomiting; interacts with: side effects:


Steroids that cause feminizing effects; interacts with: side effects:


Liquefy mucus by stimulating the natural lubricant fluids from the bronchial glands; interacts with: side effects:


Ciprofloxacin and related agents; widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics; interacts with: side effects:

Gastric stimulants

Used to increase stomach contractions, relax the pyloric valve, and increase peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract; result in a decrease in gastric transit time and more rapid emptying of the interstinal tract; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as adrenocorticosteroids; are used to regulate carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism

Gonadal hormones

Hormones produced by the testes in the male and ovaries in the female; interacts with: side effects:


Plant products usually sold as food supplements; may have pharmacologic effects that are not evaluated or regulated by the FDA; interacts with: side effects:

Histamine (H2) antagonists

Decrease the volume and increase the pH of gastric secretions both during the day and the night; interacts with: side effects:

HMG-CoA reductase enzyme inhibitors

Also known as the statins: antilipemic agents that inhibit hydroxymethyl-glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) thus reduce potential for atherosclesrosis; interacts with: side effects:


Used to decrease the production or increase the excretion of uric acid; interacts with: side effects:


Produces antibodies that provide active immunity, prevents childhood infectious diseases

Immune Globullin-ex's Gamma globulin, Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Route: deep IM

Provides passive immunity and provide antibodies, interacts with: Live virus, side effects:local reaction, systemic allergy,

Immunostimulants-ex's Interferon alfa, Interleukin 2 Route: SQ or IM

enhance immune responses & decrease proliferation of cancer cells; interacts with: Antihypertensives,Theo-dur, Zydovudine(Retrovir) side effects:Cardiotoxicity, Hypotension, flu-like symptoms(fever, headaches,fatigue,chills,myalgias) Bone marrow suppressi

immunosuppressants-ex's cyclosporine(Sandimmune, Gengraf,Neoral)

Act on T lymphocytes to suppress production of immune response components, supresses B cells Cytotoxic T's; interacts with: Phentoin, phenobarbitol,rifampin,tegretol, causing decrease in cyclosporine effects; Grapefruit juice,Ketoconizole, erythromycin, A

Antihistamines ex's-1st gen H1antagonists-Diphenhydramine, promethazine, dramamine, 2nd gen H1 antagonists-loratadine (claritin) cetirizine(Zyrtec), fexofenadine(allegra)

Antihistamne action is on the H1 receptor results in blocking histamine relase in small blood vessels, nerves during allergic reactions. ; Used to treat allergy symptoms; may also be used to treat motion sickness, insomnia, and other nonallergic reactions

NSAIDs-Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory ex's-1st gen-COX & COX 2 inhibitors-Aspirin, 2nd gen-selective Cox 2 inhibitors-Celebrex. 1st gen Ibuprofen, naproxen, ketorolac, 2nd gen-valdecoxib(Bextra)

Inhibits cyclooxygenase (inhibits COX 2 reducing inflammation, pain, fever. Inhibits COX 1 reducing platelet aggregation; interacts with: Warfarin increases bleeding times, glucocorticoids-increasing GI bleed risk, ALCOHOL- risk of bleeding, Ibuprofen-dec

Alpha 2 Agonist -ine suffix, ex clonidine (Catapress)

Act within the CNS to decrease sympathetic outflow resulting in decreased stimulation to the adrenergic receptors (both alpha & beta) of the heart and peripheral vascular system. Results in vasodilation,bradycardia & decreased cardiac output. Used for: HT

Hypertensive Crisis Medications/treatment -no common suffix, labetalol (Trandate), diazoxide(Hyperstat),fenoldopam(Corlopam), trimethaphan(arfonad), IV sodium nitroprusside(Nitropress)

Hypertensive emergencies are severe elevations in BP, often higher than 220/140 mm Hg, complicated by clinical evidence of progressive target organ dysfunction. A potentially life-threatening syndrome that results when an individual taking MAOIs eats a pr

Organic Nitrates -Nitroglycerin ex's Nitrol, Nitrostat, Isosorbide dinitrate(Imdur)

in stable angina-decreases cardiac 02 demand by dilating veins and decreasing venous return(preload), in variant angina-relaxes or prevents spasm in coronary arteries, increasing 02 supply. Uses:Acute attack & prophylaxsis in stable angina,variant angina,

Cardiac Glycosides - only med is digoxin(Lanoxin,Lanoxicaps,Digitek)

positive inotropic effect=increased force and efficiency of myocardial contraction improving pumping of heart, Stroke Volume(SV), and Cardiac Output(CO). Negative chronotropic effect=decreased heart rate, at therapeutic levels it slows rate of SA node dep

Antilipemics-Fibrates -gemfibrizol(Lopid), fenofibrate(Tricor,Lofibra)

Decreases triglyceride levels-very low density lipoproteins(VLDL) by increasing the rate of VLDL excretion by inhibiting absorption of cholesterol secreted by the bile and from food. Increases HDL levels by promoting production of presursors to HDL's. Use

Antilipemics-Bile acid sequestrants - cholesteryamine(Questran), colestipol(Colestid)

Increases LDL receptor sites on liver cells resulting in increased uptake of serum cholesterol lowering LDL levels. Used in adjunct therapy with atorvastatin and dietary changes to lower cholesterol levels. SE's-constipation, Interacts wtih: Digoxin, Warf

Beta Blockers

Decrease the activity of the heart. They block sympathetic stimulation of the heart and reduce systolic pressure, heart rate, cardiac contractility and output, so decrease myocardial oxygen demand and increase exercise tolerance.
-Used to treat angina, co

Coreg (Carvedilol)

Beta Blocker-olol
Used to treat heart failure, HTN, post heart attack.

Inderal (Propranolol)

Beta Blocker-olol
Used to treat tremors-angina, HTN, heart rhythm disorders, open heart circulatory conditions, prevent heart attack and reduce sensitivity and frequency of migraine H/A.

Atenolol (Tenormin)

Beta Blocker-olol
Used to treat angina, HTN, and treat/prevent heart attack

Metoprolol (Lopressor)

Beta Blocker-olol
Treat angina, HTN, prevent and treat heart attack

Alpha-Adrenergic Blockers

Relax certain muslces and help small blood vessels remain open. They work by keeping the hormone norepinephrine from tightening the muscles in the walls of smaller arteries and veins. Blocking that effect causes the vessels to remain open and relaxed. Thi

Minipress (Prazosin)

Alpha Adrenergic Blocker
Relaxes your veins and arteries so that blood can more easily pass through them.
Treat HBP and HTN.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors

Help relax blood vessels.

Captopril (Capoten

Ace Inhibitor-pril
Used to treat HBP (HTN), CHF, kidney problems caused by diabetes and to imrpove survival after a heart attack.

Enalopril (Vasotec)

Ace Inhibitor-pril
Treat HBP (HTN) and CHF

Angiotensin 2 receptor blockers (ARBS)

Help relax blood vessels which lowers BP and makes it easier for your heart to pump blood.

Cozar (Iosartan)

Keeps blood vessels from narrowing which lowers BP and improves blood flow. USed to treat HBP, also lower the risk of stroke, slow long term kidney damage in people with type 2 diabetes who also have HBP.

Diovan (HCTZ & Valsortan)

Combo is used to treat HBP.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Disrupts the movement of calcium through calcium channels. Are used as anti-hypertensive drugs tot decrease BP.

Cardizem (Dilitazem)

CCB (-pine)
Relaxes muslces of heart and blood vessels. Treat HTN, angina, and certain heart rhythm disorders.

Norvasc (Amlodipine)

CCB (-pine)
Relaxes (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow. Treat HBP, chest pain, and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease.
Used for adults and children > 6 y.o.


Reduce blood clotting in an artery, vein, or heart.

Aspirin (Salicylate)

Reduces substances in the body that cuase pain, fever, and inflammation. Sometimes used to treat or prevent heart attacks, strokes, and chest pain.

Plavix (Clopidogrel)

Keeps the platelets in your blood from coagulating (clotting) to prevent unwanted blood clots that can occur with certain heart or blood vessel conditions.

Central Acting

Signal your brain and nervous system to relax blood vessels.

Aldoment (Methyldopa) & Catapres (Clonidine)

Central Acting
Lowers BP by decreasing levels of certain chemicals in blood. Allows blood vessels to relax and heart to beat more slowly and easily.


Used in the treatment of angina pectoris,a s/s of ischemic heart disease.


Dilates blood vessels. Treatment of angina.
Sublingual tablets


Slow electrical impulses in the heart so that it can resume its normal rhythm and conduction patterns.

Amiodarone (Cordanone)

Used to help keep the heart beating normally in people with life threatening heart rhythm disorders of the ventircles. Also used to treat V tach and V fib.

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor

Similar to diuretic.

Diamox (Acetazolamide)

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
Used to treat altitude sickness, CHF, and seizures.


Potassium Chloride
-Tx of hypokalemia
Beating of the heart
Don't stop abruptly


Anti-arrhythmic, Antedote-Digimmune Fab
Digoxin (Lanoxin)
Helps make the heart beat stornger and with a more regular rhythm. Used to treat heart failure, A fib, don't stop abruptly.
Side effects-uneven heart rate, tarry stools, blurred vision, confusion,


Coumadin-Antedote=Vitamin K
Reduces the formation of blood clots, Never take double dose. Performe regualr monitoring of INR (>4.0 great risk for bleeding, Target-2.0-3.0)
Heparin- Antedote=Protamine Sulfate
Only IV