bstrandable NCLEX Pharmacology 1 of 5

A client rates anxiety at 8 out of 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, is restless, and has narrowed perceptions. Which of the following medications would appropriately be prescribed to address these symptoms? Select all that apply.
1. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium).

An anxiety rating of 8 out of 10, restlessness, and narrowed perceptions all are symptoms of increased levels of anxiety.
1. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are classified as antianxiety medications and would be appropriate

A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder is placed on clonazepam (Klonopin) and buspirone (BuSpar). Which client statement indicates teaching has been effective?
1. The client verbalizes that the clonazepam (Klonopin) is to be used for long-te

3. Clonazepam would be used for shortterm treatment while waiting for the buspirone to take full effect, which can take 4 to 6 weeks.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker must note appropriate teaching needs for clients pres

In which situation would benzodiazepines be prescribed appropriately?
1. Long-term treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, convulsive disorder, and
alcohol withdrawal.
2. Short-term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol withdrawal, and pr

2. Benzodiazepines are prescribed for shortterm treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol withdrawal, and can be prescribed during preoperative
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker needs to note the words "long-term" and "short-term" in

A client recently diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder is prescribed clonazepam (Klonopin), buspirone (BuSpar), and citalopram (Celexa). Which assessment related to the concurrent use of these medications is most important?
1. Monitor for signs and

2. It is important for the nurse to monitor for serotonin syndrome, which occurs when a client takes multiple medications that affect serotonin levels. Symptoms
include change in mental status, restlessness, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, tachycardia, labile b

Which of the following symptoms are seen when a client abruptly stops taking diazepam (Valium)? Select all that apply.
1. Insomnia.
2. Tremor.
3. Delirium.
4. Dry mouth.
5. Lethargy.

Diazepam (Valium) is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are physiologically and psychologically addictive. If a benzodiazepine is stopped abruptly, a rebound stimulation of the central nervous system occurs, and the client may experience insomnia, increase

From a cognitive theory perspective, which is a possible cause of panic disorder?
1. Inability of the ego to intervene when conflict occurs.
2. Abnormal elevations of blood lactate and increased lactate sensitivity.
3. Increased involvement of the neuroch

4. Distorted thinking patterns that precede
maladaptive behaviors relate to the cognitive
theory perspective of panic disorder
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker should note important words in the question, such as "cognitive." Although all of

An overuse or ineffective use of ego defense mechanisms, which results in a maladaptive response to anxiety, is an example of the ___________________ theory of generalized anxiety disorder development.

An overuse or ineffective use of ego defense mechanisms, which results in a maladaptiveresponse to anxiety, is an example of thepsychodynamic theory of generalized anxiety disorder development.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test

A client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder is close to discharge. Which client statement would indicate that teaching about the psychosocial cause of posttraumatic stress disorder was effective?
1. "I understand that the event I experienced, ho

1. When the client verbalizes understanding
of how the experienced event, individual
traits, and available support systems affect
his or her diagnosis, the client demonstrates
a good understanding of the psychosocial
cause of posttraumatic stress disorder

Counselors have been sent to a location that has experienced a natural disaster to assist the population to deal with the devastation. This is an example of __________________ prevention.

4. Sending counselors to a natural disaster site to assist individuals to deal with the devastation is an example of primary prevention. Primary prevention reduces the incidence of mental disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, within the popula

Which of the following statements explains the etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) from a biological theory perspective?
1. Individuals diagnosed with OCD have weak and underdeveloped egos.
2. Obsessive and compulsive behaviors are a condition

4. The belief that abnormalities in various
regions of the brain cause OCD is an
explanation of OCD etiology from a biological theory perspective.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker must understand the different theories o

After being diagnosed with pyrophobia, the client states, "I believe this started at the age of 7 when I was trapped in a house fire." When examining theories of phobia etiology, this situation would be reflective of ____________ theory.

When examining theories of phobia etiology,
this situation would be reflective of learning
theory. Some learning theorists believe that fears are conditioned responses, and they are learned by imposing rewards for certain behaviors. In the instance of pho

A client diagnosed with social phobia has an outcome that states, "Client will voluntarily participate in group activities with peers by day 3." Which would be an appropriate intrapersonal intervention by the nurse to assist the client to achieve this out

3. Encouraging discussion about fears is an
intrapersonal intervention.
TEST-TAKING HINT: It is important to understand that interventions are based on theories of causation. In this question, the test taker needs to know that intrapersonal theory relates

Using psychodynamic theory, which intervention would be appropriate for a client diagnosed with panic disorder?
1. Encourage the client to evaluate the power of distorted thinking.
2. Ask the client to include his or her family in scheduled therapy sessio

3. The nurse discussing the overuse of ego
defense mechanisms illustrates a psychodynamic approach to address the client's behaviors related to panic disorder.
TEST-TAKING HINT: When answering this question, the test taker must be able to differentiate am

Which nursing diagnosis reflects the intrapersonal theory of the etiology of obsessivecompulsive disorder?
1. Ineffective coping R /T punitive superego.
2. Ineffective coping R /T active avoidance.
3. Ineffective coping R /T alteration in serotonin.
4. In

1. Ineffective coping R /T punitive superego
reflects an intrapersonal theory of the etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD). The punitive superego is a concept contained in Freud's psychosocial theory of personality development.

The nurse is using an intrapersonal approach to assist a client in dealing with survivor's guilt. Which intervention would be appropriate?
1. Encourage the client to attend a survivor's group.
2. Encourage expression of feelings during one-to-one interact

2. Encouraging expressions of feelings
during one-to-one interactions with the nurse is an intrapersonal approach to interventions that treat survivor's guilt associated with PTSD.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker needs

A client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder states to the nurse, "All those wonderful people died, and yet I was allowed to live." Which is the client experiencing?
1. Denial.
2. Social isolation.
3. Anger.
4. Survivor's guilt.

4. The client in the question is experiencing
survivor's guilt. Survivor's guilt is a common
situation that occurs when an individual
experiences a traumatic event in which
others died and the individual survived.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question

Clients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder commonly use which mechanism?
1. Suppression.
2. Repression.
3. Undoing.
4. Denial.

3. Undoing is a defense mechanism commonly used by individuals diagnosed with OCD. Undoing is used symbolically to
negate or cancel out an intolerable previous action or experience. An individual diagnosed with OCD experiencing intolerable anxiety would u

Which of the following would the nurse expect to assess in a client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder? Select all that apply.
1. Dissociative events.
2. Intense fear and helplessness.
3. Excessive attachment and dependence toward others.
4. Ful

1. A client diagnosed with posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) may have dissociative events in which the client feels
detached from the situation or feelings.
2. A client diagnosed with PTSD may have
intense fear and feelings of helplessness.
5. A client

When treating individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder, which variables are included in the recovery environment?
1. Degree of ego strength.
2. Availability of social supports.
3. Severity and duration of the stressor.
4. Amount of control over reoc

2. Availability of social supports is part of
environmental variables. Others include
cohesiveness and protectiveness of family
and friends, attitudes of society regarding
the experience, and cultural and subcultural

A newly admitted client is diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. Which behavioral symptom would the nurse expect to assess?
1. Recurrent, distressing flashbacks.
2. Intense fear, helplessness, and horror.
3. Diminished participation in significant

3. Diminished participation in significant
activities is a behavioral symptom of
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker should take note of the keyword "behavioral," which determines the correct answer. All symptoms may

Which of the following assessment data would support the disorder of acrophobia?
1. A client is fearful of basements because of encountering spiders.
2. A client refuses to go to Europe because of fear of flying.
3. A client is unable to commit to marriag

2. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. An individual experiencing acrophobia may be
unable to fly because of this fear.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker needs to review the definitions of specific commonly diagnosed phobi

In which situation would the nurse suspect a medical diagnosis of social phobia?
1. A client abuses marijuana daily and avoids social situations because of fear of
2. An 8-year-old child isolates from adults because of fear of embarrassment,

4. A student who avoids classes because of
the fear of being scrutinized by others
meets the criteria for a diagnosis of social
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker must understand the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for social phobia to answer this que

A client experiencing a panic attack would display which physical symptom?
1. Fear of dying.
2. Sweating and palpitations.
3. Depersonalization.
4. Restlessness and pacing.

2. Sweating and palpitations are physical
symptoms of a panic attack.
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker must note important words in the question, such as "physical symptoms." Although all the answers are actual symptoms a client experiences during a panic

A client newly admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit is diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder. Which behavioral symptom would the nurse expect to assess?
1. The client uses excessive hand washing to relieve anxiety.
2. The client rates anxiety

1. Using excessive hand washing to relieve
anxiety is a behavioral symptom exhibited
by clients diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD).
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker must be able to differentiate various cl

A client with a history of generalized anxiety disorder enters the emergency department complaining of restlessness, irritability, and exhaustion. Vital signs are blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg, pulse 96, and respirations 20. Based on this assessed informati

3. Physical problems should be ruled out
before determining a psychological cause
for this client's symptoms.
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker needs to remember that although a client may have a history of a psychiatric illness, a complete, thorough evalu

Anxiety is a symptom that can result from which of the following physiological conditions? Select all that apply.
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
2. Hyperthyroidism.
3. Hypertension.
4. Diverticulosis.
5. Hypoglycemia.

1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
causes shortness of breath. Air deprivation
causes anxiety, sometimes to the point of
2. Hyperthyroidism (Graves's disease)
involves excess stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and excessive levels

Which assessment data would support a physician's diagnosis of an anxiety disorder in a client?
1. A client experiences severe levels of anxiety in one area of functioning.
2. A client experiences an increased level of anxiety in one area of functioning f

3. For a client to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the client must experience
symptoms that interfere in a minimum of
two areas, such as social, occupational, or
other important functioning. These symptoms must be experienced for durations of 6 mon

Which of the following symptom assessments would validate the diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder? Select all that apply.
1. Excessive worry about items difficult to control.
2. Muscle tension.
3. Hypersomnia.
4. Excessive amounts of energy.
5. Feel

1. A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) would experience excessive worry about items difficult to control.
2. A client diagnosed with GAD would experience muscle tension.
5. A client diagnosed with GAD would
experience an increased s

A client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder is newly admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit. Which cognitive symptom would the nurse expect to assess?
1. Compulsive behaviors that occupy more than 4 hours per day.
2. Excessive worrying about

2. Excessive worrying about germs and illness is a cognitive symptom experienced
by clients diagnosed with OCD.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker must note the keyword "cognitive." Only "2" is a cognitive symptom.

A newly admitted client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder is exhibiting recurrent flashbacks, nightmares, sleep deprivation, and isolation from others. Which nursing diagnosis takes priority?
1. Posttrauma syndrome R /T a distressing event AEB

4. Risk for injury is the priority nursing diagnosis for this client. In the question, the client is exhibiting recurrent flashbacks, nightmares, and sleep deprivation that can cause exhaustion and lead to injury. It is important for the nurse to prioriti

A client leaving home for the first time in a year arrives on the psychiatric in-patient unit wearing a surgical mask and white gloves and crying, "The germs in here are going to kill me." Which nursing diagnosis addresses this client's problem?
1. Social

1. According to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), the nursing diagnosis format must
contain three essential components:
(1) identification of the health problem, (2) presentation of the etiology (or cause) of the problem, and (3) d

A client seen in an out-patient clinic for ongoing management of panic attacks states, "I have to make myself come to these appointments. It is hard because I don't know when an attack will occur." Which nursing diagnosis takes priority?
1. Ineffective br

3. Social isolation is seen frequently with individuals diagnosed with panic attacks. The client in the question expresses anticipatory fear of unexpected attacks, which
affects the client's ability to interact with others.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer thi

A client newly admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit is diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder. Which correctly stated nursing diagnosis takes priority?
1. Anxiety R /T obsessive thoughts AEB ritualistic behaviors.
2. Powerlessness R /T ritualis

1. Anxiety is the underlying cause of the diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), therefore, anxiety R/T obsessive thoughts is the priority nursing diagnosis
for the client newly admitted for the treatment of this disorder.

During an assessment, a client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder rates anxiety as 9/10 and states, "I have thought about suicide because nothing ever seems to work out for me." Based on this information, which nursing diagnosis takes priority?

4. Because the client is expressing suicidal ideations, the nursing diagnosis of risk for suicide takes priority at this time. Client safety is prioritized over all other client
TEST-TAKING HINT: When looking for a priority nursing diagnosis, th

A hospitalized client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder has a nursing diagnosis of ineffective coping R /T history of rape AEB abusing alcohol. Which is the expected short-term outcome for this client problem?
1. The client will recognize trigg

1. It is a realistic expectation for a client who copes with previous trauma by abusing alcohol to recognize the triggers that precipitate this behavior. This outcome
should be developed mutually early in treatment.
TEST-TAKING HINT: It is important to re

Which client would the charge nurse assign to an agency nurse who is new to a psychiatric setting?
1. A client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder currently experiencing flashbacks.
2. A newly admitted client diagnosed with generalized anxiety di

3. A client admitted 4 days ago with a diagnosis
of algophobia, fear of pain, would be an appropriate assignment for the agency nurse. Of the clients presented, this client would pose the least challenge to a nurse unfamiliar with psychiatric clients.

A newly admitted client diagnosed with social phobia has a nursing diagnosis of social isolation R/T fear of ridicule. Which outcome is appropriate for this client?
1. The client will participate in two group activities by day 4.
2. The client will use re

1. Expecting the client to participate in a set number of group activities by day 4 directly relates to the stated nursing diagnosis of social isolation and is a measurable
outcome that includes a timeframe.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To express an appropriate out

When a client experiences a panic attack, which outcome takes priority?
1. The client will remain safe throughout the duration of the panic attack.
2. The client will verbalize an anxiety level less than 2/10.
3. The client will use learned coping mechani

1. Remaining safe throughout the duration of the panic attack is the priority outcome for the client.
TEST-TAKING HINT: All outcomes must be appropriate
for the situation described in the question. In the question, the client is experiencing a panic attac

The nurse has received evening report. Which client would the nurse need to assess first?
1. A newly admitted client with a history of panic attacks.
2. A client who slept 2 to 3 hours last night because of flashbacks.
3. A client pacing the halls and sta

3. A client pacing the halls and experiencing an increase in anxiety commands immediate assessment. If the nurse does not take action on this assessment, there is a potential for client injury to self or others.
TEST-TAKING HINT: When the nurse is priorit

A client was admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit 4 days ago for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Which outcome takes priority for this client at this time?
1. The client will use a thought-stopping technique to eliminate obsessive/co

4. By day 4, it would be realistic to expect the client to use one relaxation technique to decrease obsessive or compulsive behaviors. This would be the current
priority outcome.
TEST-TAKING HINT: The test taker must recognize
the importance of time-wise

A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder has a nursing diagnosis of panic anxiety R/T altered perceptions. Which of the following short-term outcomes is most appropriate for this client?
1. The client will be able to intervene before reaching

1. The client's being able to intervene before reaching panic levels of anxiety by discharge is measurable, relates to the stated nursing diagnosis, has a timeframe, and is an appropriate short-term outcome for this client.
TEST-TAKING HINT: When evaluati

A 10-year-old client diagnosed with nightmare disorder is admitted to an in-patient psychiatric unit. Which of the following interventions would be appropriate for this client's problem? Select all that apply.
1. Involving the family in therapy to decreas

1. Family stress can occur as the result of repeated client nightmares. This stress within the family may exacerbate the client's problem and hamper any effective treatment. Involving the family in therapy to relieve obvious stress would be an appropriate

A client on an in-patient psychiatric unit is experiencing a flashback. Which intervention takes priority?
1. Maintain and reassure the client of his or her safety and security.
2. Encourage the client to express feelings.
3. Decrease extraneous external

1. During a flashback, the client is experiencing
severe-to-panic levels of anxiety; the priority nursing intervention is to maintain and reassure the client of his or
her safety and security. The client's anxiety needs to decrease before other interventi

A client diagnosed with panic attacks is being admitted for the fifth time in 1 year because of hopelessness and helplessness. Which precaution would the nurse plan to implement?
1. Elopement precautions.
2. Suicide precautions.
3. Homicide precautions.

2. Any client who is exhibiting hopelessness or helplessness needs to be monitored closely for suicide intentions.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly,
the test taker should note the words "hopelessness" and "helplessness," which would be

A client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder has been hospitalized for the last 4 days. Which intervention would be a priority at this time?
1. Notify the client of the expected limitations on compulsive behaviors.
2. Reinforce the use of learned

2. It is important for the client to learn techniques to reduce overall levels of anxiety to decrease the need for compulsive behaviors. The teaching of these techniques
should begin by day 4.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test

The nurse on the in-patient psychiatric unit should include which of the following interventions when working with a newly admitted client diagnosed with obsessivecompulsive disorder? Select all that apply.
1. Assess previously used coping mechanisms and

1. When a client is newly admitted, it is important for the nurse to assess past coping mechanisms and their effects on anxiety. Assessment is the first step in the
nursing process, and this information needs to be gathered to intervene effectively.
2. Al

A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder complains of feeling out of control and states, "I just can't do this anymore." Which nursing action takes priority at this time?
1. Ask the client, "Are you thinking about harming yourself?"
2. Remove

1. The nurse should recognize the statement, "I can't do this anymore," as evidence of hopelessness and assess further the potential for suicidal ideations.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker should apply the nursing proce

During an intake assessment, a client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder rates mood at 3/10, rates anxiety at 8/10, and states, "I'm thinking about suicide." Which nursing intervention takes priority?
1. Teach the client relaxation techniques.

2. It is important for the nurse to ask the client about a potential plan for suicide to intervene in a timely manner. Clients who have developed suicide plans are at higher
risk than clients who may have vague suicidal thoughts.

A client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder has a nursing diagnosis of disturbed sleep patterns R /T nightmares. Which evaluation would indicate that the stated nursing diagnosis was resolved?
1. The client expresses feelings about the nightmare

3. The client's feeling rested on awakening and denying nightmares are the evaluation data needed to support the fact that the nursing diagnosis of disturbed sleep patterns
R/T nightmares has been resolved.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correc

The nurse teaches an anxious client diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder a breathing technique. Which action by the client would indicate that the teaching was successful?
1. The client eliminates anxiety by using the breathing technique.
2. The c

4. A client's ability to maintain an anxiety level of 3/10 without medications indicates that the client is using breathing techniques successfully to reduce
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this question correctly, the test taker should understand th

The nurse is using a cognitive intervention to decrease anxiety during a client's panic attack. Which statement by the client would indicate that the intervention has been successful?
1. "I reminded myself that the panic attack would end soon, and it help

1. This statement is an indication that the cognitive intervention was successful. By remembering that panic attacks are self-limiting, the client is applying the information gained from the nurse's cognitive intervention.
TEST-TAKING HINT: To answer this

Which of the following medications can be used to treat clients with anxiety disorders? Select all that apply.
1. Clonidine hydrochloride (Catapres).
2. Fluvoxamine maleate (Luvox).
3. Buspirone (BuSpar).
4. Alprazolam (Xanax).
5. Haloperidol (Haldol).

1. Clonidine hydrochloride (Catapres) is used in the treatment of panic disorders and generalized anxiety disorder.
2. Fluvoxamine maleate (Luvox) is used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
3. Buspirone (BuSpar) is used in the treatment of

A client is prescribed alprazolam (Xanax) 2 mg bid and 1.5 mg q6h PRN for agitation. The maximum daily dose of alprazolam is 10 mg/d. The client can receive _____ PRN doses of alprazolam within a 24-hour period.

The client can receive 4 PRN doses.
Medications are given four times in a 24-hour period when the order reads q6h: 1.5 mg x 4 = 6 mg. The test taker must factor in 2 mg bid = 4 mg. These two dosages together add up to 10 mg, the maximum daily dose of alpr

Which teaching need is important when a client is newly prescribed buspirone (BuSpar) 5 mg tid?
1. Encourage the client to avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medication because
of the additive central nervous system depressant effects.
2. Encourage

2. It is important to teach the client that the onset of action for buspirone (BuSpar) is 2 to 3 weeks. Often the nurse may see a benzodiazepine, such as clonazepam, prescribed because of its quick onset of effect, until the buspirone begins working.

A client diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder is prescribed paroxetine (Paxil) 30 mg QHS. Paroxetine is supplied as a 20-mg tablet. The nurse would administer ______tablets.

1.5 tablets

A client is prescribed lorazepam (Ativan) 0.5 mg qid and 1 mg PRN q8h. The maximum daily dose of lorazepam should not exceed 4 mg QD. This client would be able to receive ______ PRN doses as the maximum number of PRN lorazepam doses.

This client should receive 2 PRN doses.
The test taker must recognize that medications are given
three times in a 24-hour period when the order reads q8h: 1 mg x 3 = 3 mg. The test taker must factor in the 0.5 mg qid = 2 mg. These two dosages together add


SYMPATHOMIMETIC: dilate the airways of the respiratory tree
METHYLXANTHINES: stimulates the CNS and respiration; dilates coronary and pulmonary vessels; causes diuresis
*A quick relief medication

Bronchodilators are used to treat what

rhinitis, sinusitis, acute bronchospam, acute and chronic asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), emphysema

When should bronchodilators be used with caution

HTN, diabetes mellitus, narrow-angle glaucoma

Bronchodilators are contraindicated in individuals with

hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer disease, severe cardiac disease, dysrhythmias, hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled seizure diorder


*increase the risk of digoxin(linoxin: heart med)toxicity and reduces the effect of lithium(psych med) and phenytoin(dilantin: seizure med)
*dysrhythmias may occur if used with B2-adrenergic
*B-blockers cimetidine(tagamet) and erythromycine increase it's

Side effects of bronchodilators are

palpitations and tachycardia, dysrhythmias, restlessness, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, headaches and dizziness, hyperglycemia, decreased clotting time, mouth dryness and throat irritation with inhalers

What should one avoid while using a bronchodilators

caffeinated products

One way to identify a Sympathomimetic bronchodilator is

B2-Adrenergics mainly end with ol. i.e albuterol or salmeterol(COPD)
*the only one that is differented is brethine(also good for pre-term labor)
aAdrenergics mainly end with ium and are only inhaled

Methylxanthine bronchodilator only has kind of medication called a

theophylline(theolair-SR, theo-24, uniphyl)

An inhaler is only empty if it can

float on top of water

What is an inhaled nonsteroidal antiallergy agent(mast-cell stabilizers)

*treat allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, exercise induced bronchospasm
caution to be used for renal function problems

Side affects of nonsteroidal antiallergic agent(mast-cell stabilizer)

cough or bronchospasm, nasal sting or sneezing, nasty tatse in mouth

nonsteroidal antiallergic agent(mast-cell stabilizer) med are

Cromolyn Na+ (Intal) and Nedrocromil(Tilade) Both are inhaled

nonsteroidal antiallergic agent important interventions are

DO NOT discontinue medication abruptly because it will a rebound asthmatic attack

What are Leukotriene modifiers

*used in prophylaxis and tx of chronic bronchial asthma.
*NOT used for ACUTE episodes
*contraindicated with breastfeeding moms
*caution to be used in renal function problems

Side affects of Leukotriene modifiers are

Headaches, nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea, generalized pain and myalgia(muscle pain), fever, dizziness

Leukotrienes modifiers important interventions are

*take meds 1 hours before or 2 hours after meals
*increase fluid intake
*NEVER discontinue even in symptom-free periods

Leukotriene Modifier medication usually end with

ast(i.e Montelukast, oral (Singulair), Zafirlukast, oral (Accolate)
Zileuton, oral(Zyflo) ~ Is an leukotriene inhibitor and another medication


called histamine antagonists or H1 blockers; they compete for receptor sites, thus preventing a histamine response

What are Antihistamines used for

common cold, rhinitis, nausea and vomiting, motion sickness, urticaria, sleep aid

Name 2 prescribed antihistamine

Acrivastne/pseudoephedrine(Semprex-D), Azelastine hydrochloride(Astelin), Brompheniramine(Brovex)

Name some over-the-counter(OTC) antihistamines

Cetirizine hydrchloride(Zyrtec), Chlopheniramine maleate(Aller-Chlor, Chlor-Trimeton), Chlorpheniramine/pseudoephrdrine(allerest Maximum Strength), Clemastine Fumerate(Tavist), Desoratidine(Clarinex), Dimenhydrinate(Dramamine), Diphenhydramine(benadryl),

Caution should be used when using antihistamine in

HTN, Diabetics and Do Not use it in COPD pts

Major side affects of antihistamines are

Urinary retention, wheezing(hence not good for COPD pts), constipation, GI irritation, Hypotension, Hearing issues, Nightmares

Nasal Decongestants

Shrink mucosal membranes and reduces fluid secretion, should not be used for more than 48 hours

Nasal decongestants should be used with EXTREME caution in patients with

HTN, Cardiac disease, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes

What are Glucocorticoids

act as anti-inflammatory agents and reduce edema of the airways

Glucocorticoid medications usually end with

one(i.e: prednisone, prednisolone=these are the only ORAL as well)

What are expectorants

used to loosen bronchial secretions so that they can be eliminated with coughing

What is a mucolytic agent

thins mucous secretions for a more productive cough.
If it has dextromethorohen it NOT good for pts with COPD; it suppresses coughs

Some nasal decongestants that can be purchased OTC are

Sudafed(ID needed), Afrin, Neo-Synephrine(good for babies)

Some Nasal meds that are prescribed are

Beconase AQ, Rhinocort Aqua, Nasarel, Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort(ALL OF THESE ARE TOP DRUGS ON NCLEX!!!)

Side effects of Expectorants and Mucolytics are

GI and Oropharyngeal issues, rashes

What are antitussives

acts on the cough reflex in the medulla to suppress the cough

Some common side effects of antitussives are

dry mouth, constipation, respiratory depression

What are some important interventions for antitussives

*avoid administering to pts with cranial injuries or cranial surgeries
*avoid administering to pts that are taking opiods, sedatives, barbiturates or antidepressant because it can cause CNS depression

Some expectorant meds are

Pulmozyme, humibid, robitussin

A mucolytic med is


Antitussive meds can be

both opioid(i.e: codienes and hydrocodone) or non-opiods(i.e: Benadryl)

Opiod antagonists

reverses respiratory depression in an opioid overdose


is treated with a combination of meds which the organism is susceptible.

First-line medications

provide the most effective anti-TB activity

Second-line medications

are used in combination with first-line medications but are more toxic

Isoniazid(INH, Nydrazid)

is bactericidal and is contraindicated in people with liver disease and hypersensitive; cautioned in people with liver disease, alcoholism, or renal impairment or using niacin/nicobid

First and Second line meds

usually end with -in(i.e: Streptomycin)

Side effects of TB

Neurotoxicity, Hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuritis, Vitamin B deficiency, hyperglycemia, hepatitis

TB interventions

assess hepatic dysfunction, dizziness; monitor cbc, blood glucose and liver function tests, numbness and tingling of extremities, visual changes(call PCP),
signs of hepatitis(anorexia, nausea, weakness, dark urine, jaundice) stop meds and call PCP

Major medications

that are used are Rifampin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide(PZA), Rifabutin

Interventions for the major TB meds

are to monitor the cbc, blood glucose, liver and uric acid blood tests; hepatotoxic effects; visual changes; no need to eat before taking

The medication that needs to be taken with food

is PZA(Pyrazinamide)


will cause


are recommended annually to avoid the flu.

Vaccine side affects

are localized pain and swelling in injection site; body aches and pain or fever; some may even cause flu-like symptoms

Antiviral medications

are used during a flu outbreak

Flu vaccines

inactivated(not live): usually begin with flu(i.e: fluarix)
live(live): Flumist

Antiviral medications

Symmetrel, Tamiflu, Flumadine, Relenza
*Symmetrel usually for parkinson's
*Tamiflu causes insomnia

What is the CNS?

composed of the brain and spinal cord it is the "processing center

What does the PNS do?

receives stimuli from the CNS and and initiates response

What two divisions make up the PNS?

automatic and somatic

The automatic system controls?

visceral system acts on smooth muscle and glands (involuntary).
Heart, respiration, GI, bladder, eyes, & glands

The somatic system controls?

acts on skeletal muscle (voluntary)

What are the two sets of neurons in the Automatic System?

afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor)

The efferent pathway of the autonomic nervous system is divided into what two branches?

sympathetic and parasympathetic

What is another name for the sympathetic system and what is the main neurotransmitter?

adrenergic system
neurtransmitter: norepinephrine

The sympathetic system is associated with what two responses?

fight or flight (dry hot and revved up)
Can'ts (see, pee, poop, spit)

What is the neurotransmitter that controls the parasympathetic system and what is the normal response?

response: sludge

What is another name for the parasympathetic system?

cholinergic system

Name the specific sympathetic responses

dilates pupils and bronchioles, increases HR, constricts blood vessels, relaxes (GI, bladder and uterine)

Name the specific responses for the parasympathetic system

constrict pupils (miosis) causing increased aqueous humor outflow, constricts bronchioles and bladder, decrease HR causing decreased BP, dilate blood vessels, and increases peristalsis and saliva

Drugs that stimulate the sympathetic system are known as

sympathomimetics (adrenergics, adrenomimetics, or adrenergic agonist)

Drugs that stimulate the parasympathetic system are known as

parasympathomimetics (cholinergics or cholinergic agonist)

Drugs that block the sympathetic system are known as

sympatholytics (adrenergic blockers, adrenolytics, or adrenergic antagonist)

Drugs that block the parasympathetic system are known as

parasympatholytics (anticholinergics, cholinergic antagonist, and antispasmodics)

Sympathomimetics causes a similar response to what group of drugs?


Parasympathomimetics causes a similar response to what group of drugs?


Alpha 1 receptor controls

vasoconstriction that leads to elevated BP, elevated HR, pupil dilation (mydriasis), decrease saliva and urine output

Alpha 2 receptor controls

stops norepinephrine which causes vasodilation leading to decreased BP, HR, and GI motitlity

Beta 1 receptor controls

increases HR and contraction, increased renin secreation causing increase in BP

Beta 2 receptor controls

causes bronchiodilation, promotes blood flow to skeletal muscles, and causes liver to change glucagon into glucose (muscles will recieve more O2 and glucose, needed during fight or flight)

What are the 3 ways to inactivate the neurotransmitters?

1. reuptake of the transmitter back into the nerve cell terminal
2. enzymatic transformation or degradation
3. diffusion away from the receptor

Sympathomimetic drugs are classified which 3 ways?

1. direct acting - directly stimulates the receptor (norepinephrine, epinephrine)
2. indirect acting - stimulates the release of norepinephrine (amphetamine)
3. mixed - stimulates the receptor site and increases norepinephrine (ephedrine)

Is epinephrine (adrenaline) selective or non-selective?

non-selective - acts on multiple receptors equally (Alpha 1 and Beta 1&2)

What does epinephrine do to the body?

it is inotropic so it increases HR
it is a vasoconstrictor so it increases BP
and causes bronchoDILATION

What are uses for epinephrine?

anaphylaxis, bronchospasms, cardiogenic shock and arrest

How can epinephrine be administered?

SC (epi-pen), IV, topically, inhaled, intracardiac (Pulp Fiction), and instillation

What are the contraindications of epinephrine?

Do not give to patients with cardiac dysrhythmias

What are side effects of epinephrine?

tachycardia, HTN, cardiac dysrhythmias, pallor, palpitations, dizziness, decreased renal and urinary output

Use epinephrine cautiously with patients who have?

HTN, hyperthyroidism, diabetes and pregnancy

Albuterol works on which receptor site?

Beta 2, it primarily relaxes bronchiole muscles and causes dilation

Albuterol treats what problems?

bronchospasm, asthma, bronchitis, and COPD

Use albuterol cautiously with patients who have?

sever cardiac disease, HTN, hyperthyroidism, diabetes (can become hyperglycemia), and pregnancy

What do Alpha 1 BLOCKERS cause?

vasodilation which decreases BP (If BP drops too low, tachycardia can occur).
relax bladder and prostate

What are Alpha 1 blockers commonly used to treat?

Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) and Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

Why are Beta blockers preferred to treat HTN versus Alpha 1 Blockers?

Alpha 1 blockers can cause orthostatic hypotension and tachycardia

What do Beta 1 BLOCKERS do?

Reduces HR which will reduce BP

What do Beta 2 BLOCKERS do?

bronchoCONSTRICTION and inhibit the liver from turning glucagon into glucose (causes hypoglycemia)

What type of beta blocker is propranolol?

It is non-selective (blocks both beta 1 & 2)

What is the beta blocker propranolol used for?

HTN, heart failure, prophylaxis for migrains and thyroid storm

What are the contraindications of the beta blocker propranolol?

don't use if the patient has COPD or asthma bc it will cause bronchoCONSTRICTION

Metoprolol and Atenolol are what type of beta blockers?

They are selective, only acting on beta 1

Selective beta blockers are used for what treatment?

HTN and angina bc they have fewer side effects then non-selective beta bloackers

What are some side effects of selective beta blockers

bradycardia, hypotension, dizziness, fatigue and hypoglycemia

Do not use beta blockers with what drugs?

NSAIDs and sulfonyureas

What are the two cholinergic receptors?

muscarinic and nicotinic

What does the muscarinic receptor control?

stimulates smooth muscle and slows HR

What does the nicotinic receptor control?

stimulate the striated skeletal muscle, giving strength and tone.

What does SLUDGE stand for?

GI peristalsis

What do direct acting cholinergic agonist do?

they act on muscarinic receptors

What does the direct acting cholinergic drug metoclopramide do?

it reduces N/V by increasing gastric emptying

What does the direct acting cholinergic drug pilocarpine do?

decreases ocular pressure by causing miosis (pupil constriction)

What does the direct acting cholinergic drug bethanechol chloride (urecholine) do?

increases urination either for post op or due to a neurological disorder. It is administer SC or PO

What are the side effects of the direct acting cholinergic drug bethanechol chloride?

bradycardia, hypotension, sweating, increased saliva, N/V, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bronchoCONSTRICTION, hypersecreation of gastric acid

What is the antidote for direct acting cholinergics?


What is the nursing intervention for direct acting cholinergics?

record I&O, give 1 hr before or 2 hrs after meal, check amylase AST and bilirubin serum for increase, listen for decreased bowel sounds and reprt them, ausculate for rales and rhonchi, have antidote ready, linens may need to be changed due to sweating

ACE Inhibitors, - pril suffix, ex Captopril,

Prevent the synthesis of angiotensin II by "inhibiting" angiotensin-converting enzyme, a potent vasoconstrictior; decrease afterload and preload in heart failure; used to treat HTN, CHF;Interacts with: NSAID, Diuretics, sulfameth/trimethoprim, side effect

Ascetylcholinesterase Inhibitors -ine suffix-ex rivastigmine, memantine, galantmine, different suffix -Aricept(donepezil)

(AChe inhibitor) an enzyme to break down AChe-Promote the accumulation of actylcholine in neuron receptors, resulting in prolonged cholinergic, improves cognition in Alzheimer's pt's side effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, decreased appetite

Alpha Adrenergic blockers -zosin suffix, ex prazosin(Minipress), dozazosin(Cardura)

Decreases peripheral vascular resistance and lowers blood pressure by selectively blocking receptors in the vascular smooth muscle, Used for HTN, side effects: 1st dose Hypotension, dizziness, lightheadedness, faint, interacts with:NSAIDS, clonidine NRSG-

Aldosterone Receptor antagonists

Block stimulation of mineralocorticoid receptors by aldosterone, thus reducing high blood pressure by preventing sodium reabsorption; interacts with: side effects:


Gentamicin, Tobramycin, and related antibiotics; particularly effective against gram-negative microorganisms; noted for potentially dangerous toxicity; interacts with: side effects:

Analgesics, ex's- acetaminophen, aspirin, Morphine sulfate, Demerol, fentanyl

Narcotic and nonnarcotic; relieve pain without producing loss of consciousness or reflex activity; interacts with:ALCOHOL, ASA-coumadin side effects:Acute toxicity to liver(tylenol) or kidneys


These steroid hormones produce masculinizing effects; interacts with: side effects:

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists - tan suffix, ex irbesartan, Valsartan

Also known as ARBs (a very potent vasoconstrictor) from binding to receptor sites is vascular smooth mucle, brain, heart, kidneys, and adrenal gland, thus blocking the blood pressure-elevating and sodium-retaining effects of angiotensin II; interacts with


For example, local anesthesia, general anesthesia; cause a loss of sensation with or without a loss of consciousness; interacts with: side effects:


Reduce the acidity of the gastric contents; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat attacks of angina pectoris; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent anxiety symptoms or disorders; also known as minor tranquilizers or anxiolytics, although the term tranquilizer is avoided today to prevent the misperception that the patient is being tranquilized


Used to correct cardiac arrhythmias (any heart rate or rhythm other than normal sinus rhythm); interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat infections caused by pathogenic microbes; the term in often used interchangeably with antimicrobial agents; interacts with: side effects:


Block the action of acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system; also known as cholinergic blocking agents, antispasmodics, and parasympatholytic agents; interacts with: side effects:

Anticoagulants-Parenteral -Heparin, enoxaprin (lovanoxn

Do not dissolve existing blood clots, but so prevent enlargement or extension of blood clots; interacts with: side effects:


Suppress abnormal neuronal activity in the CNS, preventing seizures; interacts with: side effects:


Relieve depression; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as hypoglycemics; include insulin (used to treat type 1 diabetes mellitus) and oral hypoglycemic agents (used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus); interacts with: side effects:


Relieve or control the symtoms of acute or chronic diarrhea; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat fungal infections; interacts with: side effects:


Used to reduce intraocular pressure; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of active gout attacks or to prevent future attacks; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat elevated blood pressure (hypertension); interacts with: side effects:

Antilipemics-Statins -statin, ex's simvastatin(Zocor), lovastatin(mevacor)

Supresses cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Can increase HDL and decrease LDL, promotes vasodilation, decreases plaque site inflammation, decreases risk of thromboembolism.Uses to reduce serum cholesterol and/or triglycerides in hypercholesterolemia, pr


Chemicals that eliminate living microorganisms pathogenic to the patient; also called antibiotics or antiinfectives; interacts with: side effects:


Also called chemotherapy agents; used alone or in combination with other treatment modalities such as radiation, surgery, or biologic response modifiers for the treatment of cancer; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of Parkinson syndrome and other dyskinesias; interacts with: side effects:


Prevent paltelet clumpling (aggregation), thereby preventing an essential step in formation of a blood clot; interacts with: side effects:


Used in the treatment of severe mental illnesses; also known as major tranquilizers or neuroleptics, although the term tranquilizer is avoided today to prevent the misperception that the patient is being tranquilized; interacts with: side effects:


Used to reduce fevers associated with a variety of conditions; interacts with: side effects:


Actually anticholinergic agents; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat the symptoms of hyperthyroidism; also known as thyroid hormones antagonists; interacts with: side effects:


Used to prevent or treat an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Used to suppress a cough by acting on the souch center of the brain

Antiulcer agents

These drugs, such as histamine-2 antagonist, decrease the volume and increase the pH of gastric secretions; interacts with: side effects:


Used to treat infections caused by pathogenic viruses; interacts with: side effects:


Stimulate receptors within the tracheobronchial tree to relax and dilate the airway passages, allowing a greater volume of air to be exchanged and improving oxygenation; interacts with: side effects:

Beta andrenergic blockers -lol suffix, metoprolol, atenolol, popranolol

Inhibit the acivity of sympathetic transmitters, norepinephrine, and epinephrine; used to treat angina, arrhythmias, hypertension, and glaucoma; Used for: Angina,HTN,Cardiac dysrrhythmias,MI,CHF,interacts with: Calcium channel blockers,(verapamil, diltiaz

Calcium channel blockers -pine suffix ex amlodipine(Norvasc) felodipine(Plendil), also, diltiazem (Cardizem) verapamil (Calan)

Also called calcium ion antagonists, inhibit the entry of calcium ions in heart muscle cells, causing a slowing of the heart rate, lessening the demand for oxygen and nutrients, and relaxing of the smooth muscle cells causing vasodilation; Use: prevent or


Antiboitics (imipenen, ertapenem, meropenerm) that have a broad spectrum ot activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria; they act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis; interacts with: side effects:

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Interfere with the production of aque humor, thereby reducing intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma; interacts with: side effects:

Cell-stimulating agents

Improve immune function by stimulating the activity of various immune cells; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as parasympathomimetics; produce effects similar to those of acetylcholine; interacts with: side effects:

Cholinesterase inhibitors

These enzymes destroy acetylcholine, the cholinergic neurotransmitter; interacts with: side effects:

Coating agent

This drug, sucralfate, forms a complex that adheres to the carter of an ulcer, protecting it from aggravation by gastric secretions; interacts with: side effects:

Colony-stimulating factors

Stimulate progenitor cells in bone marrow to increase numbers of leukocytes, thereby improving immune function; interacts with: side effects:


These hormones are secreted by the adrenal cortex the adrenal gland; interacts with: side effects:


Anticholinergic agents that paralyze accommodation of the iris of the eye; interacts ; interacts with: side effects:with: side effects:


Agents that cause direct cell death; often used for cancer chemotherapy; interacts with: side effects:


Reduce swelling in the nasal passages caused by common cold or allergic rhinitis; interacts with: side effects:


Combination products containing digestive enzymes used to treat various digestive disorders and to supplement deficiencies of natural digestive enzymes; interacts with: side effects:

Digitalis glycosides

A class of drugs, also konwn as cardia glycosides, that increase the force of contraction and slow the heart rate, thereby improving cardiac output; interacts with: side effects:


Act to increase the flow of urine; interacts with: side effects:


Used to induce vomiting; interacts with: side effects:


Steroids that cause feminizing effects; interacts with: side effects:


Liquefy mucus by stimulating the natural lubricant fluids from the bronchial glands; interacts with: side effects:


Ciprofloxacin and related agents; widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics; interacts with: side effects:

Gastric stimulants

Used to increase stomach contractions, relax the pyloric valve, and increase peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract; result in a decrease in gastric transit time and more rapid emptying of the interstinal tract; interacts with: side effects:


Also known as adrenocorticosteroids; are used to regulate carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism

Gonadal hormones

Hormones produced by the testes in the male and ovaries in the female; interacts with: side effects:


Plant products usually sold as food supplements; may have pharmacologic effects that are not evaluated or regulated by the FDA; interacts with: side effects:

Histamine (H2) antagonists

Decrease the volume and increase the pH of gastric secretions both during the day and the night; interacts with: side effects:

HMG-CoA reductase enzyme inhibitors

Also known as the statins: antilipemic agents that inhibit hydroxymethyl-glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) thus reduce potential for atherosclesrosis; interacts with: side effects:


Used to decrease the production or increase the excretion of uric acid; interacts with: side effects:


Produces antibodies that provide active immunity, prevents childhood infectious diseases

Immune Globullin-ex's Gamma globulin, Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Route: deep IM

Provides passive immunity and provide antibodies, interacts with: Live virus, side effects:local reaction, systemic allergy,

Immunostimulants-ex's Interferon alfa, Interleukin 2 Route: SQ or IM

enhance immune responses & decrease proliferation of cancer cells; interacts with: Antihypertensives,Theo-dur, Zydovudine(Retrovir) side effects:Cardiotoxicity, Hypotension, flu-like symptoms(fever, headaches,fatigue,chills,myalgias) Bone marrow suppressi

immunosuppressants-ex's cyclosporine(Sandimmune, Gengraf,Neoral)

Act on T lymphocytes to suppress production of immune response components, supresses B cells Cytotoxic T's; interacts with: Phentoin, phenobarbitol,rifampin,tegretol, causing decrease in cyclosporine effects; Grapefruit juice,Ketoconizole, erythromycin, A

Antihistamines ex's-1st gen H1antagonists-Diphenhydramine, promethazine, dramamine, 2nd gen H1 antagonists-loratadine (claritin) cetirizine(Zyrtec), fexofenadine(allegra)

Antihistamne action is on the H1 receptor results in blocking histamine relase in small blood vessels, nerves during allergic reactions. ; Used to treat allergy symptoms; may also be used to treat motion sickness, insomnia, and other nonallergic reactions

NSAIDs-Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory ex's-1st gen-COX & COX 2 inhibitors-Aspirin, 2nd gen-selective Cox 2 inhibitors-Celebrex. 1st gen Ibuprofen, naproxen, ketorolac, 2nd gen-valdecoxib(Bextra)

Inhibits cyclooxygenase (inhibits COX 2 reducing inflammation, pain, fever. Inhibits COX 1 reducing platelet aggregation; interacts with: Warfarin increases bleeding times, glucocorticoids-increasing GI bleed risk, ALCOHOL- risk of bleeding, Ibuprofen-dec

Alpha 2 Agonist -ine suffix, ex clonidine (Catapress)

Act within the CNS to decrease sympathetic outflow resulting in decreased stimulation to the adrenergic receptors (both alpha & beta) of the heart and peripheral vascular system. Results in vasodilation,bradycardia & decreased cardiac output. Used for: HT

Hypertensive Crisis Medications/treatment -no common suffix, labetalol (Trandate), diazoxide(Hyperstat),fenoldopam(Corlopam), trimethaphan(arfonad), IV sodium nitroprusside(Nitropress)

Hypertensive emergencies are severe elevations in BP, often higher than 220/140 mm Hg, complicated by clinical evidence of progressive target organ dysfunction. A potentially life-threatening syndrome that results when an individual taking MAOIs eats a pr

Organic Nitrates -Nitroglycerin ex's Nitrol, Nitrostat, Isosorbide dinitrate(Imdur)

in stable angina-decreases cardiac 02 demand by dilating veins and decreasing venous return(preload), in variant angina-relaxes or prevents spasm in coronary arteries, increasing 02 supply. Uses:Acute attack & prophylaxsis in stable angina,variant angina,

Cardiac Glycosides - only med is digoxin(Lanoxin,Lanoxicaps,Digitek)

positive inotropic effect=increased force and efficiency of myocardial contraction improving pumping of heart, Stroke Volume(SV), and Cardiac Output(CO). Negative chronotropic effect=decreased heart rate, at therapeutic levels it slows rate of SA node dep

Antilipemics-Fibrates -gemfibrizol(Lopid), fenofibrate(Tricor,Lofibra)

Decreases triglyceride levels-very low density lipoproteins(VLDL) by increasing the rate of VLDL excretion by inhibiting absorption of cholesterol secreted by the bile and from food. Increases HDL levels by promoting production of presursors to HDL's. Use

Antilipemics-Bile acid sequestrants - cholesteryamine(Questran), colestipol(Colestid)

Increases LDL receptor sites on liver cells resulting in increased uptake of serum cholesterol lowering LDL levels. Used in adjunct therapy with atorvastatin and dietary changes to lower cholesterol levels. SE's-constipation, Interacts wtih: Digoxin, Warf

Norepinephrine/ Epinephrine

Vasoconstrictor, increases BP and cardiac output
S/E: Palpitations, TISSUE NECROSIS with extravasation


Low dose- dilates renal & coronary arteries, high-dose- vasoconstrictor
S/E: Incr ocular pressure, tachycardia, decr urinary output
Headache- sign of drug excess


Blocks effect of histamines (allergic rx)
S/E: DROWSINESS, confusion

Antianxiety Meds

S/E: Sedation, lethargy, depression, dry mouth, constipation, bradycardia, elev of liver enzymes, urinary retention
starred have potential for abuse
** Do NOT dc abruptly, avoid alcohol

Valium, Librium

Antianxiety, ***
S/E: lethargy, respiratory depression

Ativan, Xanax

Antianxiety, ***
Check renal/hepatic function


Antianxiety- used preop and pre-procedures


S/E: Confusion, hypotension
Requires 3 wks to be effective, not PRN
Avoid alcohol/grapefruit juice

Antacid Meds

S/E: Constipation, diarrhea, metabolic acidosis
Absorp of other meds may be decr if given together
Give with fluids


S/E: LAXATIVE effect

Milk of Magnesia

Antacid, ***
S/E: when excessive- nau, vom, diarrhea

Antidysrhythmic Meds

Monitor blood pressure (for hypotension), heart rate, QT intervals


Antidysrhythmic Meds
S/E: Slurred speech, confusion, bradycardia


Antidysrhythmic Meds
Contraindicated for asthma, COPD


Antidysrhythmic Meds
S/E: Liver toxicity


Antidysrhythmic Meds
S/E: Orthostatic hypertension

Gentamicin, Neomycin

S/E: Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Encourage fluids, small frequent meals

Cephalexin, Ceftriaxone

S/E: Incr risk of bleeding, superinfections, thrombophlebitis IV
Take with food, avoid alcohol, CROSS ALLERGY: penicillins

Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin

S/E: Superinfections, hepatotoxicity
Take on empty stomach, monitor liver function

Penicllin G

S/E: Gastritis, diarrhea, allergy

Sulfamethoxazole, Trimethoprim

S/E: Peripheral neuropathy, crystalluria, photosensitivity
Take on empty stomach, push fluids, protect from light


S/E: Glossitis, phototoxic rx, decr oral contraceptives effectiveness
Take on empty stomach, protect from sunlight, monitor renal

Bacitracin ointment

Antibacterial ointment
S/E: Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity

Silver sulfadiazine cream

Tx for burns
S/E: Neutropenia, burning
CROSS-ALLERGY: sulfonamides


Genitourinary med, antispasmodic & analgesic
S/E: Bright orange urine


Genitourinary med, tx, incontinence, antispasmodic
S/E: Drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth
Increase fluids and fiber in diet


Tx of ED
S/E: Flushing, hypotension, priapism
DO NOT USE WITH NITRATES- fatal hypotension
Do not drink grapefruit juice


Tx of BPH
S/E: Decr libido, impotence
Pregnant women should avoid contact with drug or pts semen

Atropine sulfate

Tx of bradycardia
S/E: Headache, dry mouth, urinary retention
Check for hx of glaucoma, asthma, HTN

Anticholinergic medications

Competes with acetylcholine at receptor sites in ANS for a variety of effects
S/E: Blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, change in HR


Used for longterm tx of bronchospasm, asthma
S/E: Dry mouth


Used for Parkinson's Disease to reduce symptoms
S/E: Anticholinergic eff, orthostatic hypotension
Taper before d/c

Anticoagulant Medications

S/E: Alopecia, hemorrhage, bleeding
Soft toothbrush, electric razor, report black tarry stools, monitor platelet counts


S/E: thrombocytopenia, anemia
Monitor PTT at 1.5 to 2.0 x control
Antidote: Protamine sulfate


S/E: Diarrhea, rash
Monitor PT at 1.5 to 2.0 x control, avoid diet high in vit K
Antidote: Vitamin K

Anticonvulsant Medications

S/E: Cardiac depression, resp depression, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, ataxia
Tolerance with longterm use, don't dc abruptly


S/E: Myelosuppression, diplopia
Monitor CBC, wear sun protectant


Anticonvulsant, Benzodiazepine
S/E: Confusion, drowsiness


S/E: Vision problems, renal calculi


Anticonvulsant, ***
S/E: Hypotension, tachycardia
Alcohol incr CNS depression


S/E: Dizziness, suicidal ideation
Avoid alcohol


S/E: Hirsutism, GI upset, gingival hypertrophy
Urine/sweat may turn red/brown, incr exposure to sunlight


Anticonvulsant, ***
S/E: Drowsiness, initially constricts pupils

Magnesium sulfate

Anticonvulsant, used for pre-eclampsia
S/E: Flushing, extreme thirst, hypotension
Monitor intake and output, check knee jerks before each dose


S/E: Sedation, tremors, prolonged bleeding time
Monitor platelets, bleeding time, liver functions

Nardil, Marplan

Antidepressive, MAOi
S/E: Hypertensive crisis when taken with foods containing tyramine, photosensitivity, sexual dysfunction
Do not take with SSRIs, avoid other CNS depressants, monitor for urinary retention

Prozac, Zoloft

Antidepressive, SSRI
S/E: Dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, weight gain
Take in AM, 4 full weeks for full effect, do not give with MAOi, monitor for thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and anemia


Antidepressive, Tricyclic
S/E: Photosensitivity, anticholinergic effs, bone marrow depression
Therapeutic eff in 1-3 wks, give at night, S/E decr over time, do not abruptly stop, avoid alcohol, avoid exposure to sunlight


Rapid-acting Insulin, used in insulin pumps
Onset: 5-15 min, peak: 1 hr, duration: 3hr

Humalin R

Short-acting insulin
Onset: 30-60 min, peak: 2-3 hr, duration: 4-6hr


Intermediate-acting insulin
Onset: 2-4hr, peak: 6-12 hr, 16-20 hr


Very long acting insulin
Onset: 1 hr, peak: none (continuous), duration: 24 hr


S/E: Hypoglycemia
Have pts rotate sites, only reg insulin given IV, all others SQ
-when mixing insulin in one syringe, draw up regular (clear) before Lantus (cloudy)


Oral hypoglycemic
S/E: Diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, hypoglycemia
Avoid alcohol


Oral hyperglycemic
S/E: Nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm, hypotension
May repeat q15 mins

Antidiarrheal Meds

S/E: Drowsiness, constipation, anticholinergic effs
Monitor for urinary retention


S/E: Darkening of stools and tongue, constipation
Give 2 hr before and 3 hr after other meds, do not give for more than 48hr


S/E: Sedation, tachycardia, dizziness
Decr peristalsis, onset 45-60 min


Antiemetic med
S/E: Orthostatic hypotension, diplopia, photosensitivity

Antiemetic Meds

S/E: Drowsiness, sedation, anticholinergic effs
Check CBC and liver func with prolonged use


Antiemtic med
S/E: Restlessness, extrapyramidal symptoms, dystonic rx
Take before meals, use with tube feedings to decr asp

Amphotericin B

Antifungal med
S/E: GI upset, hypokalemia, seizures, hematological, cardiac, and hepatic abnorms
Protect med from sunlight


Antilipemic med
S/E: Constipation, rash, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency
Sprinkle powder in beverage or wet food


AntiHTN, ACE inhibitor
S/E: Tachycardia, MI, persistent dry cough
Small, freq meals, change position slowly


AntiHTN, Beta Blocker
S/E: Bradycardia, cardiac dysrhythmias, impotence, bronchospasm
Do not dc abruptly, provide rest periods, take with meals.


AntiHTN, Calcium Channel Blocker
S/E: Peripheral edema, angina, flushing, rash, impotence
Do not chew sustained-release tabs, avoid grapefruit juice, monitor VS


AntiHTN, Ace Receptor Blockers
S/E: Angioedema, renal failure, orthostatic HTN
Monitor for edema.


S/E: Drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, CHF
Don't dc abruptly




Bipolar med, mood stabilizer
S/E: Fine hand tremors, reversible leukocytosis
Monitor blood levels, norm = 1-1.5meQ/L
Intoxication signs: Vom, diarrhea, drowsiness, ataxia
Have good fluid and salt intake


Bipolar med, mood stabilizer
S/E: Drowsiness, ataxia, CHF, thombocytopenia
Check CBC, BUN, LFTs, basic urinalysis
Drowsiness disappears in 3-4 days

Cisplatin platinol-AQ, Methotrexate, Bleomycin

Antineoplastic med
S/E: Bone marrow suppression, alopecia, renal toxicity
Check hematopoietic func weekly, encourage fluids


Antiparkinsonian med
S/E: Mental status changes, twitching, anorexia
Admin in long, prolonged doses, give with food


Antiparkinsonian med, Levodopa plus Carbidopa
S/E: Hemolytic anemia, dystonic movements, dry mouth


Antiplatelet med
S/E: Hemorrhage, bleeding
Check for bleeding gums, check before OTC meds


Antiplatelet med
S/E: GI bleeding, metabolic acidosis, tinnitus
Observe for bleeding gums, give with milk, water, food

Antipsychotic S/E

EPS--> Pseudoparkinsonism, dystonia (muscle spasm), acute dystonic reaction (tightening of jaw, oculogyric crisis), akathisia (inability to sit or stand still), tardive dyskinesia (abnorm involuntary movements)
Tx: IM benadryl
More: Neuroleptic malignant


Antipsychotic, high potency
S/E: Low sedative effect, high incidence of EPS


Antipsychotic, low potency
S/E: High sedative effect, hypotension
Patient has incr sensitivity to sunlight, no potential for abuse


Antipsychotic, atypical
S/E: Orthostatic hypotension, significant weight gain, moderate sedation, mild EPS


S/E: Uncommon GI effects, liver dysfunction

Prophylthiouracil (PTU)

S/E: Leukopenia, fever, jaundice
Check CBC and hepatic function


Thyroid Replacement
S/E: Nervousness, palpitations, insomnia
Take in morning, monitor weight, tell pt to report chest pain, sweating, obtain baseline VS


S/E: hepatitis, peripheral neuritis, fever
Give B6 as prophylaxis for neuritis, check LFTs, avoid alcohol, give before meals, do not combine with Dilantin


S/E: Hepatitis, fever
Orange urine, tears, saliva, check LFTs, take with food


S/E: Drowsiness, dizziness
Monitor cough type and frequency


S/E: Dizziness, headache, nau/vom
Take with glass of water


S/E: Headache, seizures, diarrhea
Slows progression of symptoms, does not prevent transmission, check LFTs and renal test


Antiviral, used with AIDS
S/E: Anemia, paresthesias, agranulocytosis
Teach pts to strictly comply with dosing schedule


Tx for ADHD
S/E: nervousness, tachycardia, weight loss
Monitor CBC, platelet counts, give at least 6 hr ac bedtime


Tx/prevention of osteoporosis
S/E: Arthralgia, esophagitis
Take meds in morning with water and remain upright for 30 min, monitor bone density tests


S/E: Nervousness, dizziness, tachycardia


Bronchodilator, short-acting
S/E: Nervousness, hyperactivity, TACHYCARDIA


Cardiac glycoside
S/E: Bradycardia, visual disturbances, abdom pain
Monitor renal func, take apical pulse before admin dose
Norm level: 0.125-0.5mg IV
Toxic S/E: Halos around dark objects, heart block, dysrhythmias


S/E: Hypokalemia, hyperlycemia, hypotension
Don't give at bedtime, weigh patient daily, encourage K+ foods


S/E: Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hepatic/renal damage
Avoid salt substitutes, give with meals


S/E: Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, hypotension
Monitor BP, potassium. Weigh pt daily, don't give at bedtime, encourage K+ foods


Calcium supplement
S/E: Dysrhythmias, constipation
Monitor EKG

Magnesium chloride

Magnesium supplement
S/E: Weak or absent deep tendon reflexes, hypotension, resp paralysis
Monitor respirations, test knee-jerk reflexes before each dose

Potassium chloride

Potassium supplement
S/E: Dysrythmias, cardiac arrest, resp paralysis
Monitor EKG, take after meals with full glass of water


Iron supplement
S/E: Nau, constipation, black stools
Use straw to avoid staining teeth, monitor Hgb, NO milk for liq preparations


S/E: Edema, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia
Do not abruptly dc, check weight, protect from fractures

Laxatives/Stool Softeners

S/E: Diarrhea, dependence


S/E: Mild cramps, nausea, diarrhea
Do not take with milk, eff in 6-12 hr


Stool softener
S/E: Abdom cramps


Stool bulk-forming
S/E: Obstruction of GI tract
Take with a full glass of water.

Morphine sulfate

Opioid, ***
S/E: Sedation, resp depression, constipation
Monitor VS, bowel patterns, observe for dependence


Opioid, ***
S/E: Sedation, hypotension, urine retention
Keep naloxone available, monitor bowel patterns


Opioid, ***
S/E: Lightheadedness, sedation, constipation
Admin with milk after meals


S/E: Flushing, hypotension, tachycardia
Subling q 5 min x 3, protect drug from light, do not dc abruptly


S/E: GI upset, dizziness, headache
Use cautiously with aspirin allergy


S/E: Diarrhea, confusion
Dose at bedtime.

Levonorgestrel / Ethinyl Estradiol (BCP)

Birth Control Pill
S/E: Chance of DVT, nausea, breakthrough bleeding
Take at same time daily, no smoking


Decr urinary urgency, hesitancy, nocturia in BPH
S/E: Dizziness, headache, orthostatic HTN
Change position slowly, admin at bedtime, admin 30 min after same meal each day


phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor




antineoplastic; cytotoxic agent


barbiturate (sedative)


local anesthetic

cef-, ceph-

cephalosporin antibiotic


penicillin antibiotic




tetracycline antibiotic


anthelmintic; antibiotic; antibacterial


calcium channel blocker


bisphosphonate; bone resorption inhibitor


proton pump inhibitor (PPI)


nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)


quinolone antibiotic


antidiabetic; inhibitor of the DPP-4 enzyme


antidiabetic; thiazolidinedione




carbonic anhydrase inhibitor


monoclonal antibody


alkylating agent (antineoplastic)


antibiotic; antibacterial


muscarinic antagonist (anticholinergic)




beta blocker


corticosteroid; anabolic steroid




proton pump inhibitor (PPI)

parin; -parin

antithrombotic; anticoagulant (blood thinner)


xanthine derivative (bronchodilator)


tricyclic antidepressant (TCA)

pred; pred-



ACE inhibitor


nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)


angiotensin II receptor blocker; ARB


loop diuretic (water pill)


serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist; antiemetic and antinauseant


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor; statins


antibiotic; anti-infective; anti-inflammatory


antihistamine; antiviral; anti-influenza-A


beta agonist; bronchodilator


thiazide diuretic (water pill)


antineoplastic (kinase inhibitor)


female hormone (progestin)

tretin-; tretin; -tretin

retinoid; dermatologic agent; form of vitamin A


antimigraine; selective 5-HT receptor agonist


tricyclic antidepressant (TCA)

vir; -vir

antiviral; (anti-HIV, anti-hepatitis, anti-herpes, anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV), anti-flu)


antiviral; nucleoside analogues






alpha blocker


thrombolytic (clot buster)
enzymes (wound debridement)


benzodiazepine (anxiety, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal)


phenothiazine (psychosis, antihistamine)


proton pump inhibitor (ulcers, acid secretion)
antifungal (fungal infection)


barbiturate (sedation, anesthesia, insomnia, seizures)


cephalosporins (anti-infectives)




penicillins (anti-infectives)




calcium channel blocker


flouraquinolones (anti-infectives)

-pramine, -ptyline

tricyclic antidepressants (depression)

-lone, -sone

corticosteroids (metabolism, inflammation, electolytes, water)


monoclonal antibodies (cancer)

-micin, -mycin, -kasin

aminoglycosides (anti-infectives)


antiviral, protease inhibitors (HIV, Hep C)


beta blocker (post MI, HTN, dysrhythmias)


cardiac glycoside (CHF, dysrhythmias)


alpha blockers (BPH, HTN)


anticoagulant (prevent DVT, PE, MI, stroke)


ACE inhibitor (diurese for HTN, CHF)


HMG-COA reductase inhibitors (high cholestorol)


ARB angiotensin II blocker (diurese for HTN, CHF)

-terol and -terenol

beta 2 agonist / sympathomimetic (asthma, COPD)


thiazide diuretics (HTN, edema)


H2 antagoinst (ulcers, acid secretion)


pituitary hormone


anti-viral (HIV, Hep C)
protease inhibitors (HIV, Hep C)


benzodiazepine (anxiety, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal)


H1 antagonist (n/v)


leukotriene antagoinst (asthma, bronchitis)

-zoline, -edrine

decongestent (nasal congestion)


pituitary hormone (vasoconstriction, Na in, K out)

-calc- or -calci-

parathyroid hormone (effect calcium levels)


corticosteroids (metabolism, inflammation, electolytes, water)


carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (glaucoma, seizures, altitude sickness, ulcers, osteoperosis)


HT3 antagonist (n/v)


beta-adrenergic agonists (bronchodilate, increase vasc resist)
ex: norepinephrine (Levophed), dopamine (Inotropin)
used cardiac arrest, COPD
adfx: anticholinergic, dysrhythmias


adfx: depression, CNS depression, addictive. d/c slowly
caffeine and nicotine decreases effectiveness


beta blocker
adfx: bronchospasm

antibiotics general

allergic reaction (after 1st time), superinfection, liver kidney toxic
do C&S, encourage fluids, toxic when expired
peak level about an hour after IV, trough just after it's hung

-mycin (micin)

aminoglycosides-inhibit protein synthesis gram neg
adfx:oto and nephrotoxic
check cranial nerve 8 (ear)

ceph (cef)

cephalosporin-tonsillitis, prophylaxis, meningitis-bacterial wall inhibitor
adfx: bone marrow depression, GI upset, cross allergy w/pcn, protein/glucose in urine
do not drink etoh, take with food


fluoroquinalones- dna inhibitor
anthrax tx, e. coli
adfx: decreased WBC, hct. elevated liver enzymes
don't take with food


macrolide-cell membrane binder
used in pcn allergy. used for dental prophylaxis in valve disorders
adfx: confusion, increases effects of coumadin, theophylline
take without food


penicillin-inhibits synthesis of cell wall
severe infx-syphillis, lyme disease...
adfx: stomatitis, allergy
take without food

sulf, zulf, bactrim

sulfonamide-antagonizes folic acid synth
UC, crohn's, uri
adfx: peripheral neuropathy, photosensitive, crystalluria, stomatitis
take with food, encourage fluids, mouth care


tetracycline-prevents protein synthesis
baby eye drops, acne
adfx: discoloration of primary teeth in utero or in early childhood, phototoxic, toxic when expired
take without food

uti meds

furadantin-anti-infective adfx: asthma attack, take with food and cranberry juice
pyridian-urinary tract analgesic adfx: HA, vertigo, turns pee orange, take with meals
anti-impotence drugs adfx: HA, hypotn, priaprism

grapefruit juice interaction

lipitor, viagra, ...


block parasymp nerve
dilate pupil, bronchodilation, decrease secretions, decrease GI motility and secretions
uses: eye exams, motion sickness
adfx:urinary retention, dry mouth, hypotn and inc HR
probanthine, atropine, -bromide, ium
not with meals or paral


adfx: bleeding, hematuria
heparin blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, used in PE, venous thrombosis, after acute MI. PTT: 30-75?
antidote for heparin: protamine sulfate
warfarin interferes with vit k clotting factors. used in PE, v


adfx: gingival hypertrophy, resp depression, aplastic anemia
turn urine pink or reddish brown
Dilantin: can cause cardiac arrest if pushed too fast CANNOT BE MIXED WITH ANOTHER MED
no carbonation with depakote

mARplan, pARnate, nARdil (trade names)

MAOI antidepressant-4 wk to effectiveness
adfx: Hypertensive crisis with tyramine foods: aged cheese, liver, yogurt, beer, wine, pickled foods, herring, bologna, salami, bananas.
potentiate alcohol, interactions with CNS stimulants or cold meds

-etine, -aline

SSRI antidepressant- 4 weeks for effect
adfx: anxiety, urinary/bowel retention, insomnia at hs, pink urine
suicide risk on upswing

tricyclic antidepressant

used also for sleep apnea
amitryptalin (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine (Norpramin)
adfx: postural hypotension, confusion, urinary retention
suicide risk
take at hs
2-6 weeks for effectiveness
wean off
no alcohol, care in sun

heterocyclic antidepressant

Wellbutrin, trazadone
used also for smoking cessation
adfx: wellbutrin- agitation and insomnia. trazadone- sedation
wean slowly, no alcohol


antidiabetic (also Dymelor) for type II only
adfx: skin reaction, hypoglycemia
take prior to eating- EAT. alcohol, aspirin, sulfonamides, oral birth control, maois affect action


used to reverse hypoglycemia
change glycogen to glucose and release it to the body
adfx: hypotn, bronchospasm. may repeat in 15 minutes. once alert, give longer acting carbohydrates


antidiarrheals (also immodium)
adfx: anticholinergic, constipation
cxn in unknown abd pain


trimethobenzamide (Tigan), procorperazine (Compazine), metoclopramide (Reglan), meclizine (Antivert)
block dopamine, increase GI motility
adfx: anticholinergic, sedation
prophylaxis for chemotherapy as well
may cause Reye's used during viral infx


fungizone (Amphotericin), mycostatin (Nystatin)
impair cell membrane
adfx: liver dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pruritis
take with food


cholsalide (Colchicine), benemid (Probenecid), Zyloprim (Allopurinol)
decreases uric acid
Probenecid increases action of Cipro
Colchicine used only in acute gout syndrome
Probenecid for chronic
adfx: agranulocytosis, renal calculi-flush kidneys at treatme


chlor-trimeton, diphenhydramine (Benadryl), promethazine (Phenergan)
adfx: drowsiness, anticholinergic, photosensitivity, bronchospasm
hard candy for dry mouth


antihyperlipidemia- statins block synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides
(sequestrans-Questran-blocks absorption)
adfx: constipation, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency
take hs or at least 30 minutes before meals. assess diet
cannot take with other meds


ACE Inhibitors-affect arteries-vasodilation in whole body
use for HTN and CHF
adfx: lethargy initially, orthostatic hypotension
take without food


beta adrenergic blockers- decreases excitability of heart, decreases oxygen consumption
use: angina, SVT, HTN
adfx: bronchospasm, HR changes
take with food, taper off to avoid rebound HTN


also diltiazem, verapamil
calcium channel blocker-inhibit calcium influx across cell membrane to slow conduction and dilate coronary vessels and decrease HR
uses: angina, HTN, interstitial cystitis
adfx: hypotn, GI upset
SR-do not chew,


angiotensin II-receptors
uses: HTN, heart failure, MI, neuropathy, stroke prophylaxis
adfx: dizziness, GI distress
SR-do not chew, crush, open


alpha 1-adrenergic blockers in peripheral vasculature
use: HTN, BPH
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, reflex tachycardia, Nasal Congestion, periph edema
first dose at HS-causes fainting initially

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic

centrally acting alpha-adrenergic-decrease rate and force of contraction
Catapres, Aldomet
uses: HTN
adfx: orthostatic hypotn, Sedation
taper off

direct acting vasodilators

minoxidil, hydralazine (Apresoline)-relax smooth muscle
uses: HTN
minoxidil topical is Rogaine
adfx: ortho hypotn, tachycardia (may use with B-blocker to prevent), increased hair
check pulse when taking med

meds for bipolar disorder

lithium, Tegretol, Depakote
block catecholamines
Lithium salt is dangerous: tight therapeutic range. blood drawn 2-3 weeks. 3000 mL water/day. evaluated q2-3 wk
Tegretol, Depakote: antipsychotic/convulsant watch kidney and liver
adfx: GI upset, Tremors, p

alkylating agents

anti-neoplastic- interferes with rapid DNA replication
used: leukemia, multiple myeloma
Csplatin, busulfan (Mylerin), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxin)
adfx: very hepatotoxic, basic chemo adfx: bone marrow suppression, decreased WBC, platelets, RBCs, bleeding, G


anti-neoplastic-inhibit DNA polymerase
fluorouracil (5-FU), Methotrexate
used: ALL, CA of breast, colon, pancreas
adfx: basic- GI-N/V, ulcers, decreased RBC, WBC, plt

CA -mycin (trade name)

anti-tumor antineoplastic-interfere with DNA and RNA synthesis.
use: CA
adfx: basic chemo: stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression

hormonal agents

antineoplastic- block hormone input into CA cells
ex: tomoxifen, testosterone
use: hormone-sensitive CA
adfx: leukopenia, bone pain, hypercalcemia, effects of individual hormone


Vinca-alkyloid antineoplastic. derived from periwinkle. interferes with cell division
ex: vinblastine
use: CA- affects every rapid producing cell in body
adfx: CNA Depression, stomatitis, alopecia, bone marrow suppression
check reflexes, give with Zylopri


antiparkinson. essentially replace dopamine
(also parlodil)
adfx: ataxia, anticholinergic, dizziness
B6 can reverse effects, avoid CNS depressants


antipsychotic-block dopamine receptors
adfx: akasthesia, dyskinesia, dystonia, parkinsonian, tardive dyskinesia, leukopenia, can stunt growth in kids
avoid etoh and caffeine


antiviral, inhibits DNA and RNA (includes non -cyclovirs too)
use in herpes, HIV
adfx: HA, dizziness, GI
doesn't cure.


biophosphenates- antiosteoporosis inhibit bone resorption
adfx: esophagitis, arthralgia

-tropium, -ol, -phylline

uses:COPD, asthma (terbutaline for preterm labor)
adfx: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, palpitations, anticholinergic
take bronchodilator first


anti-glaucoma, decreases production of aqueous humor
adfx: blurred vision, lethargy, depression, anorexia, decrease potassium


cardiac glycoside-increase force of myocardial contraction, slow HR
Left heart failure
adfx: bradycardias, N/V, visual disturbance
hold if pulse <60 in adult, <70 in older kids, <90 in infants, young kids
check K+ levels- low potassium increases risk of t


cytoprotective agents
form barrier on duodenal ulcers
adfx: constipation, vertigo, flatulance
take without food


uses: asthma, COPD, some leukemias, Addison's, Crohn's
adfx: infxn, mask s/s of infxn, insomnia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, psychosis, depression, stunted growth
wean over time

ACE Inhibitors



Non Opioid Analgesic & Antipyretic








Antigout Agent & Antihyperuricemic














Alcohol Abuse Therapy Adjunct


Non Opiod Analgesic & Antipyretic


Antianginal & antihypertensive






Allergy & Cough & Cold

Beta Blockers


Calcium Channel Blocker





Erectile Dysfunction Agent






Allergy, Cough & Cold, Antitussive & Opioid Analgesic




Immunosuppressant & Antirheumatic


Antiarrythmic & Inotropic


Antiarryhmic & Anticonvulsant


Bone Reabsorbtion Inhibitor


Opioid Analgesic


Antiprotozoas, Anti-infective & Antiulcer










Vascular Headache Suppressant


Antidiabetic Hormone


Hypokalemic & Electrolyte Modifiers












Lipid Lowering Agent


Mood Stabilizer

Magnesium Sulfate

Mineral & Electrolyte Replacement




Inhibitor Anti-depressant


Opioid Analgesic


Opioid Analgesic








Colony Stimulating Factor


Analgesic Adjunct, Anticonvulsant & mood stabilizer for chronic pain or bipolar




Hormone, induces labor


Antimalaria & antirheumatic






Antiulcer Agent


Lipid Lowering Agent






Sedative & Hypnotic




CNS Stimulant

Steroids (Prednisone)

Anti-asthmatic & Corticosteroid


Hormone for Thyroid


Antiulcer Agent




Antiemetic & Antipsychotic



Isotonic Fluids

0.9% Nacl
RInger's Solution
Lactated Ringer's

Hypotonic Fluids

0.45% NaCl

Hypertonic Fluids

10-15% DW
3% NaCl

Insertion of IV catheter

Tourniquet 8-10" above site,
BP cuff filled to diastolic pressure
Catheter bevel up at 15-20 degrees

Triple-lumen Central Catheter

Distal: Infuse or draw blood
Middle: TPN infusion
Proximal:infuse or draw blood, admin Meds

6 Rights of Med Admin

Right med
Right dosage
Right route
Right time
Right client
Right charting

Aloe: Action

Topical: Skin ailments
Oral: Constipation SE: diarrhea

Aloe: Drug interaction

None with topical

Black Cohosh: Action

Acute symptoms of: menopause & PMS
SE: minor upset stomach

Black Cohosh: Drug Interaction

May potentiate hypotensive actions of antihypertensives, Hypoglycemic actions or insulin and oral hypoglycemics

Echinacea: Action

Stimulate immune functions, suppress inflammation, for colds, flue, UTI, wounds, SE:unpleasant taste, fever, N&V, tingling of tongue,

Echinacea: Drug Interaction

oppose effects of immunosuppresants, Avoid if allergic to ragweed or daisies

Feverfew: Action

migraines, fever, stimulates menstruation and suppresses inflammation

Feverfew: Drug Interaction

suppress platelet aggregation, risk for bleeding with anticoagulants (Aspirin, Warfarin, heparin)

Garlic: Action

Reduces triglycerides, chlesterol, and atherosclerotic plaque formation, Antimicrobial, antithrombolic, antitumore, anti-inflammatory

Garlic: SE

Flatulence, Heartburn, irritation of mouth, esophagus, and stomach, allergic reaction
Potentiates: insulin, Antihypertensives,

Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo: Drug interaction

Increase risk for bleeding with anticoagulants: (aspirin, warfarin, heparin)

Ginger root: Action

For N&V caused by motion sickness, nausea from chemotherapy

Ginkgo biloba: Action

increase circulation, memory, clear thinking, and impotence. SE: stomach upset, dose-related HA

Goldseal: Action

Bacterial, fungal, and protozoal infection of mucous membranes in resp, GI, Gu tracts. Inflammation of gallbladder. SE toxic in high doses

Goldseal: Interactions

Contraindication in pregnancy

Kava: Action

relieve anxiety, promote sleep, relax muscle. long-term and high dose cause CNS depression, skin problems, liver damage.

Kava: Drug Interactions

Intensifies the effects of CNS depressants. Alcohol is contraindicated.

Ma Huang (ephedra): Action

reduces appetite, increases energy, relieves bronchospasm. Increases BP and HR. SE: dangerous for CV with long-term and/or high doses.

Ma Huang (ephedra): Drug Interactions

Potentiates the effects of CNS stimulants; can counteract the effects of antihypertensives

St. John's wort: Action


St. John's wort: Drug interactions

Interferes with oral contraceptives, reduces effect of warfarin, cyclosporine. Caustion with other antidepressants

Saw palmetto: Action

Urinary symptoms relate to BPH. SE false-negatives on PSA test.

Saw palmetto: Drug interactions

Not to be used with finasteride (Proscar), avoid with pregnancy

Valerian: Action

sedative to promote sleep and reduce restlessness. SE: daytime drowsiness, long-term/High doses: HA, neurvousness, cardiac abnormalities.

Antianxiety Agents

Benzodiazepine, Nonbenzodiazepine, Herbal meds

Benzodiazepine: Names

Common: suffix -pam,
Librium, Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Serax, Versed

Nonbenzodiazepine: Names

BuSpar, Vistaril, atarax

Herbal Antianxiety: Names

Kava, melatonin

Antianxiety: Indications

Anxiety disorders, insomnia, petit mal, panic attack, acute manic

Antianxiety: SE

Sedation, depression, confusion, Anger, hostility, HA, Dry mouth, Constipation, Bradicardia, elevations in LDL, AST, ALT(Hepatic dysfunction), urinary retention

Antianxiety: NI

Monitor liver function, therapeutic blood levels, avoid alcohol, activities in alertness (driving), possible addiction/OD

Antacid: Names

Maalox, MoM, Titralac, Amphojel

Antacid: Action

Neutralizes gastic acids, raises gastric pH, inactivates pepsin

Antacid: Indications

Peptic ulcers, indigestion, GERD, prevent stress ulcers

Antacid: SE

constipation, diarrhea, acid rebound between doses, metabolic acidosis

Antacid: NI

Sodium cautiously for cardiac and renal disease. Reduces absorption of : tetracycline, quinolones, phenothiazides, iron, isoniazid. decreases effectiveness of oral contraceptives and salicylates

Antidysrhythmics: Class IA: Names

Procainamide, Disopyramine

Antidysrhythmics: Class IA: SE

Hypotension, HF

Antidysrhythmics: Class IA: NI

Monitor BP, for widening PR, QRS, QT, Toxic SE's, Limited use

Antidysrhythmics: Class IB: Names

Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Tocainide

Antidysrhythmics: Class IB: SE

CNS:slurred speech, confusion, drowsiness, seizure
Hypotension, bradycardia

Antidysrhythmics: Class IB: NI

Monitor CNS, BP, HR, heart rhythm

Antidysrhythmics: Class IC: Names

Flecainide, Rhythmol

Antidysrhythmics: Class IC: SE

Bradycardia, Hypotension, Dyshythmias,
CNS: anxiety, insomnia, confusion, seizures

Antidysrhythmics: Class IC: NI

Monitor dysrhythmias, HR, BP, CNS

Antidysrhythmics: Class II: Names

Propanol, Acebutolol, Esmolol, Sotalol

Antidysrhythmics: Class II: SE

Bradycardia, hypotension, bronchospasm, increase HF, fatigue, Sleep distrubance

Antidysrhythmics: Class II: NI

Monitor AP (1 min), rhythm, BP, Assess: SOB, wheezing, fatigue, sleep

Antidysrhythmics: Class III: Names

Amiodarone, Ibutilide, Defetilide

Antidysrhythmics: Class III: SE

Hypotension, Bradycardia, AV block, Muscle weakness, tremors, photosensitivity And photophobia, liver toxicity

Antidysrhythmics: Class III: NI

continuous monitoring of cardiac rhythm during IV admin, QT, HR, BP, Wear sunglasses, sunscreen

Antidysrhythmics: Class IV: Names

Verapamil, Diltiazem

Antidysrhythmics: Class IV: SE

Bradycardia, Hypotension, Dizziness, Orthostatic hypotension, HF

Aminoglycosides: Names

Suffix: -micin
Gentamicin, Neomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin, amikacin

Aminoglycosides: Action

Antibiotics: Gram-negative, Pseudomonas, E.coli

Aminoglycosides: SE

ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, anorexia, N&V, diarrhea

Aminoglycosides: NI

Check CN VIII, Renal function, 7-10 days, encourage fluids (2500-3000 mL), small, frequent meals

Cephalosporins: Names

Keflex, Ceclor, Rocephin, Maxipime
Common: ceph/cef

Cephalosporins: Action

Antibiotics: Tonsillitis, otitis media, peri-op, prophylaxis, meningitis

Cephalosporins: SE

Abd pain, N&V, diarrhea, Increased bleeding risk, hypoprothromvinemia, rash, superinfections, Thrombophlebitis (IV),

Cephalosporins: NI

Given with food, cross allergy PCN, avoid alcohol, C&S

IV Tube Change

72 Hours

IV Bag Changes

24 hours

IV Infiltrations Assessment

Cool skin, swelling, pain, decreased flow rate

IV Infiltration Implementation

Discontinue IV, warm compresses, elevated arm, new IV proximal to site

IV Extravasation

medication or IV fluid that causes blisters or tissue sloughing

IV Vasicants

Gentamicin, Penicillin, Vancomycin, Dilantin, antineoplastics, Calcium, Potassium, Epinephrine

IV Extravasation Assessment

Pain, Burning, Edema, Blanching at site, coolness

IV Extravastion Precautions

Lager veins, Assess patency before admin, Stop IV, aspirate

IV Phlebitis, Thrombophlebitis Assessment

Redness, warm, tender, swelling, leukocytosis

IV Phlebitis, Thrombophlebitis Implementations

discontinue IV, warm, moist compressions, new IV proximal to site

IV Hematoma Assessment

ecchymosis, swelling, leakage of blood

IV Hematoma Implementations

discontinue IV, apply pressure, Ice bag 24 hrs, restart IV in opposite extremity

IV Clotting Assessment

Decreased flow rate, back flow of blood into tubing,

IV Clotting implementations

Discontinue, do not irrigate, do not milk, do not increase flow rate or hang solution higher, do not aspirate cannula, inject urokinase

PICC Complications

Pneumothorax, dysrhythmias, thrombophlebitis, nerve, tendon damage, resp distress, embolism

Central Line Implementations

Change dressing 2-3x/Week (when wet or nonocclusive)
Flush with 2ml NS, 5 ml Heparin (100 u/ml)
Tubing Change q24hrs, Low fowlers for dressing change

Central Line Insertion Implementations

Place in supine, head-low position
head away from the procedure
Antibiotic ointment, transparent dressings,

Adrenergics: Names

Levophed (norepinephrine)
Intropin (dopanime)
Adrenalin (epinephrine)

Adrenergics: Indications

Cardiac Arrest, COPD

Adrenergics: SE

Dysrhythmias, Tremors, AntiCholinergic effects,

Adrenergics: NI

Monitor BP, HR, Output

General Antibiotics: SE

Allergic reactions
Super infection
Organ Toxicity

General Antibiotics: NI

ABC's, Benadryl, Epinephrine, Bronchodialators

General Antibiotics: Teaching

Take until gone, C&S first encourage fluids(2500-3000 mL), check expiration dates

Fluoroquinolones: Names

Cipro (ciprofloxin), levofloxacin (levaquine), norfloxacin (noroxin)
Common suffix: -floxacin

Fluoroquinolones: Action

Antibiotic: DNA replication: G-: E.coli, Pseudomonas, S. aureus, Anthrax

Fluroquinolenes: SE

diarrhea, decreased WBC & Hct, elevated Liver enzymes, elevated alkaline phosphatase

Fluroquinolenes: NI

C&S, Encourage fluids (2500-3000 mL), 1h ac or 2 h pc,

Microlide: Names

erythromycin, clindamycin, azethromycin
Suffix:- thromycin

Microlide: Action

Antibiotic: Acne, URI, Prophylaxis for dental w/PCN allergy

Microlide SE

Confusion, Diarrhea, hepatotoxixity, superinfection

Microlide: NI

1 h ac or 2-3 h pc
monitor liver function
Full glass of water (not juice)
increases effect of warferin, theophaline

Penicillins (PCN): name

Amoxcillin, Ampicillin, Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate)
Suffix: -cillin

Penicillins: Action

Antibiotic: moderate to severe infections, syphilis, gonococcus infections, lyme disease

Penicillins: SE

Stomatitis, diarrhea, allergic reactions, renal and hepatic changes

Penicillins: NI

Check for hypersensitivity: Good Hx
1-2 h ac or 2-3 pc
Cross allergy with cephalosporins

Glycopeptides: Names


Glycopeptides: Action

Antibitic: resistance staph

Glycopeptides: SE

Thrombophlebitis, Abscess formation, nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity

Glycopeptides: NI

IV admin: peak 5 min, 12-24 h duration
avoid and monitor extravasation
antihistamine with "red man syndrome": decreased BP, flushing of face and neck
Contact clinician if S/S superinfection, sore throat, fever, fatigue

Sulfonamides: Names

Gentrisin (acetyl sulfisoxazole)
Bactim (co-trimoxazole)
azulfidine (sulfasalazine)

Sulfonamides: Action

Antibiotic: Ulceratice colitis, Crohn's, Otitis media, UTIs

Sulfonamides: SE

peripheral neuropathy, crystalluria, photosensitivity, GI upset, stomatitis

Sulfonamides: NI

Take with meals or food, encourage fluids (2500-3000 mL), good mouth care

Tetracyclines: names

Vibramycin (doxycycline),
Panmycin (tetracycline)

Tetracyclines: Action

Antibiotic: infections, acne, prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum

Tetracyclines: SE

Discoloration of primary teeth if taken during pregnancy, glossitis, rash, phototoxic reaction

Tetracyclines: NI

1 h ac or 2-3 h pc,
do not take with antacid, milk, iron
monitor renal function, avoid sunlight
Note expiration date

Furadantin: Name


Furadantin: Action

Antibiotic: UTIs

Furadantin: SE

Asthma attacks, diarrhea

Furadantin: NI

Anti-infective, give with food or milk, give with cranberry juice, monitor pulmonary status,

Pyridium: name


Pyridium: Action

Urinary tract analgesic

Pyridium: SE

HA, vertigo

Pyridium: NI

Urine will be orange

Anti-impotence: names

Suffix: -afil
Viagra (sildenafil)
Levitra (Vardenafil)
Cialis (Tadalafil)

Anti-impotence: SE

HA, hypotension, priapism
Contraindications: Nitrates, alpha blockers

Anti-impotence: NI

cannot take with grapefruit juice, call PCP if erection last longer than 4 hrs

Anticholinergics: names

Pro-Banthine (propanthekine), Atropine, Scopace (scopolamine), Atrovent, Spiriva, Cogentin, Artane

Anticholinergics: Action

dialates pupils, causes bronchodilation, decreases secretions, decreases GI & GU mobility
Uses: ophthalmic exam, Motion sickness, pre-op

Anticholinergics: SE

Urinary retiention, Dry mouth, blurred vision, changes in HR

Anticholinergics: NI

Monitor output, contraindicated with glaucoma, paralytic ileus, BPH
Give 30 min ac, or 2 h pc

Heparin: Action

Blocks conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
uses: PE, venous thrombosis, prophylaxis after acute MI

Heparin: SE

Hematuria, tissue irritation

Heparin: NI

Monitor aPTT (normal 20-45 secs)
antagonist: protamine sulfate
SQ or IV admin

Warfarin (Coumadin): Action

Interferes with synthesis or vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
uses: PE, venous thrombosis, prophylaxis after acute MI

Warfarin (Coumadin): SE

hemorrhage, alopecia, hematuria

Warfarin (Coumadin): NI

Monitor PT (9-12 secs)
Antagonist: Vitamin K (aquaMEPHYTON)
Monitor bleeding
PO admin
limit Vit C and Vit E

Anticoagulants: NI

Avoid: use of ASA with other Anticoag
Avoid: Garlic, ginger, ginkgo
Large does of anise will interfere,
Chamomile may interfere
Ginseng and alfalfa decrease
Black haw increases

Anticonvulsants: Names

Dilantin (phenytoin), Luminal (phenobarbital), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Tegretol (carbamazepine), Klonopin (clonazepam)

Anticonvulsants: Action

decreases flow of CA++ and NA+ across neuronal membranes
Uses: seizures

Anticonvulsants: SE

resp depression, aplastic anemia, gigival hypertrophy, ataxia, drowsiness

Anticonvulsants: NI

Don't DC abruptly, I&Os, caution with meds that lower seizure threshold (MAOI, antipsychotics)

Dilantin: NI

Extravasation precaution, Fast IV admin may cause cardiac arrest, do not mix with other meds or Dextrose
PO admin with at least 1/2 glass of water, avoid alcohol

Depakote: NI

Avoid carbonated beverages
take with food

MAO inhibitors: Names

Marplan (isocarboxazid), Parnate (tranylcypromine), Nardil (phenelzine)

MAO inhibitors: Action

Antidepressants: Causes increased concentration of neurotransmitters, used for chronic pain

MAO inhibitors: SE

hypertensive crisis w/tyramine foods, photosensitivity, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, orthostatic hypotension

MAO inhibitors: NI

Avoid tyramine foods: (aged cheese, bologna, pepperoni, salami, bananas, raisins, beer, figs, chianti red wine, sour cream, pickled foods)
Monitor output, 4 weeks to work
Avoid: ephedrine and pseudoephedrine

SSRI: Names

Prozac (fluoxetiner)
Paxil (paroxetine hydrocloride),
Zoloft (sertraline)

SSRI: Action

antidepressants: inhibits CNS uptake of serotonin, used w/ obsessive compulsice disorder, bulimia


anxiety, GI upset, Changes in appetitie and bowl function, Urinary retention (pink urine)


suicide precautions (2-3 weeks after tx)
takes 4 weeks for full effectiveness
take in AM

Tricyclines: Names

Elavil (amitriptyline)
Tofranil (imipramine)
Norpramin (desipramine)

Tricyclines: Action

Antidepressant: inhibits reuptake of neurotransmitters, used w/sleep apnea

Tricyclines: SE

sedation, anticholinergic effects, confusion, postural hypotension, urinary retention

Tricyclines: NI

Monitor for suicide
Take 2-6 weeks to work
Take at hs
monitor VS
Avoid: sunlight, sleep aids

Heterocyclines: Names

Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Desyrel (Trazadone)

Heterocyclines: Action

Antidepressant: alter serotonin in CNS, used w/smoking cessation

Heterocyclines: SE

Wellbutrin: agitation, insomnia
desyrel: sedation

Heterocyclines: NI

Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, wean off slowly

Rapid-acting: Names

lispro (Humalog)
Aspart (NovoLog)

Rapid-acting: Onset

5=15 mins

Rapid-acting: Peak

40 min - 1 h

Rapid-acting: Duration

4-6 h

Rapid-acting: Time of adverse reaction


Rapid-acting: NI

eat withing 5-15 mins, used in pumps

Short acting: Names

Regular: Humulin R, Novolin R, Iletin II regular

Short-acting: Onset

30-60 mins

Short-acting: peak

2-3 hr

Short-acting duration

4-6 h

Short-acting: time of adverse reaction

midmorning, midafternoon

Short-acting: NI

clear solution: given 20-30 mins before meal, can be given alone or with other insulins

Intermediate-acting: Names

Isophane (NPH), lente

Intermediate-acting: Onset

2-4 h

Intermediate-acting: Peak

6-12 hrs

Intermediate-acting: duration

16-20 hrs

Intermediate-acting: time of adverse reaction

early evening

Intermediate-acting: NI

white and cloudy solution, can be given after meals

Long-acting: Names

ultralente, Humulin U

Long-acting: Onset

1 h

Long-acting: Peak

12-16 h

Long-acting: duration

20-30 h

Long-acting: time of adverse reaction

early morning

Long-acting: NI

used to control fasting BG levels

Very Long Acting: Names

Glargine (lantus)

Very Long Acting: Onset

1 h

Very Long-acting: Peak


Very Long-acting: duration

>24 h

Very Long-acting: NI

maintains BG levels regardless of meals, cannot be mixed, given hs

Insulin: SE


Insulin: NI

Rotate SQ site to prevent lipohypertrophy, fibrofatty masses, (do not inject these masses), only Regular can be given IV

Insulin: Herbal interactions

Bee pollen, ginkgo, glucosamine may increase blood glucose
Basil, bay leaf, chrominum, echinacea, garlic, ginseng may decrease blood glucose

Antidiabetics: Names

Diabinese, Orinase, Dymelor, Micronase

Antidiabetics: Actions

Stimulates insulin release from beta cells
Use: Type 2 diabetes

Antidiabetics: SE

hypoglycemia, allergic skin ractions, GI upset

Antidiabetics: NI

Taken before breakfast, monitor BG, avoid alcohol, ASA, MAOI, Oral contraceptives

Hypoglycemics: Names

GlucaGen (glucagon)

Hypoglycemics: Action

Stimulates liver to change glycogen to glucose, used for hypoglycemia (when unconscious)

Hypoglycemics: SE

Hypotension, bronchospasm

Hypoglycemics: NI

May repeat in 15 mins,
may be given oral carbs to prevent secondary hypoglycemic reactions

Antidiarreheals: Names

Kaopectate: (bismuth subsaliculate)
Lomotil (diaphenoxylate/atropine)
Imodium (loperamide)
Paregoric (tincure of opium)

Antidiarreheals: Action

Slows peristalsis, increases tone of sphincters

antidiarreheals: SE

Constipation, anticholinergic effects

Antidiarreheals: NI

Do not use with abd pain
monitor urinary retention
2 h before or 3 h after other meds

Antiemetics: Names

Tigan (trimethobenzamide)
Compazine (prochlorperazine)
Reglan (metoclopramide)
Antiver (meclizine)
Zofran (ondansetron)
Dramamine (dimenhydrinate)

Antiemetics: Action

Increase GI motility, clocks effects of dopamine, uses: vomiting

Antiemetics: SE

sedation, anticholinergic effects

Antiemetics: NI

used before chemotherapy
used with viral infections may cause Rye's syndrome

Antifungals: Names

Amphotericin B (fungizone),
Nystatin (mycostatin)
Flucanozal (diflucan)

Antifungals: Action

impairs fungal cell membranes, uses: candidiasis, oral thrush, histoplasmosis

Antifungals: SE

Hepatoxicity, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pruritus

Antifungals: NI

give with food
monitor liver functions
Good oral hygiene

Antigout: Names

Cochicine (colsalide)
Probenecid (benemid)
Allopurinol (zyloprim)

Antigout: Action

decreases production and resorption of uric acid, uses: gout

Antigout: SE

Agranulocytosis, GI upset, renal calculi

Antigout: NI

Probenecid increases actions cephalosporins
Monitor for renal calculi
Encourage fluids (2500-3000 mL)
Give with milk, food, and antacids

Antihistamine: Names

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL)
Phenergan (promethazine)
Claritin (Loratadine)
Allegra (fexofenadine)
Suffix: -ine

Antihistamine: Action

Blocks effects of histamine, uses: allergic rhinitis, allergic reactions to blood

Antihistamine: SE

Drowsiness, dry mouth, photosensitivity, bronchospasm, urinary retention

Antihistamine: NI

Give with food, use sunscreen, avoid alcohol, assess respiration, mouth care, hard candy

Antilipemic: Names

Lipitor (atrovastin)
Questran (cholestyramine)
Niacin (Niaspan)
Crestor (rosuvastatin)
Tricor (fenofibrate)

Antilipemic: Action

inhibits cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis, uses: tx elevated cholesterol, reduce incidence of CV diseas

Antilipemic: SE

Constipation, fat-soluble vitamin deficiency

Antilepemic: NI

Take hs or 30 min ac
1 h before or 4-6 h other meds

ACE Inhibitors: Names

Suffix: ~pril
Vasotec (enalapril)
Zestril (lisinopril)
Capoten (captopril)

ACE Inhibitors: Action

Antihypertensives: blocks ACE in lungs, uses: hypertension, CHF

ACE inhibitors: SE

GI upset, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness

ACE inhibitors: NI

1 h ac or 3 h pc
change position slowly
monitor VS
may cause fatigue

Beta Blockers: Names

suffix: ~ lol
Lopressor (metoprolol)
Coreg (carvedilol)
Tenormin (atenolol),
Corgard (nadolol)
Inderal (propranolol)

Beta Blockers: Action

decreases excitability of heart, decreases cardiac workload: Uses: Hypertension, angina, SVT

Beta Blockers: SE

Changes in HR, Hypotension, bronchospasm!

Beta Blockers: NI

Mask signs of shock and hypoglycemia, take with meals, do not DC abruptly

Calcium-channel Blockers: Name

Procardia (nifedipine),
Calan (verapamil)
Cardizem (diltiazem)
Common suffix: -ipine

Calcium channel Blockers: Action

Inhibits movement of calcium across cell membranes, Uses: angina, hypertension, interstitial cystitis

Calcium-channel Blockers: SE

orthostatic hypotension, renal failure, angioedema

Calcium- Channel Blockers: NI

caution about position changes, monitor for edema, facial swelling, SOB
Sustain release (cannot be chewed, or broken)

Angiotensin II Blockers: Names

Cardesartan (Atacand)
Losartan (Cozaar)

Angiotensin II Blockers: Action

Blocks vasoconstriction and aldosterone effects of angiotensin II, Uses: hypertension, HF, MI, diabetic neuropathy, stroke prevention

Angiotensin II: SE

hypotension, dizziness, GI distress

Angiotensin II: NI

Monitor VS,
Sustained Release (cannot be chewed or broken)

Alpha Blockers: Names

Doxazosin (cardura), Prazosin (minipress)

Alpha Blockers: Action

Selective blockade of alpha-1 reception in peripheral blood vessels, Uses: hypertension, BPH, reflex tachycardia

Alpha Blockers: SE

reflex tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, nasal congestion

Alpha Blockers: NI

Administer first dose HS to avoid fainting, monitor BUN, weight and edema, change positions slowly

Centrally Acting A-andrenergics: Names


Centrally Acting A-andrenergics: Action

Antihypertension: Stimulates alpha receptors in medulla

Centrally Acting A-andrenergics: SE

Sedation, orthostatic hypotension

Centrally Acting A-andrenergics: NI

Do not DC abruptly, monitor fluid retention, Change positions slowly

Direct-acting Vasodilators: Names

Apresoline (hydralazine),

Direct-acting Vasodilators: Action

antihypertensive: Relaxes smooth muscle

Direct-acting Vasodilators: SE

Tachycardia, incrase in body hair

Direct-acting Vasodilators: NI

Teach patient to check pulse

Antibipolar: Name

Lithium, Tegretol (carbamazepine), Depakote (divalproex)

Antibipolar: Action

Reduces catecholamine release: Uses: manic episodes

Antibipolar: SE

GI Upset, tremors, Polydipsia, polyuria

Antibipolar: NI

Monitor serum levels, give with meals, increase fluid intake (2500-3000 mL)

Lithium: SE

Dizziness, HA, Impaired vision, Fine hand tremors, Reversible leukocytosis

Lithium: NI

Therapeutic level: 1-1.5 mEq/L
Serum check 2-3x per week (AM per dose)
2,500-3,000 mL/day &adequate salt intake

Lithium: Intoxication

vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, muscular weakness, ataxia

Alkylating Agents: Names

Myleran (buslfan)
Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide)

Alkylating Agents: Action

Antineoplastic: Interferes with rapidly reproducing DNA, Uses: leukemia, multiple myeloma

Alkylating Agents: SE

Hepatotoxicity, bone marrow suppresion

Alkylating Agents: NI

Check hematopoitic function, Force fluids (2500-3000 mL), good mouth care,

Antimetabolites: Names

5-FU (fluoroucil), Methotrexate,

Antimetabolites: Actions

Antineoplastic: Inhibits DNA, Uses: ALL, Colon, breast, pancreatic cancers

Antimetabolites: SE

N&V, oral ulceration, bone marrow suppression, alopecia

Antimetabolites: NI

Monitor hematopoitic functions, Good mouth care, discuss body image changes

Antitumor: Names

Adrimycin, bleomycin, Anctinomycin D

Antitumor: Action

Antineoplastic: Interferes with DNA and RNA synthesis

Antitumor: SE

Bone marrow suppression, alopecia, stomatitis

Antitumor: NI

Monitor VS, antiemetic meds

Hormonal Antineoplastic: Names

Nolvadex (tamoxifen), testosterone, Leuprolide (Lupron)

Hormonal Antineoplastic: Action

Antineoplastic: Changes hormone input into sensitive cells

Hormonal Antineoplastic: SE

leukopenia, bone pain, hypercalcemia, fluid retention, increasing appetite, body hair growth, mood changes,

Hormonal Antineoplastic: NI

Check CBC, Monitor serum calcium, therapeutic communication for changes in body image

General Antineoplastic: SE

Hepatotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, GI alterations, Alopecia, Nail loss, Infertility

General Antineoplastic: NI

Check hematopoietic function, Force fluids, good mouth care, Thrombocytopenia, Neutropenic, leukopenic precautions, anemia precautions

Vinca Alkaloids: Names

Velban (vinblastine)
Oncovin (vincristine)

VInca Alkaloids: Action

Antineoplastic: Interferes with cell division

Vinca Alkaloids: SE

Stomatitis, Alopecia, loss of DTR, bone marrow suppression

Vinca Alkaloids: NI

Antiemetics, check reflexes, given with Zyloprim (decreases uric acid), Extravasation precaution

Topoisomerase: Name

Irinotecan (Camptosar)
Topotecan (Hycamtin)

Topoisomerase: Action

Antineoplastic: binds to enzyme that breaks DNA strands

Topoisomerase: SE

Bone marrow suppresion, Diarrhea, N&V, Hepatotoxicity

Antiparkinson: Names

L-Dopa (Levodopa)
SInemet (carbidopa-levodopa)

Antiparkinson: Action

converted dopamine, stimulates postsynaptic dopamine receptors

Antiparkinson: SE

Dizziness, ataxia, atropine-like effects

Antiparkinson: NI

monitor urinary retention, Large doses of Vitamin B6 will reverse effects, avoid use of CNS depressants (Alcohol, sedatives)

Antiplatelet: Names

ASA, Persantine (dipyridamole), Plavix (copidrogel),

Antiplatelet: Action

Interferes with platelet aggregation, uses: venous thrombosis, PE

Antiplatelet: SE

hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia

Antiplatelet: NI

Check for bleeding, give with food or milk

High Traditional: Antipsychotics: Names

Haldol (haloperidol), Prolixin (Fluphenazine)

General Antipsychotics: Action

Blocks dopamine receptors in basal ganglia, Acute and chronic psychoses

High Traditional: Antipsychotics: SE

Low Sedation, low incidence of hypotension, high incidence or extrapyramidal effects

High Traditional: Antipsychotics: NI

high dose for assultive patients,

Medium Traditional: Antipsychotics: Names

Trilafone (perphenazine)

Medium Traditional: Antipsychotics: SE

Orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, constipation

Medium Traditional: Antipsychotics: NI

can help control severe vomitting

Low Traditional: Antipsychotics: Names

Thorazine (chlorpromazine)

Low Traditional: Antipsychotics: SE

High sedation, high incidence of hypotension

Low Traditional: Antipsychotics: NI

Photosentitivity, no tolerance or potential for abuse

Atypical: Antipsychotics: Names

Abilify (aripiprazole),
Risperdal (risperidone),
Clozaril (clozarpine)

Atypical Antipsychotics: Action

interferes with binding of dopamine in the brain

Atypical Antipsychotics: SE

extrapyramidal effects, anticholinergic effects, sedative, orthostatic hypotension

Atypical Antipsychotics: NI

Monitor Blood, Monitor airway,
Change position slowly, use sunscreen,
Do not DC abruptly

Antipyretics: Names

Tylenol (APAP)

Antipyretics: Action

Antiprostagladin activity in hypothalamus

Antipyretics: SE

GI irritation, liver dysfunction

Antipyretics: NI

Monitor liver function, ASA is contratindicated for younger than 21 yrs because of Rye's syndrome

Antithyroid: Names

Tapazole (methimazole)
PTU (propylthioracil)

Antithyroid: Action

Reduce vascularity of thyroid, inhibits release of thyroid into circulation, Uses: myxedema, hyperthyroidism

Antithyroid: SE

Leukopenia, rash, thrombocytopenia

Antithyroid: NI

Bitter taste: Burning in mouth, Give with meals, Check CBC, use straw to prevent staining of teeth

Thyroid replacement: Names

Synthroid (levothyroxine),
Cytomel (liothyronine)

Thyroid replacement: Action

Increases metabolic rate
uses: hypothyroidism, Grave's disease

Thyroid replacement: SE

nervousness, tachycardia, weight loss

Thyroid replacement: NI

Monitor weight, take in AM, monitor HR, BP, Enhances effects of coumadin & antidepressants, decrease effects of digoxin and insulin

Antitubercular: Names

INH (isoniazid), Rifampin, Ethambutol, Streptomycin, PAS (para-amino-salicyclic acid), PZA (pyrazinamide)

Antitubercular: Action

Inhibits cell and protein synthesis,

Antitubercular: SE

Hepatitis, peripheral neuritis,

Antitubercular: NI

Check liver function, Admin B6 for peripheral neutitis, used in combination, avoid alcohol,

General Antipsychotic: SE

akathisia, dyskinesia, dystonias, pakinson's syndrome, tardive dyskinesias, leukopenia

General Antipsychotic: NI

Monitor VS, Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Antitussive/Expectorants: Names

Benylin DM, Robitussin

Antitussive/Expectorans: Action

Suppress cough reflex in medulla, decrease viscosity or secretions. Uses: coughs due to URI, COPD

Antitussive/Expectorans: SE

Bradycardia, respiratory depression, drowsiness, dizziness, anticholinergic effects

Antitussive/Expectorans: NI

Monitor cough, avoid alcohol, monitor respiratory status

Antivirals: Names

Zoviraz, AZT, VIdex, Famvir, Cytovene, Tamiflu, HIVID

Antivirals: Action

Inhibits DNA & RNA replication, uses: revurrent HSV, HIV infectiosn

Antivirals: SE

HA, dizziness, Gi symptoms

Antivirals: NI

Encourage Fluids (2500-3000 mL), not a cure, but relieves symptoms

ADHD Meds: Names

Ritalin (methylphenidate), Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine)

ADHD Med: Action

Increases level of catecholamines, uses: ADD, narcolepsy


restlessness, insomnia, tachycardia, palpitations


monitor growth rate, liver enzymes, give in AM, monitor progress of Tx (including parents)

Biophosphonates: Name

Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva (ibandronate), Actonel (Risedronate)

Biophosphonates: Action

Inhibits bone calcium reabsorption, Uses: prevent and Tx for osteosporosis,

Biophosphonates: SE

Esophagitis, Arthralgia, Nausea, diarrhea

Biophosphonates: NI

Take in AM, with 6-8 oz of water before eating, remain upright for 3 mins. Bone density test

Bronchodilators/Resp Med: Names

Truphylline (Aminophylline), Atrovent (ipratropium), Albuterol (Proventil), Singulair (Montelukast), Mucomyst (Acetylcyteine)

Bronchodilators/Reps Med: SE

Nervousness, Tremors, Tachycardia, Pulmonary edema, Seizure, Anticholinergic effects

Bronchodilators/Reps Med: NI

May aggravate diabetes because them cause hyperglycemia, Monitor BP

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor: Names

Diamox (Acetazolamine)

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor: Action

Decreases production of aqueous humor in ciliary body

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor: SE

Blurred vision, lacrimation, pulmonary edema

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor: NI

Monitor client for systemic effects

Cardiac Glycoside: Names

Lanoxin (digoxin)

Cardiac Glycoside: Action

Inotropic effects

Cardiac Glycoside: SE

Tachycardia, bradycardia, heart block, anorexia, N&V, halos, blurred vision

Cardiac Glycoside: NI

Instruct clients to eat high potassium foods, Monitor for digitalis toxicity, potassium, toxicity risk with hypokalemia

Immunosuppressants: Names

Sandimmune (cyclosporine)

Immunosuppressants: Action

Prevents production of T cells and their response to interleukin-2, uses: Organ transplants

Immunosuppressants: SE

hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, leikopenia, thrombocytopenia

immunosuppressants: NI

take once daily in am, used with corticosteroids, monitor renal and liver function, can be taken with milk or juice

Laxatives/Stool Softeners: Names

Cascara, Dulcolax, Colace, Milk of Mag

Laxatives/Stool Softeners: Action

Absorbs water increasing buld, lubricate surface of stool, stimulate peristalsis, Uses: constipation, and pre-op

Laxatives/Stool Softeners: SE

DIarrhea, dependence, abd cramps, hypermagnesemia

Laxatives/Stool Softeners: NI

Contraindicated with s/s of acute abdomen, monitor fluid and electrolyte levels, Chronic uses may cause hypokalemia, Encourage fluids (2500-3000 mL)

MIotic Eye Med: Names

Isopto-Carpine, Eserine, Carbacel

Miotic Eye Med: Action

Causes constriction of sphincter muscles of iris: uses: ocular surgery, open-angle glaucoma

Miotic Eye Med: SE

HA, Photophobia, hypotention, bronchoconstriction

Miotic Eye Med: NI

Apply pressure on lacrimal sac for 1 min, avoid sunlight, may experience transient brow pain and myopia, Monitor Resp status

Musculoskeletal Med: Names

Fosamax (Alendronate), Mestinon (Pyridostigmine), Tensilon (edrophonium), Glucosamine

Musculoskeletal Med: Action

Inhibits destruction of acetylcholine released from parasympathetic and somatic efferent nerves

Musculoskeletal Med: SE

Bronchoconstriction, Diarrhea, Respiratory paralysis, respiratory paralysis, muscle cramps

Musculoskeletal Med: NI

Give with milk or food, Admin exactly as ordered and on time, Doses vary with patient activity levels, monitor VS (especially Resp)

Mydriatic Eye Med: Names

Atropine Sulfate, Cyclogyl

Mydriatic Eye Med: Action

Anticholinergic actions leaves pupil under unopposed adrenergic influence. Uses: Dx exams, acute iritis, uveitis

Mydriatic Eye med: SE

Tachycardia, blurred vision, photophobia, dry mouth

Mydriatic Eye med: NI

Contraindicated with glaucoma, apply pressure on lacrimal sac for 1 min, wear dark glasses

Narcotics: Names

Morphine, Codeine, Darvon, Demerol, Dilaudid, Vicodin, Percodan

Narcotics: Action

Acts on CNS receptors, uses: moderate to severe pain

Narcotics: SE

dizziness, sedation, resp depression, hypotension, constipation

Narcotics: NI

Safety precautions, avoid alcohol, monitor VS, Narcan: Opioid antagonis, Monitor Resp status,

Antianginals: Names

Nitroglycerine, Isordil (isosorbide)

Antianginals: Action

Relaxes smooth muscle, decreases venour return: Uses: angina, peri-op HTN, HF

Antianginals: SE

hypotension, tachycardia, HA, dizziness

Antianginals: NI

Check expiration date, teach when to take med, may take q 5 mins x 3 doses, wet with saliva and place under tongue, do not DC abruply

NSAIDs: Names

ibuprofen, indocin, Naproxen, Celebrex, Tarodol

NSAIDs: Action

Inhibit prostagladin sysnthesis, Uses: arthritis, mild to moderate pain, fever


GI upsets, dizziness, HA, bleeding, fluid retention


Take with food or after meals, monitor liver and renal function, use cautiously w/ ASA allergy, check for bleeding

Thrombolytics: Names

Streptokinase, Urokinase,t-PA, Activase, retavase

Thrombolytics: Action

Dissolves or lyses blood clots, Uses: acute PE, Thrombosis, MI

Thrombolytics: SE

bleeding, bradycardia, dysrhythmias,

Thrombolytics: NI

Contraindications: Hemophilia, Active CVA, Trauma (<2 months), >75yrs, Heparin, coumadin
Accurate and full Hx
Monitor bleeding, have amino caproic acid, Check HR, color, sensation of extremities, , monitor EKG, Neuro checks, Monitor for Hematuria, occult

PPI: Names

Tagamet (Cimetidine)
Zantec (Ranitidine)
Pepcid (Famotidine)
Axid (Nizatidine)

PPI: Action

Inhibits action of histamine and gastric acid secretion, Uses: GI ulcers, GERD


dizziness, confusion, hypotension, impotence


take with meals and hs,
Smoking decreases effectiveness, monitor liver function and CBC

Vitamins: Names

Cynocobalamin (B12), Folic Acid

Vitamins: Action

Coenzyme that speeds up metabolic processes, Uses: deficiencies

Vitamins: SE

Anaphylaxis, uraticaria (B12), bronchospasm, Malaise (folic acid)

Vitamins: NI

Monitor levels, do not mix with other meds

Oral Contraceptives: Action

Prevent pregnancy, hormone control

Oral Contraceptives: SE

HA, Dizziness, nausea, breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, hormonal mood swings

Oral Contraceptives: Ni

No smoking, condom use for STD, if missed dose take as soon as possible & use protection, same time each day

Estrogens: Names

Estrace (estradiol), Premarin (estrogen)

Estrogens: Action

Hormone replacement: tx menopausal symptomes, cancers, osteoporosis

Estrogens: SE

Nausea, gynecomastia, contact lens difficulty

Estrogens: NI

Call PCP brest lumps, vaginal bleeding, edema, dark urine, blurred vision, chest pain

Alpha1 Blockers: Names

Terazosin (hytrin), Tamsulosin (Flomax)

Alpha1 Blockers: Action

Decrease urinary urgency, hesitancy nocturia, prostatic hyperplasia

Alpha1 Blockers: SE

HA, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension

Alpha1 Blockers: NI

Watch position changes, avoid alcohol, CNS, depressants, give at bedtime

Anaphylaxis: S/S

Hives, rash, difficulty breathing, diaphoresis

Anaphylaxis: NI

Epinephrine 0.3 ml of 1:1000 solution SQ, massage site, may repeat in 15-20 mins

Delayed Allergic Reaction: S/S

Rash, hives, swollen joints

Delayed Allergic Reaction: NI

DC med, Topical antihistamines, corticosteroids, comfort measures

Dermatologic Reaction: S/S

hives, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiform excidativum, hepatic involvement

Dermatologic Reaction: NI

Good skin care, antihistamines, topical corticosteroids

Stomatitis: S/S

swollen gums and tongues, difficulty swallowing, bad breath, mouth pain

Stomatitis: NI

Good mouth care, small feedings, antifungals, local anesthetics, non-spicy foods

Superinfections: S/s

fever, diarrhea, black hairy tongue, glossitis, vaginal itching and discharge

Superinfections: NI

Good mouth care, and skin care, antifungals

Bone marrow Depression: S/S

Fever, chills, sore throat, back pain, dark urine, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia

Bone Marrow Depression: NI

Monitor CBC, Protect from infections, Avoid injury

Liver impairment: S/s

Fever, malaise, jaundice, light stools and dark urine, abd pain, elevated AST and ALT, altered PTT

Liver impairment: NI

Good skin care, comfort measures, rest

Renal impairment: S/s

Elevated BUN and Creatinine, decreased Hct, altered electrolytes, fatigue, edema

Renal Impairment: NI

Diet and fluid restrictions, electrolyte replacement, dialysis, rest

Ocular Impairments: S/S

blurred vision, color vision changes, blindness

Ocular impairment: NI

monitor vision, exposure to light

Auditory Impairment: S/s

dizziness, ringing in ears, loss of hearing, loss of balance

Auditory Impairment: NI

Monitor hearing, safety measures to prevent falls

CNS Impairment: S/S

Confussion, insomnia, drowsiness, hallucinations

CNS impairment: NI

safety measures, avoid activities that require alertness, orient to surroundings

Cholinergic Effects: S/s

dry mouth, dysphagia, urinary retention, impotence, nasal congestion

Cholinergic Effects: NI

sugarless lozenges, good mouth care, void before taking med

Pakinson's-like Effects: S/s

Akinesia, tremors, drooling, changes in gait, rigidity, akathisia, dyskinesia

Pakinson's-like Effects: NI

Anticholinergic and antiparkinson medications, safety measures for gait

Cytoprotective: Names

Carafare (Sucralfate)

Cytoprotective: Action

Adheres to and protects ulcer's surface by forming a barrier

Cytoprotective: SE

Constipation, Vertigo, Flatulence

Cytoprotective: NI

Actions last up to 6 h, 2 h before or after most meds

Loop Diuretics: Names

Lasix (Furosemide), Bumex (bumetamide)

Loop Diuretics: Action

Increases the excretion of Potassium in the loop on henle

Loop Diuretics: SE

Hypotension, Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia, GI upset, weakness

Loop Diuretics: NI

Monitor BP, HR, I&O, Monitor serum potassium, Dont give hs, encourage food with high potassium

Thiazide Diuretics: Names

Hydrodiuril (Hydrochlorothiazide)

Thiazide Diuretics: Action

Inhibit sodium reabsorption

Thiazide Diuretics: SE

Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia, Blurred vision, Dry mouth, Hypotension

Thiazide Diuretics: NI

Monitor electrolytes, Monitor potassium, I&O, Monitor BUN and Creatinine, Dont give hs

Potassium-sparring Diuretics: Names

Aldactone (Spirolactone), Amiloride

Potassium-Sparring Diuretics: Action

Inhibits Aldosterone function

Potassium-Sparring Diuretics: SE

Hyperkalemia, Hyponatremia, Hepatic and renal damage, Tinnitus, Rash

Potassium-Sparring Diuretics: NI

Used with other diuretics, give with meals, avoid salt substitutes (w/K+), monitor serum potassium levels, I&O

Osmotic Diuretics: Names


Osmotic Diuretics: Action

Pulls fluid from tissues due to hypertonic effect, uses: increased ICP

Osmotic Diuretics: SE

Dry mouth, Thirst

Osmotic Diuretics: NI

I&O, VS, Electrolyte imbalances.

Iron Preparations: Names

Feosol (Ferrous sulfate), Imferon (iron dextran)

Iron Preparations: Actions

Iron salts increase availability of iron for hemoglobin. Uses: Iron-deficiency anemia

Iron Preparations: SE

Constipation, diarrhea, Dark stools, tooth enamel stains, seizures, flushing, hypotention, Tachycardia

Iron Preparations: NI

Take on an empty stomach, Avoid taking with Antacids, coffee, tea, mild, eggs, tetracyclines. Vit C increases absorption, Vit E delays response to Tx

Glucocorticoids: Names

Suffix: ~sone
Sul-cortef (Hydrocortisone), Decadron (Dexamethasone), Deltrasone (Prednisone), Pulmicort (Budesonide)

Glucocorticoids: Action

Stimulates gluconeogenisis, decreases use of glucose by body cells, increases formation and storage of fat in muscle tissue, alters normal immune respose, Uses: Addison's disease, Crohn's, COPD, Lupus, leukemias

Glucocorticoids: SE

Psychoses, depression, Weight gain, hypokalemia, Hypocalcemia, stunted growth in children, petechiae, buffalo hump

Glucocorticoids: NI

Monitor fluids and electrolyte balance, Don't DC abruptly, Monitor S/s of infections

Digitalis Toxicity: S/s

Confusion, irritation, irregular pulse, loss of appetite, N&V, diarrhea, palpitation, Visual changes (blind spots, blurred vision, changes in color perception, Halos or rings of light)


Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone


sudden infant death syndrome




systemic lupus erythematosus


short of breath




self-monitoring blood glucose


submucous resection

sp gr

specific gravity




one half




saturated solution of potassium iodide




sexually transmitted infection

subcut, SubQ







temperature, thoracic to be followed by the number designating specific thoracic vertebra


tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy






type and crossmatch


antiembolic stockings




transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation


transient ischemic attack


total iron binding capacity


three times a day

tinct, or tr.



temporomandibular joint

t-pa, TPA

tissue plasminogen activator


total parental nutrition


temperature, pulse, respiration


total quality management


testicular self-examination


thyroid-stimulating hormone




toxic shock syndrome


transurethral prostatectomy






upper respiratory tract infection


urinary tract infection


venous access device


Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis)

VF, Vfib

ventricular fibrillation


ventricular premature complexes

VS, vs

vital signs


ventricular septal defect


ventricular tachycardia


white blood cell or count


World Health Organization



nystatin aka



dermatologicals; antifungals, topical

nystatin side effects

GI distress, hypersensitivity; irritation (with topical use)

nystatin N considerations

treatment of Candida infections; discontinue if redness, swelling, irritation occurs; encourage good oral/vaginal/skin hygiene; do not mix oral suspension with food; Rx; Preg Cat C (oral); Preg Cat A (vaginal)

fluocinonide aka



dermatologicals; anti-inflammatories, topical

fluocinonide side effects

acne; atrophy; epidermal thinning; purpura; striae; burning; allergic dermatitis

fluocinonide N considerations

topical glucocorticoid used to treat severe dermatoses not responding to less potent meds: psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis, pruritus; apply only to affected areas, do not get in eyes; leave site uncovered or lightly covered; occlusive dresing is not

triamcinolone acetonide aka


triamcinolone acetonide

dermatologicals; anti-inflammatories topical

triamcinolone acetonide side effects

acne; atrophy; epidermal thinning; purpura; striae; allergic contact dermatitis; hypopigmentation

triamcinolone acetonide N considerations

topical glucocorticoid used to treat severe dermatoses not responding to less potent meds: psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis, pruritus; apply only to affected areas, do not get in eyes; leave site uncovered or lightly covered; occlusive dressing is no

acarbose aka



diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

acarbose side effects

abdominal pain; diarrhea; flatulence; rash

acarbose N considerations

management of diabetes by non-insulin-dependent diabetics; used alone or in combination with a sulfonylurea or insulin; PO: take with first bite of each meal, med blood level peaks in 1 hour; recognize signs of hypoglycemia: weakness, hunger, dizziness, t

glimepride aka



diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

glimepride side effects

headache; weakness, dizziness; drowsiness; dyspnea; fall in BP; shock

glimepride N considerations

management of stable type 2 diabetes mellitus; do not drink alcohol since it may produce a disulfiram rxn: N, headache, cramps, flushing, hypoglycemia; assess for symptoms of cholestatic jaundice: dark urine, pruritus, yellow sclera (rare); take at breakf

glipizide aka



diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

glipizide side effects

headache; weakness; dizziness; drowsiness

glipizide N considerations

management of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus; do not drink alcohol since it can produce a disulfiram rxn: N, headache, cramps, flushing, hypoglycemia; assess for symptoms of cholestatic jaundice: dark urine, pruritus, yellow sclera (rare); take at b

glyburide aka



diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

glyburide side effects

headache; weakness, dizziness; GI disturbances; allergic skin rxns

glyburide N considerations

management of adult type 2 diabetes mellitus; assess for symptoms of cholestatic jaundice: dark urine, pruritus, yellow sclera (rare); take at breakfast, onset is in 2-4 hours, peak in 4 hours, duration 24 hours; have a quick source of sugar or a glucagon

metformin HCl aka


metformin HCl

diabetic meds; hypoglycemia agents, oral

metformin HCl side effects

headache; weakness, dizziness, drowsiness; agitation; N, V, diarrhea; lactic acidosis; flatulence

metformin HCl N considerations

management of adult type 2 diabetes mellitus; PO: twice a day with meals to decrease GI upset and provide best absorption; may also be taken as one dose; can crush tablets and mix with juice or soft foods for ease of swallowing; do not crush/chew/break ex

pioglitazone hydrochloride aka


pioglitazone hydrochloride

diabetic meds; hypoglycemia agents, oral

pioglitazone hydrochloride side effects

cold symptoms; headache; sinusitus; respiratory infection; muscle pain; tooth disorder

pioglitazone hydrochloride N considerations

treatment for type 2 diabetes; take around the same time each day, once daily, with or without food; full therapeutic effects may require 2 or more weeks; used in conjunction with diet and exercise regimen; may exacerbate CHF, monitor for edema and lung s

repaglinide aka



diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

repaglinide side effects

hypoglycemia; respiratory infectoin; headache; N/V, diarrhea; sinusitus, constipation; arthralgia; back pain

repaglinide N considerations

used to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes in adults; used in conjunction with diet and exercise regimen; some antifungals may inhibit metabolism; medication should be taken immediately before a meal; dose should be skipped if meal is skipped;

rosiglitazone maleate aka


rosiglitazone maleate

diabetic meds; hypoglycemic agents, oral

rosiglitazone maleate side effects

upper respiratory infection; headache; back pain; hyperglycemia; fatigue; bone fracture, especially in women

rosiglitazone maleate N considerations

used in conjunction with diet and exercise to control blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes; seldom used in type 1 diabetes b/c of the need for insulin to be present; may be taken at any time of day without regard to meals; patient should

insulin aspart aka


insulin aspart

diabetic meds; insulin

insulin aspart side effects

hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy; hypokalemia; allergic rxns; headache; weight gain; edema

insulin aspart N considerations

management of diabetes in adults; the only insulin analog approved for use in external pump systems for continuous subQ insulin infusion; onset 15 minutes, peak 1-3 hours, duration 3-5 hours; may be given IV under medical supervision with close blood-suga

insulin glargine


insulin glargine

diabetic meds; insulin

insulin glargine side effects

hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy; allergic rxns; pruritus; rash

insulin glargine N considerations

management of diabetes in type 1 diabetics or adults with type 2 requiring a long-acting insulin to control hyperglycemia; onset 1.1 hours, peak 5 hours, duration 24 hours; not the drug of choice for diabetic ketoacidosis (use a short-acting insulin); hig

insulin, isophane suspension (NPH) aka

Humulin N, Novolin N

insulin, isophane suspension (NPH)

diabetic meds; insulin

insulin, isophane suspension (NPH) side effects

hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy; alergic rxns

insulin, isophane suspension (NPH) N considerations

management of diabetes; comes in 100 units per milliliter vial, as well as in combination with regular insulin in a 50/50 proportion and 75/25 proportion; SubQ: onset 1-1.5 hours, peak 4-12 hours, duration 18-24 hours; read administration instructions car

insulin lispro aka


insulin lispro

Diabetic meds; insulin

insulin lispro side effects

hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy; allergic rxns

insulin lispro N considerations

management of type 1 diabetes and in combination with sulfonylureas for type 2 diabetes; take within 15 minutes of eating and immediately after mixing, with combined therapy; may be used in children in combination with sulfonylureas; onset rapid, peak 30-

insulin, regular aka

Humulin R

insulin, regular

diabetic meds; insulin

insulin, regular side effects

hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy; allergic rxn; hypokalemia

insulin, regular N considerations

management of diabetic coma, diabetic acidosis, or other emergency conditions; esp. suitable for labile diabetes; comes in 100 units/milliliter vial; only insulin that can be given IV; SubQ: onset 30-60 minutes, peak 10-30 minutes, duration 30-60 minutes;

glucagon aka



diabetic meds; reversal of hypoglycemia

glucagon side effects


glucagon N considerations

acute management of severe hypoglycemia, facilitation of GI x-rays; IM for hypoglycemia: onset within 10 minutes, peak 30 minutes, duration 30-60 minutes; IV for hypoglycemia: onset within 10 minutes, peak 5 minutes, duration 60-90 minutes; subQ for hypog

aluminum hydroxide gel aka


aluminum hydroxide gel

GI meds; antacids

aluminum hydroxide gel side effects

constipation that may lead to impaction; phosphate depletion

aluminum hydroxide gel N considerations

antacid with duration of effect of 20-180 minutes; aluminum antacid compounds interfere with tetracycline absorption; contact clinician if signs of GI bleeding: tarry stools or coffee-grounds vomitus; shake suspension well and follow with small amount of

hydroxymagnesium aluminate aka


hydroxymagnesium aluminate

GI meds; antacids

hydroxymagnesium aluminate side effects

mild constipation; increased urine pH levels; diarrhea; hypophosphatemia

hydroxymagnesium aluminate N considerations

symptomatic relief of GERD, indigestion, and GI distress; antacid with onset in 20 minutes and duration of 20-180 minutes; may decrease effect of antibiotics and other drugs, such as digoxin, phenothiazines, quinidine, salicylates due to impaired absorpti

calcium carbonate aka


calcium carbonate

GI meds; antacids

calcium carbonate side effects

N, anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, possible allergic rxn

calcium carbonate N considerations

used as antacid and calcium supplement; may decrease effect of some antibiotics and other drugs due to impaired absorption, so separate administration times by 2 hours; do not use if ventricular fibrillation or hypercalcemia; use caution if taking cardiac

dicyclomine HCl aka


dicyclomine HCl

GI meds; anticholinergics

dicyclomine HCl side effects

drowsiness; blurred vision; dyspnea; dry mouth; rash; urinary hesitancy; tachycardia; headache

dicyclomine HCl N considerations

used for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome;

hyoscyamine aka

Anaspaz, Gastrosed


GI meds; anticholinergics

hyoscyamine side effects

confusion; stimulation in elderly; dry mouth, constipation; urinary retention, hesitancy; palpitations; blurred vision; tachycardia; rash; headache; drowsiness

hyoscyamine N considerations

treatment of peptic ulcer, other GI disorders, other spastic disorders, urinary incontinence; PO: onset 20-30 minutes, duration 4-6 hours; IM/IV/SubQ: onset 2-3 minutes, duration 4-6 hours; avoid activities requiring alertness until stabilized on med; avo

loperamide HCl aka


loperamide HCl

GI meds; antidiarrheals

loperamide HCl side effects

N/V, abdominal pain/distention, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth

loperamide HCl N considerations

used for control of diarrhea, including diarrhea in travelers; take with a full glass of water; encourage 6-8 glasses of fluid per day; use caution with potentially hazardous activities; if abdominal distention in acute ulcerative colitis, stop med; avoid

meclizine aka

Antivert, Bonine


GI meds; antiemetics

meclizine side effects

drowsiness, dizziness

meclizine N considerations

management of vertigo, motion sickness; duration 8-14 hours; take 1 hour before traveling; avoid activities requiring alertness; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants; OTC, Rx; Preg Cat B

metoclopramide HCl aka


metoclopramide HCl

GI meds; antiemetics

metoclopramide HCl side effects

drowsiness, restlessness, lassitude, headache, sleeplessness, dry mouth, anxiety

metoclopramide HCl N considerations

prevention of N, Vomiting induced by chemotherapy, radiation, delayed gastric emptying, GERD; used with tube feeding to decrease residual and risk of aspiration; PO: take 30-60 minutes before meals or procedures; IV: inject slowly over 1-2 minutes, infuse

prochlorperazine aka



GI meds; antiemetics

prochlorperazine side effects

orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry mouth; constipation; drowsiness; photosensitivity

prochlorperazine N considerations

management of N/V, psychotic disorders; monitor for development of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (fever, respiratory distress, tachycardia, convulsions, sweating, hypertension or hypotension, pallor, tiredness, severe muscle stiffness, loss of bladder co

promethazine aka



GI meds; antiemetics

promethazine side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; constipation; urinary retention; dry mouth; hyperglycemia

promethazine N considerations

management of motion sickness, rhinitis, allergy symptoms, sedation, N, pre- and postoperative sedation; PO: onset 20 minutes, duration 4-6 hours; take 30-60 minutes before traveling; avoid activities requiring alertness; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants; m


GI meds; antiemetics

simethicone side effects

belching; rectal flatus

simethicone N considerations

helps disperse gas pockets in GI system, does not decrease gas production; take after meals, at bedtime; shake suspension well before pouring; tablets must be chewed; OTC; Rx; Preg Cat C

esomeprazole magnesium aka


esomeprazole magnesium

GI meds; antisecretory

esomeprazole magnesium side effects

headache; diarrhea; N, flatulence; dry mouth

esomeprazole magnesium N considerations

short-term treatment of erosive esophagitis; used to treat GERD; take at least 60 minutes before meals; swallow capsules whole, do not chew; may be taken in conjunction with antacids; Rx; Preg Cat B

omeprazole aka



GI meds; antisecretory

omeprazole side effects

headache; N/V, diarrhea; flatulence

omeprazole N considerations

treatment of active duodenal ulcers; treatment of GERD in patients over age 2 years; take 30 minutes before eating; may be taken at the same time as antacids; OTC, Rx; Preg Cat C

cimetidine aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

cimetidine side effects

diarrhea; confusion (esp. in elderly with large doses); headache; dysrhythmias

cimetidine N considerations

treatment of chronic warts in children; reduces gastric acid secretions by 50-80%; may be taken without regard to meals; avoid antacids 1 hour before or after dose; do not use OTC for more than 2 weeks unless medically supervised; monitor liver enzymes an

famotidine aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

famotidine side effects

headache; blood dyscrasias; hepatitis; dizziness; constipation

famotidine N considerations

treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcres, GERD, heartburn; PO: onset 30-60 minutes, peak 1-3 hours, duration 6-12 hours; IV: onset immediate, peak 30-60 minutes, duration 8-15 hours; signs of blood dyscrasia: bleeding, bruising, fatigue, malaise, poor hea

lansoprazole aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

lansoprazole side effects

dizziness; diarrhea; abdominal pain

lansoprazole N considerations

used for treatment of GERD and ulcers, erosive esophagitis; PO: take no more than 30 minutes before meals, capsules may be opened and sprinkled on food (applesauc, pudding, cottage cheese, yogurt) and swallowed immediately; can use with antacids; do not c

misoprostol aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

misoprostol side effects

abdominal pain; diarrhea; miscarriage; N; headache

misoprostol N considerations

prevention of gastric ulcers during NSAID therapy; take with meals and at bedtime; avoid taking magnesium antacids within 2 hours; notify clinician if diarrhea lasts more than 1 week; notify clinician if black, tarry stools or severe abdominal pain; Rx; P

rabeprazole aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

rabeprazole side effects

headache; dizziness; N/V, diarrhea; constipation, flatulence; rash; back pain

rabeprazole N considerations

used for treatment of GERD and duodenal ulcers; take on an empty stomach before eating; swallow tablets whole, do not crush/chew/split tablets; avoid alcohol, NSAIDs, and ASA, may increase gastric upset; Rx; Preg Cat B

ranitidine aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

ranitidine side effects

dizziness (esp. in elderly); drowsiness; headache

ranitidine N considerations

used to inhibit gastric acid secretion, ulcers (GI); take with or immediately following meals; do not take antacids within 1 hour before or after; do not smoke, it interferes with healing and drug's effectiveness; avoid alcohol, ASA, and caffeine, which i

sucralfate aka



GI meds; antiulcer meds

sucralfate side effects

constipation; hypersensitivity

sucralfate N considerations

short-term treatment (less than 8 weeks) of duodenal ulcers; PO: 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals and at bedtime with full glass of water; do not chew tablets; do not use antacids within 30 minutes of med; encourage 8-10 glasses of fluid per day

sulfasalazine aka


sulfasalazine; sulfasalazine side effects/ N considerations

GI meds; antiulcer meds
headache; anorexia; N/V; diarrhea; rashes; fever; oligospermia; hepatotoxicity
used for treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and arthritis; PO: take with food to decrease GI upset; encourage fluids to decrease crystallization i

phentermine aka



GI meds; appetite suppressants

phentermine side effects

CNS stimulation; hypertension; changes in libido; palpitations; drowsiness

phentermine N considerations

short-term treatment of obesity; PO: hydrochloride form duration is 4 hours, resin complex form duration is 12-14 hours; take 30 minutes beofre meals or as a single dose before breakfast or 10-14 hours before bedtime; avoid activities requiring alertness

sibutramine aka



GI meds; appetite suppressants

sibutramine side effects

headache; dry mouth; anorexia; constipation; insomnia; rhinitis; back pain; hypertension; tachycardia; migraine

sibutramine N considerations

used to manage weight loss and maintenance in obesity; should be used with a reduced-calorie diet; regular heart rate and BP monitoring is important; avoid used with MAOIs; should not be used in patients with cardiac disease; Rx C-IV; Preg Cat C

lactulose syrup aka


lactulose syrup

GI meds; laxatives

lactulose syrup side effects

N/V; abdominal cramps

lactulose syrup N considerations

used for chronic constipation, prevention and treatment of portal-systemic encephalotic including hepatic precoma and coma; PO: take with water or fruit juice to counteract sweet taste; use with caution in diabetics; monitor blood sugar; Rx; Preg Cat B


GI meds; pancreatic enzymes

pancreatin side effects

anorexia; N/V, diarrhea; constipation; hives

pancreatin N considerations

do not crush or break enteric-coated capsules; do not use if sensitive or allergy to pork; OTC, Rx; Preg Cat C

pancrelipase aka

Pancrease, Viokase


GI meds; pancreatic enzymes

pancrelipase side effects

abdominal pain (high doses only); N, diarrhea; stomach cramps; flatulence; abnormal feces; fatigue

pancrealipase N considerations

used to replace or supplement naturally occurring enzymes, contains lipase, amylase, and protease lost due to cystic fibrosis; take with 8 ounces of water and food, swallow right away, sit up when taking; do not crush or break enteric-coated capsules; do

tamsulosin hydrochloride aka


tamsulosin hydrochloride

genitourinary meds; alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist

tamsulosin hydrochloride side effects

sleepiness, difficulty falling or staying asleep; weakness; back pain; N/V, diarrhea; UTI; cold symptoms, including pain or pressure in the face; blurred vision; abnormal ejaculation; dizziness; headache; increased cough; chest pain; priapism

tamsulosin hydrochloride N considerations

treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia; take the same time daily, once a day, 30 minutes after a meal; avoid changing positions (lying, sitting, standing) rapidly; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; may have cross-allergy with sulfa drugs

oxybutynin chloride aka


oxybutynin chloride

genitourinary meds; anticholinergics

oxybutynin chloride side effects

anxiety, restlessness; dizziness; convulsions; palpitations, tachycardia; drowsiness, blurred vision; N/V; anorexia; dry mouth; mydriasis; constipation

oxybutynin chloride N considerations

antispasmodic treatment of neurogenic bladder; take on an empty stomach; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants; avoid activities requiring alertness until med response is known; decreased ability to perspire, avoid strenuous activity in warm weather; wear sungla

tolterodine tartate aka

Detrol, Detrol LA

tolterodine tartate

genitourinary meds; anticholingerics

tolterodine tartate side effects

dry mouth; dizziness; constipation; dyspepsia; somnolence; blurred vision

tolterodine tartate N considerations

used to treat patients with overactive bladder; effective with frequency, urgency, or incontinence symptoms; patients should avoid alcohol during treatment with tolterodine; missed doses should be skipped, return to normal schedule; Rx; Preg Cat C

sildenafil citrate aka


sildenafil citrate

genitourinary meds; erectile dysfunction agents

sildenafil citrate side effects

headache, flushing; dizziness; upset stomach; nasal congestion; UTI; abnormal vision; rash; tinnitus, hearing loss; visual disturbances

sildenafil citrate N considerations

treatment of erectile dysfunction; take approximately 1 hour before sexual activity; do not use more than once a day; tablets may be split; high-fat meal will reduce absorption, better absorption on empty stomach; never use with nitrates, could have fatal

tadalafil aka



genitourinary meds; erectile dysfunction agents

tadalafil side effects

headache; dyspepsia; back pain; tinnitus, hearing loss; myalgia; nasal congestion

tadalafil N considerations

used to treat erectile dysfunction; patients with severe hepatic impairment should not take this; contraindicated in patients taking nitrates or alpha-adrenergic blockers; this does not protect against STDs; alert physician if erection lasts more than 4 h

vardenafil aka



genitourinary meds; erectile dysfunction agents

vardenafil side effects

headache; nasal congestion; flushing; dyspepsia; tinnitus, hearing loss

vardenafil N considerations

used to treat erectile dysfunction; contraindicated in patients taking organic nitrates; contact physician if erection lasts over 4 hours; plasma levels peak in 30 minutes to 2 hours; stop med if hearing or visual disturbances occur; alpha blocker used wi

finasteride aka

Proscar, Propecia


genitourinary meds; testosterone inhibitors

finasteride side effects

decreased libido; decreased volume of ejaculate; testicular pain; impotence; breast tenderness and enlargement; angioedema

finasteride N considerations

treatment of BPH by Proscar, male hair loss by Propecia; may be taken without regard for food; pregnant women should avoid contact with crushed drug or patient's semen, may adversely affect developing male fetus; full therapeutic effect: Propecia may requ

phenazopyridine HCl aka


phenazopyridine HCl

genitourinary meds; urinary analgesics

phenazopyridine HCl side effects

GI upset; kidney and liver toxicity; rash; headache

phenazopyridine HCl N considerations

treatment of urinary tract irritation, often paired with urinary anti-infective; do not crush tablets, can take with food or milk to decrease GI upset; inform patient that urine will be bright orange/red; monitor for signs of hepatotoxicity: dark urine, c

nitrofurantoin aka

Furadantin, Macrobid, Macrodantin


genitourinary meds; urinary anti-infectives

nitrofurantoin side effects

dizziness; N/V, diarrhea; abdominal pain; tooth staining; hypersensitivity

nitrofurantoin N considerations

treatment of UTIs; take with food/milk; avoid alcohol; two daily doses if urine output is high or patient has diabetes; drug may turn urine rust-yellow to brown; may cause false positive glucose in urine; may increase AST and ALT; Rx; Preg Cat B

alendronate aka



hormones/synthetic substitutes/modifiers; bone resorption inhibitors

alendronate side effects

esophageal ulceration; GI distress; musculoskeletal pain

alendronate N considerations

treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and Paget disease in men; onset: 1 month, peak 3-6 months, duration 3 weeks to 7 months; take in A.M. before food or other meds with full glass of water, remain upright for 30 minutes; if dose missed, skip

risedronate aka



hormones/synthetic substitutes/modifiers; bone resorption inhibitors

risedronate side effects

weakness; diarrhea, abdominal pain; bone pain; back pain; joint pain; dyspepsia; hypersensitivity; eye inflammation

risedronate N considerations

treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and for Paget disease; onset: within days, peak 30 days, duration up to 16 months; take in A.M. before food or other meds with full glass of water, remain upright for 30 minutes; take with calcium and vitD

etidronate aka



hormones/synthetic substitutes/modifiers; parathyroid agents (calcium regulators)

etidronate side effects

N, diarrhea; bone pain and tenderness; myalgia; hypersensitivity; headache; arthralgia

etidronate N considerations

treatment of Paget disease, used with total hip replacement and spinal cord injury, hyperkalemia of cancer; PO: onset 1 month, duration 1 year; IV: onset 24 hours, peak 3 days, duration 11 days; take on empty stomach with calcium and vitD, but not within

thyroid, desiccated aka

Armour Thyroid

thyroid, desiccated

hormones/synthetic substitutes/modifiers; thyroid hormones

thyroid, desiccated side effects

weight loss; palpitation; diarrhea; tachycardia; sweating

thyroid, desiccated N considerations

used to treat adult hypothyroidism; side effects are rare and generally associated with overdosing; dosed at 15-30 mg initially and titrated up every 2-3 weeks until optimum results are present; thyroid levels should be checked every 6 months after patien

levothyroxine (T4) aka

Synthroid, Levothroid

levothyroxine (T4)

hormones/synthetic substitutes/modifiers; thyroid hormones

levothyroxine (T4) side effects

weight loss; arrhythmias, tachycardia; insomnia, irritability; nervousness; heat intolerance; menstrual irregularities

levothyroxine (T4) N considerations

management of hypothyroidism, myxedema coma, thyroid hormone replacement; PO: peak 1-3 weeks, duration 1-3 weeks; IV: onset 6-8 hours, peak 24 hours; PO: take at same time daily to maintain blood level, take on empty stomach; do not switch brands unless d

alprazolam aka



mental health meds; antianxiety agents

alprazolam side effects

dizziness, drowsiness; orthostatic hypotension; blurred vision

alprazolam N considerations

management of anxiety, panic disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorders; onset 30 minutes, peak 1-2 hours, duration 4-6 hours; full therapeutic response takes 2-3 days; may be taken with food; may be habit-forming, do not take for longer than 4 months un

buspirone aka



mental health meds; antianxiety agents

buspirone side effects

dizziness, headache; stimulation, insomnia, nervousness; light-headedness, numbness; N, diarrhea, constipation; tachycardia, palpitations

buspirone N considerations

management of anxiety disorders; onset 7-10 days, optimum effect may take 3-4 weeks; use caution with activities requiring alertness until response to med is known; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, and large amounts of grapefruit juice; use caution when ch

chlordiazepoxide aka



mental health meds; antianxiety agents

chlordiazepoxide side effects

dizziness, drowsiness, pain at IM site, ataxia, disorientation

chlordiaepoxide N considerations

management of anxiety and treatment of alcohol withdrawal, IBS; PO: onset 1-2 hours, peak 30 minutes to 4 hours; IM: onset 15-30 minutes, slow, erratic absorption; IV: onset 1-5 minutes, duration 15-60 minutes; use caution with activities requiring alertn

diazepam aka



mental health meds; antianxiety agents

diazepam side effects

drowsiness, fatigue, ataxia; hypotension; paradoxic anxiety, esp. in elderly; orthostatic hypotension; blurred vision

diazepam N considerations

treatment of anxiety, acute alcohol withdrawal, seizures, preoperative and skeletal muscle relaxant; PO: may be taken with food, onset 30 minutes; IM: inject deep, slowly into large muscle mass, onset 15-30 minutes, duration 60-90 minutes, slw and erratic

lorazepam aka



mental health meds; antianxiety agents

lorazepam side effects

dizziness, drowsiness; orthostatic hypotension; blurred vision; weakness; disorientation; visual disturbance

lorazepam N considerations

management of anxiety, irritability in psychiatric or organic disorders, preoperatively, insomina, adjunct in endoscopic procedures; PO: onset 30 minutes, peak 1-6 hours; IM: onset 15-30 minutes, peak 60-90 minutes; IV: onset 5-15 minutes, peak unknown; m

citalopram aka



mental health meds; antidepressants, SSRIs

citalopram side effects

palpitations, tachycardia; N/V, diarrhea; decreased appetite; nervousness, insomnia; drowsiness; hyponatremia

citalopram N considerations

treatment of major depression; take in AM to avoid insomnia; can potentiate effects of digoxin, warfarin, and diazepam; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants for up to 1 week after end of therapy; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; avoid c

escitalopram oxalate aka


escitalopram oxalate

mental health meds; antidepressants, SSRIs

escitalopram oxalate side effects

N, diarrhea, constipation; insomnia; fatigue, drowsiness; decreased libido, sexual dysfunction; increased sweating; increased appetite, heartburn, stomach pain; flulike symptoms, runny nose, sneezing; dry mouth; dizziness; labile blood sugar; hypokalemia;

escitalopram oxalate N considerations

treatment of major depression, anxiety; take consistently at same time of day, full therapeutic effect may require 4 weeks; may require gradual reduction before stopping; can potentiate effects of digoxin, warfarin, diazepam; use caution in potentially ha

fluoxetine HCl aka


fluoxetine HCl

mental health meds; antidepressants, SSRIs

fluoxetine HCl side effects

palpitations; N, diarrhea, constipation; decreased appetite with significant weight loss; nervousness, insomnia; urinary retention; drowsiness; rash, pruritus, excessive sweating; fatigue

fluoxetine HCl N considerations

treatment of depression/OCD, bulimia, PMDD; take consistently at same time of day, full therapeutic effects may require 4 weeks; can potentiate effects of digoxin, warfarin, diazepam, NSAID, and aspirin; used for anorexia, not suicidal or homicidal emotio

paroxetine HCl aka


paroxetine HCl

mental health meds; antidepressants, SSRIs

paroxetine HCl side effects

palpitations; N/V, diarrhea, constipation; hyponatremia; decreased appetite; nervousness, insomnia

paroxetine HCl N considerations

treatment of anxiety, depression, OCD and social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, PTSD; take consistently at same time of day, therapeutic effects in up to 4 weeks; do not chew or crush; may increase risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior or bleeding; avo

sertraline HCl aka


sertraline HCl

mental health meds; antidepresants, SSRIs

sertraline HCl side effects

headache; dizziness; tremor; N, diarrhea; insomnia; dry mouth; male sexual dysfunction

sertraline HCl N considerations

treatment of depression, OCD, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, PTSD, PMDD, and social phobia; take consistently at same time of day, therapeutic effects take up to 4 weeks; can potentiate effects of digoxin, warfarin, diazepam, aspirin, and NSA


mental health meds; antidepressants, tricyclic

amitriptyline side effects

sedation/drowsiness; blurred vision, dry mouth, diaphoresis; postural hypotension, palpitations; N/V, diarrhea; constipation, urinary retention; increased appetite; sexual dysfunction; confusion; cardiac dysrhythmias

amitriptyline N considerations

treatment of major depression; suicide risk high after 10-14 days due to increased energy; avoid use with alcohol; sunblock required; increase fluid intake; take dose at bedtime due to sedative effects; heavy smokers may require a larger dose; use safety


mental health meds; tricyclic antidepressants

doxepin side effects

sedation/drowsiness; blurred vision, dry mouth, diaphoresis; postural hypotension, palpitations; N/V, diarrhea; constipation, urinary retention; anorexia; sexual dysfunction

doxepin N considerations

psychoneurotic patient with depression and or anxiety, hyponotic for insomnia; avoid use with alcohol; suicide risk high after 10-14 day due to increased energy; increase fluid intake; take dose at bedtime due to sedative effect; heavy smokers may require

imipramine aka



mental health meds; antidepressants, tricyclic

imipramine side effects

sedation/drowsiness; dry mouth; postural hypotension, palpitations; diarrhea; urinary retention; anorexia; confusion

imipramine N considerations

psychoneurotic patient with depression and anxiety, hypnotic for insomnia; full therapeutic effect may take 2-3 weeks; drug is dispensed in small amounts at beginning of treatment due to suicide potential; use safety precautions with hazardous activity; a

nortriptyline aka



mental health meds; antidepressants, tricyclic

nortriptyline side effects

sedation/drowsiness; blurred vision, dry mouth, diaphoresis; postural hypotension, palpitations; N/V, diarrhea;constipation, urinary retention; increased appetite; sexual dysfunction

nortriptyline N considerations

treatment of major depression; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants; suicide risk high after 10-14 days due to increased energy; increase fluid intake; take dose at bedtime due to sedative effect; heavy smokers may require a larger dose; use safety pre

bupropion HCl aka

Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL, Zyban

bupropion HCl

metnal health meds; other antidepressants

bupropion HCl side effects

agitation; N/V; headache; dry mouth; tremor; hypertension; insomnia; nervousness

bupropion HCl N considerations

treatment of depression and smoking cessation; if missed dose for depression, take ASAP and space remaining doses at not less than 4-hour intervals; if missed dose for smoking cessation, omit dose; may require gradual reduction before stopping;avoid use w

duloxetine hydrochloride aka


duloxetine hydrochloride

mental health meds; other antidepressants

duloxetine hydrochloride side effects

N/V, diarrhea, constipation; decreased appetite, stomach pain; heartburn; dry mouth; increased urination, difficulty urinating; dizziness, headache; tiredness, weakness, drowsiness; muscle pain or cramps; increased sweating, night sweats; sexual dysfuncti

duloxetine hydrochloride N considerations

treatment of depression, anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, and fibromyalgia; take the same time daily, once or twice a day for depression, once a day for anxiety, diabetic neuropathy, or fibromyalgia, full therapeutic effects may require 4 weeks; may require

mirtazapine aka



mental health meds; other antidepressants

mirtazapine side effects

drowsiness, dizziness; increased appetite, weight gain; constipation; dry mouth; somnolence

mirtazapine N considerations

treatment of depression; do not use within 14 days of MAOI; may require gradual reduction before stopping; check with clinician before taking OTC cold remedy; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants for up to 1 week after end of therapy; use caution in po


mental health meds; other antidepressants

trazodone side effects

drowsiness; hypotension; dry mouth; N; dizziness; priapism; hyponatremia; somnolence; blurred vision; constipation

trazodone N considerations

treatment of major depression; take with or immediately after meals to lessen GI upset; if dose is missed, take immediately, unless within 4 hours of next dose; may require gradual reduction before stopping; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants for up

venlafaxine aka

Effexor, Effexor XR


mental health meds; other antidepressants

venlafaxine side effects

abnormal dreams, insomnia; anxiety, nervouseness; dizziness, weakness; headache; abdominal pain; N/V, diarrhea; anorexia, weight loss; sexual dysfunction; sedation; mydriasis; hypertension; serotonin syndrome

venlafaxine N considerations

treatment of major depression or relapse, generalized anxiety disorder; take with food, extended-release tablets should be swallowed whole; if dose is missed, take immediately unless time for next dose; may require gradual reduction before stopping if tak

haloperidol aka



mental health meds; antipsychotics

haloperidol side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; hallucinations; tardive dyskinesia; tachycardia; hypotension; confusion; hypertension; dystonia; hyperpyrexia; schizophrenia

haloperidol N considerations

treatment of Tourette syndrome, schizophrenia; PO concentrate: dilute with water, not coffee or tea; PO: take with food or full glass of water/milk; IM: inject slowly, deep into UOQ of buttock, have patient lie down for 30 minutes, do not give IV; avoid a

olanzapine aka



mental health meds; antipsychotics

olanzapine side effects

somnolence; agitation; hostility; dizziness; rhinitis; nervousness; joint pain; dry mouth; headache; insomnia; increase appetite and weight gain; fatigue

olanzapine N considerations

useful in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder; has been used successfully in manic episodes associated with bipolar I; use caution when rising due to postural hypotension possiblity; dosage should be managed tightly when established; use caution when ope

risperidone aka



mental health meds; antipsychotics

risperidone side effects

drowsiness; tardive dyskinesia; dizziness; constipation; hypersensitivity; NMS; hyperglycemia; dysphagia; priapism

risperidone N considerations

treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder, autistic disorder; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; avoid changing positions (lying/sitting/standing) rapidly; notify clinician if fever, sore thro

quetiapine aka



mental health meds; antipsychotics

quetiapine side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; hyperglycemia; hypertension; dry mouth; somnolence; dyspepsia; weight gain

quetiapine N considerations

used in treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; avoid changing positions rapidly; notify clinician if fever, sore throat, bruising/bleeding, tics/spasms, tre

ziprasidone HCl aka


ziprasidone HCl

mental health meds; antipsychotics

ziprasidone HCl side effects

drowsiness; tardive dyskinesia; dizziness; constipation;somnolence; abnormal vision; V; headache; hyperglycemia; NMS

ziprasidone HCl N considerations

used in treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder; avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; avoid changing positions (lying/sitting/standing) rapidly; notify clinician if fever, sore throat, bruising/b

methylphenidate HCl aka

Concerta, Ritalin

methylphenidate HCl

mental health meds; Attention deficit disorder agents

methylphenidate HCl side effects

headache; resp. infections; hyperhidrosis; decreased appetite; visual disturbance; abdominal pain; cough; N; insomnia; restlessness

methylphenidate N considerations

used to treat ADD/ADHD in children over 6 years old and depression in elderly, narcolepsy; Concerta is time-released and should be swallowed whole, not chewed; this prescription cannot be refilled; dosage is adjusted in 18-mg increments to a maximum of 54

carbamazepine aka

Tegretol, Tegretol XR


mental health meds; bipolar agents

carbamazepine side effects

myelosuppression; dizziness, drowsiness; ataxia; diplopia, rash; photosensitivity; N/V

carbamazepine N considerations

management of bipolar disorder, seizures, trigeminal neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy; avoid driving and other activities requiring alertness for the first 3 days; monitor blood levels, CBC regularly, espeially during first 2 months, periodic eye exams; tak

divalproex sodium aka


divalproex sodium

mental health meds; bipolar agents

divalproex sodium side effects

sedation, drowsiness, dizziness; mental status and behavioral changes; N/V, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn; prolonged bleeding time; teratogenicity; pancreatitis; hepatotoxicity

divalproex sodium N considerations

management of seizures, manic episodes assoc. with bipolar disorder (delayed-release only), migraine prophylaxis (delayed- and extended-release only); take with or immediately after meals to lessen GI upset; swallow tablets or capsules whole (no crushing,

lithium aka



mental health meds; bipolar agents

lithium side effects

dizziness; impaired vision;fine hand tremors; reversible leukocytosis; signs of intoxication: V, diarrhea, drowsiness, muscular weakness, ataxia

lithium N considerations

controls manic episodes in manic-depressive individuals, mood stabilizer; use caution in potentially hazardous activities; check serum levels 2 times weekly during treatment, q 2-3 months on maintenance, draw blood in AM prior to dose; target serum levels

temazepam aka



mental health meds; hypnotics

temazepam side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; lethargy; weakness; euphoria; anorexia; headache; fatigue

temazepam N considerations

used for short-term (7-10 days) treatment of insomnia; should be avoided in patients under the age of 18; avoid alcohol while taking this drug; not intended for use for more than 10 days; when used with CNS depressants, the CNS depression is increased; "s

zaleplon aka



mental health meds; hyponotics

zaleplon side effects

headache; myalgia; dizziness; asthenia; dyspepsia; eye pain

zaleplon N considerations

used in short-term insomnia treatment; Zalepion does not prolong sleep time or decrease awakenings; elderly patients generally benefit the most; because of rapid onset, patients should take immeiately before bedtime; avoid alcohol while using this med; ma

zolpidem tartrate aka


zolpidem tartrate

mental health meds; hyponotics

zolpidem tartrate side effects

headache; drowsiness; influenza-like symptoms; dizziness; N; "drugged" feeling

zolpidem tartrate N considerations

short-term treatment of insomnia; dosage may need to be adjusted down if patient is using a CNS depressant to avoid an addictive effect; side effects increase with prolonged usage; may cause "sleep driving"; may worsen depression; monitor for suicidal tho

allopurinol aka

Aloprim, Zyloprim


musculoskeletal meds; antigout agents

allopurinol side effects

GI upset; headache, drowsiness; rash

allopurinol N considerations

treatment of gout, uric acid neuropathy, uric acid stone formation; encourage 10-12 glasses water/day; check CBC and renal function tests; take with food, don't take vitC or iron; initial therapy can increase attacks of gout; avoid use of alcohol, eating

colchicine aka



musculoskeletal meds; antigout agents

colchicine side effects

N/V, diarrhea; sign of toxicity, abdominal cramp; agranulocytosis; pharyngolaryngeal pain

colchicine N considerations

treatment and prevention of acute gout attacks, familial Mediterranean fever; has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects; may be taken without regard to meals; IV: slowly, do not administer IM/subQ; encourage 10-12 glases water/day; avoid use of alcohol, ea

probenecid aka



musculoskeletal meds; antigout agents

probenecid side effects

N; sore gums, anorexia; hypersensitivity; skin rash; hemolytic anemia

probenecid N considerations

treatment of hyperuricemia associated with gout, gouty arthritis; check BUN, renal function tests; encourage 8-10 glasses water/day; give with milk, food, and antacids; avoid use of alcohol, eating organ meats, gravy, legumes; may also be used with penici

diclofenac Na aka


diclofenac Na

musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

diclofenac Na side effects

N; sore gums, anorexia; hypersensitivity; skin rash; hemolytic anemia

diclofenac Na N considerations

used in arthritic conditions, dysmenorrhea; ophthalmic: reduce inflammation after cataract extraction; PO: take with full glass of water and food and remain upright for 30 minutes; if dose missed, take within 2 hours; use sunscreen to prevent photosensiti


musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

etodolac side effects

nephrotoxicity; N; blood dyscrasias; anorexia; dizziness; hypertension; hypersensitivity

etodolac N considerations

reduces pain of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis; monitor for signs of toxicity, blurred vision, ringing or roaring in ears; full therapeutic effect may take up to 1 month; avoid concurrent use of ASA, NSAIDs, acetaminophen, alcohol; may increase risk

ibuprofen aka

Advil, Motrin IB


musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

ibuprofen side effects

N/V, diarrhea, constipation; headache, dizziness; fluid retention; GI bleeding; hives; rash

ibuprofen N considerations

treatment of rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis, relief of mild/moderate, antipyretic; take with milk/food; use cautiously with aspirin allergy; monitor for visual disturbances, tinnitus; monitor for increased weight gain, edema, fever, hematuria, arthra

indomethacin aka



musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

indomethacin side effects

peptic ulcer; dizziness

indomethacin N considerations

treatment of rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis, acute gout, acute painful shoulder; observe for bleeding problems; PO: take with food/milk, encourage upright position for 15-30 minutes; use caution with potentially hazardous activities; avoid use with a

naproxen Na aka

Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn

naproxen Na

musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

naproxen Na side effects

N; dizziness; headache; asthma; GI bleeding; hives

naproxen Na N considerations

for mild to moderate pain, treatment of arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea; PO: with food to decrease GI upset, on empty stomach to increase absorption; monitor for signs of toxicity, blurred vision, ringing or roaring in ears; full therapeutic effect may ta

piroxicam aka



musculoskeletal meds; nonsalicylate NSAIDs, antirheumatics

piroxicam side effects

drowsiness; headache; hypertension; hypersensitivity; GI disturbances, bleeding or ulcer

piroxicam N considerations

for mild to moderate pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis; PO: with food to decrease GI upset, on empty stomach to increase absorption; take at same time every day; monitor for signs of toxicity: blurred vision, ringing or roaring in ears, jaundice;

salsalate aka



musculoskeletal meds; salicylates, antirheumatics

salsalate side effects

N/V, GI bleeding; vertigo; heartburn; rash; tinnitus

salsalate N considerations

for mild to moderate pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis; PO: can be crushed or taken whole, take with food or milk to derease GI upset; full therapeutic effect may take 2 weeks; read label on OTC meds, may contain ASA; monitor for signs of tox

baclofen aka



musculoskeletal meds; skeletal muscle relaxants

baclofen side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; weakness, fatigue; confusion; N/V; headache; seizures

baclofen N considerations

used to reduce spasticity in multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, flexor spasms, and muscular rigidity; take with food; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants; increase risk of seizures in patients with seizure disorder; withdraw gradually over 1 to 2 weeks, u

carisoprodol aka



musculoskeletal meds; skeletal muscle relaxants

carisoprodol side effects

drowsiness; light-headedness; headache; dizziness; N

carisoprodol N considerations

relief of pain, stiffness associated with musculoskeletal conditions; PO: onset 30 minutes, peak 4 hours, duration 4-6 hours; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, including OTC cold or allergy meds; avoid activities requiring alertness until effects of med are

cyclobenzaprine aka



musculoskeletal meds; skeletal muscle relaxants

cyclobenzaprine side effects

drowsiness; dizziness; fatigue; dry mouth; constipation; headache

cyclobenzaprine N considerations

relieves muscle spasms from acute conditions; avoid alcohol, CNS depressants, including OTC cold or allergy meds; avoid activities requiring alertness until effects of med are known; Rx; Preg Cat B

metaxalone aka



musculoskeletal meds; skeletal muscle relaxants

metaxalone side effects

drowsiness; GI pains; nervousness; dizziness; headache; irritability

metaxalone N considerations

used to relieve painful musculoskeletal injuries; should be an adjnct to rest and physicial therapy; avoid alcohol while using this drug; use caution when operating machinery; use cautiously in patients with known liver impairment; may cause false positiv

methocarbamol aka



musculoskeletal meds; skeletal muscle relaxants

methocarbamol side effects

drowsiness; light-headedness; dizziness; N

methocarbamol N considerations

relieves muscle spasms from acute conditions, tetanus management; IM: inject deep into UOQ of buttock, rotate sites; NG tube: crush tablets into fluid; PO: take with food/milk; metallic taste may develop urine may turn green, black, or brown; avoid alcoho

benztropine aka



neurological meds

benztropine side effects

dry mouth; constipation; anhidrosis; weakness; tardive dyskinesia

benztropine N considerations

treatment of Parkinson symptoms, EPS associated with neuroleptic drugs, acute dystonic rxns; IM/IV: onset 15 minutes, duration 6-10 hours; PO: onset 1 hour, duration 6-10 hours; tablets may be crushed and mixed with food; taper med over a week, or withdra

caffeine/ergotamine aka



neurological meds

caffeine/ergotamine side effects

headache; tremors, convulsions; blood vessel contraction, with decreased circulation, esp. in limbs; toxic erotism: N/V, diarrhea, dizzines headache, mental confusion

caffeine/ergotamine N considerations

treatment of vascular headache; take at onset of pain/during prodromal stage to abort headache; lie down in darkened quiet room for several hours; Rx; Preg Cat X

carbidopa/levodopa aka



neurological meds

carbidopa/levodopa side effects

twitching; headache, dizzines; mental changes: confusion, agitation, mood alterations; dark urine/sweat; cardiac arrhythmias

carbidopa/levodopa N considerations

treatment for Parkinson disease and syndrome; replacement dopaminergic agent; change positions slowly; take with food, decreased effects with liver, pork, wheat germ, and vitB6; full therapeutic effect may take several months; monitor for melanoma; may ca

donepezil aka



neurological meds

donepezil side effects

N/V, diarrhea; headache, dizziness; fatigue; twitching; cardiac arrhythmias;insomnia; seizures; rash; dark urine/sweat; mental changes: confusion, agitation, mood alterations

donepezil N considerations

used in treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease; drug does not cure, but stabilizes or relieves symptoms; take at regular intervals; take b/w meals or may be given with meals to decrease GI upset; may increase BUN, SGOT, GPT; Rx; Preg Cat C

eletriptan hydrobromide aka


eletriptan hydrobromide

neurological meds

eletriptan hydrobromide side effects

coronary artery vasospasm; transient myocardial ischemia; MI; ventricular tachycardia; ventricular fibrillation; asthenia; N; dizziness; somnolence; hypertension; diaphoresis; seizure

eletriptain hydrobromide N considerations

indicated for treatment of migraine headaches with and without aura; may be taken with or without food; teach patient to call physician or seek immediate medical help for chest pain or SOB; teach patient to call physician or seek immediate medical help fo

methylphenidate aka

Concerta; Ritalin


neurological meds

methylphenidate side effects

hyperactivity, insomnia; restlessness; talkativeness; palpitations, tachycardia; hyperhidrosis; anorexia; visual disturbance; N; abdominal pain; cough

methylphenidate N considerations

management of ADHD, narcolepsy, depression in elderly; onset 30 minutes, duration 4-6 hours; take at least 6 hours before bedtime (regular-release) or 10 hours before bedtime (sustained-release, extended-release); taper med over several weeks or depressio

selegiline aka



neurological meds

selegiline side effects

dizziness; cardiac dysrhythmias; rhinitis; N; pain; headache; back pain; dyspepsia; insomnia

selegiline N considerations

indirect-acting dopaminergic agent; used in management of Parkinson disease with levodopa/carbidopa; do not use with tricyclics or opioids, do not use with meperidine; monitor for signs of toxicity: twitching, eye spasms; do not stop abruptly, parkinsonia

zolmitriptan aka



neurological meds

zolmitriptan side effects

weakness, neck stiffness; tingling, hot sensation, burning, feeling of pressure, tightnes; numbness, dizziness, sedation; hypertension; dyspepsia; dry mouth

zolmitriptan N considerations

used for treatment of acute migraine with or without aura; take as soon as symptoms occur; PO: tablet may be split; avoid foods high in tyramine: cheese, pickled products, alcohol, large amounts of caffeine; may cause serotonin syndrome when used with ant

dorzolamide HCl aka


dorzolamide HCl

ophthalmics; antiglaucoma meds

dorzolamide HCl side effects

ocular burning, stinging, discomfort; blurred vision, tearing, or dryness; photophobia; bitter taste in mouth

dorzolamide HCl N considerations

treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension; wash hands beofre and after instillation; do not touch tip of dropper to eye or body; do not wear contact lens during instillation; drug is sulfonamide, although given topically, it can be absorbed systemical

desired effect

aka therapeutic effect
action for which drug is prescribed

adverse effects

harmful unintended reactions

toxic effect

serious adverse effect that occurs when plasma concentrations of drug reach dangerous, life threatening levels

side effect

response that is unrelated to desired action of drug

cumulative action

when repeated dose of drug accumulates in the body and exerts greater biologic effect than the initial dose

drug dependence

physical or psychological reliance on chemical agent resulting from continued use,abuse or addiction

idiosyncratic response

individuals unique, unpredictable response

paradoxical reaction

response that contrasts sharply with the usual, expected response


ability to endure ordinarily injurious amounts of drug or decreasing efects obtained from established dose.
requires increasing dose to possibly toxic levels to acquire the same effect


excessive allergic reaction to an exogenous agent

therapeutic index

ratio between lethal dose and therapeutic dose.
a guide to safe dosing.
a high TI is preferable to a low TI (narrow margin of safety)

peak level

highest concentration of drug.
1 to 2 hours after oral.
1 hour after IM.
30 minutes after IV.

trough (residual) level

lowest concentration of drug.
preferably within 15 minutes of next scheduled dose.

opioid analgesics fxn

bind to opiate receptors in CNS.
result in diminished transmission and perception of pain impulse.

opioid analgesics examples

morphine (MS Contin), codeine, meperidine (Demerol), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), fentanyl, tapentadol, hydrocodone

opioid analgesics side effects

respiratory depression (major)
constipation (most common)
lethargy, mental cloudiness, N & V, hypotension, urinary retention, euphoria, allergy, pruritis

opioid antagonist

reverses effect of opioid analgesic in case of overdose or sign of adverse effects.
ex: naloxone (Narcan) , naltrexone (Vivitrol)


act on peripheral nerve endings and decrease inflammatory mediators by prostaglandin synthesis.
have analgesic, antinflammatory and antipyretic effects.

NSAIDS examples

aspirin (Ecotrin), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve)

NSAIDS side effects

GI ulceration and bleeding (most common)
Tarry stool (melena), kidney or liver impairment, N & V, constipation, diarrhea, impaired coag, visual disturbance, headache, confusion, seizures, htn, fluid retention

NSAID Administration

Preferably with food and a full glass of water

Nonopioid analgesics fxn

analgesic effect caused by inhibition of CNS prostaglandin synthesis.
no effect on peripheral prostaglandin synthesis therefore no antiinflammatory action.

Nonopioid analgesic example

acetaminophen (Tylenol)

non opioid analgesic side effects

Few if therapy short term.
Hemolytic anemia, hepatotoxicity, seizure, coma, death.
avoid exceeding 4 g daily

Killed vaccines

Antigenic preparations containing killed microbes

Killed vaccines examples

Pertussis and typhoid

Live vaccines

Antigenic preparations containing weakened (attenuated) microbes; typically such vaccines are more antigenic than killed preparations

Live vaccines examples


Toxoid vaccines

Antigenic preparations composed of inactivated bacterial toxins

Toxoid vaccines examples

Tetanus and diptheria

Bactericidal effect

Destroys bacteria at low concentrations

Bacteriostatic effect

Slows reproduction of bacteria


AKA secondary infection.
Emergence of microorganism growth when natural protective flora are destroyed by an anti infective drug.

Common Signs of Superinfection

Vaginal itching
Change in cough or sputum
White plaques in mouth

Bacterial resistance

Natural or acquired characteristic of an organism that prevents destruction by a drug to which it was previously susceptible

Antibiotics fxn

Destroy bacteria or inhibit bacterial reproduction to control infection. Do so by interfering with or inhibiting cell wall synthesis of RNA or DNA of pathogen.
Available in oral, parenteral, and topical forms.

Antibiotic Major Side Effects

Depressed appetite (altered taste)
Normal flora imbalance: N & V, diarrhea, suppressed nutrient absorption, inc excretion of water soluble vitamins and minerals, superinfection
Allergic rxn

Effect of Antibiotics on Oral Contraceptives

Render them ineffective (don't work)

Antibiotic Administration

Administer most preparations 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals for best absorption

Classes and Examples of Antibiotics

Polymyxin group

Penicillin examples

amoxicillin & clavulanate (Augmentin)
ampicillin and sulbactam (Unasyn)
piperacillin and tazobactam (Zosyn)
*Penicillins combined to prevent resistance

Cephalosporin examples

cefazolin (Ancef
cephalexin (Keflex)

Erythromycin examples

clindamycin HCl (Cleocin HCl)
azithromycin (Zithromax)
erythromycin (Ery-tab, Eryc)

Tetracycline examples

doxycycline (Vibramycin)
tetracycline (Sumycin)

Tetracycline Specific Side Effects

Hyperuricemia (impaired kidneys)
Enamel hypoplasia, dental caries and bone defects in children younger than 8 due to drug binding to calcium in tissue

Tetracycline Teaching

Explain why they are contraindicated during last half of pregnancy or children younger than 8 years of age.
Assess for potentiation if currently receiving oral anticoagulants.
Teach to avoid direct sunlight.
Advise to avoid dairy products, antacids or iro

Aminoglycoside examples


Aminoglycoside Specific Side Effects

Ototoxicity (affects 8th cranial nerve)
Neurotoxicity: headache, confusion, peripheral neuropathy
Respiratory paralysis

Aminoglycosides Teaching

Assess for potentiation if client is receiving neuromuscular blocking agents, general anesthetic or parenteral Mg.
Monitor renal and neurologic fxn.

Quinonolones examples

ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
levofloxacin (Levaquin)

Polymyxin group example

Polymyxin B

Glycopeptide example

vancomycin (Vancocin)

Vancomycin Specific Side Effects

Ototoxicity (hearing loss)

Vancomycin Nursing Care

Assess peak and trough blood levels because these drugs have a narrow therapeutic range.
Incompatible with heparin.

Antivirals fxn

Prevent entrance of virus into host cells.
Provide prophylaxis after exposure to a person with a viral infection.
Available in oral, intravenous and topical preparations.

Antivirals examples

acyclovir (Zovirax)
amantadine (Symmetrel)
zanamivir (Relenza)
oseltamivir (Tamiflu)

Antivirals Major Side Effects

CNS stimulations
Depressed cardiovascular system: Orthostatic hypotension, dizziness
Local irritation

Antiviral Nursing Care

Encourage intake of foods rich in immune stimulating nutrients.
Encourage intake of high fiber foods to prevent constipation.


Substitute a false metabolite for PABA, required in bacterial synthesis of folic acid.
Mainly used to treat urinary tract infections.
Available in oral , parenteral (IM & IV) and topical preparations.

Sulfonamide example

combination products such as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra)

Sulfonamide Major Side Effects

N & V
Hypersensitivity: Skin rash, photosensitivity, allergic response, anaphylaxis
Decreased blood cells: Malaise, blood dyscrasias
Crystalluria (if acidic urine)
Stomatitis (inflamed oral mucosa)

Sulfonamide Nursing Care

Promote increased fluid intake.
Caution to avoid direct sunlight.
Maintain alkaline urine.
Check peak and trough levels.
Monitor blood work due to potential of megaloblastic anemia caused by folacin deficiency.
Monitor for dysuria and urinary output.

Antifungals fxn

Destroy fungal cells (fungicidal) or inhibit reproduction of fungal cells (fungistatic).
Can treat systemic and localized fungal infections.
Available in oral, IV, topical, vaginal and intrathecal preparations.

Antifungals Examples

amphotericin B (Fungizone) and nystatin (Mycostatin, Nilstat): disrupt fungal cell membrane permeability
fluconazole (Diflucan): disrupts fungal cell membrane fxn
griseofulvin (Gris-PEG): disrupts fungal nucleic acid synthesis

Antifungals Major Side Effects

N & V
Neurotoxicity: Headache and parasthesia
Blood dyscrasias

Amphotericin B Specific Nursing Care

Use infusion control device for IV.
Protect solution from light.
Monitor blood work - can cause hypokalemia and inc urinary excretion of Mg
Premedicate with antipyretics, corticosteroids, antihistamines and antiemetics before administering.

Griseofulvin Specific Nursing Care

Assess for antagonistic effect if concurrently taking oral anticoagulants
Instruct to avoid direct exposure to sunlight

Antiparasitics fxn

Interfere with parasite metabolism and reproduction.
Treat parasitic diseases.
Available in oral, parenteral, vaginal and rectal preparations.

Antiparasitic examples

anthelmintics: mebendazole
amebicides: chloroquine phosphate (Aralen) and metronidazole (Flagyl)
Antimalarials: chloroquine phosphate (Aralen), hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), quinine (Qualaquin)
Antiprotozoals: pentamidine (NebuPent, Pentam 300)

Anthelmintics Major Side Effects

GI irritation: N & V, diarrhea
CNS disturbances
skin rash

Amebicides Major side effects

GI irritation: N & V, diarrhea
Blood dyscrasias
Skin rash

Antimalarials Major Side Effects

N & V
Blood dyscrasias
Visual disturbances : impaired accomodation, retinal and corneal changes. MOST COMMON

Antiparasitic Nursing Care

Administer with meals to decrease GI irritation
Monitor blood work for dyscrasias
Instruct regarding hygiene practices
Ensure safety if CNS effects
For antimalarials encourage frequent visual examinations!
Instruct to report unusual bruising or bleeding.


dissolved substance


Substance in which solute is dissolved


Substances that dissolve in other substances form solutions


aka dilute
Small amount of solute in a relatively large amount of solvent
Cells swell so there is more fluid vs solute

Hypotonic fluid example

0.45% NaCl


aka concentrated
Large amount of solute in a relatively small amount of solvent

Hypertonic fluid example

5% dextrose in NS


when osmotic pressures of two liquids are equal, flow of solvent equalizes and the two solutions are said to be isotonic to each other

Isotonic fluid example

0.9% sodium chloride

Dextrose in Water IV Fluids

Provides fluid and limited calories. Can result in negative nitrogen balance if client is not eating.
Corrects dehydration, ketosis and hypernatremia.
1 L of 5% dextrose = 170 calories

Dextrose in NaCl IV Fluid

Corrects fluid loss from excessive perspiration or vomiting
Prevents alkalosis

NaCL IV Fluid

Manages alkalosis, fluid loss, and adrenal cortical insufficiency

Ringer's Solution IV Fluid

Contains sodium, chloride, potassium and calcium.
Corrects dehydration from vomiting, diarrhea or inadequate intake

Lactated Ringer's Solution IV Fluid

Contains sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and lactate.
Lactate is metabolized by the liver and forms bicarbonate.
Corrects extracellular fluid shifts and moderates metabolic acidosis.

Plasma expander IV fluids

Increase blood volume in clients with burns or traumatic injuries.

Examples of Plasma Expanders

Plasma protein fraction (Plasmanate)
Dextran (Gentran 40)
Hetastarch (Hespan)

General Anesthetics

Used in combination to produce varying levels of loss of consciousness, amnesia, anesthesia, analgesia and or skeletal muscle relaxation.
Depresses CNS through progressive sequence

Four phases of anesthesia induction

1) Client becomes drowsy and loses consciousness
2) Stage of excitement - muscles become tense, breathing irregular
3) Vital signs and reflexes are depressed; operation begins
4) Respiratory depression is complete

Anesthetics available in...

IV, IM or inhalation preparations

Neuromuscular Blocking Agents

Inhibit transmission of nerve impulses by binding with cholinergic receptor sites, antagonizing action of acetylcholine.

Neuromuscular blocking agent examples

Pancuronium (Pavulon)
Succinylcholine (Anectine)

Major side effects of neuromuscular blocking agents

Respiratory depression

Inhalation anesthetic examples

halothane (Fluothane)
Nitrous oxide

Major side effects of inhalation anesthetics

Excitement and restlessness during induction
N & V (stimulation of chemoreceptor trigger zone in medullary vomiting center)
Respiratory distress
Affinity for adipose tissue -- prolonged effects
Malignant hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia

Rare life threatening condition, associated with muscle rigidity, pyrexia and tachycardia.
Susceptibility linked to autosomal dominant disorder.

Barbiturates in Anesthesia

Ultra short acting IV barbiturates are used in induction of anesthesia because they quickly penetrate the blood brain barrier
High lipoid affinity promptly affects cerebral tissue

IV barbiturate examples

Methohexital (Brevital)
Thiopental (Pentothal)

Major side effects of IV barbiturates

Respiratory depression
Hypotension and tachycardia

IV and IM nonbarbiturates in Anesthesia

IV and IM nonbarbiturates produce special type of anesthesia in which client appears to be awake but dissociated from environment, resulting in amnesia.
Induce cataleptic state.

IV and IM nonbarbiturates examples

Midazolam (Versed)
Combination product: fentanyl (Sublimaze) and droperidol (Innovar)

Major side effects of IV and IM nonbarbiturates

Respiratory failure
Changes in BP: hyper or hypo
Rigidity of muscles
Psychic disturbance during recovery

Conscious sedation

IV or nasal routes of sedation to depress consciousness but maintains airway and ventilations

Conscious sedation examples

midazolam (Versed)
ketamine (Ketalar)
fentanyl (Sublimaze)

Local anesthetics

Block nerve impulse conductino in sensory, motor and autonomic nerve cells by decreasing nerve membrane permeability to sodium ion influx; used for pain control without loss of consciousness

Local anesthetic uses

Used for obstetric, dental and minor surgical procedures.
Can also be used for postoperative pain control when administered subcutaneously on a continuous basis.

Local anesthetic available in...

Topical, spinal, regional and nerve block preparations.

Use of epinephrine with local anesthetic

May be added to local anesthetic to enhance duration of local anesthetic effect and to decrease regional bleeding

Topical local anesthetic site and examples

Local infiltration of tissue
benzocaine (Solarcaine)
lidocaine (Xylocaine)
tetracaine (Pontocaine) - nerve block for spinal anesthesia

Spinal local anesthetic site and examples

Injected into subarachnoid space
lidocaine (Xylocaine)
procaine (Novocain) - nerve block also

Epidural local anesthetic site and examples

Injected into epidural space of spinal column
lidocaine (Xylocaine)
bupivacaine (Marcaine)

Nerve block local anesthetic site and examples

Injected at perineural site distant from desired anesthesia site
bupivacaine (Marcaine)
chloroprocaine (Nesacaine)
mepivacaine (Carbocaine)
ropivacaine (Naropin)

Major side effects of local anesthetic

Allergic reactions, anaphylaxis
Respiratory arrest
Dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest
Seizures (depression of CNS)


Used for short term treatment of clients with situational anxiety and insomnia
Depress CNS; produce sedation in small dosages and sleep in larger dosages
Available in oral, parenteral (IV and IM) and rectal preparations

Sedatives/Hypnotics Classes



Act on many levels of CNS to produce short term sedation, anxyiolysis, and amnesia
Used for conscious sedation during diagnostic procedures

Benzodiazepene examples

midazolam (Versed)
diazepam (Valium)
temazepam (Restoril)


Depress CNS starting with diencephalon

Barbiturate example

thiopental (Pentothal)


Depress CNS and relax skeletal muscles

Nonbarbiturate examples

propofol (Diprivan)
chloral hydrate (Noctec)
hydroxyzine (Vistaril)

Major Side Effects of Sedatives/Hypnotics

GI irritation
Skin rash
Blood disorders
Drug dependence

Major Side of Effects of Barbiturates specifically

Excitement in children and older adults (paradoxic)

Neoplastic Medications

Destroy malignant cells by interfering with the reproduction of the cancer cell
Act at specific points in cycle of cell division or at any phase in cycle of cell division (Specific vs Nonspecific)
Affect any rapidly dividing cell within body thus has pote

Neoplastic Medication Classes

Alkylating agents
Vinca alkaloids
Monoclonal Antibodies

Neoplastic Medications - Alkylating Agents fxn and ex

Cell cycle non specific; attack DNA of rapidly dividing cells
Nitrosourea: carmustine (BiCNU)
Nitrogren mustard: chlorambucil (Leukeran) and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
Inorganic heavy metal: cisplatin (Platinol - AQ) and carboplatin (Paraplatin)

Neoplastic Medications - Vinca Alkaloids fxn and ex

Cell cycle specific, work during "M" phase, interfere with mitosis

Neoplastic Medications - Antibiotics fxn and ex

Cell cycle nonspecific, inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis of rapidly dividing tissue
mitomycin (Mutamycin) and Doxorubicin

Neoplastic Medications - Antimetabolites

Cell cycle specific, inhibit protein synthesis in rapidly dividing cells during S phase.
fluorouracil/5 FU (Carac, Efudex, Fluoroplex)
hydroxyurea (Hydrea)
methotrexate (Trexall)

Neoplastic Medications - Hormones

Tissue specific, inhibit RNA and protein synthesis in tissues that are dependent on opposite sex hormone for development
androgens, estrogens
steroids (prednisone)
hormone antagonists
cortisol antagonist
estrogen antagonist
luteinizing hormone

Neoplastic Medications - Monoclonal Antibodies

Exogenous antibodies produced in lab by combining specific cancer cells with antibody producing B cells derived from different sources (mouse, human)
rituximab (Rituxan) - non Hodgkins
trastuzumab (Herceptin) - breast cancer
gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotar

Monoclonal antibodies ending


Neoplastic Medications - Other Immune Agents

Introduction of noncancerous antigens or other agents into body to stimulate production of lymphocytes and antibodies
Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine - immunity
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon - A) or interferon alfa - 2b (intron A) - suppresses cell pr

Neoplastic Medications - Miscellaneous

Leucovorin calcium: reduced form of folic acid; acts as antidote to folic acid antagonists
Paclitaxel (Taxol): inhibits reorganization of microtubule network that is needed for interphase and mitotic cellular functions

Major Side Effects of Neoplastic Medications

N & V
stomatitis (irritation of GI tract)
Bone marrow depression and blood dyscrasias
CNS disturbance
Hepatic disturbance
Tumor lysis syndrome
Acute renal failure
Metabolic abnormalities (inc Ca and uric acid)

Tumor lysis syndrome

Release of large quantities of breakdown products causing hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, and acute renal failure

Anticoagulants fxn

Prevent fibrin formation by interfering with production of various clotting factors in the coagulation process.
Prevent platelet aggregation and clot extension.
Available in oral, parenteral (Sub Q and IV). Can be given together until oral medication reac

What are anticoagulants used to treat?

Used for prevention and treatment of thrombus and embolus

Anticoagulant examples

Heparin sodium (IV or SubQ)
Low molecular weight heparin (SubQ) - enoxaparin (Lovenox), dalteparin (Fragmin), fondaparinux (Arixtra)
Dabigatran (Pradaxa) - direct thrombin inhibitor
Lepirudin (Refludan) (IV) - for clients with heparin induced thrombocytop

Benefit of Dabigatran (Pradaxa)

Direct thrombin inhibiter
Benefit is routine blood coagulation studies are unnecessary

Antiplatelet drugs

given orally
ASA (aspirin)
ticlopidine (Ticlid)
clopidogrel (Plavix)

Specific side effect of ASA (aspirin)

May cause tinnitus and hearing loss

Antiplatelet drug prefix

-clopi found in the name

Major Side Effects of Anticoagulants

Bronchospasm and skin rash (hypersensitivity)
thrombocytopenia and other blood dyscrasias

Anticoagulant Monitoring

Monitor blood work when pt receiving warfarin (Coumadin: check platelets, and INR
Monitor blood work when client receiving heparin derivatives: check platelets, PT, and aPTT
Monitor blood work if surgery can't be delayed when client on dabigatran (Pradaxa

INR value

Therapeutic range = 2.0 - 3.5
Normally 1 - 2
Change in drug regimen requires more frequent INRS because many drugs have interactive effects

PT value and aPTT value

Therapeutic value = 1.5 to 2 times normal value
For aPTT for when given as a continuous drip

SubQ Heparin Administration

Administer in the abdomen
Do no aspirate or massage the area

Antidote for Anticoagulants

Vitamin K for warfarin
Protamine suflate for heparin

Anticoagulant Nursing Care

Avoid IM injection and salicylates with administration of anticoagulants to prevent bleeding.
Assess for signs of bleeding.
Instruct to carry a medical alert card.
Avoid alcohol and medications containing aspirin.
Avoid interacting herbal supplements.

Thrombolytics fxn

Convert plasminogen to plasmin, which initiates local fibrinolysis.
Dissolve occluding thrombi.
Administered IV or intraarterial.

Thrombolytics Admin. Instructions

Initial loading dose is administered concomitantly with heparin.
Therapy must be instituted within hours of the onset of myocardial infarction, PE, or acute ischemic brain attack.

Thrombolytics examples

streptokinase (Streptase)
tissue plasminogen activator such as alteplase (Activase)

Major Side Effects of Thrombolytics

Bleeding (especially GI if hx of peptic ulcer dx or cerebral if hx of uncontrolled hypertension)
allergic reactions
low grade fever
reperfusion dysrhythmias

Thrombolytics Nursing Care

Screen clients for contraindications and complete all venipuncture procedures before starting therapy.
Assess for signs of bleeding.
Monitor VS and neuro status.
Assess for signs of allergic reaction.

Antidote for Thrombolytics

Keep aminocaproic acid (Amicar), a fibrinolysis inhibitor, available.

Procedure after Thrombolytic Admin

Maintain continuous IV infusion of heparin afterwards

Antianemics fxn

Promote RBC production.
Colony stimulating factors stimulate red blood cell production; iron containing compounds and vitamin replacements needed for the formation of RBCs.
Available in oral and parenteral (IM, IV, SubQ) preparations.

Antianemics Classes

Colony stimulating factors
Iron compounds
Vitamin replacements

What do Antianemics treat?

Effective in treatment of anemia caused by chronic kidney disease or chemotherapy, iron deficiency anemia and inadequate nutrition.

Antianemics Examples - Colony stimulating factors

Colony stimulating factors -
epoetin (Epogen, Procrit)
administerd subQ or IV three times a week

Antianemics Examples - Iron compounds

oral - ferrous gluconate, ferrous sulfate
parenteral - iron dextran

Antianemics Examples - Vitamin replacements

cyanocobalamin - vitamin B12, folic acid
vitamin B9

Major Side Effects of Antianemics - Epoetin

Thrombotic events

Major Side Effects of Antianemics - Iron Replacements

N & V
Black stool (presence of unabsorbed iron in stool)
Stained teeth (liquid preparations)
Tissue staining (injectable preparations that leak iron)

Major Side Effects of Antianemics - Vitamin replacements

local irritation
allergic reactions, anaphylaxis

Nursing Care of Epoetin

Monitor Bp, hematocri and patency of dialysis shunt if present
Institute seizure precautions if there is a precipitous rise in hematocrit level
Do not shake vial, can inactivate drug

Nursing Care of Iron Replacements

Inform about side effects
Encourage intake of foods high in iron, vitamin B 12 and folic acid; increase high fiber foods to reduce potential of constipation

Instructions on taking Liquid Iron Preparations

Dilute with water or fruit juice.
Drink through a straw on an empty stomach.
For optimum absorption take ascorbic acid (vitamin C) concurrently because it increases iron absorption
Encourage oral hygiene after iron administration to prevent staining of te

Antidote for Iron Toxicity

deferoxamine (Desferal)

Nursing Care of Vitamin Replacements

For vitamin B12 inform that cannot be taken orally. Use Z track method for IM injection. Therapy is lifelong for pernicious anemia.
For folic acid instruct about dietary sources of folic acid.

Antilipidemics fxn

Improve lipid profile by reducing cholesterol or triglyceride synthesis and or increasing HDL level
Used to attain recommended goals for LDL levels

Antilipidemics classes

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins): lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, increase HDLs
Fibrates: decrease levels of total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides
Bile acid sequestrants: bind with intestinal bile, preventing absorption

Antilipidemics : statins examples

pravastatin (Pravachol)
lovastatin (Mevacor)
simvastatin (Zocor)
atorvastatin (Lipitor)

Statins suffix


Antilipidemics: fibrates examples

gefibrozil (Lopid)
fenofibrate (Tricor)

Antilipidemics: bile acid sequestrants

cholestyramine (Questran)
colestipol (Colestid)

Major Side Effects of Antilipidemics

N & V, diarrhea
Musculoskeletal disturbances
Hepatic disturbances
Reduced absorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins and B12 and iron

Specific Side Effect of Statins
Nursing Care

rhabdomyolysis: potentially fatal skeletal muscle disease
Instruct to report muscle pain, fever and dark urine which are signs of rhabdomyolysis.
Monitor creatine kinase level.

Specific Side Effect of Bile acid sequestrants
Nursing Care

Mix with full glass off liquid; incorporate measures to prevent constipation

Specific Side Effect Nicotinic acid (niacin)

facial flushing

Nursing Care of Antilipidemics

Encourage diet: low cholesterol, low fat, replace vegetable oils with those high in monounsaturated fatty acid, eat fish high in omega 3, increase intake of high fiber foods
Provide schedule for monitoring blood work.

Antilipidemics Admin Instructions

Take medications with meals to reduce GI irritation
Take statins at hour of sleep to increase effectiveness

Simvastatin (Zocor) Nursing Care
Lovastatin and gemifibrozil Nursing Care

Asssess for visual disturbances with prolonged use

Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors

Inhibit cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase, leading to increased levels of adenosine monophosphate within the cells.
Increases cardiac contractility and cardiac output.
Cause vasodilation, decreasing peripheral vascular resistance, preload a

What do phosphodiesterase inhibitors treat?

Short term treatment of heart failure, administered IV

Examples of Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

inamrinone (Inocor)
milrinone (Primacor)

Suffix of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors


Major Side Effects of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors

nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
abdominal cramps

Nursing Care of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors

Monitor for therapeutic effects: decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, resolution of clinical indicators of heart failure
Monitor BP and cardiac rhythm
Use infusion control pump to administer; consult with health care provider for titration based

Blood Transfusion fxn

Restores blood volume after hemorrhage
Maintains hemoglobin levels in clients with severe anemia
Replaces blood components

Sources of Blood for Transfusion

Homologous - random collection by donors/volunteers
Autologous - donation of client's own blood before hospitalization; possible if Hgb > 11. Donations saved for 5 wks.
Directed donation - donation by a donor for specific client
Blood salvage - client's b

Blood components

Whole blood
Packed RBCs
Fresh frozen plasma
Plasma Protein factor
IV gamma globulin

Whole blood use

volume replacement for blood loss

Packed RBCs use

increase RBC mass

Platelets use

increase platelets to prevent bleeding related to thrombocytopenia

Fresh frozen plasma use

contains plasma, antibodies, clotting factors

Cryoprecipitate use

contains factor VIII, fibrinogen, and factor XIII to treat hemophilia

Albumin use

volume expander to treat hypoproteinemia

Plasma protein factor use

to treat some types of hemophilia

IV gamma globulin

contains immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to treat immunodeficiency

Stage 1 Hypertension medications

Thiazide diuretic (most common)
ACE inhibitors
Calcium Channel blockers
Beta blockers

Stage 2 Hypertension medications

Add a second antihypertensive to the thiazide diuretic prescription

Med that is not good for hypertensive patients to take

Make patients aware that it could cause hypertension due to vasoconstrictive action

Pharmacologic management for prevention of MI

Beta blockers
Ca Channel blockers
Antiplatelet agents
ACE inhibitors

Pharmacologic management of acute MI

Administer aspirin immediately
Beta blockers or ARBs for left ventricular systolic dysfxn
Thrombolytic therapy within 30 minutes; anticoagulant
IV nitroglycerin
ACE inhibitors
PCI within 90 minutes of arrival at ED
Intraaortic balloon pum

Meds prescribed at discharge of MI patient

Aspirin, beta blocker, and possible antilipidemic

Meds to Promote Comfort and Rest of MI patient

Analgesics (IV morphine) to reduce pain, anxiety, and cardiac workload

Heart Failure Medications to dec cardiac workload

ACE inhibitors
beta blockers
phosphodiesterase inhibitors
nesiritide (Natrecor)

Heart Failure Medications to inc pump performance

dobutamine (Dobutrex)

Heart Failure Medications to prevent dig toxicity

Potassium supplements

Shock Meds - Vasoconstrictors

To increase BP
norepinephrine (Levophed)
Dopamine (Inotropin)
vasopressin (Pitrecin)

Shock meds - Inotropic agents

Increase contractility
Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
Dopamine (Inotropin)
epinephrine (Adrenalin)
milrinone (Primacor)

Shock meds - Vasodilators

To reduce myocardial workload and ischemia
nitroglycerin (Tridil)
nitroprusside (Nitropress)

Anaphylactic Shock meds

Antihistamines - diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
(to reduce inflammation)

Septic shock meds

Antibiotics based on blood cultures.
Drotrecogin alfa (Xigris) to interfere with coagulation cascade and decrease mortality from septic shock

What medication could anemics take that would stimulate bone marrow function?

Epoetin (Epogen, Procrit)

What medication could be given to a polycythemia vera patient to suppress the bone marrow?

hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea)

Colony Stimulating Factors

Epoeitin alfa (Epogen) for RBCs
filgrastim (Neupogen) for WBCs

Antidiabetic Agents

Used to treat diabetes mellitus
2 types: insulin for parenteral use and oral antidiabetics

Antidiabetic Agents - Insulin

Acts to facilitate transport of glucose and amino acids across cell membrane; promotes glycogenesis and protein synthesis
3 types - human, pork and beef (not in US)
Human is least antigenic and most common

Insulin Availability

rapid acting
short acting
intermediate acting
long acting

Mixing of Insulin

Rapid or short acting can be premixed with intermediate acting

Administration of Insulin

IV (only regular/short acting)

Examples of rapid acting insulin

lispro (Humalog)
aspart (Novolog)
glulisine (Apidra)

Onset, Peak and Duration of rapid acting insulin

10 minutes
1 - 2 hours
3 - 4 hours

Examples of short acting insulin

regular (Novolin R)
regular (Humulin R)

Onset, Peak and Duration of short acting insulin

30 minutes - 1 hour
2 - 3 hours
6 - 8 hours

When should patient take short acting injection?

Only take within 45 minutes of eating.
Strict scheduling is necessary.

Examples of Intermediate Acting insulin

Novolin N
Humulin N

Onset, Peak and Duration of intermediate acting insulin

1 - 4 hours
6 - 12 hours
18 - 24 hours

Why do you need to mix intermediate acting insulin?

Addition of protamine. This delays onset, peak and duration so you have basal insulin coverage.
Causes a cloudy appearance. Can become a suspension. Needs to be rolled gently between hands to be mixed.

Examples of long acting insulin

glargine (Lantus)
detemir (Levemir)

Onset, Peak and Duration of long acting insulin

1 hour
No peak, steadily delivered
24 hours

Major side effects of parenteral insulin

Hypoglycemia (irritability, tachycardia, huner, moist skin, tremor, headache, confusion, seizures)

Oral antidiabetics

Require some functioning beta cells
Lower serum glucose level in variety of ways depending on drug

Oral antidiabetics - Sulfonylureas

Stimulate beta cells to produce insulin

Examples of Sulfonylureas

glipizide (Glucotrol)
glimepiride (Amaryl)

Oral antidiabetics - Biguanides

Reduce rate of endogenous glucose production by liver
Increase use of glucose and muscle and fat cells

Examples of Biguanide

glucophage (Metformin)

Oral antidiabetics - Thiazolidinediones

Improve insulin sensitivity, thus improving peripheral glucose uptake

Examples of Thiazolidinediones

rosiglitazone (Avandia)
pioglitazone (Actos)

Suffix of thiazolidinediones


Oral antidiabetics - Meglitinides

Stimulate quick release of insulin by beta cells

Examples of Meglitinides

repaglinide (Prandin)
nateglinide (Starlix)

Suffix of meglitinides


Oral antidiabetics - Alpha glucosidase inhibitors

Block digestion of ingested carbohydrates and slow absorption of glucose

Examples of alpha glucosidase inhibitors

acarbose (Precose)
miglitol (Glyset)

Oral antidiabetics - Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor

prevents breakdown of glucagon like peptide which reduces blood glucose level in the body

Examples of dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitor

sitagliptin (Januvia)
saxagliptin (Onglyza)

Oral antidiabetic - synthetic analog of human amylin

decreases gastric emptying

Example of synthetic analog

pramlintide (Symlin)

Oral antidiabetic - incretin mimetic

stimulates insulin production in type 2 diabetes
injectable med for typ 2

Example of incretin mimetic

exenatide (Byetta)
liraglutide (Victoza)

Oral antidiabetics - combination examples

glyburide/metoformin (Glucovance)
sitagliptin/metformin (Janumet)
pioglitazone/metformin (Actoplus Met)

Major Side Effects of Oral antidiabetics

skin rash, allergic reaction, pruritis
jaundice (hepatic)
lactic acidosis
vitamin B12 deficient

Specific Side Effects - Acarbose (Precose) and Miglitol (Glyset)

Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
boating, gas pains, diarrhea

Specific Side Effects - Rosiglitazone (Avandia)

hepatotoxicity, increased risk of fractures

Metformin (Glucophage) Contraindication

Not for clients with heart failure
Avoid alcohol

Nursing Care for Antidiabetic Agents

Assess clinical findings of hypoglycemia
Instruct client to use proper med administration procedure and carry medical alert card
Adhere to diet
Avoid alcohol
Perform self monitoring blood glucose and regular lab tests
Offer emotional support
Instruct to p

Care for Hypoglycemic Incident

Administer rapid acting glucose - glucose gel or capsule
Follow with complex carb and protein - cheese and crackers to stabilize blood glucose level

Specific Care for Metformin (Glucophage)

Withhold drug before and 48 hours after diagnostic studies requiring iodinated contrast media
Increased risk of hypoglycemia when given concurrently with allopurinol

Administration of Insulin

Administer all Sub Q because insulin destroyed by gastric juices if taken by mouth
Rapid acting can be used in infusion devices
Dosage adjustment necessary when taking nothing by mouth and when ill

Mixed insulins

If you need to mix, draw up rapid/short acting insulin first then the NPH. Remember to gently roll NPH in hands.
Don't need to rotate sites with mixed insulin. Abdomen is preferred site.

Thyroid Enhancers

Regulate metabolic rate of body cells; aid in growth and development of bones and teeth
Affect protein, carb and fat metabolism
Replace thyroid hormone when there is a reduction in or absence of thyroid gland fxn

Examples of Thyroid Enhancers

levothyroxine (Synthroid)
liothyronine (Cytomel)
liotrix (Thyrolar)

Major Side Effects of Thyroid Enhancers

increased metabolism (inc T3 and T4)
hyperactivity (inc metabolism)
cardiac stimulation

Nursing Care for Thyroid Enhancers

Report occurrence of side effects
Take med at scheduled time daily, do not stop abruptly
Take HR, notify if greater than 100
Carry medical alert card
Continue medical supervision
Assess for potentiation of anticoagulants
Offer emotional support
Assess for

Thyroid Inhibitors

Interfere with synthesis and release of thyroid hormone; inhibit oxidation of iodides to prevent their combination with tyrosine in formation of thyroxine
Treats hyperthyroidism

Examples of Thyroid Inhibitors

propylthiouracil (PTU)
methimazole (Tapazole)
Antithyroid - iodine (potssium iodide, SSKI) used to dec vascularity of thyroid gland

Major Side Effects of Thyroid Inhibitors

agranulocytosis (dec WBC)
skin disturbance
nausea and vomiting
dec metabolism (dec T3 and T4)

Specific Effects of Iodine

bitter taste
stains teeth - local oral effect on mucosa and teeth

Nursing Care of Thyroid Inhibitors

Report side effects especially sore throat, jaundice and fever
Avoid crowded places and potentially infectious situations
Assess for signs of hypothyroidism
Administer liquid iodine preparations diluted in beverage with straw to avoid staining teeth


Interfere with release of factors important in producing inflammatory and immune responses (immunosuppression)
Remove fluid accumulation from brain thereby decreasing cerebral edema
Increase glucose and fat formation and promote protein breakdown
Used for

Examples of Adrenocorticoids

Mineralcorticoids: fludrocortisone

Glucocorticoids - Long acting


Glucocorticoids - intermediate acting

methylprednisolone (Medrol, Solumedrol)

Glucocorticoids - short acting

hydrocortisone (Solu-Cortef)

Major Side Effects of Adrenocorticoids

Cushingoid clinical findings
Hypertension - sodium and water retention
Hyperglycemia - gluconeogenesis
Mood changes
GI irritation and ulcer formation - take with food
Cataracts - from hyperglycemia
Hypokalemia - potassium excretion
Dec wound healing - leu

Cushingoid Clinical Findings

increased glucocorticoid activity causing facial edema and fluid retention

Nursing Care for Adrenocorticoids

Administer oral preparations with food, milk or antacids
Monitor weight, blood pressure, and serum electrolytes
Assess for GI bleeding
Monitor blood glucose level
Instruct client to avoid exposure to infection
Avoid using salt, encourage foods high in pot

Antidiuretic Hormone (med)

Promotes water reabsorption by distal renal tubules and causes vasoconstriction and increased muscle tone of bladder, GI tract, uterus and blood vessels
Treatment for diabetes insipidus

Example of ADH med

desmopressin (DDAVP)

Major Side Effects of ADH med

Transient headache, drowsiness, listlessness
Nausea, heartburn, milkd abdominal cramps
Nasal irritation, congestion, rhinitis
Shortness of breath, facial flushing, pain and swelling at injection site

Nursing Care for ADH med

Monitor I & O and electrolytes
Assess for side effects


Act at the parasites nerve cell membrane to produce death of the organism. Used to destroy parasitic arthopods such as lice
Available in topical preparations only

Examples of Pediculicides/Scabicides

permethrin (Nix)
pyrethrum extract/piperonyl butoxide (RID)
lindane (Kwell)

Major Side Effects of Pediculicides/Scabicides

Skin irritation
Contact dermatitis
Hepatotoxicity or nephrotoxicity

Nursing Care of Pediculicides/Scabicides

Inspect skin, particularly scalp for scabies nad pediculosis before and after treatment; assess for skin irritation
Use gown, gloves and hair covering to prevent spread of parasitic arthropods because scabies and lice are highly contagious
Keep linen of i

Antiinfectives for Skin use

Have bactericidal effect on bacterial cell wall or later cellular function
Available in topical preparation

Examples of Topical Antiinfectives

mafenide (Sulfamylon)
silver nitrate 0.5% solution
silver sulfadiazine (Silvadene)

Major side effects of silver sulfadiazene

skin irritation
hemolysis in clients with G-6-PD deficiency
may not be used in presence of renal failure

Major side effects of Mafenide

metabolic acidosis; burning sensation when first applied

Major side effect of silver nitrate

electrolyte imbalance
brownish black discoloration of skin

Nursing Care for Topical Antiinfectives

Use strict surgical asepsis
Cleanse and ensure debridement before application
Silver sulfadiazine - apply thin layer, monitor g-6-pd level before
Mafenide - assess for acidosis
Silvernitrate - apply dressings soaked ins ilver nitrate, protect self from co

Antipruritics for Skin

Inhibit sensory nerve impulse conduction at local site; exert local anesthetic effect
Relieve itching; promote comfort
Available in topical preparations

Examples of Antipruritics

benzocaine (Anbesol, Solarcaine)
tetracaine (Pontocaine)

Suffix of Antipruritics


Major side effects of antipruritics

skin irritation
contact dermatitis

Nursing Care of Antipruritics

Assess lesion for location, size and irritation
Discourage scratching, keep nails trimmed, avoid contact with open wounds
Advise medical follow up
Prevent contamination of topical agent container

Antiinflammatory Agents for Skin

Reduce clinical findings of inflammation
Produce vasoconstriction, which decrease swelling and pruritis
Available in topical preparations

Examples of Antiinflammatory Agents

triamcinolone (Kenalog, Triderm)

Nursing Care for Antiinflammatory Agents for Skin

Assess lesions for color, location and size
Protect skin from scratching or rubbing
Avoid contact with eyes
Cleanse skin before applying and reapplying
Assess for clinical findings of sensitivity
Avoid occlusive dressings
Prevent contamination of topical

Dermal Agents

Inhibit keratinization and sebaceous gland function to improve cystic acne and reduce sebum excretion
Available in oral and topical

Examples of Dermal Agents

isotretinoin (Accu-tane, Claravis, Amnesteem, Sotret)
vitamin A acid (Retin - A)

Major Side Effects

Visual disturbances such as corneal opacities, dec night vision (vit A toxicity)
papilledema, headache, hepatic dysfunction, pruritis, skin fragility (dryness), hypertriglyceridemia

Nursing Care of Dermal Agents

Assess visual and hepatic status before admin.
Monitor levels of blood lipids before and during therapy
Avoid pregnancy during and for 1 month after therapy (teratogenic)
Avoid vitamin A supplements
Side effects reversible after stopping of therapy


Used in treatment of SLE to alleviate fatigue, joint pian, skin rashes and lung inflammation

Examples of Antimalarials

hydroxychloroquine sulfate (Plaquenil)
chloroquine (Aralen)

Major Side Effects of Antimalarials

A potential serious side effect of antimalarial drug is damage to the retina
GI, CNS, dermatologic, hematologic

Administration of Antimalarials

Before or after meals at the same time each day to maintain drug levels


AKA Antiseizure, antiepileptic medications
Modify bioelectric activity at subcortical and cortical sites by stabilizing nerve cell membranes and or raising seizure threshold
Dec. occurrence, frequency or severity of seizures

Examples of Anticonvulsants - Hydantoins

Used for tonic clonic (grand mal) and psychomotor seizures
Ex - phenytoin (Dilantin), fosphenytoin

Examples of Anticonvulsants - Barbiturates

Used for tonic clonic and partial seizures
Ex - phenobarbital, primidone (Mysoline)

Examples of Anticonvulsants - Benzodiazepenes

Used as anticonvulsant and antianxiety agents; for status epilepticus
Ex - diazepam (Valum), lorazepam (Ativan),
for absence (petit mal) clonazepam (Klonopin)

Suffix for Benzos


Examples of Anticonvulsants - Succinimides

Used for absence seizures
Ex - ethosuximide (Zarontin), methsuximide (Celontin)

Suffix for Succinimides


Examples of Anticonvulsants - GABA analogs

Used for partial seizures. Also to control pain of herpes zoster and other neuro disorders
Ex - Gabapentin (Neurontin), pregabalin (Lyrica)

Root of GABA analogs


Examples of Anticonvulsants - Carboxamides

Used for tonic clonic and psychomotor seizures. To control pain of trigeminal neuralgia and other neuro disorders.
Ex - carbamazepine (Tegretol), oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)

Examples of Anticonvulsants - Valproates

Used for absence seizures
Ex - valproic acid (Depakene), divalproex sodium (Depakote)

Meds for Absence (petit mal) Seizures

valproates and succinimides

Meds for tonic clonic (grand mal) seizures


Meds for partial seizures

GABA analogs

Major Side Effects of Anticonvulsants

Dizziness, drowsiness, paresthesia
N & V
Skin rash
blood dyscrasias

Specific Side Effects for Phenytoin

ataxia (neurotoxicity)
gingival hyperplasia
reddish brown urine

Nursing Care for Anticonvulsants

Administer with food to reduce GI irriation
Instruct client to avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants
Notify HCP if fever, sore throat, skin rash, unusal bleeding, loss of balance or seizure occur
Carry med alert card
Dose must be tapered! Do not abruptl

Specific Care for Phenytoin

Avoid mixing with other IV infusions
Incompatible with 5% dextrose
Provide oral hygiene, inspect oral mucosa for infection and gingival hyperplasia
Assess for initial potentiation of anticoagulant effect followed by inhibition
Assess urine, drug may disco

Phenytoin and Other Med Interactions

Inc metabolism of oral contraceptives and anticoagulants
Gingko biloba may dec phenytoin effectiveness

Osmotic Diuretics

Reduce cerebral edema and intraocular pressure by increasing osmotic pressure within vasculature
Causes fluid to leave tissues and be excreted in urine
Only IV

Example of Osmotic Diuretic

mannitol (Osmitrol)

Major Side Effects of Osmotic Diuretics

Headache (dehydration)
Nausea, chills, rebound edema when discontinued (F & E imbalance)
F & E imbalance (dec Na and dec K)

Nursing Care of Osmotic Diuretics

Administer intravenously through a filter
Monitor I & O, daily weight and serum electrolytes
Question prescription if client has heart failure or impaired renal fxn
Elevate HOB during therapy
Assess for signs of inc ICP (dec HR, wide pulse pressure, inc s

Calcium Enhancers - Calcium Ion Replacement

Calcium ion replacement directly increases serum Calcium concentration
Ex: calcium carbonate (Os-Cal), calcium chloride, calcium gluconate (Kalcinate)

Calcium Enhancers - Vitamin D Replacement

Vitamin D replacement improves absorption of calcium from intestines
Ex: calcitriol (Rocaltrol), cholecalciferol (Calciferol)

Calcium Enhancers - Biphosphonates

Absorb calcium phosphate crystals in bone, inhibit resorption of bone by osteoclast. May dec risk of invasive breast cancer. Prescribed weekly, daily, monthly or yearly.
Oral = alendronate (Fosamax), risendronate (Actonel), ibandronate (Boniva)
IV drugs =

Biphosphonates Suffix


Calcium Enhancers - Parathyroid Agent

Decrease bone resorption
Ex: nasal spray or injection - calcitonin (Miacalcin), Sub q - teriparatide (Forteo)

Major Side Effects of Calcium Enhancers

N & V, renal calculi, muscle flaccidity (hypercalcemia)
Constipation (inc calcium delays passage of stool)

Specific Side Effects - Calcium prep

cardiac disturbances (stimulation of cardiac conduction)

Specific Side Effects - Vitamin D

dry mouth, metallic taste

Specific Side Effects - Biphosphonates

bone pain, headache, abdominal pain, nausea

Specific Side Effects - Parathyroid Agents

diarrhea, urinary frequency, headache, chest pressure and dyspnea

Nursing Care for Calcium Enhancers

Assess for signs of hypercalcemia and tetany
Monitor levels of serum electrolytes during course of therapy
Encourage inc fluid intake to reduce potential of renal calculi and constipation
Stress vitamin D rich foods
Limit milk, fruits and veggies
For calc

Antiparkinson agents - Anticholinergics

Decrease the activity of acetylcholine instead of acting on the dopaminergic system.
Anticholinergic drugs act at central sites to inhibit cerebral motor impulses and block efferent impulses that cause muscular rigidity.
Can be helpful for tremor and may

Examples of Anticholinergics

trihexyphenydil (Artane)
benztropine mesylate (Cogentin)

Dopamine Agonists

Drugs that stimulate the part of the brain influenced by dopamine
Can be taken alone or in combination with pills with levodopa

Examples of Dopamine Agonists

pramipexole (Mirapex)
ropinirole (Requip)
bromocriptine (Parlodel)

Antiparkinson agents - Dopaminergic agents

Supply or cause release of dopamine required for norepinephrine synthesis and maintenance of neurohormonal balance at sites that control motor function.
Stimulates part of brain that needs dopamine.

Examples of Dopaminergics

carbidopa - levodopa (Sinemet)
carbidopa - levodopa - entacapone (Stalevo)

Carbidopa/Levodopa (Sinemet)

Levodopa is converted to dopamine. Mixed with carbidopa to prevent N & V. Carbidopa also increases the amount of levodopa in the system that can go to the brain.

Prolonged use of Levodopa

Patients will experience dyskinesias (spontaneous, involuntary movements) and on - off periods where the medication will suddenly stop or start working

Antiparkinson Agents - COMT inhibitors

Prolong effect of levodopa by deterring its metabolism and preventing enzyme from breaking it down
Newest class

Examples of COMT inhibitors

entacapone (Comtan)
tolcapone (Tasmar)

Suffix of COMT inhibitors


MAO-B inhibitor

Block enzyme in the brain that trys to break down levodopa.

Example of MAO-B Inhibitor

selegiline (Eldepryl)

Antiviral agent

potentiates action of dopamine

Example of Antiviral agent


Major Side Effects of Antiparkinsons

Orthostatic hypotension
Ataxia, involuntary movements, bepharospasm (neurotoxicity)
CNS disturbances and emotional (suicide)
N & V
Bone marrow depression

Specific Side Effects of Anticholinergics

Dry mouth
Blurred vision (CI with narrow angle glaucoma)
Urinary retention

Specific Side Effects of Dopaminergics

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome = muscle rigidity, fever, mental status changes, unstable blood pressure

Nursing Care for Antiparkinsons Agents

Avoid discontinuing drug suddenly. Continue health supervision.
Take COMT inhibitors with levodopa or they will be ineffective.
Offer emotional support
Encourage diet in nutrient rich foods

Nursing Care for Patients Taking Anticholinergics

Suggest sugar free chewing gum and hard candy to inc salivation
Teach to avoid hazardous activities because of drug's CNS effects
Teach to increase fluids, roughage, and activity to prevent constipation
Monitor for urinary retention

Nursing Care for Patients taking Sinemet

Monitor CBC, renal and hepatic fxn
Teach to eliminate or limit Vitamin b6 (pork, veal, lamb, potatoes, legumes, oatmeal, wheat germ) from diet because it dec effectiveness of drug
Instruct client to monitor for extrapyramidal effects - unsteady gait, invo

Nursing Care for Patients taking MAO i (Eldepryl)

Inform that selegiline may be started early in the course of the disease because neuroprotective actions are expected
Teach safety precautions because it can cause orthostatic hypotension
Instruct to avoid foods containing tyramine (wine, cheese and choco

Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Prevent enzymatic breakdown of acetylcholine at nerve endings, thus allowing accumulation of the neurotransmitter
Improve strength of contraction in all muscles including respiratory
Used to diagnose/treat myasthenia gravis

Examples of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

edrophonium (Enlong, Tensilon) - used for diagnostic purposes, short acting (Tensilon test)
neostigmine (Prostigmin)
pyridostigmine (Mestinon)
ambenonium (Mytelase)

Major Side Effects of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

N & V
Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, hypersalivation, hypotension, bradycardia, miosis (inc PNS stimulation)
Muscle cramps (inc contractions)

Contraindication for Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Do not give morphine to clients receiving cholinesterase inhibitors, these drugs potentiate effects of morphine and can cause respiratory depression

Acute Toxicity of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Cholinergic Crisis = profound muscle weakness, pulmonary edema, bronchial constriction and respiratory failure
Must be differentiated from myasthenia crisis with edrophonium test

Nursing Care of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Administer on time exactly as prescribed
Give with food
Carry medical alert card
Take medication before meals to improve chewing and swallowing
Encourage diet rich in nutrient dense foods
Report resp distress immediately

Antedote for Overdose of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Atropine sulfate

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Relieve muscle spasms
Central agents = depress CNS to promote relaxation of voluntary muscles
Peripheral agents = block nerve impulse conduction at myoneural junction

Examples of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

carisoprodol (Soma)
cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
diazepam (Valium)
baclofen (Lioresal)

Major Side Effects of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Dizziness, drowsiness

Nursing Care of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Encourage diet rich in nutrient dense foods
Teach to use safety precautions and avoid engaging in hazardous activities or ingesting alcohol


Interfere with prostaglandin synthesis
Alleviate inflammation and subsequent discomfort of rheumatoid conditions

NSAID Examples

ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn)
salicylates (aspirin)
ketorolac (Toradol)
diclfenac (Voltaren)
etodolac (Lodine)

COX 2 inhibitors

Same function as NSAIDs,
Decreased risk of peptic ulcers.

COX 2 inhibitors examples

celecoxib (Celebrex)
nabumetone (Relafen)

Major Side Effects of NSAIDs

GI ulceration, tarry stools (melena)
Skin rash
Blood dyscrasias
CNS and GU disturbances
Inc liver enzymes

Specific Side Effect of COX 2

Cand cause potentially fatal CV thrombolytic event with increased duration of use

Nursing Care for NSAIDS

Administer with meals to reduce GI irritation
Avoid alcohol and smoking
Monitor coagulation and liver profiles
Assess VS, inc BP
Report SE such as bleeding or hearing disturbance
Encourage diet rich in nutrient dense foods
Limit sodium to reduce fluid ret

Aspirin toxicity

Can affect cranial nerve 8 and cause tinnitus

Antigout Agents

Dec uric acid formation and inc its excretion
Prevent and arrest gout attacks caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood

Examples of Antigout agents

Allopurinol (Zyloprim): blocks formation of uric acid
Colchicine (Colsalide, Colcrys): dec uric acid crystal deposits by inhibiting lactic acid production. Good for acute attacks.
Probenecid (Benemid): prevents formation of tophi by inhibiting reabsorptio

Major Side Effects of Antigout Agents

N & V, diarrhea
Blood dyscrasias
Liver damage
Skin rash

Nursing Care for Antigout Agents

Administer prescribed antiinflammatory drugs to work in concert with antigout medications during acute attack
Inc fluids to discourage formation of renal calculi
Encourage weight reduction if overweight
Monitor serum blood uric acid level
Administer with

Opthalmic Agents

Prodcue a variety of actions that help to diagnose and treat conditions affecting eyes.
Available in topical, systemic acting are available in oral and parenteral.

Opthalmic Agents - Miotics

constrict pupil, improves outflow of aquous humor.
Treats chronic open angle glaucoma.

Examples of Miotics

Beta blocker = betaxolol (Betoptic), timolol (Timoptic, Cosopt)
Cholinergic miotics = carbachol (Miostat)

Major Side Effects of Miotics

Twitching eye lids, brow ache
Conjuncitval pain
Contact dermatitis

Opthalmic Agents - Mydriatics

dilate pupil by contracting dilator muscle of iris, lessens effects on accomodation

Examples of Mydriatics

Anticholinergics (relax ciliary muscle) and cycloplegic agents (paralyze accomodations) = are used to facilitate eye exams and surgery
Atropine, tropicamide (Mydriacyl, Tropiacacyl), cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl), dipivefrine (Propine)

Major Side Effects of Mydriatics

Dry mouth
Flushing, fever, ataxia
Blurrred vision, photophobia
Skin rash

Opthalmic Agents - Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Dec production of aqueous humor to control intraocular pressure

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor Examples

acetazolamide (Diamox(
brinzolamide (Azopt)
dorzolamide (Trusopt)

Major Side Effects of Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Metabolic Acidosis
Bone marrow depression
CNS disturbance

Suffix of CA inhibitor


Opthalmic Agents - Osmotic Agents

Systemically to inc blood osmolality which mobilizes fluid from eye to reduce volume o fintraocular fluid; dec intraocular pressure in glaucoma and corneal edema

Example of Osmotic Agents

mannitol (Osmitrol)

Major Side Effects of Osmotic Agents

N & V

Opthalmic Agents - Corticosteroids

Administered topically to dec inflammatory response.

Example of Corticosteroids

Dexamethasone (Decadron)
prednisolone (AK-Pred, Blephamide)

Major Side Effects of Corticosteroids

Blurred vision
inc intraocular pressure

Nursing Care for Opthalmic Agents

Instruct on admin technique
Hand hygiene before doing drops. Place med on conjunctival sac. Apply pressure on lacrimal duct to prevent systemic absorption. Wipe from inner to outer canthus.
Assess for side effects
Care for mydriatics - vision blurred temp


Highly active antiretroviral thearpy involves drug combinations used to fight HIV and AIDS.
Combinations and order in which they are given influence effectiveness. 3 or more drugs from at least 2 different classes fight HIV at different stages of replicat

HAART - Nuceloside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Interfere with DNA chain.
Ex: lamivudine (Epivir), emtricitabine (Emtriva), abacavir (Ziagen), zidovudine (Retrovir)
Side Effects: lactic acidosis, hepatomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, rash

HAART - Protease inhibitors

Disables protease, the prtein that HIV needs to reproduce
Examples: all end in avir
Side Effects: N & V, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, hyperglycemia, peripheral paresthesias, headache, renal calculi, inc liver enzymes
Avoid alcohol, drink 8 to 10 gl

HAART - Nonnucloside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Bind to reverse transcriptase and block RNA and DNA replication
Ex: nevirapine (Viramune), etravirine (Intelence), efavirenz (Sustiva), delaviridine (Rescriptor)
Side Effects: transient rash, nausea, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity

HAART - Fusion inhibitor

Stops HIV from entering CDF cells by inhibiting fusion of viral and cellular membranes
Ex: maraviroc (Selzentry), enfuvirtide (Fuzeon)

HAART - Integrase inhibitors

Interfere with integrase enzyme which HIV needs to insert its genes into CD4 cells
Ex: raltegravir (Isentress)

HARRT - Antiviral

Dec HIV levels in blood and genital secretions, also used for herpes
Ex: valacylovir

Combinations of HARRT drugs

Raltegravir + tenofovir/emtricitabine
Ritonavir-boosted atazanavir plus tenofovir/emtricitabine
Ritonavir - boosted darunavir plus tenofovir/emtricitabine

Meds for AIDS related Opportunistic Infections - P jiroveci

trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)
pentamidine (Pentam)

Meds for AIDS related Opportunistic Infections - Tuberculosis

isoniazid (INH)
rifampin (Rifadin)
ethambutol (Myambutol)

Meds for AIDS related Opportunistic Infections - Fungal

nystatin (Mycostatin)
amphotericin B (Fungizone)
ketoconazole (Nizoral)

Meds for AIDS related Opportunistic Infections - Viral

acyclovir (Zithromax)

Kidney Specific Antiinfectives

Antibacterial effect on renal tissue, ureters and bladder
Used to treat local UTIs

Example of Kidney Specific Antiinfectives

nitrofurnatoin (Macrobid, Macrodantin)

Major Side Effects of Kidney Specific Antiinfectives

anorexia, N &V, pseudomembranous colitis; photosensitivity, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias, hemolytic anemia, hypersensitivity, pneumonitis, chest pain

Nursing Care for Kidney Specific Antiinfectives

Administer with meals to reduce GI irritaiton
Monitor blood work, cultures, and urine output
Encourage inc fluid intake to promote drug excretion
Dilute oral suspensions in milk or juice to prevent staining of teeth, urine will appear brown

Urinary Spasmolytics

Affect smooth muscle of urinary tract, used for symptomatic relief of incontinence

Examples of Urinary Spasmolytics

flavoxate, oxybutynin (Ditropan, Oxytrol), tolterodine (Detrol), darifenacin (Enablex)

Major Side Effects of Urinary Spasmolytics

anticholinergic effects: tachycardia, palpitations, dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, blurred vision, urinary retention, allergic reaction

Nursing Care of Urinary Spasmolytics

Do not administer if GI obstruction present
Administer cautiously to clients with glaucoma
Advise to avoid driving and other hazardous activities, avoid hot environments
Monitor urine output


Hormones that promote secondary sex characteristics in men; have anabolic properties; stimulate building and repair of body tissue.
Used in debilitating conditions and inoperable breast cancer; restore hormone levels in males, fibrocystic breast disease,

Examples of Androgens


Major Side Effects

weight gain, edema, changes in libido, hoarseness, deep voice, gastroenteritis, emotional lability

Nursing Care of Androgens

Assess for virilization in females and gynecomastia in men
Encourage diet high in calories and proteins to aid in building body tissues and low in sodium to limit edema.
Administer with meals to reduce GI irritation.
Monitor BP.
Assess for potentiation of