Components of a Cell


a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
-to hold/protect DNA
-control center of cell


a small round body of protein in a cell nucleus
-produce/assemble subunits of ribosomes
-synthesize RNA


area between membrane and nucleus including organelles, cytosol
-protects organelles
-means of transport for genetic materialq

plasma membrane

*phospholipid bilayer!
-barrier for cell to outside substances
-controls what enters/exits cell


free (floating in cell); bound (attached to rough ER)
-protein synthesis!

rough endoplasmic reticulum

-producing, transporting, and storing proteins>>golgi
-ribosomes do protein synthesis>>proteins enter cisternae of Golgi A. to be modified

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

-synthesis, storage, transport of lipids
-metabolism of carbs
-detox of drugs, alcohol, poisons

golgi apparatus (complex)

-center for modifying, packaging andsorting materials that arrive from Rough ER
the golgi is active in cells specialized for secretion


-organelles with double membrane
-powerhouse (make big portion of cell's energy-ATP)


*membrane sacs formed by golgi apparatus
-contain enzymes for processing waste (the garbagemen of the cell)