Chap 6, Health and Wellness

what do nurses identify regarding health?

actual and potential risk factors that predispose a person or a group to illness

what does a nurse use to promote health and prevent illness?

risk factor modifaction strategies

sociological term for how people react to illness in different ways?

illness behavior

how oftern does Healthy People put out new objectives?

every 10 years

what did the focus of health shift from and to during the 1990's?

from illness care to health promotion and disease prevention

4 overarching goals of Healthy People 2020?

-attain long healthy lives free of illness and disability
-health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve health for all groups
-create social and physical environments that promote health
-promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy beha

how does the WHO define health?

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

what are the additional aspects of health other than just being free of disease?

mental, social, and spiritual health and health at the family and community levels

what are "life conditions"?

socioeconomic variables, environment, diet, lifestyle practices, other physiological and psychological variables

what do nurses need to do to individualize nursing care and enhance meaningfulness of patients future status?

consider the total person and the environment which they live

positive health behaviors?

practices that sustain or promote health and wellness

negative health behaviors

practices that contribute to the loss of health and wellnes

what is the health belief model?

a model that addresses relationship between persons health and behaviors

what are the 3 steps of the health belief model?

-individuals perception of susceptibility to illness
-individuals perception of seriousness of illness
-likelihood person will take preventative action

how does the health promotion model define health?

a positive dynamic state

what 3 areas does the health promotion model focus on?

-individual characteristics and experiences
-behavior specific knowledge and affect
-behavioral outcomes

which health model puts patients as the ultimate experts concerning their health?

hollistic health model

what is the hollistic health models goal?

to create conditions that promote optimal health

what socioeconomical factors affect mammography screening in Asian-american women?

-length of time in US
-recommendation from Dr
-insurance coverage

factors in senior health promotion?

-physical activity levels (presenc/lack of)
-social environment/ support
-injury prevention
-fear of falling

internal variables that influence healthcare?

-developmental stage
-emotional/ spiritual factors
-patient perception of illness

Maslows Heirarchy of needs, most critical first?

-physiological needs
-safety and security
-love and belonging

external variables affecting health?

-family practices
-socioeconomic factors
-cultural background
-accessibility to healthcare

passive stategies of health promotion?

individuals gain from the activities of others without acting themselves

active strategies for health promotion?

individuals are motivated to adopt specific health programs

what is health promotion?

process of helping people improve their health to reach an optimal state of physical, mental, and social well being

what are the levels of preventive care?

primary, secondary, and tertiary

what is primary intervention?

true prevention; people who are physically and mentally healthy participate in health promoting activities (screening)

what is secondary intervention?

diagnosis and prompt intervention to return patient to normal health

what is tertiary prevention?

defect or disability is permanent and irreversible minimizing effects of illness

a situation, habit, social or environmental condition, physiological or psychological condition, or other variable that increases vulnerability of an individual or group to an illness or an action is called a?

risk factor

risk factors are sometimes called?

health hazards

why do nurses worry about health hazards?

they play a major role in a patients health status

what categories are there for risk factors?

-physical environment

what is the first step in health promotion, wellness education, and illness prevention?

identifying risk factors

what is a wellness strategy?

any risk factor modification, health promotion activity, or program that tries to fix the unhealthy behavior to healthy ones

what are health behavior change stages?

-in intention to change (precontemplation)
-considering a change within next 6 months (contemplation)
-making small changes (preperation)
-active engagement in behavior change (action)
-maintianing change behavior (maintenance)

what is illness?

a state in which a persons physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is impaired

what type of illness has the potential of being life threatening?

both acute and chronic

what is acute illness?

usually reversible, short duration, often severe. Symptoms appear abruptly, are intense, and subside shortly

what is a chronic illness?

persistent, longer than 6 months, irreversible, and affects functioning in one or more systems

chronic illness is related to what 4 health factors?

-poor nutrition
-physical inactivity
-use of tobacco
-excessive alcohol consumption

illness behavior?

the way people react to an illness

subjective concept of physical appearance?

body image

self concept?

mental self image of strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of personality