Elder Abuse

Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal ideation

Secondary effects of violence

Maturational crisis

an experience, such as puberty, adolescence, young adulthood, marriage, or the aging process, in which one's lifestyle is continually subject to change

Situational crisis

Change that results when a person faces an event or situation that causes a disruption in his or her life

Adventitious crisis

disaster; not part of everyday life

Economic maltreatment

illegal or improper exploitation of funds or other resources for one's personal gain

Elder Abuse

Includes physical or sexual abuse, financial exploitation, emotional confinement, passive neglect, or willful deprivation of an elderly person

financial exploitation

The illegal or improper use of an elder's funds, property, or assets. Examples include, but are not limited to, cashing an elderly person's checks without authorization or permission; forging an older person's signature; misusing or stealing an older pers

passive neglect

Unintentionally harming a person physically, mentally, or emotionally by failing to provide needed care.

active neglect

purposely harming a person physically, mentally, or emotionally by failing to provide needed care


who is more likely to report abuse

Reluctance to "press charges" or don't see self as a victim of abuse

a victim's behavior might include:


discrimination against middle-aged and elderly people

Follow chain of command by informing the instructor, charge RN, Case Manager, security, APS, police

What should you do if you suspect abuse?

Adult Protective Services (APS)

Receives and investigates incidents of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of incapacitated or vulnerable adult


What is your first and foremost concern of an abused patient?

be calm (don't act shocked) and assure them that they are not alone and are not to blame

If a person admits being abused, you should:

that you must make a referral APS

During the interview, if you suspect abuse you should tell the patient...

Tell me what happened to you

During the interview, you should ask open ended questions such as:


Is it the responsibility of the professional to ask questions about family violence?

covert issues (c/o HA, back trouble, dizziness, or "accidents")

Physical abuse usually appears as

Level of anxiety, coping responses, family coping patterns, support systems, suicide and/or homicide potential, drug and alcohol use, health history

Things the nurse should asssess in the abused patient:

receive proper follow-up care and will assist if he/she pursues legal action

Keeping careful & complete records helps ensure that patient will...

Description of injuries, discription of perpetrator, and resources provided to the patient.

Documentation of abuse should include:

report suspected or actual cases of abuse

Nurses have a legal responsibility and are mandated to...


If the person speaks a foreign language, you should provide the patient with an

Primary prevention

Actions that change overall background conditions to prevent some unwanted event or circumstance, such as injury, disease, or abuse

Secondary prevention

Early intervention in abusive situations to minimize disabling/long-term effects

Tertiary prevention

Facilitating healing and rehabilitative process by assisting survivors to achieve optimal level of safety, health, and well-being and providing support

Milieu therapy

A humanistic approach to institutional treatment based on the belief that institutions can help patients recover by creating a climate that promotes self-respect, responsible behavior, and meaningful activity

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner

A specially trained nurse skilled in the collection of physical evidence that can be entered into a chain of custody and submitted for scientific analysis by the crime laboratory.

Routinely Ask
Affirm & Support
Document Objectively
Address Safety

What to do if abuse is present: RADAR

for a fast escape and safe destination plus a hotline referral telephone number

Before discharging the patient, they should be provided a plan: