Fundamentals: Chapter 5 (Evidence-Based Practice)

Evidence-based practice

It is a problem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates the conscientious use of best evidence in combination with a clinician's expertise, patient preferences, and values in making decisions about patient care.

Identify the six steps of evidence-based practice.

a. Ask a clinical question
b. Collect the most relevant evidence
c.Clinically appraise the evidence
d. Integrate all the evidence with one's clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a practice decision
e. Evaluate the practice decisio

Identify the four elements of a PICOT question.

P = Patient population of interest
Identify patients by age, gender, ethnicity, and disease or health problem.
I = Intervention of interest
Which intervention is worthwhile to use in practice (e.g., a treatment, diagnostic test, prognostic factor)?
C = Co

Identify the sources where you can find the evidence.

a. Agency policy and procedure manuals
b. Quality improvement data
c. Existing clinical practice guidelines
d. Computerized databases

A peer-reviewed articles is a:

It means that a panel of experts familiar with the article's topic or subject matter has reviewed the article.

What are clinical guidelines?

They are systematically developed statements about a plan of care for a specific set of clinical circumstances involving a specific patient population.


Summarizes the purpose of study or clinical query, the major themes or findings, and the implications for nursing practice.


Contain information about its purpose and the importance of the topic for the reader.

Literature review:

A detailed background of the level of science or clinical information that exists about the topic of the article.

Manuscript narrative:
A. Clinical studies:
B. Research studies:

A. A clinical articles can contain a description of the population, the health alteration, how patients are affected, or a new therapy or technology.
B. A research article contains a purpose statement, methods, or design.

A. Clinical studies:
B. Research studies:

A. In a clinical article, the author explains the clinical implications for the topic presented.
B. In a research article, the author details the results of the study and explains whether a hypothesis is proven or how a research question is answered.

Clinical implications:

A section in a research article that explains if the findings from the study have clinical implications.

Explain how you can integrate the evidence.

Apply the research in your plan of care for a patient using the evidence you find as a rationale for an intervention you plan to try, such as teaching tools, clinical practice guidelines, policies and procedures, and new tools.

Define nursing research:

Nursing research is a way to identify new knowledge, improve professional education and practice, and use resource effectively.

Outcomes research:

Outcomes research is a research designed to assess and document the effectiveness of health care services and interventions.

Scientific method:

It is a systematic step-by-step process that ensures that the findings from a study are valid, reliable, and generalizable to subjects.

List the five characteristics of scientific research:

a. The problem area to be studied is identified.
b. The steps of planning occur in an orderly fashion.
c. External factors that may influence a relationship between the phenomena that are being studied are controlled.
d. Empirical data are gathered.
e. Th

Experimental (quantitative methods):

The conditions are tightly controlled to eliminate bias and to ensure that findings can be generalizable to similar subjects.

Surveys (quantitative methods):

Information is obtained from populations regarding the frequency, distribution, and interrelation of variables among the subjects.

Evaluation (quantitative methods):

Evaluation involves finding out how well a program, practice, procedure, or policy is working.

Identify three different qualitative research methods:

a. ethnography
b. phenomenology
c. grounded theory

The research process consists of phases or steps. Briefly explain each of the following.
a. Problem identification:
b. Study design:
c. Conducting the study:
d. Data analysis:
e. Use of the findings:

a. Identify the are of interest or clinical problem.
b. Design the study protocol.
c. Obtain necessary approvals, recruit subjects, and implement the study.
d. Analyze the results of the study.
e. Formulate recommendations for future research.

Briefly explain informed consent in relation to conducting a study.

Informed consent is when research subjects arc given
full and complete information about the purpose
of the study, procedures, data collection, harms,
and benefits; are capable of fully understanding the
research and implications of participation; and hav

Define quality improvement:

Quality improvement is an approach to the
continuous study and improvement of the processes
of providing health care services to meet the needs
of patients and others.

Define performance improvement:

Performance improvement is when the organization
evaluates and analyzes current performance to use
results to develop focused improvement actions.

Research studies can most easily be identified by:
1. Examining the contents of the report
2. Looking for the study only in research journals
3. Reading the abstract and introduction of the
4. Looking for the word research in the title of
the repor

3. Together, the abstract and introduction tell you
if the topic of the article is similar to your PICO
question or related closely enough to provide you
with useful information.

A research report includes all of the following
1. The researcher's interpretation of the study
2. A description of methods used to conduct
the study
3. A summary of other research studies with
the same results
4. A summary of literature u

3. The summary details the results of the study and
explains whether a hypothesis is supported. The
results of other studies are not presented.

Practice guidelines for the treatment of adults with
low back pain is an example of:
1. Clinical guidelines
2. Quantitative nursing research
3. Outcomes management research
4. A randomized controlled trial (RCT)

I. Clinical guidelines are systemically developed
statements about a plan of care for a specific set of
clinical circumstances involving a specific patient


�A challenge in EBP is to obtain the very best, most current information at the right time, when you need it for patient care.
�Using your clinical expertise and considering patients' values and preferences ensures that you will apply the evidence in prac


�The critique or evaluation of evidence includes determining the value, feasibility, and usefulness of evidence for making a practice change.
�After critiquing all articles for a PICOT question, synthesize or combine the findings to consider the scientifi