Week 3 Quiz (lec) - Breeds

Which breed is known for their superior fine wool? So much so that they often name the breed on products?


Which 3 characteristics are desirable for conformation in both meat and dairy breeds?

Spring of rib, long body, level topline

What does an "aseasonal breeder" refer to?

An animal that does not have a defined season of breeding and/or only breeds once a year

Why would a producer select for a reduced fiber diameter as a genetic selection criteria?

Improve fleece quality

What is the top terminal sire breed used in the US?


T/F - the Kiko breed was developed by crossbreeding feral goats from New Zealand


A breed registry is an association that determines and upholds ________.

The breed standards

The term "good conformation" refers to which of the following?

Structural soundness

Which of the following are listed as desirable breed traits?

High cutability, strong maternal traits, # of offspring

What are 3 breeds of dairy goats?

Alpine, Toggenburg, Sable

What are 2 traits that create body capacity in a sheep or goat?

Spring of rib and depth of chest

What are abnormalities of the head and neck?

Overbite, underbite, cleft palate

Which breed of sheep has a "rat tail" due to the lack of wool on it?

East Friesian

T/F - a polled breed develops horns later in life


What is the purpose of cross breeding?

To improve offspring performance in specific traits

T/F - the full-blood Boer and the American Boer have the same genetic lineage


The rapid growth of the Boer breed is impressive in that they are able to reach weights of 80 pounds by ________ days of age


What is the term used to describe having trouble birthing?


Why is year-round breeding a desirable trait for meat breeds?

Attain better market prices