CorePower C1 Class with Cues

Exhale - Child's Pose (Balasana)

(2 min)
Good morning Yogis, my name is Marie. I will be guiding you through your C1 practice. Let's meet at the back of our mats for extended child's pose, balasana. Bring your big toes to touch, splay your knees wide, crawl your fingertips forward, rest

Inhale - Tabletop

Rise to all fours. Stack your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your wrists. Gaze down at your mat.

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog

(1 min)
Tuck your toes, send your hips back and up.
Hold and breathe.
Allow your heels to sink down into the mat. Option to place a slight bend in your knees. Push through the hollows of your armpits.
Spread your fingers wide.

Inhale - gaze forward
Exhale - Ragdoll Pose

(1 min)
Step your feet behind your hands. Toe-heel your feet to hip-width distance or wider. Place a bend in your knees. Hinge from your hips and hang your chest on your thighs.
Send your tailbone up. Shift your weight into the ball mounds of y

Transition from Ragdoll

Release your fingertips to the mat. Toe-heel your feet together. Inhale, slowly roll up to stand.

Exhale - Stand at Attention (Samasthitihi)

(3 breaths)
Bring your big toes to touch and press down into the four corners of your feet.
Bring your hands to heart center. Draw your shoulder blades down and back.
Flutter your eyes closed.
Let's seal our intention with a unified breath.

Exhale -

Blinks your eyes open. Release your hands by your sides, palms face forward.

Sun A

1st set: bring to form, cue to breathe & observe need for additional cues from the ground up.

Inhale - Mountain Pose (tadasana)

Reach your arms by your ears
Breathe here.
Ground down through the four corners of your feet.
Knit your ribs down and in.
Relax your shoulder blades away from your ears.

Exhale - Forward Fold (UTtanasana)

Bring your hands to heart's center
Hinge at your hips
Rest your hands on your mat
Allow your head to hang heavy
Option to place a slight bend in your knees to bring your mat closer to you
Breathe in to lengthen your spine. Breathe out release deeper into

Inhale - Halfway lift (ardha UTtanasana)

Lift your chest away from your thighs and place your hands on the front of your legs. Extend the crown of your head forward to the mirror and gaze down at your mat.
Breathe here.
Draw your shoulder blades together and down your back lengthen your spine an

Exhale - High Plank to Low Plank (Chatarunga Dandasana)

Exhale high plank. Plant your hands into the mat. Step your feet back and bring them hip-width distance apart,
Your body is one long line of energy.

Inhale shift forward, Exhale Low plank

Shift forward two inches and lower halfway down hugging your elbows into your side body.

Inhale - Updward Facing Dog (ardva mukha svanasana)

Flip the tops of your feet to the mat,
Open and pull your chest forward,
Straighten your arms and stacking your shoulders over your wrists

Exhale -Downward Facing Dog (ado mukha dandasana)

(2-3B) Send your hips up and back.

DEMO for high to low plank (chatarunga dandasana)

Inhale gaze toward your fingertips; Exhale and walk your feet between your hands and take a seat
1) cued pose
2) if your are working on building arm strength- Lower to your knees
3) if you are building back strength - Lower all the way down for cobra
4) s

Sun A sets 2 & 3

Let's flow one breath to one movement

Sun B

1st set: bring to form, cue to breathe & observe need for additional cues from the ground up.

Transition from Downward Facing Dog

At the bottom of your next exhale, walk to the top of your mat.

Inhale - Halfway Lift

Place your hands on your shins or thighs maintain a flat back

Exhale - Forward Fold

relax your head

Inhale - Chair Pose (UTKatasana)

Bend your knees,
Draw your tailbone back and down,
Reach your arms up by your ears.
Breathe here.
Rotate your palms in with your pinkies facing each other. Option to reach your arms straight out in front of you if you feel shoulder discomfort. Sink

Exhale - Forward Fold (UTtanasana)

No cue

Inhale - Halfway Lift

No cue necessary

Exhale - High to low plank (Chatarunga)

Remember English first then Sanskrit

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog

Up dog

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog

Spread your fingers wide and press into your palms,
Engage your abdominals,
Press your heels closer to the mat

Inhale - Lift your right leg high

Point your lifted toe towards the ground bringing your right hip back in line with your left hip. One more inhale lift your leg a little higher.

Exhale low lunge

Step your Right foot in between your hands stacking your knee over your ankle.

Inhale - Warrior II

Rotate your back heel down to your mat so your foot is parallel to the short edge of your mat. Lift your chest up open to the side wall, and bring your arms to a T.
Breathe here.
Press through the knife side edge of your back foot. Gaze at your feet in th

Exhale - Extended Side Angle

Reach your right arm forward and then tick tick your hands to 12 and 6. Use your bottom arm to gently press your front thigh open.
Continue breathing here.
Re engage the bend in your front knee. Pull your belly button into your spine as your reach your to

Inhale - Reverse Warrior

Lift your chest,
Place your back hand lightly on your back leg, and reach your front arm high with your palm facing the back wall.
Breathe here.
Recommit to the 90 degree bend in your front knee and continue to press through the knife side edge of your ba

Exhale - High to Low Plank Chaturanga

Cartwheel your arms forward to frame your front foot
Step back to high plank, Hinge forward, lower yourself halfway down, and keep your elbows tight

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog

Take a moment to fully engage your inhale

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog

Press firmly into your hands, draw your heels closer to the mat. Notice your breath.

Inhale - Left Leg High

Point your lifted toe towards the ground. Bringing your left hip back in line with your right hip. One more inhale lift your leg a little higher.

Exhale - Low Lunge

Step your Left foot in between your hands stacking your knee over your ankle.

Inhale -Warrior 2

Rotate your back heel down to your mat so your foot is parallel to the short edge of your mat. Lift your chest up and open to the side wall, and bring your arms to a T.
Breathe here.
Press through the knife side edge of your back foot. Gaze at your feet i

Exhale - Extended Side Angle

Reach your left arm forward and then tick tick your hands to 12 and 6. Use your bottom arm to gently press your front thigh open.
Continue breathing here.
Re engage the bend in your front knee, pull your belly button into your spine as your reach your top

Inhale - Reverse Warrior

Lift your chest,
Place your back hand lightly on your back leg, and reach your front arm high with your palm facing the back wall.
Breathe here.
Recommit to the 90 degree bend in your front knee & continue to press through the knife side edge of your back

Exhale - High to Low Plank Chaturanga

Option to take on your knees or move right into down dog

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog

Take a moment in to fully engage

Exhale - Downward facing Dog

Cleansing breath then reengage Ujjayi breath

Transition from Down dog to Core Strengthening

Inhale, look forward and walk through your hands to a seated position. Get some water, towel off. How are we all feeling?

Exhale - Reclined Bound Angle Pose Sit Ups (Supta Baddha Konasana)

(30 secs)
We have reached the part of class where we focus on strengthening our core, and the good news is that we get to lie down.
Let's begin with reclined bound angle or suptabhada kanasana crunches.
Bring your big toes to touch
Bring your hands behind

Exhale - Bicycle Sit Ups

(1 min)
Lets Move into Yogi Bicycle Sit Ups.
Stack both knees over your hips bringing your shins parallel to the ceiling
Bring your hands behind your head and open your elbows wide.
Inhale to prepare
Exhale lift your chest up and twist your left elbow to

Transition to Boat Pose demo

Hug your knees into your chest
Gently rock side to side to massage your spine.
Begin to rock back and fourth and roll up to a seated position landing on your sit bones.

Exhale - Boat Pose (Navasana)

Take a deep breath in here, exhale Boat pose (2-3B)
From your seated position, ground down through your sit bones. Plant your feet on the ground and place your hands behind your knees.
Lengthen your chest up to the sky growing taller.
Pull your belly butt

Transition from Boat

Inhale cross your ankles, plant your hands on the floor and walk back to high plank

Exhale - High Plank to Low Plank Chaturanga

Take your Chaturanga or meet us back in Down Dog

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog

Enjoy the inhale, fill your lungs

Exhale - Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Take an inhale here, open mouth exhale release heat. Inhale through your nose, ujjayi exhale through your nose.

Transition to Crescent Lunge Series


Inhale: Right Leg High

Right Leg High

Exhale: Low lunge

Step your foot in between your hands.

Inhale - high Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Stack your front knee over your ankle keeping your back heel lifted
Draw your tailbone down and lift your chest up
Reach your fingers to the sky
Breathe here
Rock your right hip back in line with your left to square your hips to the front of the ro

Exhale - Revolving Crescent Lunge (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

Continue to press through your back heel
Bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee
Option to drop down on your back knee to focus on your twist
Pull your bellybutton into your spine to stabilize your core.
Slightly lift your back knee

Exhale - Runner's Lunge

Release your hands to the inside of your right foot,
Toe heel your right foot to the top right corner of your mat,
Option to lower down on your back knee and untuck your back toes
Option to drop down to your forearms to the mat to deepen your stretch or c

Transition from Runner's Lunge

Exhale to High Plank, prepare for side plank to the right, ground down through your left hand

Inhale - Side Plank (Vasisthasana)

Roll on to the outside edge of your left foot and stack your feet.
Reach your right arm to the ceiling stacking shoulder over shoulder.
Option to drop your bottom knee down for stability.
Breathe here.
Lift your top hip up to the sky,
And pull your belly

Exhale - High Plankk to Low plank (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Take your Chaturanga or feel free to meet us in downward dog

Inhale - Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Upward Facing Dog

Exhale - Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Let's take a breath together - release all the air from your lungs, deep inhale... and exhale.

Inhale _ Left leg high

Left leg high

Exhale _ Low Lunge

Low Lunge

Inhale Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Stack your front knee over your ankle keeping your back heel lifted
Draw your tailbone down and lift your chest up
Reach your fingers to the sky
Breathe here
Rock your left hip back in line with your right hip
Relax your shoulder blades down your b

Exhale _ Revolved Crescent Lunge (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)

Continue to press through your back heel
Bring your right elbow to the outside of your left knee
Option to drop down on your back knee to focus on your twist
Squeeze your thighs together and pull your belly button into your spine
With each inhale l

Exhale - Runners lunge

Release your hands to the inside of your left foot,
Toe heel your left foot to the top left corner of your mat.
Option to lower down on your back knee or
Option to drop down to your forearms to the mat to deepen your stretch or to use a block to bring you

Transition from Runner's Lunge

Exhale to High Plank, prepare for side plank to the left, your right hand is your foundation

Inhale - Side Plank (Vasisthasana)

Roll on to the outside edge of your right foot and stack your feet.
Reach your left arm to the ceiling stacking shoulder over shoulder.
Breathe here.
If you dropped down to your bottom knee on the other side, do so here.
Rainbow your hips up to the sky,

Exhale Chaturanga Dandasana

High Plank to Low plank or go right into down dog

Inhale - Upward facing dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - lift your chest up and gaze forward

Exhale - Downward Facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Transition from Downward Facing Dog

Inhale gaze toward your fingertips, at the bottom of your Exhale, walk your feet between your hands

Inhale - Halfway LifT (Ardha Uttanasana)

Halfway LifT

Exhale - Forward FolD (Uttanasana)

Forward FolD

Inhale - Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair Pose


Bring your hands to heart center


Shift your chest Forward

Exhale Parivrtta Utkatasana

Prayer Twist to the right (2-3B)
Hook your left elbow on the outside of your right knee
Sink back into your chair bringing your weight into your heels
Continue breathing here heels
Pull your left knee back in line with your right knee
Use your elbow on yo

Exhale Padahastasana

Gorilla Pose (2-3B)
Toe heel your feet to hips width distance apart
Hinge at your hips and fold forward
Shovel your palms underneath your feet so your toes tickle your wrist creases
Allow your head and neck to hang heavy
Take an inhale lengthen your spine

Transition from Gorilla

Release your hands, toe/heel your feet together

Inhale Utkatasana

Chair pose


Hands to heart center


Shift forward

Exhale Parivrtta Utkatasana

Prayer Twist to the left
Hook your right elbow on the outside of your left knee
Sink back into your chair bringing your weight into your heels
Continue breathing here
Pull your right knee back in line with your left knee
With each inhale lengthen your spi

Exhale Forward Fold

Inhale halfway lift

Exhale Chaturanga Dandasana

Inhale look forward
Come to a seat on your mat

Transition to Crow demo

We have reached our peak posture of our C1 class which is crow pose or Bakasana. 3 important elements foundation for crow foundation is your hands, core lock uddiyanda bonda drawing your navel in and up will help you balance, gaze you want a steady gaze

Exhale Balasana

Child's pose

Exhale Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing dog

Transition from Down Dog

Inhale gaze forward
Exhale step to the top of your mat

Inhale Ardha Uttanasana

Halfway Lift

Exhale Uttanasana

Forward Fold

Inhale Utkatasana

Chair pose.

Exhale Eagle on the right

Bring your right arm under your left, shift weight into your left leg and lift your right leg over. Option to bear hug your shoulders and kickstand your foot.
Continue breathing here.
Settle your gaze on a point that is not moving. Stack your shoulders ov

Inhale Utkatasana

Chair pose sink low

Exhale Eagle on the left

Bring your left arm under your right, shift weight into your right leg and lift your left leg over. Option to bear hug your shoulders and kickstand your foot.
Continue breathing here.
Settle your gaze on a point that is not moving. Stack your shoulders ov

Inhale Mountain pose

relax your shoulders

Exhale Dancer's pose

Exhale prepare for dancer's on the left. .
Bring your right elbow to your hip with your palm facing up, bend your right knee and grab the inside of foot.
Inhale reach your left arm up to the sky and lengthen your spine. Squeeze your knees together. Option

Inhale Mountain Pose

spin your pinkies towards each other

Exhale Dancer on the left

Exhale bring your left elbow to your hip with your palm facing up, grab the inside of left foot.
Inhale reach your right arm up to the sky and lengthen your spine. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Option to stay here or
Exhale dancers pose kick your fo

Exhale Samasthiti

Standing at attention pull your palms to heart center

Inhale Tree Pose on the right

Shift weight into your left foot, and bring your right foot to your ankle, calf, or inner thigh avoiding your knee joint. Open your knee cap to the right side of the room.
Breathe here.
Ground down through all four corners of your standing foot. Point you

Exhale Samasthiti

Standing at Attention

Inhale Tree Pose on the left

Shift weight into your right foot, and bring your left foot to your ankle, calf, or inner thigh avoiding your knee joint. Open your knee cap to the left side of the room.
Breathe here.
Ground down through all four corners of your standing foot. Point your

Exhale Release

release pose

Transition to Triangle Series



Mountain Pose

Exhale Forward Fold

Hinge at your hips

Inhale Halfway lift

gaze down at the mat

Exhale high to low plank


Inhale Upward Facing Dog

Broaden through your collar bone

Exhale Downward facing dog

Curl your toes and send your hips up and back


your right leg high


Low Lunge

Inhale Warrior I

Spin your back heel down to form a 45 degree angle. Lift your chest. Reach your arms up by your ears.
Breathe here.
Option to shorten or widen your stance. Continue to press through the knife side edge of your back foot. Pull your right hip back in line w

Exhale Warrior II

Re adjust your stance and re engage the bend in your front knee (1B)

Transition to Triangle

Inhale, straighten your front leg

Exhale Triangle Pose

Shift your hips back. Extend your right arm forward and then tick tock your hands to 12 and 6.
Hold and breathe.
Pull your belly button in and up and reach your top arm to the ceiling stacking shoulder over shoulder. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Op


Inhale rise up with your hand at a T exhale pigeon toe your feet pointing them slightly inwards. .
Inhale puff up your chest,

Exhale Wide leg forward fold prasarita padottanasana

Hinge forward at your hips. Place your hands on the mat in front of you. Allow your head to hang heavy and shift your weight into the ball mounds of your feet stacking your hips over your ankles.

Transition out of Forward Fold

Inhale to stand, exhale Warrior II, inhale

Exhale high to Low plank

flow through Chaturgana

Inhale Upward Facing dOg

relax your shoulders


Downward Facing Dog


Your left Leg High


Low Lunge

Inhale Warrior I

Spin your back heel down to form a 45 degree angle. Lift your chest. Reach your arms up by your ears.
Breathe here.
Option to shorten or widen your stance. Continue to press through the knife side edge of your back foot. Pull your left hip back in line wi

Exhale Warrior II

Re adjust your stance and re engage the bend in your front knee


Straighten Left Leg

Exhale Triangle Pose

Shift your hips back. Extend your right arm forward and then tick tock your hands to 12 and 6.
Hold and breathe.
Pull your belly button in and up and reach your top arm to the ceiling stacking shoulder over shoulder. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Op

Transition from Triangle

Inhale to rise. Exhale pigeon toes your feet, inhale puff up your chest and interlace your fingers behind your back to prepare for wide legged forward fold with a shoulder bind, inhale lengthen.

Exhale Wide Leg Forward Fold with a shoulder bind.

Exhale prasarita padottanasana with a bind. Fold forward at your hips and allow your head and neck to hang heavy. Option to release your grip if this is uncomfortable in your shoulders. Shift your weight into the ball mounds of your feet stacking your hip


Inhale release hands to a T and rise up, exhale Warrior II, inhale

Exhale High to Low plank


Inhale Upward facing dog

open your chest

Exhale Downward facing Dog


Transition to Hip Opener Series



Right Leg High

Exhale Half pigeon on the right

Bring your right knee to your right wrist and your right foot your your left wrist so your shin is parallel to the short edge of your mat. Press your palms into your mat framing your hips squaring them to the front of the room. Option to place a block und

Exhale Downward facing dog

Downward Facing Dog


your left Leg High

Exhale half pigon on the left

Bring your left knee to your left wrist and your right foot your your right wrist so your shin is parallel to the short edge of your mat. Press your palms into your mat framing your hips squaring them to the front of the room. Take whatever option you too

Exhale Downward facing dog


Transition from Downward Facing Dog

Inhale shift forward to high plank, stack your shoulder over your wrists. Exhale slowly, lower all the way to the mat with control

Inhale Cobra Pose

Continue breathing here.
Place your palms on the floor by your chest and Velcro your legs together.
Inhale cobra pose
lift your chest off the mat. Press the tops of your feet into the mat and engage your legs so your knees lift off your mat. Gaze down at

Exhale release

Place your left ear on the mat and look to the right. Relax your hands down by your sides. Option to windshield wiper your feet to release your lower back.

Inhale Bow Pose

Inhale return to center. Exhale prepare for bow pose or Option to take a second baby cobra. For bow pose Gaze down at your mat. Bend your knees keeping them hip-width distance apart. Reach back and capture the outsides of your feet. Inhale bow pose, ift y


Release your feet place your right ear on the mat and look to the left. Rest your hands by your sides. Option to windshield wiper your feet to release your lower back.


Press up to all fours and come to standing on your knees.

Exhale Camel Pose

Breathe here.
Place your palms on your low back with your fingers pointing down.
Inhale Squeeze your elbows in toward each other and lengthen your spine.
Exhale camel pose. Draw your gaze up then back across the ceiling. Press your hips forward and pull y


Slowly rise up


have a seat on your calves. Place your hands on your thighs. Blink your eyes closed and give yourself a moment to breathe.
Inhale acknowledge how you are feeling in this moment..
Exhale let it go.

Inhale Bridge Pose

Shift to one hip, swing your legs long in front of you front of you and lie back. Bend your knees and plant your feet hip width distance apart. Reach your arms down by your sides so you fingers can almost touch your heels. .
Inhale bridge pose. Ground dow

Exhale Supta Baddha Konasana

Exhale slowly lower down to Reclined Bound Angle Pose Supta Baddha Konasana. Place the soles of your feet together, splay your knees out wide. Bring one hand to your heart and one to your belly. Feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe deeply.

Transition from Supta Baddha Konasana

Inhale hug your knees into your chest and roll up to seated position.
Exhale extend your legs long in front of you. Breathe here.

Seated Forward Fold


Exhale Seated Forwad Fold

Inhale reach your arms up by your ears and lengthen your spine, exhale seated forward fold. Place a slight bend in your knees. Hinge forward at your hips. Maintain a flat back. Allow your head and neck to hang heavy. Option to straighten your legs to deep

Exhale Happy Baby Pose

Inhale rise, Exhale slowly roll all the way down onto your back with control. Inhale hug your knees into your chest. Exhale happy baby. Bring your knees wide and toward your armpits. Press the soles of your feet toward the sky. Grab behind your thighs, ca

Exhale Supine Twist on the right

Inhale hug your right knee to your right shoulder, Exhale supine twist. Guide your knee across your body. Reach arms to a T and look right. Press your shoulders into the ground. Allow the force of gravity to drop your knee even closer to the floor.

Exhale Supine Twist on the left

Inhale hug your left knee to your left shoulder, Exhale supine twist. Guide your knee across your body. Reach arms to a T and look left. Press your shoulders into the ground. Allow the force of gravity to drop your knee even closer to the floor.


Inhale Bring your knees back to center. Exhale release all the air from your lungs. Curl into a tight ball bringing your forehead in towards your knees. Take one last deep inhale as you squeeze everything in your last bit of effort in class.

Exhale savasana

Release every muscle in your body from head to toe. Extend your legs long and allow your arms to rest by your sides. Release your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Relax your face and your jaw. Let go of the room, let go of my voice. I will call you out

Transition from savasana

If you need more time in Savasana this space is yours. However, if your evening is calling to you, start to bring awareness back into your body. Wiggle your fingers. Wiggle your toes begin to make small movements.

Fetal pose

Reach your arms overhead, take a long-body stretch, roll on to your right side. Draw your knees toward your chest and roll onto your favorite side. Use your bicep as a pillow press up to a seated crossed legged position with a soft gaze or with your eyes

Personal share

Share something personal about yourself with the students at the end of class


bring your thumbs to your third eye, the spot between your brows. The light, the love, the teacher and student in me honors the light, the love, the teacher and student in you. We bow forward together and say NAMASTE.